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 Boats

1. Have you ever travelled by boat? [When?}

2. Is it popular for people to travel by boat in your country? [Why/Why not?]
3. Would you like to have your own boat? [Why/Why not?]
4. Would you like to go on a cruise? [Why/Why not?]
5. If you had your own boat, what would you do with it?
6. Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats?
7. Do many people in your country own their own boats?

 Trees
1. Do you like looking at trees? [Why/why not?]
2. Are any trees important in your culture?
3. Have you ever planted a tree?
4. Are there a lot of forests in your country?

 Your age
1. Are you happy to be the age you are now?
2. When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future?
3. Do you think you have changed as you have got older?
4. What will be different about your life in the future?

 Astrology
1. Do you believe in astrology?
2. What’s your star sign?
3. Do you know the characteristics someone with your star sign should have?
4. Which other star signs are you compatible with?
5. Do you believe there is any link between the position of the stars when you were born
and your fate?
6. Do you ever read your horoscope?
7. What would you like the stars to hold for you?
8. Do you think astrology can be useful?
9. Do you think anyone can prove that astrology works?
10. Would you like to learn astrology?

Introducing personal experiences:

 In my experience…
 I remember when…
 What happened was…
 One time (when)…
 Back when I was…

Expressing personal opinion

 Speaking for myself…

 Personally…
 In my view…
 For me…
 As I see it…
 As far as I’m concerned…

If you feel very strongly about the topic in question you can use the following phrases:

 I’m sure that…

 I’m convinced that…
 I’m certain that…
 There’s no way…

Speculating and expressing possibility

 It’s possible…
 I would imagine that…
 I’d say…
 Perhaps…
 I think it’s likely/unlikely

Agreeing and disagreeing

Expressing agreement

 I totally agree.
 I couldn’t agree with you more.
 You’re absolutely right.
 No doubt about it.
 Definitely / Absolutely / Precisely
Expressing disagreement

 I’m afraid I disagree.

 I see your point, but…
 That’s not always true.
 Not necessarily.
 That’s one way of looking at it. However…

Asking for clarification

 Sorry, I didn’t get the question.

 Sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t catch that.
 Could you repeat the question, please?
 Could you say that again?

In Part 3, you can also ask the examiner to rephrase a question if necessary:

 Could you explain what you mean by...?

 Could you explain the question, please?
 Sorry, could you rephrase that?

In my opinion

As i personally believe

As far as I m concern

In ,

 What is your favourite instrument, voice or sound used in the genre?

 Do you have a favourite band from this genre?
 Is this genre related to any other genres?
 When did you first discover this was your favourite genre?
 Has this genre influenced your life in any way?
 Do you play any instruments?
 Can you play any songs by an artist from this genre?

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