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This temple’s shape is rather flat and stands atop a

small hill of stone. Two sphynx statues seem to

stand watch before its open entrance. Their
eyesockets are decorated by perfectly cut
gemstones, which almost seem to watch the party
before them.

Each gemstone is worth 150gp. Trying to take them

from their sockets will automatically trigger all the
traps thus increasing the difficulty of every trap on
this map by +2.

Room 1 – The Pillars of time

As you enter these chambers you immediately feel
a difference in temperature. Even though the
entrance was open, the heat of the desert doesn’t
Temple of the Seven Suns –
seem to enter. The walls of this room are decorated
Inspiration for your session by long forgotten words cut into the sandstone,
A battlemap & dungeonguide created by miks.maps here and there you can find bits and pieces of
sentences you can’t make sense of.
In this file I want to tell you how I imagined this
map to play out. There is no real level-suggestion, >> This is a nice opportunity to give your
as you, the DM, are to choose which encounter you players tips for any upcoming riddles or to give
include or which encounter you want to leave out. them some lore of this place <<
Please feel free to add anything to this dungeon.
In the room itself you can see the remains of four
I didn’t really think of any lore nor did I have a 5ft. wide pillars, of which only two are left standing
specific goal in mind other than just having fun – time has taken its toll on this place. Between the
with this. So if you have any cool ideas for this rubble of the pillars there is a large golden sundial
dungeon, please let me know and contact me. I’m (diameter 6ft.).
excited to hear your thoughts.
The Sundial is rather odd inside this room, as there
Please Note: is no way sun ever gets to it, other than when it
“Unofficial Fanwork: ‘Temple of the Seven Suns’ is shines through the entrance. Tip: For this piece I
unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content was thinking about combining it with the
Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the unreadable walls. If the players can’t make out
materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast.
the words (e.g. because of a failed Skillcheck)
©Wizards of the Coast LLC. they get another chance. Casting a Light Spell
the Sundial suddenly makes sense again. The
Entrance players can adjust the lightsource, thus
manipulating the shown time. They can reverse
It was a long and exhausting marsh through the
time in this room to fix the walls, making them
beige emptiness of this uninhabitable land. Boiling
readable for the amount of time of the spell. You
hot days and frosty nights wore hard on you. You’re
could also show them phantoms of earlier raids,
thirsty for water, but what you desire even more is
the reason you even set out – The treasure within
the Temple of the Seven Suns. Being too loud in this room or using a light spell
will awaken a group of 1d8 scorpions.
The Entrance Map is 20x32 squares.

Temple of the Seven Suns – Entrance Map [Dungeondraft] – 20x32 squares – made by miks.maps
Room 2 – Forgotten by time every round after. The players will have to come
back later.
Wandering through the halls there is a hole in the
wall leading into an open space. Sun comes Corridor to 4:
through from the top and the sand being carried by
the winds outside falls through. Within a small b.) Spike Pit
dune there are the remains of a traveller. This Pit Trap is a simple, hidden, or locking Pit
a.) Kruthik Nest Trap with sharpened wooden or Iron spikes at the
bottom. A creature falling into the pit takes 11
A small family of (2d10) piercing damage from the spikes, in
Kruthik has made addition to any Falling damage. Even nastier
their nest here. versions have poison smeared on the spikes. In that
The group consists case, anyone taking piercing damage from the
of one Adult spikes must also make a DC 13 Constitution saving
Kruthik + two throw, taking an 22 (4d10) poison damage on a
Young Kruthik. 1 failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
They will fight one. (Roll20)2
until killed or until the Adult Kruthik reaches half
HP before they will try to burrow and flee. Room 4 – A quick glance

The remains of the adventurer are bone dry. Wandering through this dark and narrow corridor
There’s nothing to be found here. you notice the smell of stale air changing and
notice a fresh grassy aroma. Through the light
Room 3 – The Trial coming from a crack in the wall you notice the
heavy greenery surrounding you.
As you descend the stairs you enter a long room. At
the end of it stands a large statue made out of One PC gets the chance to get a glimpse into Room
sandstone. Its headgear and scepter are covered in 7. That player rolls 1d6, tell this player as many
uneven chunks of Ruby. facts as he rolled (rolling a 2 => 2 facts about the room)
before something appears before the crack making
>> If the players already alarmed the Sphynx it impossible to see anymore.
statues at the entrance, this statue will instantly
cast a fireball from its scepter2, which is going to
hit the first person coming in by surprise <<

A large portion of the wall to the left is covered in

pure gold, it seems like a large door. As you get
closer a deep voice enters your mind.

