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Краткосрочный план дистанционного урока

Раздел: Unit 6

ФИО педагога: Aisagaliyeva A.T.

Дата: 08.02-09.02

Класс: 8 Количество Количество

присутствующих: отсутствую

Тема урока Nature reserves around the world

Цели обучения в соответствии с учебной give an opinion at discourse

программой level on a wide range of general and
curricular topics; deduce meaning from context in

short texts and some extended texts on a
growing range of familiar general and
curricular topics; understand the detail of an

argument on a range of familiar general
and curricular topics, including some
extended texts; - respond with some flexibility at

both sentence and discourse level to
unexpected comments on a range of
general and curricular topics; with little or no

support most specific information in
extended talk on a wide range of general
and curricular topics; understand specific information

and detail in texts on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts; recognise the attitude or opinion

of the writer on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts; respect differing points of view; develop and sustain a consistent

argument when speaking or writing; ask more complex questions to
get information about a growing range
of general topics and some curricular

Ход урока

Этап урока/время Действия педагога Действия Оценивани

учеников е


Introduction Teacher greets learners and

(5min) asks them lead-in questions

Teacher tells the students the

objectives of the lesson

The objectives of the lesson are to Blackboard

introduce the topic, to predict the
content of the text, to listen for
specific information; to read for
specific information; to
consolidate new vocabulary; to
consolidate information in a text.

Home task checking

WB p.46 ex.5; 6e vocabulary

To introduce the topic, to

predict the content of the text,
Main part to listen for specific information

Ask Ss to read the introduction SB, p. 71 ex.1

and look at the pictures. Ask Ss CD 18
to guess which of the plants and
animals can be found in each
place. Play the recording. Ss listen
and find out.

Suggested Answer Key

Loch Lomond – bluebells,

(15min) ransoms, red deer, red squirrels,

Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve – roe

deer, lynx, elk, moss, lichen, 2 points
mushrooms, flamingos
SB, p. 71 ex.2a
To read for specific information
Read the sentences aloud one at a
time and ask Ss to read the texts
again and correct them.
10 min Answer Key

1 In the spring, the forests around 3 points

Loch Lomond are full of bluebells
and ransoms.

2 Lock Lomond is famous for its

fantastic wildlife and woodland.

3 The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve

covers more than half a million

4 The star attractions of 3 points

Korgalzhyn are the greater
10 min flamingos.
SB, p. 71 ex.2b
Ask Ss to use the Word List to
look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box,
then check Ss’ answers.

To consolidate new vocabulary

Give Ss time to read the texts 2 points

again and find the words. Check
Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

habitats: woods, wetlands, lake

types of birds: golden eagle, fish

eagle, pelican, Siberian white
crane, greater flamingo

other types of animals: deer, red

squirrel, red-necked wallaby, roe
deer, lynx, elk

plants: bluebells, ransom, moss,

lichen, mushroom

Then ask Ss to use their

dictionaries and explain the
underlined words. Check Ss’
answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

garlic (n): a strong-smelling and

tasting bulb, used in cooking rare
(adj): not common
SB, p. 71 ex.3
swampy (adj): resembling a
swamp (an area of wild low-lying
ground where water collects)

migrating (adj): (of birds)

travelling from cold region to
warmer ones in winter

To consolidate information in a

Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask

and answer questions about the
two nature reserves. Monitor the
activity around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: Where is Loch Lomond?

B: In the west of Scotland. What

is it famous for?

A: Its fantastic wildlife and

woodlands. What plants and
animals can you see there?

B: Bluebells, ransoms, deer, red

squirrels, and maybe the golden
eagle as well as red-necked
wallabies. When were the
wallabies brought there?

A: Over 70 years ago. etc

Reflection (5min) Home-task: WB p.46 ex.1-3; 6f Total: 10


Posters and sticky
Teacher evaluates Ss according to papers
the criteria on the board.
Teacher throws the dice and Ss
answer the questions.

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