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Bonifacio Street, 9407 Kabacan, North Cotabato, Philippines

S.Y. 2023-2024


At this point, we are quite aware that our country is susceptible to different disasters such as
typhoon, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruption and tsunamis. Therefore, it is a must for us to
prepare and ensure our safety and survival when these disasters strike.

For this activity your goal is to help your family prepare for an impending emergency. Your
task is to prepare an emergency kit for the whole family. Decide what items should be in
your emergency kit and be ready to explain why you think those items must be included in
the kit. You have to present your emergency kit in front of the class.

The scoring below will be used in assessing your kit.

5 point 10 points 15 points 20 points
Survival Kit Items None of the items A few of the items At least 8 items are At least 10 items
are necessary for are clearly clearly necessary are clearly
survival during or necessary for for survival during necessary for
after a disaster. survival during or or after a disaster. survival during or
after a disaster. after a disaster.

Labels and Uses None of the items A few of the items At least 8 of the At least 10 items
are labeled are labeled items are labeled are labeled
properly and there properly and a properly and a properly and a
is no reason for reason for each reason for each reason for each
including it in the item is included on item is included on item is stated on a
survival kit. a separate sheet of a separate sheet of separate sheet of
paper. paper. paper.

Neatness and The kit is not The kit is The kit is done The kit is neatly
effort exerted organized. It looks somewhat well with some organized and
like the student organized and it organization and labeled as
threw it together looks like the labeling. It appears necessary. Much
at the last minute student ran out of the student time and effort
without much care. time or didn’t take worked hard on it. were put into
care of the project. creating this

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