If the statue is not alarmed, it will communicate

with the PCs, asking them why they think they are
worthy of entering.

Tip: Here I was thinking of a riddle including a

mirror they’ll get in Room 6. Any unsatisfactory
answer of any of the players will make the statue
attack the players with a fireball and a firebolt
You can also find a similar trap here: –
“fire-breathing statue”
Room 5 – Gathered Knowledge 3. Other options might be an actual key, a
password, etc…)<<
As you climb through the
rubble of a broken down wall >> Another idea is rewarding them for things
you are met by a huge they did. Maybe have them drink the water,
sandstone table, on which after they gave an answer to a riddle. A right
surface you can find relics of a answer will reward them with fresh water,
forgotten era. Scrolls, coins, quenching their thirst and maybe even a point
gold and a whole lot of dust. of inspiration, potion of healing, etc. A wrong
Among these items you see a answer makes them realize, why the person next
book resting on a wooden to them is dead, as the water rapidly turns to
lectern decorated with gold. sand, leaving the PCs with dry, hot sand in their
>>The book is another
chance for you to implement Room 7 – The Sphynx’s Lair
lore into this dungeon or you can help your PCs
After destroying the statue you again find yourself
out by giving them instructions to open the door
in front of this giant golden gate. You speak the
in Room 3. <<
password 5 and the ground shakes as this heavy
A successful Skillcheck will make clear, that the door is lifted by a mechanism. As soon as you all
book itself is very brittle and should not be touched, enter the door falls back with a loud bang and it
thus the PCs may only read the page, which is won’t budge. The room is littered with gold, gems
opened at the moment. Trying to pick the book up, and riches. On both sides there are sarcophaguses
will trigger a Spike Trap from the wall behind the and in the middle there is a giant statue of a sphynx.
reader (see b). After the PCs have read through the
pages, the two mummies3 in the corridor will wake A fight’s about to happen. At some point the
up and attack the PCs. sphynx statue will crackle and reveal an
Androsphynx6/ Gynosphynx7. See the dndbeyond
Room 6 – Mirror, Mirror in the Pool… pages for more info about the monsters and its lair.

A pool filled with crystal clear water awaits you in

this room. Your dry throats are aching as you see
this pool of fresh water and you want to quench
your thirst. If only, there wasn’t this corpse lying at
the stairs. At the end of the room there’s a statue of
a fish (Tilapia - The Egyptians used images of the
tilapia fish as a symbol of rebirth and

As soon as a PC comes close to the water, they

again hear a voice in their mind. The fish statue is
talking to them.

>> Here I’d give the PCs the keyitem to Room 7,

which is in my case a Mirror with which they are
able to reflect the attack of the statue in Room

3 5 Include it in any of the earlier opportunities
4 6
After dealing with the Sphynx there is no statue left
revealing stairs which lead even deeper into this

Feel free to reward your PCs with any loot you can
think of. Gold, Magic Items, Gems seem
appropriate and will prove helpful.
Temple of the Seven Suns – Maindungeon Map [Dungeondraft] – 25x30 squares – made by miks.maps
Room 8 – The Crack I Room 9 – Bathhouse
A long set of stairs leads you deeper and deeper Cool, refreshing air fills this long room and
down into the structure. With every step it gets a turquoise clear water covers the floor of the
little cooler. After wandering through the darkness bathhouse. From fountains at both ends of the room
for some time, you finally notice a source of light. and in the walls water steadily keeps the room
You’ve reached the bottom. A gigantic hall opens flooded, while in the middle of the room the water
in front of you. It’s 90ft long, 45ft wide and its flows into the crack you saw in the room before.
ceiling is an arch with its highest point at 35ft. In
the middle of this hall a large crack divides the The room is 115ft long and the water makes this
room. The walls are made of sandstone lined with complete room difficult terrain9.
golden decorations. Every wall is ornamented by Possible Combat Encounters might be
various hieroglyphs going on over the ceiling
before meeting in the middle flowing into seven 1. Kraken Priest
suns. 2. Various Sahuagin
3. Water Elementals
The most prominent ornament is depicting the dead 4. Drowned Assassin
rising from the ruins longing for the sun (see below
or in the folder ‘Gathered Art’). Find even more fitting monsters here8.

