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By Grant Din | By Barbara D. Krasner

Talent Creation International School
Fully Accredited by AiAA/COGNIA Al
Dabab Street – Abha – K.S.A

Name: ______________________________ Grade: 5

Teacher's Name: Mr. Yazeed W. AbuSalem Subject: English Handout

Summary Questions:

1. How can you tell that "The Path to Paper Son" is an informational text?

A. The author includes magic and talking animals.

B. The author included a crime to solve.
C. The author is in the future, in space.
D. The author included facts about actual events and examples.

2. What happened to Share Kim's "twin brother" after the officials questioned him?

A. He went to a party to celebrate.

B. He was deported back to China where he died 2 years later.
C. He went to live with Share Kim's family in the U.S.
D. He had a change of heart and went back to China.

3. Share Kim's parents never talked about the experience of immigrating because...

A. They were embarrassed.

B. They would start talking about it and never stop.
C. They were used to talking about it.
D. It was a painful experience for them.

4. Share Kim's family faced many questions from immigration authorities in the U.S.

A. True B. False

5. Throughout the text, the author suggests that Chinese workers who came to the
United States-

A. Came to buy land.

B. Would never return home.
C. Lived a life of luxury.
D. Looked for ways to bring their wives, children, and sometimes other children that were
not their own.
6. The author organizes the information in paragraphs 2 - 4 by-

A. Comparing and contrasting ideas.

B. Explaining a cause and effect situation.
C. By persuading the reader to visit China.
D. Expressing an idea.

7. The 1906 earthquake and fire are important to the selection because-

A. It shows that people were able to rebuild San Francisco.

B. With records destroyed, some Chinese could claim to be born in San Francisco, and
now had the opportunity to claim that they had a wife and many sons in China.
C. It explains why people moved back East.
D. It killed many people.

8. The reader can conclude that Louie Share Kim-

A. Disliked living with his real parents.

B. Had no idea why he was being sent to America.
C. Was probably scared to travel alone across the Pacific Ocean.
D. Did not know he was a paper son.

9. Why were many Chinese Americans afraid to talk about their immigration

A. The experiences were painful, and they were afraid to be discovered, and sent back to
B. They wanted to forget their parents.

C. They thought no one would believe them.

D. They were afraid it would happen again.

10. How can you tell that the selections are informational text?

A. The selections include photographs and actual dates.

B. The selections are make-believe.
C. The selections take place in a city.
D. The selections involve a suspenseful event.
11. What important detail is presented in both selections?

A. There was a major earthquake and fire in 1906.

B. Many Chinese were brought over as paper sons.
C. Louie Share Kim comes to America as a paper son.
D. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution established that anyone born in the United
States is granted U.S. citizenship.

12. What are the authors' purposes for writing these two selections?

A. to entertain the reader with humorous events

B. to describe the different job given to the Chinese
C. to explain reasons why people left China
D. to give information about how paper son came to exist

13. How were the city's birth records destroyed?

A. They were stolen

B. Major earthquake and fire
C. Hurricane
D. Major pollution

14. What kind of questions did officials ask Louie and his father when they
interrogated them?

A. About what he wanted to study in college

B. About his favorite food and sports
C. About their family history and village's layout
D. About what they wanted to do in America

15. Why were many Chinese Americans afraid to talk about their immigration

A. Those experiences were painful and they wanted to forget them. Plus, they were afraid
to be discovered and sent back to China.
B. They were not afraid instead they were proud about being a paper son.
C. No ones knows anything about being a paper son so they rather not talk about it.
D. Everyone who was a paper son or related to had to stay in San Francisco the rest of their

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