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Today in the culminating activity with my classmates, I had a wonderful time and
got to know people from my school who were in the same or higher year. During
the event, I found the courage to open up about my past struggles with self-harm
and self-coping mechanisms, which I had already overcome. This experience taught
me that I am capable of being vulnerable and sharing my journey with others. It
also reminded me of the importance of connecting with people, as I received
enlightenment from their support and understanding.

From this activity, I gained valuable insights into the power of sharing personal
experiences and the impact it can have on building connections and fostering
empathy among individuals. I learned that by being open about our struggles and
triumphs, we create an environment of trust and support, which can lead to
meaningful relationships and personal growth. Moreover, I realized that everyone
has their own challenges, and being receptive to others' stories can deepen our
understanding of the human experience.

As a future nurse, I can apply these learnings to my practice by being a

compassionate and empathetic caregiver. By sharing my own experiences, I can
create a safe space for patients to open up about their health concerns, fears, and
emotional struggles. This openness and understanding can strengthen the nurse-
patient relationship, leading to better communication and more effective care.
Furthermore, my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds will
enable me to provide holistic and individualized care, fostering a sense of comfort
and trust for patients under my care. Ultimately, this enriching experience in the
library has inspired me to be an empathetic and supportive future nurse, striving to
make a positive impact on the lives of those I serve.

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