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TPO45 四篇讲座 (1. 听每篇开头 1 分钟,反复 3 遍;2. 看文本确认自己的理解;3.

填写灰色部分的笔记)(每天 4 篇,约 25 分钟完成,20:00 前提交)


Subject General Topic Specific Topic

学科 – 学科话题 本次讲座 学科概念 学科概念的侧重点
Main Idea
But 主旨题
Listen to…lecture. Today【词 1】
现象【词 2】【词 3】 【开头+全文总结】
问答【词 2】【词 3】
Last class… 定义/解释
Listen to apart of lecture in the As i was saying, the renaissance 1. But today I'd like to consider an The lecture is mainly about
art history class period which started in the 14 influential Italian Renaissance artist techniques used during the
hundreds... 2. So what is actually needed to tell a Renaissance to produce realistic
story? works of art.

So that's the overview of the human 1. why do we call’em that,anyway? The effects of consuming far
Listen to apart of lecture in the immune system. 2. But how can you call a cell fewer calories
biology class “naive”?

1. So homogeneous mixtures,what Two kinds of mixtures

Chemisty there are two main kinds of are they?
mixtures: homogeneous and 2. ..then what you suppose what
heterogeneous. heterogeneous are?

Ok, today we’re going to be Why were they developed and used thhe lecture is mainly about
Anthropology moving on andf we’re going to be there? why pepople make the caly pots
talking about early pottery. in the Arcic during the ancient
Why wouldn’t they use pottery? time
TPO48 四篇讲座 (1. 听每篇开头 1 分钟,反复 3 遍;2. 看文本确认自己的理解;3.填写灰色部分的笔记)(每天 4 篇,约 25 分钟完成,20:00 前提交)


Subject General Topic Specific Topic

学科 – 学科话题 本次讲座 学科概念 学科概念的侧重点
Main Idea
But 主旨题
Listen to…lecture. Today【词 1】
现象【词 2】【词 3】 【开头+全文总结】
问答【词 2】【词 3】
Last class… 定义/解释
TPO41 四篇讲座 (1. 听每篇开头 1 分钟,反复 3 遍;2. 看文本确认自己的理解;3.填写灰色部分的笔记)(每天 4 篇,约 25 分钟完成,20:00 前提交)


Subject General Topic Specific Topic

学科 – 学科话题 本次讲座 学科概念 学科概念的侧重点
Main Idea
But 主旨题
Listen to…lecture. Today【词 1】
现象【词 2】【词 3】 【开头+全文总结】
问答【词 2】【词 3】
Last class… 定义/解释

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