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Water Engineering WEG711S

Lecture, week 10a

Open channel flow

Lecturer: Dr G C Cloete
Email address:
Office number: E/3/4.227
Chadwick & Morfett
Hydraulics in Civil & Environmental Eng
3rd Ed
Chapter 5, Open channel flow

Open channel
energy gradient
When drawing a cross section through a river,
always draw it facing downstream…..since
international convention refers to the left bank
and right bank when facing the downstream

e.g. section AA is looking in the downstream

LB – left bank
RB – right bank

Hydraulic radius, R, is area (A) divided by

wetted perimeter (P):

R = A/P
Chezy is used by hydraulic modelers, but
the Mannings equation is more popular and
robust in terms accuracy and simplicity
Reynolds n – value is a dimensionless factor

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