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infrastrucre code deployment

if we want to deploy on-premiese infratsret then we need to router, resources

but we confiuration__

Now if we want to automate the to setup infrastruce



we writes templates, work on Json format

generic tool use to create image creation tool, used with some minoror change



Terraform Advantages

Why use Terraform? – O’Reilly

Terraform explained in 15 mins | Terraform Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube

Terrfarm used to automate and manage infarstrucutre

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Terraform Your Infrastructure (


Used for chanlleges with execution order

2 Steps are involved we want to build any paalication

1.Preaprae / provsioing infrastructure: >> team (Devops)

2. Deploy Applcition >> by Software Deveoper team

Preaprae infrastructure:
If we want to deploy application then we need infrastrturce , the following steps are used to build the or
preapare infratsrure

Create VPC, Create AWS user and permission, Install dockers

All these tasks needed to be done in correct order because there is dependcy and one task depn on the
other task.

Terraform and ANSIBLE

Both are infratsture as code, but Terraform use as infratsture provosinla tool.

While ANSIBLE is used to configure that infrastrurce, deploy apps and install / update software

Terraform explained in 15 mins | Terraform Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube

Managing existing infarstruce easily

Replciating infarsturce

By using Terraform Dev envinronmenyt to Production

HOW Does Terraform Works

Terraform Architeture

It has 2 components

First one is called CORE

Which uses 2 input sources, in order to do its job so we take cell TF- configuration file as user write and
where you defined what needs to be created or provisioned and the Second one is the State where
terraform keeps the up-to-date state of how the current set up of the infrastructure looks like so what
core then what core then does it takes this input and it figure out the plan what needs to be done so sp
it compares the state what is the current state what is the configuration that you desire the end result.
As I mentioned at the beginning and comapres that and when it sees there is difference so you want
something else than what the current state is it figures out the what needs to be done to to get to that
desired state in the configuration what needs to be created what needs to updated in which
order on that infrastructure setup

And the Second Component is the provider for specific technologies this could be clouds provider like
AWS or Azure as Services .

AWS|Azure |Iaas

Kubernetes |PaaS

Fastly |SaaS
So once CORE creates an execution plan based on the input from config file and state then it uses
provider for specific technologies to execute the plan to connect to those platforms and to actually carry
out those execution steps so


Terragrunt: how to keep your Terraform code DRY and maintainable | by Yevgeniy Brikman | Gruntwork

Why use Terraform? – O’Reilly

An Introduction to Terraform for Beginners (


An Introduction to Terraform for Beginners (


Terragrunt: how to keep your Terraform code DRY and maintainable | by Yevgeniy Brikman | Gruntwork

Iaas used to build

Saas used to buy

Paas used to deploy


How to manage Terraform state. A guide to file layout, isolation, and… | by Yevgeniy Brikman |

How to manage Terraform state. A guide to file layout, isolation, and… | by Yevgeniy Brikman |

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