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2021 届江苏 13 市高三期初考--应用文

1. 活动目的;
2. 具体内容;
3. 活动反响。
The Anti-food Waste Campaign

你很有感触。你写信给校报 “英语天地”,倡议循环使用教科书。内容包括:
1. 循环使用教科书的必要性;
2. 循环使用教科书的做法;
3. 提出倡议。
Dear fellow students,

假定你是李华,寒假期间没有参加学校组织的各种网课。请你给班主任英语老师 Linda
1. 没上课的原因;
2. 将通过其他参与网课的同学学习网课内容。
Dear Linda,
Yours sincerely
Li Hua

校英国交换生 George 写封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:


1. 沙龙的目的;
2. 时间和地点;
3. 活动安排。
Dear George,
Li Hua

假定你是李华,报名参加学校"Be Sporty, Be Healthy” 为主题的演讲比赛。请你写一份
1. 问题: 因学业紧张,疏于活动;
2. 建议: 要合理安排,正常锻炼;
Be Sporty, Be Healthy
Hello, everyone!
I feel honored to be here to talk to you on exercise.
That's all Thank you.

1. 活动目的;
2. 活动时间和地点;
3. 活动内容。
Students’ Union

1. 倡议的目的;


2. 倡议的内容;
3. 呼吁利希望。
A Back-to-School Proposal in the Time of COVID -19
The Students’ Union


The Anti-food Waste Campaign
Our school launched an anti-food waste campaign last week to help raise students' awareness
of food waste and the consequences it brings. Lessons were designed and given to educate
students to value food and reduce food loss. A follow-up speech contest was held to further
promote the idea. All the students took an active part in the campaign and felt like making their
contributions. At lunch time, everyone now takes just the proper amount of food and makes an
effort to avoid leftovers.

Dear fellow students,
We usually spend a lot buying textbooks, but most of them end up as waste. In order to save
resources and protect the environment, please recycle the used textbooks.
We could hold a textbook swap to sell or buy the textbooks at a low price. Additionally, used
textbooks are welcomed to be donated to the school library so that they can be accessible to others
for free.
Every effort makes a difference. Let’s take action and make out world cleaner!
Li hua

Dear Linda,
I’m writing to make an explanation for not attending the online lessons organized by our school.
I regret having missed the opportunity to learn from teachers but I had sorted out my own
problems in some subjects before winter vacation. So I had to spare some time for them at the cost
of school lessons.
To be honest, learning by myself benefited me a lot. Anyway, I promise I will make up for the
online lessons by leaning from other classmates.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

Dear George,
Aimed at providing a better communication platform for English lovers, our English club plans
to hold a salon with the theme of "the Lantern Festival". I'm writing to invite you to join us.
Scheduled for February 25th, this salon is to be held in the school hall. A variety of activities
will be organized, ranging from a free talk about the festival to some interesting English games. I
bet you'll have a wonderful time then.
You are warmly welcome to participate in the salon. Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua


Be Sporty, Be Healthy
Hello, everyone!
I feel honored to be here to talk to you on exercise. We students are heavily burdened with
school work, and thus spare little time for regular physical exercise.
However, we all need a sound body. So I suggest we fit exercise into our busy schedule,
making it part of our daily routine. Put down our books to stretch our arms from time to time. Do
some jogging and jumping every day. If we are able to make exercising our life habit, we will
surely benefit from it both physically and mentally.
That’s all. Thank you.

To enrich our school life and improve our DIY ability, we are planning to hold a
dumpling-making activity this Saturday in the school canteen. It will last two hours from 4 p.m. to
6 p.m., during which period, we will experience the whole process of making dumplings. We will
vote for the best-looking dumplings and award the winners before enjoying our products. Since
the kitchen can hold only 50 people at a time, students who are interested have to register first by
calling 0518-123456.
Students’ Union

My dear fellow students,
It’s back-to-school time. In order to contain the spread of COVID-19 and better protect
ourselves, I make this proposal on behalf of the Students’ Union.
First, wearing masks is a must at school. Then it is advisable to wash hands with soap before
touching faces. Don’t forget to have temperatures taken every day.
It is an unusual time when everybody has to be more responsible for their behavior not only for
their own health but for the whole school.
The Students’ Union


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