>> Watching this depiction you can give the e.) Infesting Statues
players even more lore, maybe implement this
After being triggered the statues cast Infestation
into a riddle or have one of the gems missing,
Cantrip in the shown area. In combat they take
which they’ll have to find. <<
Initiative 20.
Possible Combat Encounters might be:
f.) The Drain
1. (Damaged) Flesh Giants
The Crack from Room 8 also affects Room 9,
2. Cyclops
pulling any large or smaller creature in its pull.
3. Dust Mephits
Creature have to succeed a Skill check in order to
4. Giant Scorpions
travel on. Failing makes them stay in place for one
 Find even more fitting monsters here.8 round.

d.) Falling rocks

Whenever a PC enters a field d.) a boulder falls

upon them. They will have to succeed a skill check
to dodge or take 3d6 Bludgeoning Damage.

8 9
dndbeyond; monsters; Compendium; Movement
Tip: The huge fish statues on both ends of the Room 11 – Hallway
room are a perfect opportunity to include
another riddle or any non-combat encounter Behind the dusty archway you find a 10ft. wide and
you can think of. 30ft. long well-lit hallway leading to a narrow set
of stairs. On the right side the wall is no more than
Maybe the doors to this chamber close a bunch of rubble.
completely, slowly filling the room with even
more water, thus drowning the PCs, if they PCs may take some time to clear the rubble and
aren’t able to figure out an answer. opening their way into room 12.

The Drain (f ) might be used as an escape, if all h.) Spike Pit

else fails.
see b.)
Room 10 – The Crack II
You find yourself on the other side of the large
crack. The room looks exactly as on the other side,
except for the two fox statues guarding a hallway.
Following the Rift you can see another hallway.

Room 12 – Locked for Eternity

Both fox statues aren’t able to talk to the PCs. On This room was once sealed and served as a tomb.
closer inspection it becomes clear, that they are It must’ve been quite important people buried here,
magically imbued. As the PCs come closer they seeing the remains of their servants and all those
may also notice a magic barricade blocking their gathered riches. The skeletons have draconic heads
way into Room 15. and seem to be larger than humans. At the end of
this room there are two large sarcophaguses
>> You can again use this opportunity to have
decorated in gold.
them solve a riddle/ quest or anything else. In
my case, they will have to get the sword in Room i.) Curse of Greed
14, which is able to destroy the barrier. <<
This room is testing the PCs greed. There are many
Possible Combat Encounters might be: riches just lying around for the PCs to collect and
loot. As soon as a PC tries to open one of the two
1. Boneclaw (master in Room 15)
sarcophaguses a dense gas fills the room infecting
2. Minotaur (Skeleton)
any creature who breathes it with mummy rot.
3. Skeletal Juggernaut
4. Howlers (in the crack) If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw or be Cursed with mummy rot. The Cursed target can't regain Hit
 Find even more fitting monsters here.8 Points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6) for every 24 hours
that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target
dies, and its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the Remove
Curse spell or other magic.

