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ACCN305 Accounting Theory and Regulatory Framework


Topic 1: Conceptual Framework and accounting concepts

1. Identify any 5 accounting concepts and evaluate each in terms of its contribution to fair
presentation of financial accounting information [25]

2. Define the conceptual framework and discuss its usefulness in the preparation and
presentation of financial accounting information. [25]

3. a) Identify five users of financial accounting information and elaborate on each user’s
information needs. [15]

b) Identify and describe the two broad categories of the qualitative characteristics of useful
accounting information. [10]

Topic 2: Regulatory frameworks of financial reporting

4. a) Discuss the need for financial reporting regulation [10 marks]

b) Identify and discuss any three forces that regulate financial reporting in Zimbabwe [15]

Topic 3: Harmonisation of financial reporting

5. a) Discuss the objectives of financial reporting harmonisation [10]

b) Discuss the challenges of financial reporting harmonisation [15]

Topic 4: Accounting measurement systems

6. Identify and evaluate 5 accounting measurement systems [25]

Topic 5: Creative accounting

7. a) Define the terms creative accounting, impression management and fraud [10]
b) Identify and elaborate on the different motives for creative accounting [15]

8. a) With reference to ‘financial shenanigans’, identify and elaborate on the methods of

creative accounting, using practical illustrations [15]

b) Identify and discuss the signs of possible creative accounting in a company [5]

c) Identify the possible controls for creative accounting [5]

Topic 6: Social and environmental accounting

9. a) What is social and environmental accounting, and why has it become topical over the
recent past? [10]

b) Discuss the challenges in environmental accounting [15]

Topic 7: Accounting ethics

10. Identify and elaborate on the fundamental principles which guide professional
accountants [25]

11. Discuss the possible threats to compliance with fundamental principles, and demonstrate
ways /procedures for resolving ethical conflicts [25]

Submission Instructions

 Each group to submit both word and PowerPoint documents on the lecturer’s email by
Monday 18 September, 2359 hours
 The PowerPoint presentation should summarise the word document, and should be in
point form (no paragraphs).
 Late submissions will score no more than 50 percent.

Mark Allocation

 The word submission will constitute 40% (20/50)of the coursework mark
 The oral presentation will constitute 60% (30/50) of the coursework mark
Oral presentation

 Oral presentations shall commence on Wednesday 20 September in the order set

 Each group member should be present and ready to present (marks will be awarded on
individual basis and absent members will not be awarded any mark)

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