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Aspen Manufacturing Suite Advanced

Process Control

Installation Guide
Version Number: V12
October 2020
Copyright (c) 2020 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Aspen APC Manage, Aspen Cim-IO, Aspen DMC3, Aspen DMCplus, Aspen DMCplus Composite, Aspen Inferential
Qualities, Aspen InfoPlus.21, Aspen IQ, Aspen Nonlinear Controller, Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor, Aspen
Process Recipe Manager, Aspen Process Sequencer, Aspen APC Viewer, Aspen Production Control Web Server,
Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor, Aspen SmartAudit, Aspen Watch, Aspen Watch Performance Monitor,
Aspen Manufacturing Suite Advanced Process Control, AspenTech, aspenONE, and the aspen leaf logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Bedford, MA.

All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech
proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of
AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of
the software and the application of the results obtained.

Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software
may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO

Aspen Technology, Inc.

20 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: (1) (781) 221-6400
Toll Free: (888) 996-7100
1 Introduction .........................................................................................................1
About this Document ........................................................................................1
AMS Advanced Process Control Products .............................................................1
Deployment Information ...................................................................................2
Related Documentation .....................................................................................2
Help .....................................................................................................2
PDF ......................................................................................................2
Technical Support ............................................................................................2

2 Preparing to Install ..............................................................................................5

aspenONE Overview .........................................................................................5
aspenONE Media ....................................................................................6
SLM License Server ................................................................................7
Localization ...........................................................................................7
Accessing aspenONE Documentation ........................................................8
Pre-Installation Checklist...................................................................................9
Determine class of software.....................................................................9
Check system requirements.....................................................................9
Determine licensing method ....................................................................9
Ensure the Windows™ Firewall Service is started ..................................... 10
Record computer names and account information .................................... 10
System Requirements..................................................................................... 11
Additional guidelines for system requirements ......................................... 11
User accounts for installation and services operation .......................................... 12

3 Installing for the First Time................................................................................15

Before You Install........................................................................................... 15
Complete tasks required for all products ................................................. 16
Identify your class of software ............................................................... 16
Install Internet Information Services (IIS)............................................... 17
Install Java™ (JRE) prerequisite for Web Server installation....................... 23
Identify port number for SQLplus ........................................................... 23
Identify an ADSA Server name and protocol ............................................ 24
Granular Downloads ....................................................................................... 24
New Advanced Process Control Installation ........................................................ 26
Installation Welcome Page..................................................................... 28

Contents iii
4 After You Install .................................................................................................39

5 Upgrading ..........................................................................................................41
Before You Upgrade........................................................................................ 41
Identify your class of software ............................................................... 42
Preserve customized Aspen DMCplus Model and Build template files ........... 43
Save existing online application configurations......................................... 44
Save existing Cim-IO configuration......................................................... 44
Shut down all Online applications ........................................................... 44
Stop Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server........................................ 45
Stop Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Server ................................. 45
Save customized files ........................................................................... 45
Stop the DAIS_Trader service ................................................................ 46
Upgrading Version V7.2 or Later ...................................................................... 46
APC V7.2 (or later version) upgrade steps ............................................... 46
After You Upgrade .......................................................................................... 48
Upgrade the InfoPlus.21 Database Snapshot ........................................... 49
Configure the database after an upgrade................................................. 50
Reconfigure upgraded Cim-IO server(s) .................................................. 51
Upgrade, load, and start existing Online applications ................................ 52
Removing Versions Earlier than V7.2 ................................................................ 52

6 Modifying ...........................................................................................................53
Before You Add Features ................................................................................. 53
Adding Features ............................................................................................. 53

7 Removing ...........................................................................................................55
Before You Remove ........................................................................................ 55
APC Desktop products........................................................................... 55
APC Online products ............................................................................. 55
APC Performance Monitor products ......................................................... 56
APC Web Server products...................................................................... 56
Removing the Products ................................................................................... 56

Glossary ................................................................................................................59

Appendix A: Feature Dependencies .......................................................................63

Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration ..............................................................65

Software License Manager Ports ....................................................................... 65
Port configurations for Aspen Production Control Web Server............................... 66
Changing to a different HTTP port number for PCWS................................. 66
Network and Firewall Settings.......................................................................... 67
Firewall port numbers ........................................................................... 70

Appendix C: Deployment Recommendations .........................................................73

AMS Advanced Process Control classes ............................................................. 73

iv Contents
Basic Deployment Recommendations ................................................................ 74
Minimum server configurations for example applications ........................... 74
Typical deployment scenario for Advanced Process Control products ........... 75

Appendix D: Best Practices and Troubleshooting ..................................................79

Best Practices ................................................................................................ 79
Support Resources ......................................................................................... 80

Contents v
vi Contents
1 Introduction

About this Document

This document addresses the installation of the Aspen Manufacturing Suite
(AMS) Advanced Process Control products.

AMS Advanced Process Control

The AMS Advanced Process Control products installations have been
consolidated into four software classes. This section identifies those classes
and the software products that are included in each class.
The class of software you are installing determines which system
requirements must be met. System requirements include hardware
requirements and any supporting software you will need for your particular
Individual product descriptions are in the "Glossary" of this guide, page 59.
APC Desktop – This class of software includes:
 Aspen DMC3 Builder for building Aspen DMC3 or APC applications
 Aspen DMCplus Desktop for building Aspen DMCplus or Aspen DMC3
 Aspen Inferential Quality Builder
 Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor
 Aspen SmartAudit
APC Online – This class of software includes:
 Aspen DMC3 (when running as an online server product)
 Aspen DMCplus Controller
 Aspen DMCplus Composite
 Aspen Inferential Qualities
APC Web Server – This class of software includes:
 Aspen Production Control Web Server
APC Performance Monitor – This class of software includes:
 Aspen Real Time Optimizer (RTO) Watch Performance Monitor Server
 Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server

1 Introduction 1
Deployment Information
Deployment of the AMS Advanced Process Control products across the
network should be carefully considered before installation. For determining
the number of each class of computers needed at your site, see Appendix C:
Deployment Recommendations, page 73. (Also see Appendix B: Firewall
Ports Configuration for additional considerations of firewall placements and
server needs.) The remainder of this guide focuses on the installation of a
single class of software on one computer.

Related Documentation
In addition to this document, a number of other documents are provided to
help users learn and use the AMS Advanced Process Control products. The
documentation set consists of the following:

APC Configuration Guide WebHelp
Aspen DMC3 Builder Help
Aspen DMCplus Help
Aspen Inferential Qualities Help
Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor Help
Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Help
Aspen SmartAudit Help
Aspen Watch System Administration Help
Aspen Process Recipe Manager Help
Aspen Production Control Web Server WebHelp
Aspen APC Viewer WebHelp

AMS Advanced Process Control Release Notes
Software License Manager (SLM) Installation and Reference Guide

Technical Support
AspenTech customers with a valid license and software maintenance
agreement can register to access the online AspenTech Support Center at:
This Web support site allows you to:

2 1 Introduction
 Access current product documentation
 Search for tech tips, solutions and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
 Search for and download application examples
 Search for and download service packs and product updates
 Submit and track technical issues
 Send suggestions
 Report product defects
 Review lists of known deficiencies and defects
Registered users can also subscribe to our Technical Support e-Bulletins.
These e-Bulletins are used to alert users to important technical support
information such as:
 Technical advisories
 Product updates and releases
Customer support is also available by phone, fax, and email. The most up-to-
date contact information is available at the AspenTech Support Center at

1 Introduction 3
4 1 Introduction
2 Preparing to Install

This chapter provides the information you need to prepare for installing the
latest version of the Aspen Manufacturing Suite (AMS) Advanced Process
Control software. It contains the following:
 aspenONE Overview
 Pre-Installation Checklist
 System Requirements

Note: All installation procedures in this guide assume you are using an
account with FULL administrator privileges, including privileges to write to the
Windows Registry. If installation fails, consult your Information Services
personnel to determine if there are group policies or some other restrictions
in force that limit the capability of local administrators.

aspenONE Overview
aspenONE® is the comprehensive set of software solutions and professional
services provided by AspenTech; these are designed to help process
companies achieve their operational excellence objectives. AspenTech
customers are better able to increase capacity, improve margins, reduce
costs, and become more energy efficient.
aspenONE solutions include the industry's leading:
 Simulation and design products in the aspenONE Engineering suite.
 Plant operations products in the aspenONE Manufacturing suite.
 Supply chain management products in the aspenONE Supply Chain suite.
 Predictive and prescriptive analytic products in the aspenONE Asset
Performance Management suite.
The token-based aspenONE Licensing Model gives customers the flexibility to
access and use any aspenONE product at precisely the time it is needed. This
is especially critical in the dynamic market conditions of the process
industries—whether during down economies or in high-growth periods. This
enables customers to lower their risk while maximizing the return on their
software investment.

2 Preparing to Install 5
aspenONE Media
Unless you have specifically requested a USB drive, you will receive
instructions on how to download the aspenONE media.
Download the media that you are entitled to, and extract the zip file(s) using
a zip extractor such as WinZip/7-Zip. You may choose from the following:
 Aspen Engineering – includes all Aspen Engineering products, Aspen
PIMS and Aspen Administration and Licensing components.
 Aspen Manufacturing and Supply Chain – includes all Aspen
Manufacturing products, Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain products,
aspenONE Supply Chain Management products, GDOT, and aspenONE
Infrastructure products as well as Aspen Administration and Licensing
 aspenONE Asset Performance Management – includes all APM
 aspenONE Software License Manager - includes all Aspen
Administration components (Aspen SLM, Aspen SLM tools, and ALC Auto
Upload Tool).

Note: The product Release Notes and Installation Guides are included in the
Documentation subfolders under each family of products. There is a link to
the Getting Started Guide on the Install Browser.

To manage your product entitlement, you will receive one of the following
 A license file if you are using the SLM Server to manage the products to
which you are entitled.
 Aspen License Deployment Assistant (ALDA): ALDA is a utility that will
update a license server with the necessary licenses needed for a new
release without having to send a new license key for applicable suites and
qualified customers. For qualified customers, ALDA is available on the
electronic software download site.
 A preconfigured dongle containing your customer license file if you are
operating using a dongle to manage the products to which you are

Note: An invoice noting the products for which you are licensed is sent
separately from the software shipment.
You will have access to one or more of the following:
o aspenONE Token Media – Contains the media that supports the
aspenONE Licensing Model token-based system. This all-inclusive
token-based licensing model was introduced in July 2009. Under this
licensing model, customers are entitled to install and run all of
AspenTech's products as long as they have purchased sufficient
tokens. To install software purchased under this commercial
agreement, use this media. Software installed from the aspenONE
Token media requires run-time token-based license keys.

6 2 Preparing to Install
o aspenONE Standard Media – Contains the media that supports
perpetual and pre-aspenONE Licensing Model token-based systems. If
you have perpetual license agreements or token-based license
agreements by product (pre-July 2009), you should use the media
labeled Standard. Software installed from the aspenONE Standard
media requires older license keys that have been in use since the
aspenONE 2004 release.

Upgrading to the aspenONE Licensing Model for

Manufacturing and Supply Chain V8.x and above
If you have recently signed a new aspenONE Licensing Model agreement, or if
you have superseded an old license agreement with an aspenONE Licensing
Model token-based license agreement for aspenONE Manufacturing and
Supply Chain, you will receive a new token-based license file. During
installation of any product in Aspen Manufacturing and Supply Chain, you will
get a message indicating that the newly installed software will use the token-
based license key. Accepting the warning message enables you to install the

 If you do not have the updated token-based license file, please contact
AspenTech Customer Support.
 We have seen issues extracting large zip files on earlier versions of
Windows. If you do not have access to an extractor, you may use the zip
extractor utility on the Download Center.
 If you have an MSC perpetual license purchased prior to 2011 and are
entitled to Informatica upgrades, you can download the Informatica
software from the Download Center.
 Some products previously available on CD-ROM or DVD are not included.
If you do not find a product, please contact AspenTech Support at

SLM License Server

Before you install products, it is recommended that you install and configure
the SLM License Server.
When you deploy aspenONE V12 software on client machines, the SLM server
should be from the V12 release. When migrating to a new version of
aspenONE, the SLM Server should always be upgraded first, followed by the
SLM clients. This is done to avoid any potential incompatibility issues. During
this transition period, it is possible to have clients at a lower version than the
SLM Server.
For more information about licensing, please see Software License Manager
(SLM) Installation and Reference Guide on the aspenONE media.

