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_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________

Mathematics in the Modern World Page 1

_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________
I. Introduction

This module is a continuation of the discussion on the four basic concepts under
the Mathematical Language and symbols namely: sets, functions, relations, and binary
operations. This is a presentation of concepts on the last of these four basic concepts,
the binary operations. You will be taught about what binary operations are and the
properties of binary operations. Please read carefully the information compiled here
and analyze how binary operations work.

Enjoy learning!

II. Objectives
At the end of the week, you are expected to:
a. define binary operations;
b. determine the properties of binary operations; and
c. identify the binary operations involved in certain sets.

III. Learning Activities

Activity 1
Enumerate my Members!

Direction: List the elements in each of the sets described in each item.

1. * | 3+
2. * | 2 5+

3. { | }

4. * | 5+
5. The set of natural numbers between -2 and 2.
6. * | 5+
7. * | 5+
8. * | 75+

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_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________
Mathematical knowledge should consist of a deep understanding of the number
system’s algebraic structures: the system of real numbers extended to the system of
complex numbers. We will look into the basic subsets as they successively develop into the
bigger set, the set of real numbers and finally, into the set of complex numbers consisting
of real numbers and finally, into the set of complex numbers consisting of real and
imaginary numbers.
A complex number is one of
Complex Numbers ( )
the form a+bi, where a and b
e.g. 7 + 𝑖, 3, 2𝑖
are real numbers and
𝑖 1. When 𝑎 0, 𝑏𝑖 is
called pure imaginary
number. Likewise, when Imaginary Numbers
Real Numbers ( )
𝑏 0, we have a real (nonreal numbers)
number. Thus, complex e.g. 3, -2, 1, 0, 2, 𝜋,
e.g. 2𝑖, 5, 𝑖
number also include real

Rational Numbers ( ) Irrational Numbers

e.g. 3, 1, 0, -5, , , 0.55, e.g. 𝜋, 3

A rational number
is one which can be
Integers ( ) Non-integers expressed as a
e.g. -3, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3 e.g. 2.3, -0.75, 4 quotient of two

Negative Integers Whole Numbers ( ) .

( ) e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, 100

Positive Integers ( )
Zero (0)
or Natural Numbers

I guess you can now answer the Activity 1 correctly. Take note of the sets of numbers
shown in this diagram.

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_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________

There are many properties of the binary operations which are as follows:

1. The Closure Property

Consider a non-empty set A and a binary operation * on A. Then, it is closed under
the operation *, if a * b A, where a and b are elements of A.

Real Numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

For example:
a. 3 and 11 are real numbers.
3 + 11 = 14 and 3 11 = 33
Notice that both 14 and 33 are real numbers.
Any time you add, subtract, or multiply two real numbers, the result will be a real
Although this property seems obvious, some collections are not closed under certain
Here are some other examples.
Example 1
Real numbers are not closed under division since, although 5 and 0 are real
numbers, 5 over 0 and 0 over 0 are not real numbers. (You can say that 5 over 0 is
undefined, which means 5 over 0 has no meaning. Likewise, 6 over 3 is 2 because you can
multiply 3 by 2 to get 6. There is no number you can multiply 0 by to get 5.)
Example 2
Natural numbers are not closed under subtraction. Although 8 is a natural number, 8
− 8 is not. (8 − 8 = 0, and 0 is not a natural number.)
Now, think of other sets of numbers where the closure property applies and those
where closure property does not apply.
Your turn!
1. Consider the set A = {-1, 0, 1}. Show if A is closed under:
a. Addition
b. Multiplication

2. Commutative Property
The commutative properties tell you that two numbers can be added or multiplied in
any order without affecting the result. Consider a non-empty set A, and a binary operation
* on A. Then the operation * on A is associative, if for every a, b, A, we have a * b = b * a.

Let a and b represent real numbers.

Commutative Property of Addition:
Mathematics in the Modern World Page 4
_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Some binary operations have this property and some do not.

3. Associative Property
The associative properties tell you that you may group together the quantities in any
way without affecting the result.

Let a, b, and c represent real numbers.

Associative Property of Addition
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Associative Property of Multiplication
(ab) c = a (bc)

Consider a non-empty set A and a binary operation * on A. Then the operation * on A

is associative, if for every a, b, c, A, we have (a * b) * c = a* (b*c).

Other Properties:
Identity: Consider a non-empty set A, and a binary operation * on A. Then the operation *
has an identity property if there exists an element e in A such that a * e (right identity) = e *
a (left identity) = a for all a A.
Inverse: Consider a non-empty set A, and a binary operation * on A. Then the operation is
the inverse property, if for each a A,,there exists an element b in A such that a * b (right
inverse) = b * a (left inverse) = e, where b is called an inverse of a.
Distributivity: Consider a non-empty set A, and a binary operation * on A. Then the
operation * distributes over +, if for every a, b, c A, we have
a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c) [left distributivity]
(b + c) * a = (b * a) + (c * a) [right distributivity]
Cancellation: Consider a non-empty set A, and a binary operation * on A. Then the
operation * has the cancellation property, if for every a, b, c A,we have
a*b=a*c⇒b=c [left cancellation]
b*a=c*a⇒b=c [Right cancellation]


What are Binary Operations?

Definition. A Binary Operation on a set S is a function .

