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Fonte, Mary Allyn L.


Activity # 2.
System Integration

Direction: Read and analyze each question. Explain your answers briefly. (10pts each)

1. What are functional silos and how did they evolve in organizations?
 Functional silos divide an organization's duties and operations into categories
such as accounting and human resources. They evolve over time in organizations
and are split horizontally by functions and vertically by hierarchical levels.
2. What is the relationship between organizational functional silos and IS functional
 They both satisfy a department's needs. Traditional silos function as self-
contained units with their own set of data. Changes in these silos are not passed
on to other departments. There is no online data exchange with an IS silo,
resulting in data integrity concerns.
3. Compare and contrast centralized, decentralized, and distributed IT architectures.
Which do you think is most appropriate for ERP and why?
 Centralized- It is built on the foundation of servers, mainframes, and
supercomputers, with all data, software, and resources kept on the server and
accessed via terminal computers.
 Decentralized- They have full control over what happens since they have many
small computers with all of the information and software they require.
 Distributed IT architectures- a combination of central and decentralized, each
having its own applications and tools for accessing data and resources over a
common and centralized network.
 For me, the distributed architecture is the best system for ERP since it combines
both central and decentralized functions and provides superior data integrity and
4. List the horizontal and vertical levels of systems that exist in organizations.
 Horizontal levels of systems: HR, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, MFG, MIS
 Vertical levels of systems going down: Strategic management, tactical
management, Functional operations.
5. What is logical integration and how is it different from physical integration?
 Logical creates information solutions that enable organizations to exchange data
with all of its stakeholders depending on need and permission. Organizational
structures, procedures, and employee roles and responsibilities must all be altered
by management. Physical connects diverse systems in a seamless manner.
6. Describe at least five steps involved in system integration.
 Resource Categorization- includes identifying the gear and software that is
required to run the business. Takes inventory of gear and software, then looks for
vendors who adhere to the technology.
 Compliance and Standards- Checks to verify what standards are used for database
support JDBC/ODBC and ensures that all databases are compliant.
 Legacy Systems Support- It entails developing a system that supports all legacy
systems, allowing for interface with them all while also developing support for
earlier systems.
 Middleware Tools- Tools that support legacy systems and are a temporary
remedy for the problem software that allows a firm to interact with legacy
systems. This is important since integrating everything into a single system can
take a long time.
 Authentication and Authorization Policy- Creates a single log for users to login
and log off to establish information protection and to hide sensitive data. This
will allow all necessary staff to access the system from any location.
7. What are the key benefits and limitations of system integration?
 Increase of revenue and growth
 Enhanced information visibility
 Increased standardization
 Levels the competitive environment with competitors
 High initial setup costs
 ROI with benefits showing up after long time.
 Power and Inter-departmental conflicts.
 Creativity Limitation
8. What is the role of ERP systems in system integration?
 ERP systems play a role in system integration because they require organizations
to focus on business processes and practices rather than just function. ERPs also
allow departments to collaborate, eliminating the idea of a business's silos. They
also drive businesses to modernize old systems and enhance system flexibility
and fluidity.
9. Summarize the role of management in systems integration
 The role of management in system integration may be summarized as follows:
First and foremost, management must acknowledge that silos are unproductive
and agree to implement a unified information system. They must realize that
integration comes with a slew of unspoken advantages and disadvantages. They
must overcome the obstacles without overlooking the physical and intangible
advantages of an integrated system. Finally, when consumer information becomes
more frequently a source of information, various ethical concerns arise, which
might lead to harmful conduct if disclosed to the public.

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