The V12 release media includes all localized products that are available when
V12 is released. The Knowledge Base article #000093657 contains a

2 Preparing to Install 7
spreadsheet that identifies which products are localized and how to access the

Accessing aspenONE Documentation

There are several ways to access Product Help files and context-sensitive Help
(these are available depending on the type of application):
 Clicking the Help button.
 Pressing F1 while in the application.
 Accessing the application's Help menu.
 Clicking a Help icon. For example:

Documentation in PDF format can be found in the following ways:

 Installation Guides and Release Notes can be found by clicking the
corresponding link on the Welcome page of the aspenONE Installer.
 Logging onto the AspenTech Customer Support site, clicking Support in
the upper right-hand side and then clicking Product Documentation.
 Downloading all the available documentation (other than Help files) from
the AspenTech Customer Support website via the zip file of the aspenONE
For Aspen Plus, Aspen HYSYS, Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating, Aspen
Economic Evaluation, Aspen DMC3 Builder, and Aspen Fidelis Reliability only,
you can access additional documents by:
 Clicking the Aspen Knowledge icon on the Resources ribbon. (All products
except Economic Evaluation.)
 Entering a search string within the Search Aspen Knowledge search box –
available in the upper-right corner of the application. (All products except
Economic Evaluation.)
 Clicking Aspen Knowledge from the Help menu (Economic Evaluation

8 2 Preparing to Install
Pre-Installation Checklist
In order to ensure a complete and smooth installation, complete this checklist
before installing any AMS Advanced Process Control product. You can
photocopy this checklist to use for each installation.

Note: Typically, for performance reasons, only one class of software should
be installed on one computer. For exceptions and additional guidelines, see
"Basic Deployment Recommendations," page 74, in Appendix C:
Deployment Recommendations. Also see Appendix D: Best Practices
and Troubleshooting for useful tips and installation best practices.
Once you have completed all items on this checklist, go to the next chapter,
"Installing for the First Time."

Determine class of software

 APC Desktop – Includes Aspen DMC3 Builder, Aspen DMCplus
Desktop, Aspen Inferential Quality Builder, Aspen PID Watch
Performance Monitor, and Aspen SmartAudit.

 APC Online – Includes Aspen DMC3 (when run as an Online server),

Aspen DMCplus Controller, Aspen DMCplus Composite, and Aspen
Inferential Qualities.

 APC Web Server – Includes Aspen Production Control Web Server.

 APC Performance Monitor – Includes Aspen RTO Watch Performance

Monitor Server and Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server.

Check system requirements

Determine whether software and hardware requirements have been met.
(See the next section, "System Requirements.")

 Software requirements have been met.

 Hardware requirements have been met.

Determine licensing method

 Determine the licensing method that is in use at your site, and select
the appropriate installation medium. (See "aspenONE Media," page 6,
which describes the licensing methods associated with the different
installation media.)

2 Preparing to Install 9
Ensure the Windows™ Firewall Service is
 Prior to installation, ensure the Windows Firewall Service is STARTED.
If the Windows Firewall Service is NOT started, the installation
completes. However, the installer does not configure needed port
exceptions in the Windows Firewall.

Note: The requirement is that the Windows Firewall Service must be

STARTED. The Firewall, itself, does not need to be turned ON.

Record computer names and account

Be sure that you know the following information before you begin to install. If
you need assistance, see your system administrator.

 Software License Manager (SLM) computer:


 Network Account from which you will install (this account must have
administrator privilege; see Note below):

 Computer Name:

 Domain and Password:


Note: If you plan to access an Aspen InfoPlus.21 database running on the

same computer, you must install any Online products under the same user
name and computer or domain name from which Aspen InfoPlus.21 is
Required for APC Web Server products only:

 Administrator privilege on the remote security server if Aspen Local

Security is not being used.

10 2 Preparing to Install
System Requirements
For the most up-to-date hardware and software requirements that must be
met in order to install AspenTech products, see the V12 Platform
Specifications for Advanced Process Control (APC) Products at the following

Important: Effective as of version V8.4, installation and operation of APC

(desktop or server) products on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or
Windows Vista are not supported.

Additional guidelines for system

As you review the V12 Platform Specifications for Advanced Process Control
(APC) Products, also note the following guidelines:
 Aspen SLM Server and Aspen SLM Tools must be installed and running on
your SLM server prior to installing any Advanced Process Control (APC)
 Choose between using Aspen Framework (AFW) Server or Aspen Local
Security (ALS) for managing role-based security for APC Web Server and
APC Performance Monitor Server.
The Local Security Server is recommended and requires fewer
prerequisites than Aspen Framework Server. The Local Security Server
has the same security-related functionality.
 Before you install or update APC Web Server, be sure that the
prerequisites, Java Runtime Engine (JRE) and Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS) are already installed.
o See Install Java™ (JRE) prerequisite for Web Server
installation, page 23 of chapter 3, "Installing for the First Time."
o See Install Internet Information Services (IIS), page 17 of chapter
3, "Installing for the First Time."
 Before installing APC products, be sure that version requirements for a
Microsoft .NET Framework are met. Otherwise, the installation is
suspended by the installation prerequisites verification.
 For additional guidelines on system requirements for the APC Online, APC
Performance Monitor, and APC Web Server products, see "Basic
Deployment Recommendations" and "Minimum server
configurations for example applications," page 74, in "Appendix C:
Deployment Recommendations."
 It is recommended that you install APC Web Server on a dedicated
Windows server. However, it may be viable to install APC Online and APC
Web Server on the same computer if the machine has sufficient memory
and number of cores (16 GB or more of memory and 6 to 8 cores or
more). Several criteria—such as the number and size of the applications,

2 Preparing to Install 11
and the number of web users—dictate how many processing cores and
memory are required.
The number of users on a single APC Web Server should be limited to 30.
If more than 30 users are anticipated, it is better to add a second Web
server to mirror the Online control data and use Local Security (or a
separate AFW security server) to define the security roles so that you
force users to use a particular Web server.
 APC Web Server does not run on a Windows Terminal Server.
 To install the ActiveX history plot component (no longer required), you
must be logged into an account with Administrator privilege and run the
browser as Administrator when first downloading AspenTech plotting
components on the Web client.
 For installations of Aspen Watch Performance Monitor, to calculate actual
hard disk space required, see the WatchDiskSizeCalcs.xls file, available
from AspenTech Support or, after installation, from the Tools folder.

User accounts for installation

and services operation
Before you begin
 If you are installing APC Online, APC Web Server, or APC
Performance Monitor software:
Prepare by having a domain user account created (by your network
administrator) that you can specify as a services-level account (i.e., able
to log on as a service) with administrator rights for starting and stopping
services, network communications, and disk reading and writing.
Note: During software installation, you must specify a services-level
account in the "screen for identifying the Windows services
account," which is illustrated on page 35.
This services-level account can be a local account or a domain account. A
domain user account has the advantage of being configured and
administered by a single source, your network administrator.
The services-level account can be the same user account you are using for
installation, a user account with local administrator rights.
Be aware that this account will be used to start various Windows services,
and, so, those services need to be updated whenever the account
password is changed. Therefore, an account that can be granted a longer
duration for the password change requirement is preferable.
 If you are installing only APC Desktop software on a workstation:
The user account you specify as a services-level account can be the same
user account you are using for installation, a user account with local
administrator rights.

12 2 Preparing to Install
User account for installation
When you install AspenTech software, regardless of class of software, do so
using a user account with local administrator rights. (See chapter 3,
"Installing for the First Time.")

Performing password updates of a services-level account

For security reasons, it is common practice to require periodic password
resets in all network accounts at local and domain levels.
For APC Desktop software, complying with this network systems
requirement, and changing the password for a local user account, is not
disruptive to the continued operation of installed software. Replication of the
updated password on the machine occurs automatically and is acknowledged
at the next logon event.
However, for APC Online, APC Web Server, or APC Performance Monitor
software, the password must be reset for each Windows service that runs
using that user account. Furthermore, for verifying the revised password is
accepted, each service must be restarted immediately after password reset.
For this reason, the services account you use should have no password reset
requirement, if possible. This prevents services from being locked out from
starting and allows password change maintenance to be done on a scheduled
basis, rather than being forced at unexpected times.
To ensure that you accomplish password reset consistently and
comprehensively for all services on a single server that are enabled by an
account, follow these steps:

 The following procedure requires starting and stopping Windows services
dedicated to operating online AspenTech software. Before doing this, you,
should temporarily halt the operation of online applications that depend
upon those services.
 If a password reset for the services account is not applied consistently for
all services that depend on it, then it causes a network lockout for the
services account and prevents starting of ALL services that depend upon
the account.
1 Prepare a revised password that complies with network system
requirements, and have the password ready to apply (by copy-and-paste)
accurately, multiple times.
2 In the Administrative Tools, Windows Services applet, sort all services
by the Log On As column. Doing this enables you to locate each
AspenTech software service that uses the services account.
3 To change the password for the service, first stop the service. Then access
the Properties dialog for the service, and in the Log On tab, enter the
revised password. Then restart the service to ensure that the password
was entered correctly.
4 Repeat this process on every server for each service that uses the services
account in the Log On As column of the Services applet.

2 Preparing to Install 13
14 2 Preparing to Install
3 Installing for the First Time

This chapter explains how to install the latest version of the Aspen
Manufacturing Suite (AMS) Advanced Process Control products for the first
time. Installing for the first time means that you do not currently have any
version of the product on your computer. In addition, this means that you do
not currently have any version of AMS products on your computer.

Note: All installation procedures in this guide assume you are using an
account with FULL administrator privileges, including privileges to write to the
Windows Registry. If installation fails, consult your Information Services (IS)
personnel to determine if there are group policies or some other restrictions
in force that limit the capability of local administrators.
If you currently have a previous version of an AMS Advanced Process Control
product and you want to upgrade to the latest version, follow the instructions
in the "Upgrading" chapter.

Important: This chapter describes how to install the AMS Advanced Process
Control products. It does not describe how to install other AspenTech
products. If you choose to install the AMS Advanced Process Control products
simultaneously with other AspenTech products or currently have AspenTech
products residing on your computer, some installation dialog boxes you
encounter may not be described in this guide. Refer to the various product
installation guides for those dialog boxes not described in this guide.
Most of the information in this chapter is grouped by software class. Follow
the instructions for the class of software that you are installing.
The four classes of Advanced Process Control software are APC Desktop, APC
Online, APC Web Server, and APC Performance Monitor. Each software class is
defined in the previous chapter, "Preparing to Install."

Before You Install

Before installing AMS Advanced Process Control products, you must perform
pre-installation tasks. Some tasks are required for all AMS Advanced Process
Control products, while others are specific to each class of software. This
chapter includes instructions for the tasks listed below.

3 Installing for the First Time 15

Complete tasks required for all products
Complete the following before installing any AMS Advanced Process Control
 Confirm system requirements. System requirements are defined in the
"Preparing to Install" chapter of this guide.
 Install any third party software listed as a requirement. Software
requirements are defined in "Preparing to Install" chapter of this guide.
 Verify that the Windows™ Firewall Service is STARTED.
If the Windows Firewall Service is NOT started, the installation completes.
However, the installer does not configure needed port exceptions in the
Windows Firewall.
Note: The requirement is that the Windows Firewall Service must be
STARTED. The Firewall, itself, does not need to be turned ON.
 Verify that the Software License Manager (SLM) software is installed on
your SLM server and that the appropriate licenses are in place. Users may
also have a Standalone License File and possibly a hardware dongle. (For
more information, see Software License Manager (SLM) Installation and
Reference Guide.)
 Confirm that the Software License Manager is running.

