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Part A

LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Create a sub-heading ‘Parts List’ or ‘Component List’.

Insert a table with the column headings below.
List the material of EVERY component and whether it is
product specific or proprietary.
Part B – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Copy and complete the sentences:

A proprietary component is...

A product specific component is...

Proprietary components are used in engineered

products because... (give 3 reasons why)
Part A – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Heading: Reasons for Proprietary Components

Copy and complete the sentences:

A proprietary component is...
A product specific component is...

Proprietary components are used in engineered

products because... (give 3 reasons why)

Explain why these reasons are an advantage for the

Part B – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Proprietary Components:
- Find or create
1. Use the internet to complete the comparison tables with
data about each
research table for each of the component and then
proprietary components in the product. link this back to why
certain components are
chosen for a particular
Part B – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Write a paragraph of information on EACH proprietary

component in your Parts Table
Your research/paragraphs should include:
A description:
 What does it look like
 Where is it used on your component?
 What tools are needed to disassemble it?

 Sizes available and size used on the component

 Where is it available? (online, shop etc.?)
 How much would it cost to purchase one?
Part B – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Give 2 reasons why it was selected to be used on the


Explain 1 (extra) reason why it was selected to be used on

the product.

Compare the component to a second similar one and

explain the advantages of the first.
Part B – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Fixing methods:
On a piece of paper copy and complete the spider diagram
Part B – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Using your responses, write a paragraph about fixing methods.

1. Make sure you explain

a) what fixing methods are

b) why they are used in your product
(Penny Skateboard/ Bike brake)
Part B – Proprietary Components
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Evaluate the effectiveness of each fastening.

For example, strengths and weaknesses, durability
and how easy to disassemble they are.
• Nuts & Bolts (semi-permanent)
• Screws (semi-permanent)
• Washers (semi-permanent)
• Cable (semi-permanent)
• Lock nut (semi-permanent)

Compare and contrast them to each other.

• Permanent --> Semi-permanent
• Lock nut --> Nut (vibrations in product)
• Different types of washers
Part C – Materials
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Copy and complete the sentences: For each

material, identify
its classification
The materials used in this product are... e.g. ferrous metal
(Use bullet points / spider diagram / SmartArt)

Ferrous metals are... Thermoplastics are...

Non-Ferrous metals are... Thermosetting plastics are...
Alloys are... Plated materials are...
Part C – Materials
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

'Describe engineering materials' Give a clear, objective
account in their own words,
For each material listed in the Parts list, showing recall and
write a description of its range of application of relevant
features and information.
properties (example below) Normally requires breadth
of content coverage.

• Why it is a good choice of material

for that component?
Part C – Materials
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

1. Outline the factors that should be considered when

choosing the material for a product or component.
Part C – Materials
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

1. List the factors that should be considered when

choosing the material for a product or component.

2. Explain why each one is a factor.

3. Explain why certain factors should be considered

when choosing the right material for an engineered
Part C – Materials
LO: To understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product.

Comparing Materials
Use the information tables (in the textbook and on the sheets given to you)
to compare at least four materials or four material properties e.g. hardness.

Think about:
- Each material's strengths and weaknesses
- Why one material might be chosen over another for a particular part
- How a materials properties, including machinability, affect material choice
- Costs comparison

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