1.1 - Interview With The Chief Ranger of Baiboosun, 4.06.23.m4a

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You said that there are several directions for the work of the reserve and the question

how many people are working and how is the structure arranged?

Respondent: We employ 5 people, they do not receive salaries, and therefore we have
attracted several projects to provide our guys with work on the reserve, for example, one
of our employees works on construction, we have brought equipment that produces
insulation panels of houses. He produces them and provides the family with half of the
profit they receive, and directs the rest to the reserve. Our second employee works in
bee breeding and here, too, he directs half of his income to provide for the family, and
the other half to work for the reserve. Since if you do not provide for your family,
children, then work may not go. Either he has to work elsewhere and receive a salary, or
work here on the reserve and receive a salary. And that's why we provided our guys with
work, where they simultaneously direct funds to the reserve, feed their families and also
help the local population. Another one of our employees, he also has a camp like mine, it
is located closer to the shores of the lake and now, because according to the law, it is
required to make cleaning facilities, and now we have purchased these facilities for him
according to the project. Another employee of ours works with mini-hps and his son
works with tourists, borrowes horses from local residents and conducts equestrian tours,
working as a guide takes tourists to the mountains. And so each of us is provided with a
job that helps us invest in the development of the reserve. I have a farming job, my own
yurt camp, and so I try to provide for my family.

Yesterday you mentioned various foundations, Camp Ala too, Snow Leopard, Zhashyl
Climate, which work on the reserve and we wanted to ask if there are other ways to
ensure the work of the reserve from other funds?

Respondent: Our work has started recently, and when representatives of various
organizations come, we ask them in which direction you want to help. For example, the
Wildlife Fund helped women in employment, sewing machines were purchased under
the project and now women are working and provide for their families. And the men were
taught to grow new variety of potatoes . Also working with NABU, we recently drew up a
cooperation agreement, where they then began to conduct environmental lessons for
neighboring villages.

You work with villages, there are near and far ones, and how much does their perception
of information differ and how do you expect to work with them?

Respondent: We are a little behind in environmental lessons, and now work is underway
in the village of Kok Sai, many activities are being held here and now those who work on
agriculture, growing a new variety of potatoes, half of the funds received are directed to
the reserve, as they scale, we will also do such work with neighboring villages, and on
bee breeding. So far, we have such plans. If there are more donors, we will start working
with distant villages. And just slowly insulate the houses of villages slowly from one
village to another village.

And who conducts trainings for schools ?

Respondent: Environmental lessons are conducted by Camp Alatoo, they have all the
necessary materials and practices for schoolchildren that will be interesting to the guys.
And we just talk, but we can't convey information in an interesting way, but we try to
participate in open lessons and class hours, where we are happy to talk about the
reserve. There is also Snow Leopard Trust, they hold various essay contests for
schoolchildren, question and answer, and the winners are given the opportunity to go to
a camp in Kemin for 3 days. From each of the 4 villages, 3-4 winners are chosen and go
to the camp, this has already been held for 2 years.

How is the work with funds, contracts, discussions with them carried out ?

Respondent: when people come to us, we all participate, choose a direction and, after
consulting, choose a coordinator who will work on the project. And we also help him with
the work of the project. For example , how to install cameras , conduct lessons

In terms of infrastructure, what were the changes in the villages?

Respondent: On this side of the infrastructure, in order to make changes, it is necessary

to attract more donors. But I want to say that work was carried out with shepherds,
where they were told and trainings were held on how to use pastures correctly. We
divided the pastures into 5 plots and now the first 10 days are grazing on 1 participation,
and the rest of the days are in other plots, and so slowly shepherds already know how to
work on pastures.We also taught our women how to make cheese and other fermented
milk products from milk, and so we are slowly trying to make improvements.

How do you conduct information work outside the villages in order to attract more
partners in the work of the reserve?

Respondent: At the moment, the work is carried out on social networks, we work
together with other partners from different points of Kyrgyzstan, we share our experience
with each other. And this year, Camp Ala too, the Wildlife Fund and Snow Leopard Trust
are developing a project to study the corridor of wild animals and their migration. Khan
Tengri, Sary Chat and we, the Baybosun Reserve, entered there. And it is planned to
create corridors for animals so that they can migrate, since these are not livestock and
they need to move constantly. This project is just beginning and has passed the 1st
stage. And we publish such works in social networks, and so we do not go out to others
because there is a lot of work here.

How was the infrastructure created for tourists and how did it affect the locals?
Respondent: Previously, we conducted a tour uphill and just showed jailoo, and now,
after the opening of the reserve, new lines of tours have appeared, such as photo bird
hunting, a separate line for manuls, snow leopards, even tours where insects are
studied. We are approached that we want to see such an animal and we are conducting
this tour for a tourist. We also offer transportation by horse or by car, where we take
them from local residents, pay them for rent and do tours. We also attract shepherds
who are in pastures, tell them that we will come with tourists, they prepare lunch for
them and pay for these services to the shepherd. And just recently we held a big festival
where we invited local clothing masters, where they did a local fashion show, also
arranged a show on the game of Kok Boru with local boys, oodarysh and so on. Tourists
came, paid and we showed various cultural shows at the festival and that's how locals
get involved in working with tourists and earn money.

Were there any moments of conflict between locals and tourists?

Respondent: Regarding such moments, there were no big conflicts, but there are times
when tourists rent horses and jump a lot, from which the horse is quickly exhausted and
depleted, and when the owner of the horse sees this, he begins to say not to do so, or
when locals go to the mountains and tourists see that they are littering, then they turn to
them, they say not to trash, and they do not understand them in response. And if tourists
see how animal hunting and poaching is going on, then there may be big conflicts
between residents and tourists.

Were there any negative aspects on the part of local residents on the creation of the

Respondent: Moments with residents are poaching, animal hunting is still being carried
out and there are moments of conflict.There was a case when we set up a table where it
was written that it was impossible to litter, light a fire, graze sheep, and when the locals
saw it, they began to arise why we should not graze sheep in this territory and we
explained that the sign should stand according to the world standard and it cannot be
removed since it is a protected area, but so this is also a pasture area where sheep
graze, and therefore we have to explain that it is possible to graze sheep , but the sign
cannot be removed and there are conflicts here. Many people see only from the outside
and do not see the work that is being done, and we try to convey to everyone the correct
information about the importance of the reserve. And it is also a positive situation that no
one has seen animals before, and now thanks to the reserve, many have begun to see
them, take pictures on their phones, learn about them, and are proud that unique
animals and birds are found in their territory.

If we summarize everything, has the reserve affected the locals, positive or negative?

Respondent: At the beginning, many did not understand why such work was being
carried out, but now many support us in trying to improve the reserve and preserve
nature, that there used to be a lot of hunting and did not give us rest, now there are no
more.It also had a positive effect for those who are now working thanks to the reserve,
grateful that they used to just lie down, could not feed their family, and now they can
already provide for themselves, family, and when tourists come to us, residents can tell
and show unique animals in the reserve.

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