Identify your class of software

After completing the pre-installation tasks listed for all products, identify the
class of software you are installing. Complete all tasks listed for that software
class. Instructions for each task follow.

APC Desktop products

Complete the following before installing any AMS Advanced Process Control
Desktop product.
 Identify SQLplus host name/port. (Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor

APC Online products

Complete the following before installing any AMS Advanced Process Control
Online product.
 Aspen DMC3 requires either an Aspen Framework (AFW) server or an
Aspen Local Security (ALS) server to administer role-based security. The
security software can be installed on the online server computer or on a
different computer on the same network. Aspen Local Security may be
installed at the same time as Aspen DMC3 if they are installed on the
same system. Aspen Framework should be installed prior to installing
Aspen DMC3. For more information, see the Aspen Framework Server
Installation Manual or Aspen Local Security Server Installation Manual.

16 3 Installing for the First Time

APC Web Server products
Complete the following before installing Aspen Production Control Web
 Install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
 Install 64-bit (x64) Java™ 11 or OpenJDK 11 (JRE 11) runtime. (This is
required by the Search feature of aspenONE Process Explorer history
 Aspen Production Control Web Server requires either an Aspen Framework
(AFW) server or an Aspen Local Security (ALS) server to administer role-
based security. The security software can be installed on the Web server
computer or on a different computer on the same network. Aspen Local
Security is installed automatically with every Aspen Production Control
Web Server instance, and it is recommended over AFW. If you choose to
use Aspen Framework, then it should be installed on a separate computer
prior to installing Aspen Production Control Web Server. For more
information, see the Aspen Framework Server Installation Manual or
Aspen Local Security Server Installation Manual.

APC Performance Monitor products

Complete the following before installing Aspen Watch Performance Monitor
Server or Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Server.
 Install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
 The Aspen Production Control Web Server and the Aspen InfoPlus.21
components of Aspen Watch Performance Monitor and Aspen RTO Watch
Performance Monitor require either an Aspen Framework (AFW) server or
an Aspen Local Security (ALS) server to administer role-based security.
The security software can be installed on a different machine on the same
 Identify SQLplus host name/port.
 Identify an ADSA Server name and protocol.

Install Internet Information Services (IIS)

>>> APC Web Server and APC Performance Monitor products
Microsoft IIS must be installed prior to installing APC Web Server and APC
Performance Monitor products. Use the following steps to install IIS, as
appropriate for the Windows Server version you are using.
You will need your Windows installation media to complete this task.

Important: Microsoft does not support moving IIS 7.0 and later from its
default location. For details, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB)

3 Installing for the First Time 17

To install IIS on Windows Server 2012 R2:
1 From Control Panel, in the Programs section, click the Turn Windows
features on or off link.
The Server Manager Dashboard is displayed. Afterwards, the Add
Roles and Features Wizard is displayed.
2 If the Before you Begin page is displayed, click Next.
3 In the Installation Type page, select the Role-based or feature-based
installation option. Then click Next.
4 In the Server Selection page, confirm that the appropriate server is
selected in the Server Pool frame, and then click Next.
5 In the Server Roles page, select the Web Server (IIS) row from the
Roles list. The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box is displayed.
6 In the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box:
o Select the Include management tools (if applicable) check box.
o Then click the Add Features button to add web server and
management tools features.
As a result, the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box closes.
Focus returns to the Server Roles page, where the Web Server (IIS)
check box is now enabled and selected.
7 In the Server Roles page, now that the Web Server (IIS) role check
box is enabled and selected, click Next.
8 In the Features page, select the following items from the Features list.
Note: As you select items, allow the wizard to add required dependent
features and services.
.NET Framework 4.5 Features
 .NET Framework 4.5
 ASP.NET 4.5
 WCF Services | HTTP Activation
 WCF Services | TCP Port Sharing
9 Return to the Server Roles page.
From the Roles list, expand the Web Server (IIS) node and, under it,
expand the Web Server node. This enables you to select the following
Note: As you select items, allow the wizard to add required dependent
features and services.

18 3 Installing for the First Time

Common HTTP Features Application Development
 Default Document  .NET Extensibility 4.5
 Directory Browsing  ASP
 HTTP Errors  ASP.NET 4.5
 Static Content  CGI
 HTTP Redirection  ISAPI Extensions
 ISAPI Filters
Health and Diagnostics
 Server Side Includes
 HTTP Logging
 WebSocket Protocol
 Request Monitor
Management Tools
 IIS Management Console
 Static Content Compression
 IIS 6 Management Compatibility
Security (NOTE: Enable ALL sub-items for
 Request Filtering this service.)
 Basic Authentication
 Digest Authentication
 Windows Authentication

Note: FTP Server and SMTP Service are not required and can be omitted
from the IIS install.
10 In the Confirmation page, click Install.
11 After the features are installed, the Results page is displayed. Click
12 Close the Server Manager Dashboard when all tasks are completed.

3 Installing for the First Time 19

To install IIS on Windows Server 2016:
1 Click the Find taskbar icon, and enter "Server Manager" as the search
2 Click to open the Server Manager desktop app.
3 In the Server Manager app, select Dashboard.
4 In the Server Manager Dashboard page, select Add roles and
The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog is displayed.
5 If the Before you Begin page is displayed, click Next.
6 In the Installation Type page, select the Role-based or feature-based
installation option. Then click Next.
7 In the Server Selection page, confirm that the appropriate server is
selected in the Server Pool frame, and then click Next.
8 In the Server Roles page, select the Web Server (IIS) row from the
Roles list. The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box is displayed.
9 In the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box:
o Select the Include management tools (if applicable) check box.
o Then click the Add Features button to add web server and
management tools features.
As a result, the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box closes.
Focus returns to the Server Roles page, where the Web Server (IIS)
check box is now enabled and selected.
10 In the Server Roles page, now that the Web Server (IIS) role check
box is enabled and selected, click Next.
11 In the Features page, select the following items from the Features list.
Note: As you select items, allow the wizard to add required dependent
features and services.
.NET Framework 4.6 Features
 .NET Framework 4.6
 ASP.NET 4.6
 WCF Services | HTTP Activation
 WCF Services | TCP Port Sharing
12 Return to the Server Roles page.
From the Roles list, expand the Web Server (IIS) node and, under it,
expand the Web Server node. This enables you to select the following
Note: As you select items, allow the wizard to add required dependent
features and services.

20 3 Installing for the First Time

Common HTTP Features Application Development
 Default Document  .NET Extensibility 4.6
 Directory Browsing  ASP
 HTTP Errors  ASP.NET 4.6
 Static Content  CGI
 HTTP Redirection  ISAPI Extensions
 ISAPI Filters
Health and Diagnostics
 Server Side Includes
 HTTP Logging
 WebSocket Protocol
 Request Monitor
Management Tools
 IIS Management Console
 Static Content Compression
 IIS 6 Management Compatibility
Security (NOTE: Enable ALL sub-items for
 Request Filtering this service.)
 Basic Authentication
 Digest Authentication
 Windows Authentication

Note: FTP Server and SMTP Service are not required and can be omitted
from the IIS install.
13 In the Confirmation page, click Install.
14 After the features are installed, the Results page is displayed. Click
15 Close the Server Manager Dashboard when all tasks are completed.

To install on Windows Server 2019:

1 Click the Find taskbar icon, and enter "Server Manager" as the search
2 Click to open the Server Manager desktop app.
3 In the Server Manager app, select Dashboard.
4 In the Server Manager Dashboard page, select Add roles and
The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog is displayed.
5 If the Before you Begin page is displayed, click Next.
6 In the Installation Type page, select the Role-based or feature-based
installation option. Then click Next.
7 In the Server Selection page, confirm that the appropriate server is
selected in the Server Pool frame, and then click Next.
8 In the Server Roles page, select the Web Server (IIS) row from the
Roles list. The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box is displayed.
9 In the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box:
o Select the Include management tools (if applicable) check box.
o Then click the Add Features button to add web server and
management tools features.
As a result, the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box closes.
Focus returns to the Server Roles page, where the Web Server (IIS)
check box is now enabled and selected.

3 Installing for the First Time 21

10 In the Server Roles page, now that the Web Server (IIS) role check
box is enabled and selected, click Next.
11 In the Features page, select the following items from the Features list.
Note: As you select items, allow the wizard to add required dependent
features and services.
.NET Framework 4.7 Features
 .NET Framework 4.7
 ASP.NET 4.7
 WCF Services | HTTP Activation
 WCF Services | TCP Port Sharing
12 Return to the Server Roles page.
From the Roles list, expand the Web Server (IIS) node and, under it,
expand the Web Server node. This enables you to select the following
Note: As you select items, allow the wizard to add required dependent
features and services.
Common HTTP Features Application Development
 Default Document  .NET Extensibility 4.7
 Directory Browsing  ASP
 HTTP Errors  ASP.NET 4.7
 Static Content  CGI
 HTTP Redirection  ISAPI Extensions
 ISAPI Filters
Health and Diagnostics
 Server Side Includes
 HTTP Logging
 WebSocket Protocol
 Request Monitor
Management Tools
 IIS Management Console
 Static Content Compression
 IIS 6 Management Compatibility
Security (NOTE: Enable ALL sub-items for
 Request Filtering this service.)
 Basic Authentication
 Digest Authentication
 Windows Authentication

Note: FTP Server and SMTP Service are not required and can be omitted
from the IIS install.
13 In the Confirmation page, click Install.
14 After the features are installed, the Results page is displayed. Click
15 Close the Server Manager Dashboard when all tasks are completed.

22 3 Installing for the First Time

Install Java™ (JRE) prerequisite for Web
Server installation
>>> APC Web Server product
Installation of Aspen Production Control Web Server requires that the
following third-party software be installed as a prerequisite:
 (recommended) 64-bit OpenJDK version 11 or later version. (See
instructions below.)
 64-bit (x64) Java version 11 (JRE 11) runtime, from
To obtain and install 64-bit OpenJDK:
1 From, choose OpenJDK 11
(LTS) and HotSpot options.
2 Select the Windows Operating System and x64 Architecture options.
3 Select the download option for JRE and .msi.
4 During installation, be sure to include the options Add to PATH and Set
JAVA_HOME variable.
Setting these options enables the AspenTech software installer to detect
that Java is present.
For more information, see AspenTech Knowledge Base (KB) articles
000047752 and 000062105.

Identify port number for SQLplus

>>> APC Desktop (applies only to Aspen PID Watch Performance
Monitor) and APC Performance Monitor software
Identify the port number for SQLplus. Make sure this port number is not
already assigned to a network service.

To identify a port number:

1 On the server computer, use Windows Explorer to browse to the
Windows\system32\drivers\etc directory, and locate the Services
2 Open the Services file with a text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad.
3 Scroll to the bottom of the file to identify an unused port number.
By default, the SQLplus service sqlplus uses the port number 10014. If
this port number is assigned to another network service, write down a
port number that is available.
Port number for SQLplus:________________________
Note: Do not edit the Services file. The installation program will write the
port number and service for sqlplus to the Services file.
4 Go to "New Advanced Process Control Installation."

