Benny The Clever Rabbit - Final Project Group 1

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Benny the

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there was a
clever little rabbit named Benny. Benny was known
for his quick thinking and smart ideas, and all the
animals in the forest would come to him for help.
Benny had a kind heart and loved solving problems
for his friends.
One sunny day, as Benny hopped through the
forest, he saw a group of animals gathered
near the river. He went closer and found
Timothy, a turtle, in trouble. Poor Timothy
was stuck on his back and couldn't move!
Benny quickly sprang into action. With his
nimble movements, he carefully turned
Timothy over and helped him stand on his feet
News of Benny's heroic deed spread
throughout the forest, and animals from
all around started coming to him for
advice. They knew Benny would find a
solution to their problems.
One day, a squirrel
named Sammy came to
Benny with a worried
face. Sammy had lost all
his acorns that he had
collected for the winter.
He was very sad and
didn't know what to do.
Benny put on his thinking
cap and asked Sammy to
remember where he had
been. Together, they
searched the forest,
following Sammy's memory.
After a thorough search,
Benny spotted a
mischievous raccoon named
Ricky near a pile of acorns.
Benny approached Ricky carefully and
asked, "Excuse me, Ricky, have you seen
Sammy's acorns?"

Ricky looked guilty

and admitted, "I...
I may have taken a
few. I was hungry,
and I didn't think
anyone would miss
Benny understood Ricky's hunger but
knew Sammy needed his acorns. He
said, "Ricky, stealing is never the
solution. Let's find a way to make
things right."

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