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_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________
So, a binary operation is a function that takes two elements from the same set and
maps that pair to exactly one element also in the same set.
Consider a non-empty set A and α function f: AxA→A is called a binary operation on
A. If * is a binary operation on A, then it may be written as a*b.
A binary operation can be denoted by any of the symbols +,-,*,⨁,△,⊡,∨,∧ etc.
The value of the binary operation is denoted by placing the operator between the
two operands.

1. The operation of addition on the real numbers (R) is a binary operation.
Addition takes each pair of real numbers (an element of ) and maps it to
exactly one element also in .
So if
is defined by addition,
that is, ( , ) +
((3,2)) 3 + 2 5.
5 is also a real number. Hence, addition on the real number is a binary operation.
2. The operation of addition is a binary operation on the set of natural numbers.
3. The operation of subtraction is a binary operation on the set of integers. But, the
operation of subtraction is not a binary operation on the set of natural numbers
because the subtraction of two natural numbers may or may not be a natural
4. The operation of multiplication is a binary operation on the set of natural numbers,
set of integers and set of complex numbers.
5. The operation of the set union is a binary operation on the set of subsets of a
Universal set. Similarly, the operation of set intersection is a binary operation on the
set of subsets of a universal set.

Tables of Operation
A table of operation is used to determine the results when a set is applied with a
certain operation or any binary operation.
Consider a non-empty finite set A= {a1,a2,a3,}. A binary operation * on A can be
described by means of table as shown in fig:

Mathematics in the Modern World Page 6

_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________
1. Consider the set A = {1, 2, 3} and the operation * on the set A defined by a * b =
2a+2b. Represent operation * as a table on A.

Solution: The table of the operation is shown in fig:

* 1 2 3

1 4 6 8

2 6 8 10

3 8 10 12
Note that the numbers on top and the first column are the elements of set A. To get
the intersection of 1 1, you will use the given operation 2 + 2 , since 1 and
1, hence 1 1 2(1) + 2(1) 4.

Sample Problems
Determine whether the following are binary operations.

1. Multiplication on set *2,3,4+

a. Take note that the domain of the operation is a Cartesian product
*2,3,4+ *2,3,4+ *(2,2), (3,2), (4,2), (2,3), (3,3), (4,3), (2,4), (3,4), (4,4)+
Take an element (3,4), that is 3*4=12,
Since 12 is not an element of the given set, we can say that the given operation
is not a binary operation.
b. We can also show this by using the table of operation:
* 2 3 4
2 4 6 8
3 6 9 12
4 8 12 16
The table shows that the set is not closed under multiplication, most of the
results that are not in the set. Hence, it is not a Binary Operation.

2. Addition on the Rational Numbers (Q)

Solution: Let , , , (integers) and , 0.

+ , we can say that the result is a rational number
since the product of two integers is an integer and the sum of two integers is also
an integer. Likewise the product of nonzero integers is nonzero, so this cannot
Mathematics in the Modern World Page 7
_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________
have a zero denominator. Hence, the set of rational numbers is closed under
addition and therefore it is a binary operation.

3. Division on Real Numbers (R)

Solution: Real numbers has an element 0. Any number divided by zero is

undefined. Therefore, division on real numbers is not a binary operation.

From the given examples, we can say that an operation is a binary operation if the set
is closed under that certain operation.

Supplementary Lesson
The modulo (or "modulus" or "mod") is the remainder after dividing one number by
1. 100 mod 9 equals 1
Because 100/9 = 11 with a remainder of 1
2. 14 mod 12 equals 2
Because 14/12 = 1 with a remainder of 2
Trivia: 12-hour time uses modulo 12 (14 o'clock becomes 2 o'clock)
It is like we aren't interested in how many times we go around, just where we end up.
Arithmetic modulo M refers to the arithmetic operations of addition, multiplication,
and subtraction where the arithmetic value is replaced by its equivalent value in the set
*0,1,2,3, , 1+
For Example *0,1,2,3,4,5+,
4 + 2 0 because 4+2=6 and 6 6 0
5 + 4 3 since 5+4=9 and 6 3
The table below shows the under addition:
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 3 4 5 0
2 2 3 4 5 0 1
3 3 4 5 0 1 2
4 4 5 0 1 2 3
5 5 0 1 2 3 4
We can hence say that addition on mod 6 is closed. Likewise, addition on mod 6 is a
binary operation.

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_________________________________________Binary Operations_______________________________________
IV. Evaluation
A. Determine whether the following are binary operations and show your reasons.
1. Addition on *0,1,2,3+
2. Addition on or *0,1,2+
3. Division on
4. Multiplication on
5. Multiplication on
B. A binary operation, *, is defined on the set {1, 2, 3, 4}. The table
at the right shows the 16 possible answers using this operation.
To read the table: read the first value from the left hand column
and the second value from the top row. The answer is the
intersection point.
Answer the questions below:
1. What is 2*4?
2. What is 3*3?
3. Is * commutative?
4. What is the identity element for the operation *?
(Clue: Find the single element that will always return the original value.)
5. Is * associative for these values?
e.g. is 4*(3*2) = (4*3)*2

V. Assignment
1. Prepare for the midterm.
VI. Reflection
1. What prior learning do I have that has helped in my understanding of this new
2. What new knowledge did I get from this lesson?
3. What important realization do I get from this lesson as a future Teacher?

References: (You can check out these sources for more information)
Mathematics in the Modern World Page 9

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