3 Installing for the First Time 23

Identify an ADSA Server name and protocol
>>> APC Desktop and APC Performance Monitor software
For Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor and Aspen Watch Performance
Monitor solutions, verify that an Aspen Data Source Architecture (ADSA)
Server exists on the network.
ADSA Server is installed automatically with each instance of Aspen Watch
Performance Monitor (Aspen Watch) Server. Typically, the ADSA Server that
is installed with Aspen Watch Server requires no further configuration after
 APC Web Server - Use the ADSA Client and Server program, which is
installed automatically with each instance of Aspen Production Control
Web Server (APC Web Server), to identify each instance of Aspen Watch
Server that will operate as a ADSA Public Data Source, serving data to the
APC Web Server.
Directions are in the online help, APC Configuration Guide, which is
described in chapter 4, "After You Install." In the APC Configuration Guide,
see topic "After You Install" | "APC Web Server" | "Configure the ADSA
 PID Watch - If you are using Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor (PID
Watch), also use the ADSA Client program, which is installed automatically
with each instance of APC Desktop software, to identify each instance of
Aspen Watch Server that will operate as a ADSA Public Data Source,
serving data to PID Watch.
Directions are in the APC Configuration Guide. See topic "After You Install"
| "APC Performance Monitor Products" | "Configure PID Watch Database

Note: For more details about ADSA configurations, see the Aspen Data
Source Architecture Directory Server Installation Guide.
Consult with your Aspen Watch Performance Monitor system administrator to
obtain the following information:
 ADSA Server name: __________________________________________
 Protocol - DCOM or Web Service (recommended): _________________

Granular Downloads
V12 includes the ability to download some individual products / product
families that can be used independently of a full suite. These subcomponents
are referred to as granular downloads. The granular downloads are used to
provide smaller downloads in situations where customers only need a specific
product / product family. If more than one granular download is needed, it is
recommended that the entire suite is downloaded because it may take less
time, overall, as opposed to downloading two or more subcomponents.

24 3 Installing for the First Time

V12 Engineering (ENG)
In the case of the ENG media, users can download the entire suite or one of
the items listed under the ENG group:
 Aspen Economic Evaluation
 Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating with Aspen Properties, Aspen
Simulation Workbook and Aspen Version Comparison Assistant
 Aspen Simulation Workbook
 Aspen Multi-Case
 Aspen Cim-IO & Process Data (see Notes)

 The Aspen Cim-IO & Process Data software is from the Manufacturing &
Supply Chain suite. It is useful for customers who are deploying a 3rd
party historian and is included for convenience.
 The Aspen Cim-IO & Process Data software is not a part of the overall
Engineering suite download. It is only available as a separate download.

V12 Manufacturing & Supply Chain (MSC)

In the case of the MSC media, users can download the entire suite or one of
the items listed under the MSC group:
 V12 Batch APC
 Aspen Supply Chain Management
 Aspen Planning, Scheduling and Blending, Supply & Distribution
 Aspen Manufacturing Execution Systems & Advanced Process Control
 Aspen Unified
 V12 Aspen GDOT Online
 V12 Aspen GDOT Offline & Unified GDOT Builder
 Aspen Informatica PowerCenter 10.4
 Aspen Cim-IO & Process Data

V12 Asset Performance Management (APM)

In the case of the APM media, there is no downloadable suite. Users can
download the products listed under the APM group:
 Aspen Asset Analytics
 Aspen Fidelis
 Aspen ProMV
 Aspen Mtell
 Aspen Mtell for Oil Well Optimization
 Aspen Asset Performance Management Insights
 Aspen Enterprise Insights On-Premise Stack

V12 Aspen Internet of Things (AIoT)

In the case of the AIoT media, there is no downloadable suite. Users can
download the products listed under the AIoT group:

3 Installing for the First Time 25

 Aspen Cloud Connect
 Aspen Edge Connect

V12 Software License Manager (SLM)

In the case of the SLM media, the only granular download is ALDA:
 aspenONE License Deployment Assistant (ALDA)

New Advanced Process Control

1 Log on to the network using the account name and password of an
account in the Administrators group of the target computer.
Note: Before you begin installation, you will want to review the Release
Notes document, and print copies of the Installation Guides for products
that will be installed. Those documents are included under each product
suite folder.
2 You can begin your software installation by clicking on the media
download or inserting the aspenONE USB into the USB drive. The
AutoPlay dialog box is displayed.
3 Select Run aspenONE Install Browser.
4 A User Account Control dialog is displayed.

You must click Yes to continue.

If you do not see this dialog box or something similar, you may have
accessed the installation incorrectly and in doing so, appropriate settings
may not occur. The consequence is that the applications may not run
correctly, or errors may appear even though the installation seems to
complete successfully. If this dialog box does not appear, cancel the
installation and relaunch setup.exe to start the installation again.
Carefully read the instructions, make your selections, and proceed with
the installation.

26 3 Installing for the First Time

5 The AspenTech Suite selection screen displays. The screen you see varies
depending on how you are accessing the Aspen Manufacturing Suite
Advanced Process Control installation.

The following links are available:

o Patents - Allows you to download a document with a list of recent
o Browse contents of USB – Allows you to browse the contents of the
USB (or installation media) to access Installation Guides and Release
Notes for the products that you want to install.
o Use Custom Install check box (appears after suite selection) – Most
customers can use the standard installation for the V12 media. We
recommend using the standard install because that is the configuration
where we focus our testing.
If you cannot use the standard install (you have disk space limitations,
for example) you can select the Use Custom Install check box on the
Start Install screen before beginning the install process. This allows a
more granular selection of which elements of a suite to install when
selecting programs.
o Need Help? – Connects to the AspenTech Support Web site, where
you can find knowledge base articles, tips, and solutions to known
o Getting Started – Links to a brochure containing information about
prerequisites, installing and upgrading the software, documentation
and translated versions.
o What's New? – Links to a description of new features.
Carefully read the instructions on the following dialog boxes, make
selections, and proceed with the installation.

3 Installing for the First Time 27

Note: If patches are available for the product that you are installing, a screen
may appear that lets you view the patches before you install. You will also
have an opportunity to view the updates after you finish the installation

Installation Welcome Page

The AspenTech Installation Welcome Page provides options to install or
upgrade aspenONE products, configure licensing, and create install scripts for
unattended installations.
The following links are available on the left side of the aspenONE Installer
Welcome Page:
 Get Started Guide - Opens the AspenTech Deployment Solutions
 Installation Guides - Opens a folder that contains all the Installation
Guides for the products.
 Release Notes - Opens a folder that contains all the Release Notes for
the products.
 aspenONE Product Documentation - Opens the AspenTech Support
 aspenONE Update Center - Connects to the Aspen Support Update
Center so that you can check to see if there are patches available for the
product(s) that you are installing. You must be a registered user on the
Support website to access the Update Center.
 Unattended Install Notes - Provides instruction on creating an
unattended installation.
 Support Services - Connects to the AspenTech Support website, where
you can find knowledge base articles, tips, and solutions to known
 AspenTech Home - Connects to the AspenTech website.
 Contact Us - Connects to the AspenTech Support website, where you can
obtain the latest e-mail and telephone contact information and find the
AspenTech Support location closest to you. You can see hours of operation
for global support and submit your support issues.

28 3 Installing for the First Time

The following options are available on the aspenONE Installer Welcome Page:
 Install aspenONE products - Launches the installation process during
which you will select new products to be installed on this computer.
 Repair - Repair existing installation errors.
 Prepare Deployments (For IT Personnel/Deployment Groups) -
Create install scripts and copy media to automate software deployment.

Note: Be sure that the SLM license server or standalone license is available
prior to installation. SLM tools are installed automatically when you install
aspenONE products.

3 Installing for the First Time 29

7 Click Install aspenONE products.

The Software License Terms screen is displayed.

30 3 Installing for the First Time

8 Select the I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and click
Next to continue. The screen for product selection is displayed.

9 Expand the aspenONE Advanced Process Control Family selection,

and select the products to install.

3 Installing for the First Time 31

10 After selecting products to install, click the File Location tab. Accept the
default root folder path for installation, or modify, if desired.

 After any AspenTech software product has been installed in the root
folder, the root folder destination cannot be changed, and the File
Location tab will be disabled. All further AspenTech product installations
on this computer will be made to that root folder by default.
 Common components are always installed under C:\Program Files
(x86)\Common Files\AspenTech Shared, regardless of the drive
letter and root folder destination (File Location) specified.
 If your computer is 64-bit capable, and you choose to install to an
alternate drive or folder location, for example: E:\AspenTech, the 32-bit
software application files are installed to an "E:\AspenTech (x86)" folder,
and 64-bit software application files are installed to an "E:\AspenTech"

32 3 Installing for the First Time

11 Software prerequisites are verified.

The Prerequisite validation screen appears only if prerequisites are

missing. These must be installed before the AspenTech installation can
In V12, the capability to install and / or configure some of the product
prerequisites during the Aspen software installation process – mostly
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) – was added.
If the prerequisites window appears, you will see Install Prerequisites
at the bottom of the screen.
The following is a guide to the icons related to installing prerequisites.
(You may also encounter other icons that are informational only.)
o This item can be installed automatically by selecting Install

o or This item cannot be installed automatically by selecting

Install Prerequisites. Select the link in the item's description to open
an AspenTech support site link that describes how to install this item.
o This item is informational.
To install the prerequisites:
a Click Install Prerequisites if you want to install or configure the
relevant prerequisites.
b The Install Prerequisites screen is displayed. It identifies which
prerequisites can be installed and / or configured.

3 Installing for the First Time 33

c All options are selected by default. Clear the check boxes of any
prerequisites you do not want installed automatically, and then click
d During installation of prerequisites, PowerShell windows are displayed,
which indicate the progress of installations and configurations.
e After the prerequisites installations are finished, the Install
Prerequisites screen is redisplayed. Click "X" to close the screen and
return to the installation process.
12 After you select products and specify a file location, click Next. The screen
for specifying licensing and security is displayed.

34 3 Installing for the First Time

Note: An option is available to specify buckets. (See View Buckets,
illustrated above.) If you use buckets, you can specify them during the
install or later, using the SLM Configuration Wizard. Also, if the Resolve
server name check box is selected, the fully qualified server name is
used in the registry. If your site uses aliases, then clear the Resolve
server name check box.
13 Specify the SLM License Server and, if applicable, the Aspen Framework
Security Server. Then click Next.
Note: Aspen Framework Server is a security server for large-group,
enterprise installations. If applicable, verify that your system
administrator has installed the Aspen Framework Server.
The screen for identifying the Windows services account is displayed.

3 Installing for the First Time 35

14 Enter the logon criteria for the Windows services account and click Next.
The summary screen to verify your installation is displayed.

15 Click Install Now. An installation progress screen is displayed.

36 3 Installing for the First Time

16 After installation is complete, the following message is displayed,
instructing you to reboot your system.

o Click Reboot Now to restart your computer.

17 After the system restart is complete, log onto Windows using the same
username and password you used to install the software.
18 Follow all instructions in the "After You Install" sections of the online help,
APC Configuration Guide, which is displayed in your computer's web
browser immediately after you reboot the computer.
19 If you close the APC Configuration Guide, you can access it again. Use
your web browser to open the default.htm startup file, as described in
the next chapter, "After You Install."

3 Installing for the First Time 37

38 3 Installing for the First Time
4 After You Install

After you install AMS Advanced Process Control products, complete the post-
installation tasks for your class of software that are documented in the
installed online help, APC Configuration Guide.
The APC Configuration Guide is displayed in your computer's web browser
immediately after you reboot the computer after installation.
Do the following to ensure you can access the APC Configuration Guide any
time in the future, as needed:
 Add the home page of APC Configuration Guide to your web browser's
Bookmarks or Favorites list.
 Make your own shortcut that opens the APC Configuration Guide from the
following file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\APCConfigurationGuide\default.htm
 Print this page as a reference so you can locate and open the starting
topic of the APC Configuration Guide. (In your web browser, press CTRL +
O to locate and open the above-listed file.)

Important: It is essential to complete the procedures in the APC

Configuration Guide. The configurations described in the guide enable
communications and interactions between programs, online applications,
servers, and databases, and they enable you to preserve existing applications
before you upgrade.