See Roll20; Compendium; Mummy
j.) Mind the Gap the room before. Yet there is a slight difference.
One of the skeletons has reached the suns…
The stairs down have a 10ft wide gap. The PCs
have to jump across it in order to reach the bottom The room is 70ft. long and 30ft. wide. After 30ft a
of the stairs. Failing makes the PCs fall into the pit large stairway between two gigantic statues. On
which is 10ft. deep, thus resulting in 1d6 Falling both sides of the stairway you see sarcophaguses.
Damage. At the end there is a throne made of sandstone with
a huge yellow gem emitting bright light through
Room 13 – Oasis this chamber.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs you find yourself This is the final room of the dungeon and contains
in a 25ft. by 25ft. large chamber with thick foliage the final enemy of the group. In my case it’s a
on the ground, the walls and the ceiling. A hole in commoner, who wanted to escape poverty and
the wall would lead to another room, but thick roots reach the sun. In order to do that, he made a deal
are covering this portal. In the middle of the room with an ancient god. With his new-won power he
there is a cat statue in a sleeping position resting was able to reach the seven suns and take their
on a golden pedestal. It yawns before it wakes up place. The second he succeeded he had to pay the
and glares at you with bright red ruby eyes. price and was burnt alive and sealed into this tomb
to experience eternity.
>> This cat statue is the guardian for the sword,
include another riddle, combat-encounter or an For the final fight here are some possible enemies:
expensive sacrifice for the PCs to venture forth.
<< 1. Any form of (Draco-)Lich
2. Mummy Lord (Gorka Tharn)
Room 14 – The key 3. Deathpact Angel
4. Archon of Falling Stars
As you please the cat’s desire the roots (l) pull back
opening a way into the next room. You find yourself  Find even more fitting monsters here.8
in a 20ft. long and 15ft. wide room with four pillars
building a way to a stone table. Upon it rests a
longsword giving off a bright light and a note Tip: While fighting have the statues l.) may cast
saying: spells at the PCs, the statues take Initiative 20.
‘The fox condemns the trap, not himself – Also make the mummies stand up and join the
become the trap. Move on’ final boss in its fight. If you feel like the space is
not sufficient, I included an optional Fighting
The sword is a Sun Blade.11 Using this to Pit Map with 22x17 squares (You can find it on
destroy the fox statues in Room 10 will also the last page).
destroy the barrier and open the way to
Room 15.

Room 15 – Icarus
art from elderscrolls.fandom;
You finally breached the barricade and find;
yourself in a gigantic room. The ceiling is 50ft. high Dawnbreaker
depicting a similar ornament as the one you saw in

dndbeyond; magic items; Sun Blade
As the monster lying in the sand before you draws
its last breath, a tremor shakes through the entire
building. Cracks start to form on the sides and the
walls of the room. This temple is going to collapse
and you have to flee.

>> If the players are in the pit and they don’t

have any spells/ potions/ items granting them
flight, let them find an item like a rope or even a
magic item granting them this ability.<<

Tip: This is the perfect opportunity to present

the players with one last exciting encounter. An
escape encounter. Over the course of ~ 5 skill
checks have them flee through the dungeon.

Possible skill checks might be:

1. Getting through a bunch of rubble blocking

the way
2. Jumping over the rift between room 8 & 10
3. Escaping quicksand
4. Navigating through the darkness
5. Dodging a collapsing pillar

After escaping with their lives and all the loot they
found within, there is nothing left but watching the
Temple of the Seven Suns being taken from the sun
forever, as the sand of this desert consumes it.
The Fighting Pit - Battlemap is 22x17 squares.
The actual pit is 110ft. long, 65ft. wide.

Thanks for playing this Dungeon. I hope you enjoyed playing just as much as I did writing it. This is my first ever written
Dungeon/ Adventure, as I’m usually just creating the maps. Even as a DM I usually don’t write a guide about my dungeons.
This has been an awesome experience and I learnt quite a lot. I hope to write many more Dungeons and Adventures for you in
the future!

All the maps you need to play can be found on my Patreon for free. If you want different versions for this map I also offer them
in the Collector’s Tier.

If you enjoy this adventure and want to support me on my journey, please consider checking out my Patreon – it really helps
me a lot! There you will find every map I ever created in many different versions, you can take part in polls and decide which
maps we’ll create. You can also suggest your map ideas for me to create.

The Art used on Room 14 – The Key is Dawnbreaker from Skyrim. The image is from elderscrolls fandom

The maps have been designed and created by me using DungeonDraft.

The images have been created by me using Inkarnate.

Again thanks for playing!


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