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The computer viruses are malicious programs designed entirely for detraction and havoc.

this matter, this assignment will define a virus, how to protect the computer from viruses,
how to remove the viruses finally.

A computer virus is a program that spreads of replicates by copying itself. Computer virus
attacks have become serious worldwide issue and can quickly spread through the internet,
coursing even more damage (Joseph Wen 19988) Other threats that can cause computer
viruses are file to file and computer to computer very rapidly without direct human
investigation. Joseph (1998) stated that in his research that a computer virus can cause the
loss or intervention of program or data.

Furthermore he said that, the part of a virus is a set of instruction that when executed spread
itself to other un affected program or files. Based on the intention of the virus developer these
instruction can do any harmful activities like displaying a message, erasing files altering
stored data.

In general some of the viruses stay active in memory until we shut down our computer
system. But when we turn off the computer, we just temporarily remove the virus from
memory but not permanently remove from the file or disk it has infected.

According to Barack bashari rad al (2011) He mentioned that in their research that, there is a
great fight between virus developer and antivirus experts and it becoming more difficult
issues in day by day and in future. EssamAl Daoud et al (2008) also said that a antivirus
software are advancing their method and technique to detect virus developers are looking for
new tactics to backbeat them. Specially computer virus developers apply many strategies to
escape from the detective such as space filling, compressing and encryption.

The following are some of measures that can help preventing some computer virus. Install
current antivirus and anti spyware soft ware, and keep it up to date, run daily seasons of
antivirus soft ware, regularly patch the OS and application installed on the computer, install a
hard ware based fire wall and disable auto run to prevent viruses fro propagating to any
media connected to the system. In the event your personal computer (PC) becomes infected
with a virus, you can take the following steps to remove it. You enter safe mode, the process
will depend on the version of windows you are running. You also have to delete temporally
file, while in safe mode, use the disk clean up tool to delete temporary file.

Furthermore, you can also take these steps protect your computer virus protection. You can
use antivirus protection and a firewall, get anti-spyware software , always keep antivirus
protection and anti-spyware software up to date, avoid questionable websites increase your
browser security settings.

A protected computer is like an any openings for computer viruses. Firewalls monitor internet
tragic in and out of your computer and hide your PC from online scanners looking for easy

Product like web-root internet security complete and web-root antivirus provide complete
protection from two most dangerous threats on the internet spyware and computer viruses.
They prevent viruses from entering your computer, stand guard at every possible entrance of
your computer and fend off any computer virus that tries to open, even the most damaging
and devious strains.

Many new computers with very poor default security, which can become hazardous when
they are connected to the internet and this page is processing provide you with some basic
steps you can take to increase the security of your laptop.

Single product can provide total security. Different threats. If you implement. The suggestion
bellow to add multiple layers of security, your machine will be a lot more difficult to
compromise. Antivirus not for MC. Backups are critical, protect personal Devices and data
(External its site) Other important security tips for windows.

In conclusion, computer viruses are perhaps the greatest threats to the computer. If not
detected and prompt cured, a computer virus attack could head to the total breakdown of the
computer with the aid of our discussion in this unity , you should be able to prevent, detect
and clean viruses in a computer installation.


Babak Bashari rad, Muslin Masron and Suhaimu Ibrahim(2011) Evolution of computer.

Joseph Wen (1998) A computer virus can cause the loss or intervention.

Assam AL Deoudi, ighal H , Jebril and Belai Zagaibeh(2008) Computer virus strategies and
detection methods, int, open problem compt. Maths VOL 1. NO.2

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