4 After You Install 39

40 4 After You Install
5 Upgrading

This chapter explains how to upgrade from a previous version of an AMS

Advanced Process Control product. Instructions are provided for the following
upgrade scenarios:
 Upgrading versions earlier than V12
If you are installing for the first time, follow the instructions in the
"Installing for the First Time" chapter. Installing for the first time means
that you do not currently have any version of the product on your computer.
In addition, this means that you do not currently have any version of AMS
products on your computer.

Note: All installation procedures in this guide assume you are using an
account with FULL administrator privileges, including privileges to write to the
Windows Registry. If installation fails, consult your Information Services (IS)
personnel to determine if there are group policies or some other restrictions
in force that limit the capability of local administrators.

Before You Upgrade

Prior to upgrading any AMS Advanced Process Control product to the latest
version, you must complete the tasks defined for your class of software. This
chapter includes instructions for the tasks listed below.

Important Notes:
 If you have multiple AMS products installed on your host computer, you
MUST upgrade all products together. Additional planning may be required
before performing these upgrade procedures.
 Aspen Watch Performance Monitor installs 64-bit InfoPlus.21. As a
result, versions of Aspen Watch earlier than V12 (which used 32-bit
InfoPlus.21) cannot be upgraded directly. You must first uninstall ALL
AspenTech products, reboot, and then install the new version of desired
products. Then follow the "After You Upgrade" steps to update the
InfoPlus.21 database.

5 Upgrading 41
Identify your class of software
Identify the class of software you are installing. See the section below that
corresponds with your class of software and complete all tasks listed. Detailed
instructions for each task follow.

APC Desktop products

Prior to upgrading APC Desktop products:
 Close all programs.
 "Preserve customized Aspen DMCplus Model and Build template
files," page 43.
 Confirm system requirements. These are defined in the "Preparing to
Install" chapter of this guide.
Then see the "Upgrading Version V7.2 or Later" or "Removing Versions
Earlier than V7.2" section of this chapter, as applicable.

APC Online products

Prior to upgrading APC Online products:
 Confirm system requirements. These are defined in the "Preparing to
Install" chapter of this guide.
 "Save existing online application configurations," page 44.
 "Save existing Cim-IO configuration," page 44.
 Confirm that all View clients are stopped.
 "Shut down all Online applications," page 44.
Then see the "Upgrading Version V7.2 or Later" or "Removing Versions
Earlier than V7.2" section of this chapter, as applicable. Afterwards,
complete the steps that are in the "After You Upgrade" section.

APC Performance Monitor products

Important Notes:
 Aspen Watch Performance Monitor installs 64-bit InfoPlus.21 and cannot
be upgraded directly for versions of Aspen Watch earlier than V12 (which
used 32-bit InfoPlus.21).
 You must first uninstall all AspenTech products (see the chapter about
Removing), reboot, and then install the new version of the desired
products, followed by the "After You Upgrade" steps to update the
InfoPlus.21 database.
Prior to upgrading or removing APC Performance Monitor products:
 Read and understand the detailed upgrade procedure for Aspen
InfoPlus.21 as described in the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Installation Guide.
 Confirm system requirements. These are defined in the "Preparing to
Install" chapter of this guide.
 "Stop Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server," page 45.
 "Stop Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Server," page 45.

42 5 Upgrading
Afterwards, complete the steps that are in the "After You Upgrade" section.

APC Web Server products

Before upgrading APC Web Server products:
 Confirm system requirements. These are defined in the "Preparing to
Install" chapter of this guide.
 Close all Microsoft Internet Explorer browser sessions.
  "Important Notes:
 Aspen Watch Performance Monitor installs 64-bit InfoPlus.21 and cannot
be upgraded directly for versions of Aspen Watch earlier than V12 (which
used 32-bit InfoPlus.21).
 You must first uninstall all AspenTech products (see the chapter about
Removing), reboot, and then install the new version of the desired
products, followed by the "After You Upgrade" steps to update the
InfoPlus.21 database.
Save customized files," page 45.
Then see the "Upgrading Version V7.2 or Later" or "Removing Versions
Earlier than V7.2" section of this chapter, as applicable. Afterwards,
complete the steps that are in the "After You Upgrade" section.

Preserve customized Aspen DMCplus Model

and Build template files
>>> Aspen DMCplus Model and Build
If you have customized template files for starting projects in Aspen DMCplus
Model and Build, preserve them so you can restore them to the new
<version>\Builder\Templates file folder after completing an upgrade
1 If you have a customized version of the file template.dpp, which is used
for starting a new project in Aspen DMCplus Model, save it to a personal
folder that you use for backing up files. The file is located here:
2 If you have customized Aspen DMCplus Build template files (.tcc), which
are used for starting a new CCF file, save them to a personal folder that
you use for backing up files. The .tcc files are located here:
3 After the upgrade installation is completed, copy the previous-version
template files to the new <version>\Builder\Templates folder.

5 Upgrading 43
Save existing online application
>>> APC Online products (except Aspen DMC3)
After confirming system requirements, use the Aspen APC Manage program
(or, alternatively, the web based Manage view in Aspen Production Control
Web Server) to save your existing online application configurations.
1 Log on to the Online user account.
2 Start the Aspen APC Manage program.
3 Access the tabbed views (DMCplus Controllers, IQ Applications) for
each type of online application that is operating on the current server.
4 Select each application, and then click Save to preserve each application's
online configuration to a file.
5 List the applications, and note which ones have been marked to autostart
(an A at the beginning of the line) so you can reset them later.
Note: The autostart setting for each online application is not preserved in
the saved configuration file.
6 If you are upgrading Aspen Inferential Qualities (IQ) or Aspen DMCplus
Controller, Go to "Save existing Cim-IO configuration."

Save existing Cim-IO configuration

>>> APC Online products
If you are upgrading Cim-IO servers, along with the Online upgrade, save the
existing Cim-IO configuration.
Print or save a copy of the existing cimio_logical_devices.def file located in
the CIMIOROOT\etc directory (where CIMIOROOT, for typical installations,
is C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\CIM-IO). You will need to replace
or re-enter the logical device configuration following software upgrade.
Also save any interface-specific configuration settings.

Note: Any Cim-IO servers that are upgraded will have to be reconfigured
after the upgrade. For more information about how to reconfigure your
server(s), see the device-specific Cim-IO server manuals and documentation.
Once you have completed this task, go to "Shut down all Online
applications," next.

Shut down all Online applications

>>> APC Online products (except Aspen DMC3)
You must shut down all AMS Advanced Process Control Online applications
before the upgrade process.
1 Be sure that you have exited all online sessions.

44 5 Upgrading
2 Start the Aspen APC Manage program, and use it to stop all applications
on the current online server:
o From main menu of APC Manage, click Tools | Shutdown Advanced
After completing this task, go to "Upgrading Version V7.2 or Later" or
"Removing Versions Earlier than V7.2."

Stop Aspen Watch Performance Monitor

>>> APC Performance Monitor products
After confirming system requirements, stop the Aspen Watch Performance
Monitor Server.
1 Use Aspen Watch Maker to stop data collection for all Aspen DMCplus,
Aspen DMC3 (RTE), APC (ACO), and Aspen IQ applications. Select an
application in the list and click the Stop toolbar button, or from the main
menu, click Actions | Stop. Do this for each application.
2 Stop InfoPlus.21 by using the InfoPlus.21 Manager.
3 If you have modified any of the CUSTOM DCS types for PID monitoring,
save those files to a safe area of the disk. These files are kept in folder

...where PROGRAMDATA, for typical installations, is...

(V7.1 and earlier)

C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Watch

(V7.2 and later)

C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\APC\Performance Monitor
4 Go to "Stop Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Server," next.

Stop Aspen RTO Watch Performance

Monitor Server
>>> APC Performance Monitor products
After confirming system requirements, stop the Aspen RTO Watch
Performance Monitor Server.
1 Use Aspen RTO Watch Maker to stop data collection for all Aspen RTO
Watch applications. Select an application in the list and click the Stop
toolbar button, or from the main menu, click Actions | Stop. Do this for
each application.
2 Stop Aspen InfoPlus.21 by using InfoPlus.21 Manager.

Important Notes:

5 Upgrading 45
 Aspen Watch Performance Monitor installs 64-bit InfoPlus.21 and cannot
be upgraded directly for versions of Aspen Watch earlier than V12 (which
used 32-bit InfoPlus.21).
 You must first uninstall all AspenTech products (see the chapter about
Removing), reboot, and then install the new version of the desired
products, followed by the "After You Upgrade" steps to update the
InfoPlus.21 database.

Save customized files

>>> APC Web Server products only
There are a number of files associated with Aspen Production Control Web
Server that can be modified by the user. However, none of these files are
overwritten during an upgrade. Therefore, no action is needed for Aspen APC
Web Server upgrades.
After completing this task, go to "Upgrading Version V7.2 or Later" or
"Removing Versions Earlier than V7.2."

Upgrading Version V7.2 or

After you complete the steps in the "Before You Upgrade" section, complete
the steps, below, to upgrade APC Desktop, APC Online products, or APC Web
Server products.

Note: This set of steps assumes that the current server machine includes an
installation of V7.2 or V7.3.x of APC Desktop, APC Online, or APC Web Server,
and requisite Aspen InfoPlus.21 database and common components.

APC V7.2 (or later version) upgrade steps

1 Log on to the network using the account name and password of an
account in the Administrators group of the target computer.
2 Locate the aspenONE installation media drive letter and folder for Aspen
Manufacturing and Supply Chain, and double-click setup.exe.
3 In the AspenTech Installation Browser, click Upgrade, as illustrated

46 5 Upgrading
4 When you are prompted, accept the terms of the software agreement
(select the check box) in the Software License Terms screen, and click
5 Complete the installation steps for specifying a licensing source and
security server, and specifying an administrator account. Then allow the
installation to complete, and reboot as instructed.
Important: Step 5 completes the procedure for upgrading the APC Web
Server class of products and, if you are upgrading V8.0.x to V11.0.x, all
other classes of products.

If you are upgrading V7.2.x and V7.3.x versions of APC Desktop and APC
Online products, continue with the steps in this procedure until
6 Again log on and access the aspenONE installation media, as described in
steps 1 and 2.

5 Upgrading 47
7 This time, in the AspenTech Installation Browser, click Install aspenONE
products, as illustrated below.

8 When you are prompted to "Choose the aspenONE products you want
to install," expand the Aspen Advanced Process Control Family
selection, as illustrated below, and select the Aspen APC Desktop check

9 Click Next. Complete steps to finish the installation. Reboot as instructed.

After You Upgrade

After upgrading an APC Performance Monitor product, perform the following
post-upgrade task:
o "Upgrade the InfoPlus.21 Database Snapshot," below.
o "Configure the database after an upgrade," page 50.

48 5 Upgrading
After upgrading an APC Online product, perform these post-upgrade tasks:
o "Reconfigure upgraded Cim-IO server(s)," page 51.
o "Upgrade, load, and start existing Online applications," page 52.

