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1. Explain five roles of a database administrator.

Database Installation and Configuration: DBAs are responsible for installing database management
systems (DBMS) and configuring them to meet the organization's requirements, ensuring optimal
performance and security.

Database Monitoring and Maintenance: They monitor the database regularly to identify and resolve
performance issues, handle backups, and apply updates and patches to keep the system running

Security Management: DBAs play a crucial role in implementing and maintaining database security
measures. This involves setting up access controls, user permissions, and encryption to protect sensitive
data from unauthorized access.

Backup and Recovery: DBAs create and manage backup strategies to safeguard data against accidental
loss or corruption. They are also responsible for developing recovery plans to restore data in case of
system failures or disasters.

Database Performance Tuning: Optimizing database performance is another critical responsibility of

DBAs. They analyze query execution plans, fine-tune configurations, and optimize data structures to
enhance system efficiency and response times.

2. A database is referred to as “an organized collection of logically related data.” What does
“related data” mean? Why must data be related?

Related data in a database refers to logically connected information that ensures consistency, efficiency,
and data integrity.

3. Describe Five Potential benefits of the database approach.

Data Centralization: With a database, all data is centralized and stored in one location. This eliminates
data duplication, reduces redundancy, and ensures a single source of truth, improving data accuracy and
Improved Data Access: Databases provide powerful query and retrieval capabilities, allowing users to
access and retrieve data quickly and efficiently. This enhances decision-making processes and supports
various business operations.

Data Integrity and Security: Databases offer features like access control, encryption, and data validation
to maintain data integrity and protect sensitive information. This ensures that only authorized users can
access and modify the data, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Data Consistency: The database approach enforces data consistency by defining relationships and
constraints between data elements. This prevents inconsistencies and errors in data, leading to reliable
and trustworthy information.

Scalability and Flexibility: Databases can handle large amounts of data and scale as an organization's data
requirements grow. They also allow for easy modification of the database structure without disrupting
existing applications, providing flexibility to adapt to changing business needs.

4. Differences between conceptual schema, user view, and internal schema:

Conceptual Schema, User View, and Internal Schema are three different levels of abstraction in a
database management system. Here are their differences:

Conceptual Schema:

It represents the overall logical structure of the entire database.

It describes the relationships between different entities and their attributes.

It's at a high level of abstraction, focusing on the conceptual understanding of the data.

Changes to the conceptual schema are less frequent, as they impact the entire database and its users.

User View (External Schema):

It represents a subset of the conceptual schema tailored for a specific user or group of users.

Each user view defines the way data is presented and accessed, providing a customized perspective of
the database.

User views are designed to meet the specific requirements of different applications or user roles.

Internal Schema (Physical Schema):

It deals with the physical storage and representation of data on the underlying hardware.

It defines how the data is stored, indexed, and organized to optimize performance and storage efficiency.

Changes to the internal schema are mostly transparent to users as they only affect the physical
implementation, not the logical view of data.

5.A company database needs to store information about employees (identified by ssn, with salary
and phone as attributes), departments (identified by dno, with dname and budget as attributes),
and children of employees (with name and age as attributes). Employees work in departments;
each department is managed by an employee; a child must be identified uniquely by name when
the parent (who is an employee; assume that only one parent works for the company) is known.
We are not interested in information about a child once the parent leaves the company. Draw an
ER diagram that captures this information.
6. Explain the term normalization and explain the three normal forms.

Normalization is a database design technique that reduces redundancy and ensures data integrity. The
three normal forms are:

First Normal Form (1NF) - Atomic values in each column.

Second Normal Form (2NF) - Eliminates partial dependencies in composite primary keys.

Third Normal Form (3NF) - Removes transitive dependencies between non-primary key attributes.

7. Study the relation below and answer the questions that follows.

i. Produce a list of customers who come from Mexico. 2Marks

SELECT*Customer name


WHERE country = Mexico

ii. Produce list of customers whose Name starts with the letter 2Marks



FROM table_name

WHERE customername LIKE "A%"

iii. Write an Sql statement to insert a record of your making into the customers table above. 2Marks

INSERT INTO customers(CustomersID, CustomerName ,ContactName, Address, City, Postal Code,


VALUES(8, "New customer","john doe","123 main st", Änytown","12345", "USA",).

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