Upgrade the InfoPlus.21 Database

>>> APC Performance Monitor products
Upgrade the Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server InfoPlus.21 database
snapshot file, InfoPlus21.snp. This step should be completed prior to
performing the next step, which is "Configure the database after an

Note: Upgrading the InfoPlus.21 snapshot is required only if you are

completing a version upgrade of Aspen InfoPlus.21. This ensures that the
format of the snapshot file is compatible with the new version of InfoPlus.21
1 Manually make a copy of the most recent InfoPlus.21 snapshot file,
InfoPlus21.snp, and name the copy Old_InfoPlus21.snp.
You can find the InfoPlus21.snp snapshot file in the following directory,
by default:
Note: The path for the directory containing the InfoPlus21.snp
snapshot file may also be altered from the default by modifying the
TSK_DBCLOCK task SNAPSHOT command line parameter. This can be
determined, in InfoPlus.21 Manager, if you select "TSK_DBCLOCK" from
the Defined Tasks list, and then observe whether a "SNAPSHOT"
command line parameter is entered in the Command line parameters
2 Start the InfoPlus.21 Manager program.
o Click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen Manufacturing Suite
| Aspen InfoPlus.21 | InfoPlus.21 Manager.
o From the Start screen of Windows, search for "InfoPlus.21
3 Use InfoPlus.21 Manager to confirm that the Aspen InfoPlus.21 database
is not running.
4 From the main menu of InfoPlus.21 Manager, click Actions | Upgrade
Database. The InfoPlus.21 Database Upgrade Wizard is displayed.
5 In the first view of the InfoPlus.21 Database Upgrade Wizard, select
the Typical option, and then click Next.
As a result, the next view of the InfoPlus.21 Database Upgrade
Wizard displays fields for entering Source and Output file names.
6 Click the browse button located next to Source field. Then use the
Open dialog to locate and select the Old_InfoPlus21.snp file.

5 Upgrading 49
7 Click the browse button located next to Output field. Then use the
Save As dialog to specify the InfoPlus21.snp file name.
8 Click Finish in the InfoPlus.21 Database Upgrade Wizard to complete
the snapshot upgrade.

Configure the database after an upgrade

>>> APC Performance Monitor products
To configure the combined Aspen Watch Performance Monitor / Aspen RTO
Watch Performance Monitor database, you will update the Aspen Watch
Performance Monitor Server InfoPlus.21 database record structures by
running the Install Database Configuration utility. This step is required for
first-time installations and for upgrades.

Important: After a version upgrade, before you run the Install Database
Configuration utility, be sure you have completed the preceding procedure,
"Upgrade the InfoPlus.21 Database Snapshot."
1 Click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen Manufacturing Suite |
Aspen InfoPlus.21 | InfoPlus.21 Manager.
Tip: From the Start screen of Windows Server, press the Windows key 
+ Q, and search for "InfoPlus.21 Manager".
2 In the InfoPlus.21 Manager window, click Start InfoPlus.21.
Note: After completing the installation, always leave Aspen InfoPlus.21
running. Stop Aspen InfoPlus.21 only when you need to shut down your
3 Watch the status bar at the bottom of the window for a message stating
that InfoPlus.21 has been started successfully.
4 Use either Aspen Watch Maker or Aspen RTO Watch Maker (whichever
program is applicable to your site) to start the Install Database
Configuration utility by following these steps:
o From the Windows Start menu, click Programs | AspenTech |
Aspen Manufacturing Suite | APC Performance Monitor | Watch
Maker (APC) or RTO Watch Maker (APC).
o From the Windows Start screen, search for "Watch Maker", and then
select the Watch Maker (APC) or RTO Watch Maker (APC)
o From the main menu of Aspen Watch Maker (or Aspen RTO Watch
Maker), click File | Install Database Configuration.
o Click Yes in the User Account Control dialog to run the Install
Database Configuration utility as Administrator, in order to give
the script sufficient privilege to run successfully.
5 After the Install Database Configuration utility starts, press ENTER to
accept the Yes [Y] default and start the database configuration.
There is very little interaction required, other than deciding whether to
continue with the procedure. You may see a significant amount of
informational text scroll by if this is an upgrade.

50 5 Upgrading
Watch the window for the message "Aspen Watch database configuration
successfully completed."
6 Once the database restarts at the end of the procedure, press any key to
exit the Install Database Configuration window.

Note: If you receive an error, look in one of the following files for more
 PROGRAMDATA\etc\cfg\awlog.txt
 PROGRAMDATA\etc\cfg\upgrade.out

...where PROGRAMDATA, for typical installations, is...

C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\APC\Performance Monitor.
7 Exit InfoPlus.21 Manager, and then reopen it to update the list of
Defined Tasks.
8 Confirm that the following Aspen Watch Performance Monitor tasks are
listed under Running Tasks:
If one or more of the above tasks is not running, check for errors by
double-clicking the task name in the Defined Tasks box, and then check
the Output file and Error file for that task.
9 From the Defined Tasks list in the InfoPlus.21 Manager window,
double-click TSK_HLTH, and then clear the Skip during startup check
Then click the RUN TASK button to start the external task, TSK_HLTH.

After you perform the above procedure, your system's performance may be
greatly impacted, because the previous day's reports are being generated for
all controllers. This may take a considerable amount of time (possibly more
than an hour). You can periodically check the Task Manager to determine if
the iqtask.exe process is still using a large percent of CPU cycles.

Reconfigure upgraded Cim-IO server(s)

>>> APC Online products
Any Cim-IO servers that are upgraded must be reconfigured, afterwards, to
apply configurations you saved prior to upgrading. For instructions, see
device-specific Cim-IO server manuals and documentation.

5 Upgrading 51
Upgrade, load, and start existing Online
>>> APC Online products
Use the following instructions to upgrade, load, and start your Online
applications. You can also mark the applications for autostart, if desired. If
you need more details, see your application's Help topics that describe Online
Applications Management.
For each application:
1 Use your application's Builder or Desktop program to open and save the
existing Online application configuration files. This action will upgrade the
configuration files to the latest version that contains new entries and
2 Use your application's Manage program (either Aspen APC Manage or
Aspen DMC3 Builder) to load the existing Online application configuration
3 If any applications previously were configured for autostart, use your
application's Manage program (either Aspen APC Manage or Aspen DMC3
Builder) to again configure the applications for autostart.
4 Start each Online application as desired. (See Note below.)

Note: If you are using custom programs that link to the Aspen DMCplus
library in order to schedule your applications, be sure to re-link those external
Online application programs before trying to start them.

Removing Versions Earlier than

Remove all pre-Aspen Manufacturing Suite software prior to V7.2. (For
instructions, see the installation guide for the installed software. Also refer to
the "Removing" chapter for additional information.)
After performing all "Before You Upgrade" tasks for your class of software,
follow all instructions in the "Installing for the First Time" chapter. Then
follow the instructions in "After You Install."

52 5 Upgrading
6 Modifying

This chapter provides instructions for adding features to an existing Aspen

Manufacturing Suite (AMS) V12 installation.

Before You Add Features

 Read the "Preparing to Install" chapter, and be sure that your computer
meets all system requirements.
 Read the "Before You Install" section of the "Installing for the First
Time" chapter, page 15, and follow all instructions for the class of
software you are adding.
 Close all Windows applications.

Adding Features
1 Log on using the account name and password of an account in the
Administrators group on the target computer.
2 Locate the aspenONE installation media drive letter and folder for Aspen
Manufacturing and Supply Chain, or, if applicable, the mapped network
drive, and double-click setup.exe.
3 In the AspenTech Installation Browser, click Install aspenONE
products, as illustrated below.

6 Modifying 53
4 When you are prompted, accept the terms of the software agreement
(select the check box) in the Software License Terms screen, and click
Next. The screen for product selection is displayed.
5 In the screen to "Choose the aspenONE products you want to
install," expand the family selections, and select check boxes of the
software items you want to add to the current installation.

6 Click Next. Complete the installation steps for specifying a licensing

source and security server, and specifying an administrator account. Then
allow the installation to complete, and reboot as instructed.
7 Read the "After You Install" chapter of this guide, and follow the
instructions for the class of software you added.

54 6 Modifying
7 Removing

This chapter describes how to remove AMS Advanced Process Control

products from your computer.
The uninstall program performs the following additional tasks before deleting
files and folders:
 Stops all AspenTech applications currently running on the system.
 Stops the Context Cim-IO Server, if running.
 Deletes Online context shared regions.
 Stops the ACO Utility service, if running.
 Stops the AspenTech Production Control RTE service, if running
 Removes registry entries created during the AspenTech installations.

Note: The uninstall procedure does not remove user files (CCFs, model files,
print files, etc.). If you want to remove those files, then manually delete them
after the uninstall process completes.

Before You Remove

Prior to removing any AMS Advanced Process Control product, identify your
class of software and complete the tasks listed for each. Then go to
"Removing the Products," the next section in this chapter.

APC Desktop products

Before removing any APC Desktop product:
 Close all APC Desktop applications.

APC Online products

Before removing any APC Online product:
 Save existing APC Online application configurations. For instructions, see
the "Save existing online application configurations" section of the
"Upgrading" chapter, page 44.
 Use Aspen APC Manage to shut down all APC Online applications.

7 Removing 55
 If applicable, use Aspen DMC3 Builder to shut down online applications on
an online Aspen DMC3 applications server.

APC Performance Monitor products

Before removing any Aspen Watch Performance Monitor or Aspen RTO Watch
Performance Monitor product:
 Stop the Aspen InfoPlus.21 database.
 Shut down all Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server applications.

APC Web Server products

Before removing Aspen Production Control Web Server:
 Close all browser sessions.

Removing the Products

Use this method to remove any version of AMS Advanced Process Control
1 Log on using the account name and password of an account in the
Administrators group on the target computer.
2 Click Start | Programs | Aspen Configuration | Uninstall AspenTech

Tip: From the Windows Start screen, search for "Uninstall AspenTech

56 7 Removing
3 The Uninstall aspenONE products dialog box is displayed.

4 Select the products you wish to uninstall, and then click Uninstall. A
progress screen is displayed.

7 Removing 57
58 7 Removing

The following are product descriptions and terms used in this guide.

Aspen ACO Base

ACO Base consists of Collect/Extract utilities and the Aspen Connect platform
used by most of the Aspen APC Online applications.

Aspen Calc
Aspen Calc is a calculation tool for creating, scheduling, and running
calculations in a real time environment.

Aspen DMCplus Composite

Aspen DMCplus Composite facilitates the coordinated action of multiple Aspen
DMCplus controllers. It works by providing consistently calculated steady-
state manipulated and controlled variable targets to participating controllers.
Aspen DMCplus Composite consists of the Composite (engine) and a
Composite Manage utility.

Aspen DMCplus Desktop

Aspen DMCplus Controller is a multivariable model predictive controller. The
Desktop components of Aspen DMCplus are used for model identification,
configuration and simulation of online applications. Step-testing technology is
included with Aspen DMCplus, which enables the engineer to perform
automated testing of the process for development of models. The Desktop
components include the Build, Model, and Simulate programs.

Aspen DMCplus Controller

(formerly Aspen DMCplus Online)
The Online components of Aspen DMCplus Controller consist of the Control,
APC Manage, and Aspen DMCplus Context Cim-IO Server. An online user
interface that enables operators and engineers to tune and run deployed
Aspen DMCplus Controller applications is provided in the Online tab of Aspen
Production Control Web Server.

Glossary 59
Aspen Inferential Quality Builder
(formerly Aspen IQ Desktop)
Aspen Inferential Qualities is an inferential modeling application. The Desktop,
or Builder, components of Aspen Process Inferentials consist of the IQmodel
and IQconfig programs.

Aspen Inferential Qualities

(formerly Aspen IQ Online)
The Online components of Aspen Process Inferentials consist of the APC
Manage, IQextract and IQpmain programs. An online user interface that
enables operators and engineers to tune and run deployed Aspen Process
Inferentials applications is provided in the Online tab of Aspen Production
Control Web Server.

Aspen InfoPlus.21
An AspenTech information management system database that collects,
stores, and archives real-time process data.

Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor

(formerly Aspen PID Watch)
Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor is a PID loop tuning and monitoring
tool that is a part of the Aspen Watch Performance Monitor product. Aspen
PID Watch Performance Monitor is built on an Aspen InfoPlus.21 database.
The Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor client tool enables identifying
process models and analyzing and tuning PID loops. An online user interface
that enables engineers to monitor regulatory control loop performance is
provided in the History tab of Aspen Production Control Web Server.

Aspen DMC3
(formerly Aspen Process Controller and Aspen State-Space Controller)
Aspen DMC3 is a multivariable model predictive controller. Aspen DMC3
Builder enables model identification, configuration and simulation of online
applications. Applications can be based on different model types, set up for
step-testing and / or Calibrate mode, and organized into subcontrollers and
composite applications. The ribbon menu interface found in Aspen DMC3
Builder, along with features for development of a master model from case
models, integrated smart slicing in model identification, and Smart Tune
optimization afford the fastest route to controller application development. An
online user interface that enables operators and engineers to run deployed
Aspen DMC3 applications is provided in the Online tab of Aspen Production
Control Web Server.

Aspen Production Control Web Server

Aspen Production Control Web Server is an online, web-based user interface
for the following applications: Aspen DMC3 (RTE and ACO), Aspen DMCplus
Controller (RTE and ACO), Aspen Inferential Qualities, Aspen Online
Deployment, Aspen Process Sequencer, Aspen Watch Performance Monitor,

60 Glossary
Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor, and Aspen RTO Watch Performance

Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Server

(formerly Aspen RTO Watch Server)
Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor is a package for monitoring Aspen
Plus Optimizer applications. Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Server is
built on an Aspen InfoPlus.21 database. Use of the Aspen Production Control
Web Server interface supplies a common access point for the display of Aspen
RTO Watch Performance Monitor information. Aspen RTO Watch Performance
Monitor includes Aspen RTO Watch Maker for application management.

Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Cim-IO Server

(formerly Aspen RTO Watch Cim-IO Server)
Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor Cim-IO software is used to establish
the connection between the RTO (Aspen Plus) Online context and the Aspen
RTO Watch Performance Monitor Server database.

Aspen SmartAudit
Aspen Smart Audit, which is associated with the Aspen Watch Performance
Monitor product, is a software tool used to detect, verify and repair a multi-
variable control model that potentially exhibits a collinearity problem.

Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server

(formerly Aspen Watch Server)
Aspen Watch Performance Monitor is a package for monitoring performance
aspects of online applications (including controller and tester applications built
with Aspen DMCplus), PID control loops, and miscellaneous tag process data.
Aspen Watch Performance Monitor is built on an Aspen InfoPlus.21 database.
The Aspen Watch Maker program enables an engineer to administer the
database, calculations, and reports that relay online performance results. The
central user interface for accessing Aspen Watch Performance Monitor
information is provided in the History tab of Aspen Production Control Web

Glossary 61
62 Glossary
Appendix A: Feature

Use this table to determine feature dependencies for Aspen Manufacturing

Suite (AMS) Advanced Process Control products.
Feature Also Required Notes

APC Desktop (includes) Aspen Calc Aspen Local Security is not

Aspen DMC3 Builder Aspen Cim-IO required if already on another
computer or if Aspen
Aspen DMCplus Desktop Aspen Process Data
Framework is used.
Aspen Inferential Quality Builder Aspen SQLplus client
Aspen PID Watch Performance Aspen Local Security
Aspen SmartAudit
APC Online (includes) APC Desktop
Aspen DMC3 Aspen Calc
Aspen DMCplus Composite Aspen Cim-IO
Aspen DMCplus Controller
Aspen Inferential Qualities
APC Web Server (includes) ADSA Directory Server ADSA Server and Aspen Local
Aspen Production Control Web Aspen Process Data Security are not required if
Server (PCWS) already on another computer;
Aspen Local Security
however, they are both
Aspen IP.21 Process installed with APC Web
Browser Server.
aspenONE Process
Explorer (64-bit)
Aspen SQLplus - Web
APC Performance Monitor APC Desktop
(includes) Aspen Calc
Aspen Watch Performance Aspen Cim-IO
Aspen Cim-IO Interfaces
Aspen RTO Watch Performance
ADSA Client
Aspen InfoPlus.21
Aspen Process Data
Aspen SQLplus server

Appendix A: Feature Dependencies 63

64 Appendix A: Feature Dependencies
Appendix B: Firewall Ports

This appendix provides a guide to configuring firewall ports for Aspen APC
products in an enterprise network scenario.
The example configuration includes a demilitarized zone (DMZ), which is
recommended and required for greater security. This enables corporate LAN
users, who are outside the process control network (PCN), to access Aspen
Production Control Web Server and Aspen Watch Performance Monitor data
through the firewall-protected DMZ.
This guide assumes v8.8 or later versions of Aspen APC products are

Software License Manager

The server hosting Software License Manager is accessed by clients so that
licenses are acquired and released as necessary. Ports used by Software
License Manager are listed in this section so that they, too, can be specified in
firewall configurations.
If a single server for Software License Manager is located behind a firewall
that separates two zones (for example, the DMZ is separated from the PCN by
a firewall, and the license server is located in the PCN), then specify the
following port numbers in the firewall configuration:
Application Protocol Port Originator Destination

License TCP and UDP 5093 PCWS (DMZ) License Server (PCN)
License TCP and UDP 5094 PCWS (DMZ) License Server (PCN)

Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration 65

Port configurations for Aspen
Production Control Web Server
Aspen Production Control Web Server (PCWS) primarily uses port 80 between
web clients (Internet Explorer and other web browsers) and the web server,
including requests for plot data via the Aspen Watch history plots.
There is also one additional port for Tomcat (TCP port 8080, by default) that
is used by the Aspen Search feature of AspenONE Process Explorer trends.
This port number must also be allowed between the web browser and the
PCWS web server.
Therefore, if PCWS is placed in the DMZ, then only ports 80 and 8080 are
required to access the PCWS web pages from the business local area network
It is possible to change these default ports for security reasons:
 Port 80 can be changed in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) for
 Port 8080 can be changed in the Tomcat web configuration that is also
running on the PCWS server (see AspenTech Support solution ID
As an example, if you choose to use port 88, instead of 80, in IIS, this
requires changing the URL for PCWS to the following:
In this example case, ports 88 and 8080 must be opened through the DMZ

Changing to a different HTTP port number

for PCWS
If you change the HTTP port for your IIS web server, you may also need to
change the following:
 If Local Security is installed and used locally on the PCWS server, then
also change the URL entry in the AFW Tools utility to reference this port.
Modify the URL specified in the file pfwauthz.aspx (or pfwauthz.asp) so
that it includes the modified port number of the web server.
 Change all references from ADSA clients that point to the ADSA server
that is hosted on the PCWS web server. (You may not have any.)
References must include the revised port number and server name.
To do this, specify the port number after the server name in the ADSA
client configuration tool (servername:portnumber).
If ADSA uses DCOM, instead of the Web Service protocol, then this does
not apply.
Important: DCOM protocol uses a range of ports and, therefore, cannot
be deployed across a firewall. You must use the Web Service protocol

66 Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration

If you wish to change the Tomcat port number (8080), you will need to
follow the directions provided in AspenTech Support solution ID 000091347.

Network and Firewall Settings

This section describes the recommended deployment scenario for placing
Advanced Process Control (APC) products in a three-tier network that consists
of a Business LAN, DMZ, and PCN. The network diagram, below, shows
placement of servers, firewall(s), network segments, and client computers.
Security considerations and firewall traversals are discussed, and firewall port
numbers are listed.

This deployment scenario provides a balance of security and data visibility for
APC products:
 It affords the least amount of data transfer across the PCN firewall.
 It exposes the fewest number of servers to the business or other external
The DMZ is populated with a PCWS server. This requires configuration of the
PCN firewall so that it allows the PCWS server in the DMZ to communicate
with the APC Online and Aspen Watch servers in the PCN.

 The DMZ firewall can be configured to allow inbound HTTP requests at a
customized port, such as port 88 instead of port 80. (See "Changing to a
different HTTP port number for PCWS," above.)
 The PCN firewall can be configured to allow from 3 to 12 port numbers
(depending on the data services that are required), all above port 5000,
for allowing requests between the PCWS server in the DMZ and the APC
servers (Online and Aspen Watch) in the PCN.

Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration 67

Aspen Watch history access for PCWS and Aspen
PID Watch
PCWS (a web-based client that displays history plots) and Aspen PID Watch
(a Windows client program) both make use of an external task on the Aspen
Watch server to access history data. The Aspen Watch server in the PCN uses
the external task TSK_ORIG_SERVER (or TSK_DEFAULT_SERVER for versions
prior to V10) to serve Aspen Watch history data.
To guarantee communications use a single port for this history data (across
the separating PCN firewall), make the following configurations (detailed steps
are provided in the sections that follow):
 Step 1: At the Aspen Watch server, specify a port number for the Aspen
InfoPlus.21 external task TSK_ORIG_SERVER (TSK_DEFAULT_SERVER for
versions prior to V10).
 Step 2: At the PCWS server and Aspen PID Watch clients, create an
infoplus21_api.config file that specifies the same port number for the
Aspen Process Data Web component to use.

Important: Port number 10016 is the recommended port for Aspen Watch
history data transfer. See the instructions, next, and also see the table in the
section "Firewall port numbers," at the end of this chapter.

Step 1: Configure the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Task port number

on the Aspen Watch server:
1 On the Aspen Watch server, start Aspen InfoPlus.21 Manager, and in the
Defined Tasks list, select TSK_ORIG_SERVER.
Note: If your PCWS version is older than V10, then select
2 In the Command line parameters box, enter the following, as
determined by the PCWS version:
PCWS Version External Task Name Command line parameters

V10 and later TSK_ORIG_SERVER -v1 -n10016

Older than V10 TSK_DEFAULT_SERVER -v5 -n10016
o -v1 represents the version number "1" that must always be used for
o -n10016 represents the specified port number.

68 Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration

3 Restart TSK_ORIG_SERVER (or, for versions prior to V10,
TSK_DEFAULT_SERVER), and exit from Aspen InfoPlus.21 Manager.

Step 2: Configure the corresponding port number on the

PCWS web server and Aspen PID Watch clients:
1 On the PCWS server, or on Aspen PID Watch client PCs, use a text editor,
such as Notepad, to create the following configuration file...
Tip: You can use the installed sample file,
infoplus21_api.sample_config, as a starting baseline for making the
infoplus21_api.config file. The sample file is in the same folder.
...and place it in the following folder:
<C:>\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AspenTech Shared
...for v10 and later PCWS servers, also place a copy of the file in the
following folder:
<C:>\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared
Important: When you edit infoplus21_api.config, start the text editor
program with the right-click, Run as administrator command. All work
performed in the \Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AspenTech
Shared folder requires administrator permissions. Save the
infoplus21_api.config file as a UTF-8 Encoded text file.
2 In the infoplus21_api.config file, place the following content:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<Server HostName="AspenWatchHostName">

Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration 69

<APIServer Version="1" Port="10016"/>
o "AspenWatchHostName" matches the name of the Aspen Watch server
on the PCN at your site. You can also add multiple <Server> nodes to
allow for multiple Aspen Watch servers.
o Version = "1" matches the external task version number
o Port = "10016" matches the port number you specified in the
Command line parameters box of Aspen InfoPlus.21 Manager, on
the Aspen Watch server. If you are adding multiple <Server> nodes,
all of them can use the same port number.
3 After you save the infoplus21_api.config file, restart IIS (Internet
Information Server) on the PCWS server to make the changes effective

Firewall port numbers

The table below provides required port numbers for firewall configurations. All
ports are TCP protocol. Firewall rules can be configured to limit access for
specific IP addresses if desired. Also see Aspen Production Control Web Server
Webhelp topic "Data Services Customizations" | "Online Data Services
Security Configurations" for ways to lock down access to online data services.
These ports requirements are valid for all versions v7.3.0.1 and later.

PCWS firewall ports for a DMZ deployment scenario

Application Protocol Port Originator Destination

Ports to access online applications data from PCWS

Aspen DMC3 TCP 12347 PCWS (DMZ) RTE online server (PCN)
Aspen DMCplus TCP 12348 PCWS (DMZ) DMCplus online server
Aspen IQ TCP 12350 PCWS (DMZ) IQ online server (PCN)
Ports to access RTE online server from DMC3 Builder
DMC3 Builder TCP 12346 DMC3 Builder (DMZ) RTE online server (PCN)
Ports to access Aspen Watch data from PCWS
Aspen Watch TCP 12351 PCWS (DMZ) Aspen Watch (PCN)
SQLplus TCP 10014 PCWS (DMZ) Aspen Watch (PCN)
InfoPlus.21 trend TCP 10016 PCWS (DMZ) Aspen Watch (PCN)
history data PID Watch (DMZ)
ADSA TCP 10030 PCWS (DMZ) Aspen Watch (PCN)
Ports to access PCWS server from Aspen Watch (to publish reports, etc.)
PCWS TCP 12352 Aspen Watch (PCN) PCWS (DMZ)
Ports to access PCWS from web browser
PCWS web pages TCP 80 Web browser (BLAN) PCWS (DMZ)
A1PE Search TCP 8080 Web browser (BLAN) PCWS (DMZ)

70 Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration

Application Protocol Port Originator Destination

Ports to access Aspen Watch data from a subscriber IP.21 database (Replication)
Subscriber Aspen TCP/UDP 1801 Aspen Watch (DMZ)* Aspen Watch (PCN)
Watch database

* If you choose to make use of the IP.21 Replication functionality for Aspen
Watch, the subscriber IP.21 (Aspen Watch) server also needs to allow an
inbound Windows Firewall port rule to allow both TCP and UDP requests on
port 1801. IMPORTANT: Only install the Message Queuing Server option of
the Message Queuing feature (MSMQ) on both the subscriber and publisher
IP.21 servers for this port rule to function correctly. Selecting any of the other
MSMQ options will prevent it from working.

Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration 71

72 Appendix B: Firewall Ports Configuration
Appendix C: Deployment

This appendix provides information you need to determine the number of

computers and the class of those computers to provide a complete Advanced
Process Control solution. Your solution will likely be different from the layouts
presented in this appendix, but you should have sufficient information to
decide which parts you need for your set of applications.

AMS Advanced Process Control

The Aspen Manufacturing Suite (AMS) Advanced Process Control products are
provided in four software classes. This section identifies those classes and the
software that belongs to each class.
The class of software you are installing determines which system
requirements must be met.
APC Desktop – This class of software includes:
 Aspen DMC3 Builder (for building Aspen DMC3 and APC applications)
 Aspen DMCplus Desktop
 Aspen Inferential Quality Builder
 Aspen PID Watch Performance Monitor
 Aspen SmartAudit
APC Online – This class of software includes:
 Aspen DMC3 (when running as an Online or Server product)
 Aspen DMCplus Controller
 Aspen DMCplus Composite
 Aspen Inferential Qualities
APC Web Server – This class of software includes:
 Aspen Production Control Web Server
APC Performance Monitor – This class of software includes:

Appendix C: Deployment Recommendations 73

 Aspen Real Time Optimizer (RTO) Watch Performance Monitor Server
 Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server

Basic Deployment
Due to performance considerations, APC Performance Monitor (Aspen Watch)
should always be installed on a dedicated server machine, unless the planned
number and size of monitored APC applications is small (i.e., less than 100
independent and dependent variables total).
For APC Web Server and APC Online classes of software, if the machine has
sufficient memory and number of cores (6 to 16 GB of memory and 6 to 8
cores or more) allocated to run the APC Software, then it may be viable to
install APC Online and APC Web Server on the same computer. Obviously,
several criteria—such as the number and size of the applications, and the
number of web users—dictate how many processing cores and memory are
Running all classes of Aspen Process Control software on virtual machines is
acceptable. However, a virtual machine must be given enough processing
cores (2 to 4, minimum) and memory allocation (3 to 6 GB, minimum) to
perform well in a production environment.
Installing APC Desktop products on an APC Online server is perfectly
acceptable for uses such as modifying controller configurations. However,
extensive use of the desktop tools on an online server may interfere with the
performance of the online controller applications.

Minimum server configurations for example

The following notes exemplify server configurations that are minimal, but
acceptable, in installations where typical hardware recommendations (see
"System Requirements," page 11) cannot be met.

APC Online
 All APC Online server products require a minimum of two virtual
processors (four is recommended), and a minimum of 4 GB of RAM to
 The DMCplus / DMC3 control engine is not computationally intensive, and
four virtual processors and 4 GB of RAM are enough if the following
conditions exist:
o A hosted Composite application is of moderate size (<200 variables).
o Number of future MV moves is limited to 14, and the controller is of
moderate size (<50 MVs).

74 Appendix C: Deployment Recommendations

o Move Plan Option (DYNOPT) is set to zero (0). (However, the controller
will function better if DYNOPT=3 and the server hardware more closely
matches recommended "System Requirements.")
o Maximum controller size is moderate (i.e., <50 MVs per controller),
and the total number of controllers is less than ten.

APC Web Server

 APC Web Server requires a minimum of four virtual processors and 4 GB
of RAM to function.
 As noted above, it may be viable to install both APC Online and APC Web
Server on the same computer. However, when both are installed on the
same computer, the server should have proportionally more memory and
virtual processors.
 APC Web Server needs progressively more memory if more than 10 users
are concurrently connected to the machine, or if more than 200 variables
(MVs and CVs) exist in online applications, or if more than 10 Aspen IQ
applications are being displayed.

APC Performance Monitor

 APC Performance Monitor (Aspen Watch) requires a minimum of four
virtual processors and 4 GB of RAM to function.
 As noted above, APC Performance Monitor should always be installed on a
dedicated server machine.
 APC Performance Monitor requires a high performance processor (as
recommended in "System Requirements") if the sum of MVs and CVs
for all controllers it monitors exceeds 200 in total.
 Processor performance and available memory are more important than
the number of virtual processors for an APC Performance Monitor server.

Typical deployment scenario for Advanced

Process Control products
In addition to Advanced Process Control products, there are several other
AspenTech software products you need to deploy Advanced Process Control
solutions. In particular, a security provider and a license provider are
necessary to run Advanced Process Control products.
Security is provided by either Aspen Local Security (recommended) or Aspen
Framework Server. Aspen Local Security is installed automatically with the
APC Web Server (Aspen Production Control Web Server, or PCWS). Only one
security server is required for your domain, but you may use a security server
dedicated to each PCWS server if desired.
License management is provided by Software License Manager (SLM). SLM is
part of the Aspen Manufacturing Suite DVD and has a separate installation
manual. It can be installed on virtually any computer that is accessible to the
other computers running AspenTech software.

Appendix C: Deployment Recommendations 75

Figure 1: Typical deployment scenario for Advanced Process Control software

Figure 1 shows a typical layout for running Advanced Process Control

software. Notice that there is a computer dedicated to security and licensing
(labeled SLM / ALS / AFW Server). This is not explicitly required, as some of
those software components can run on the other computers shown in the
figure. Our recommendations include:
 Aspen Framework Server (AFW) installed on a dedicated server (with
Software License Manager, or SLM).
 Aspen Local Security (ALS) installed on the Aspen Production Control Web
Server (PCWS) when possible, if a dedicated SLM / ALS / AFW Server is
not used.
 SLM installed on an APC Online server when possible, if a dedicated SLM /
ALS / AFW Server is not used.

76 Appendix C: Deployment Recommendations

Web Server Client PC
Online Server
Online Application
Production Control Web Client PC
Management Utility Web Server
APC Manage

IQ Historian

Collect BIN

ACO Base
CLC Extract
(Cim-IO client)

Cim-IO Cim-IO Cim-IO Input Data to

Server Server Server Desktop Software

Figure 2: Software components used for Advanced Process Control Online systems

Figure 2 shows several computers combined to provide an online control

solution. The shaded boxes represent individual computers.
 Client PC
Can run the Desktop tools and access online applications through the
Internet Explorer (IE) web client.
 Online Server
Uses ACO Base as a connect platform with applications originating from
Aspen DMCplus Desktop or Aspen Inferential Quality Builder installed.
 Web Server
(Aspen Production Control Web Server) should be installed on a separate
computer in most scenarios.
In some instances, however, it may be acceptable to install the Web
Server on the Online Server, provided the host machine has processing
cores and memory sufficient to service web requests without degrading
the performance of hosted controller applications.

Appendix C: Deployment Recommendations 77

Client PC

PID Watch Web Client PC


Watch Server
Management Utility
Aspen Watch Maker
RTO Watch Maker
Web Server

InfoPlus.21 IIS
Aspen Watch Server
RTO Watch Server Production Control
Web Server

Cim-IO Server Cim-IO Server Cim-IO Server

Online Application
Aspen Plus DCS, PLC, or DMCplus, DMC3
Online Server Process Database

Figure 3: Software components used for Aspen Watch Performance Monitor

Server systems

Figure 3 shows several computers combined to provide an online control and

optimization monitoring solution using Aspen Watch Performance Monitor or
Aspen RTO Watch Performance Monitor. The shaded boxes represent
individual computers.
 Client PC
Can run the Desktop tools and access online and Aspen Watch applications
(including Adaptive Modeling) through Internet Explorer (IE).
 Watch Server
(Aspen Watch Performance Monitor Server) includes an embedded Aspen
InfoPlus.21 database.
 Web Server
(Aspen Production Control Web Server) should be installed on a separate
computer in most scenarios.
Note: See the earlier discussion, under Figure 2, about the feasibility of a
single server machine hosting both the Web Server and the Online
controller applications.
In this situation, we recommend that the ADSA server reside on the Web
Server (it is installed there by default). ADSA facilitates communication
between Aspen InfoPlus.21 and the Web server and Aspen PID Watch
Performance Monitor.

78 Appendix C: Deployment Recommendations

Appendix D: Best Practices
and Troubleshooting

This appendix provides best practices and troubleshooting resources for

resolving installation or performance issues.

Best Practices
When preparing a Windows operating system for installing Aspen APC
 Set the final expected name of the machine as part of the initial Windows
Do not attempt to rename the server after installing the software. This is
possible to do, but it often comes with difficulties.
Using the SysPrep feature of Windows is a good way to start off with a
clean Windows operating system (OS) that has the basic prerequisites and
Windows updates.
 Install as many Windows prerequisites for the products you plan to install
as possible before running Windows Update.
 After installing the core Windows prerequisites, install all the latest
Microsoft Windows Updates. Reboot, if necessary, and check again to
verify the system is up to date.
 Disable all non-connected or unused network adaptors. A single network
adaptor provides plenty of throughput for most APC application servers.
 Minimize the number of domain controllers specified in the network
configuration, and verify that all these servers can be accessed quickly
(i.e., no slow connections). Using ping, if permitted, with a large size
packet is a good way to test this:
ping -l 32768 [hostname]
 If using a Windows domain environment, verify that the host name is
registered in a way that you can look up the server via host name and via
the IP address properly.
Verify that nslookup {hostname} and nslookup {IP address}
return the same results.

Appendix D: Best Practices and Troubleshooting 79

Note: The nslookup test does not work for Windows Workgroups.
 If using a WORKGROUP environment, configure the hosts table correctly
so that you can communicate between all related APC and OPC servers.

 When installing an Aspen APC major version or cumulative patch, always
perform a reboot of the machine.
Log back on immediately as the same user that performed the install.
Then, wait for all post-reboot actions to complete (various command
windows or scripts that may run after logging on after the reboot).
This is extremely important so that all post-reboot install actions can be
processed correctly.
 Never apply a software patch if there is a pending reboot due to a
Windows Update or an AspenTech major version or cumulative (CP)
Complete the reboot, first, before attempting to install any patches.

Support Resources
If you encounter unexplained slowness or errors while running the software,
consult the following Knowledge Base articles, available from the AspenTech
Support website, for updated recommendations regarding virus scanning
 Solution ID 000049932 - Which folders should be excluded from virus
scanning on a machine running Aspen Advance Process Control Software
 Solution ID 000066581 - Which folders should be excluded from virus
scanning on Aspen Cim-IO Interface servers?


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