The Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality

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THC 111


Group 4

Alessandra Camille Bales

Anna Mae Buday

Christian Dave Dequino

Ghen Marc L. Laña

John Carlo Dizon

Joshua B. Flores

Richel Millona

Ritche De Asis

The traditionally-described domains of tourism impacts are

economic, socio-cultural, and environmental. The economic

effects of tourism encompass improved tax revenue, personal

income growth, enhanced living standards, and the creation of

additional employment opportunities.

Positive impacts from this economic boom include robust

foreign exchange, increases in income, and GDP growth. Tourism

can also offer diverse employment opportunities, can be

developed with local products, and is often compatible with

other economic activities within a destination.

Hospitality is a field that focuses on providing

accommodations to visitors at hospitality-related industries,

such as hotels, motels, restaurants, cruise ships, country

clubs, casinos, and convention centers, while tourism is focused

on providing quality attractions and events in order to entice

tourists to come.


One of the biggest benefits of tourism is the ability to

make money through foreign exchange earnings. Tourism

expenditures generate income to the host economy. The money that

the country makes from tourism can then be reinvested in the

economy. The traditionally-described domains of tourism impacts

are economic, socio-cultural, and environmental. The economic

effects of tourism encompass improved tax revenue, personal

income growth, enchanted living standards, and the creation of

additional employment opportunities. At the global scale,

tourism is seem as one of the world’s largest and fastest

growing industries. The economics effects of hospitality an

example of a direct impact would be the employment that

hospitality creates. An indirect impact is the further

employment that’s created as a result of hospitality, for

example jobs created in the supply and delivery industry,

marketing, and in the farming industry.

Positive Economic Impacts

 Another positive impact of tourism is improvements in

infrastructure. These include road and sail improvements,

airport development and improvements in utilities, such as

water supply and telecommunications. Through these, local

people can benefit from the improved facilities which have

been provided for tourists.

Positive Socio-Cultural Impacts

 Are the human impacts of the tourism industry, with an

emphasis on changes in the quality of resident’s daily life

at the tourist destination and cultural impacts related to

transformations in traditional values, norms, and identities

arising from tourism.

Positive Environmental Impact

 It is generally the case that tourism has created more

negative impacts on the environment than positive impacts.

However, increasing awareness of the negative impacts of

tourism in recent years.


One of the most significant negative economic impacts of

tourism is the decline in traditional employment which happens

when workers move from industries such as farming, mining, and

fishing into service jobs in tourism industry. Another negative

impact of tourism is over-dependency. Tourism puts enormous

stress local land use, and can lead to soil erosion, increased

pollution, natural habitat loss, and more pressure on endangered

species. These effects can gradually destroy the environmental

resources on which tourism itself depends.

Negative Economic Impacts

Very often a large number of moving visitors into an area

pushes up the price of goods and services, meaning that the

local people have to pay more for food, drinks, transportation

etc. It is often the case that in popular tourist areas shops

provide products for tourists more than they do for local

people, meaning that the more gift shops and restaurants might

open rather than shops providing goods and services for people

living in the area.

Negative Socio-Cultural Impacts

These negative social impacts include; social change,

changing values, increased crime and gambling, changes in moral

behaviour, changes in family structure and roles, problems with

the tourist-host relationship and the destruction of heritage.

Negative Environmental Impacts

It has to be accepted that many forms of travel and tourism

have a damaging impact on the environment. Trains, cars aircraft

and ships all consume fuel and produce emissions that cause

atmospheric pollution which, in turn, contributes to climate



Tourism may have different effects on the social and

cultural aspects of life in a particular region depending on the

strengths of the region. The effect can be positive or negative.

Tours also focus on unique natural or geographical features like

the coastline, islands, mountains, health resorts, countryside,

etc. At such locations, the provision of tourist services and

the pressure of tourists are bound to have impacts on the

environment, economy, and local social practices and on the


Tours can be within national boundaries or in any place in

the world. Such a decision will have an impact on the economy of

both, the country of origin and the tourist’s destination site.

Social and cultural consequences of tourism originate from the

‘encounter’ or ‘contact’ with the tourist. To understand this,

we need to have an understanding of the role of the tourist, the

host, and the encounter; awareness of the importance of the

concept of the demonstration effect; an understanding of the

consequences of tourism for host societies; and an awareness of

the process and result of cultural change brought about by


As tourism reaches out to ever more distant and exotic

locations, often in lesser-developed countries, the consequences

of visitation upon the host community and their culture has

become an important issue. Tourism can support community

economically through employment, spending, and infrastructure

development but also bring less desirable consequences for host

communities, prompting both social and cultural changes within

those societies.

Reasons for Social & Cultural Impact

 The contrast between affluent tourists and residents in the

poorer countries of the world can be startling in terms of

behavior, language, and culture – contrasts that can lead to

significant and irreversible, changes in the host society.

 Tourists bring back new cuisines and customs, which are

slowly adopted

 Societies and cultures are constantly evolving and often

tourism can be a scapegoat for the inevitable change that

would have occurred without tourism

 Tourists are strangers in the destination, their behavior,

language, and way of dress are often significantly different

from the host leading to the idea of social or cultural

distance. This means that whilst the tourist can act as a

catalyst for change in the host society, the tourists

themselves are vulnerable to crime and exploitation, simply

by their status as strangers who are less aware of local

behavior and habits


Understanding the social impacts of tourism is vital to

ensuring the sustainable management of the tourism industry.

There are positive social impacts of tourism, demonstrating

benefits to both the local community and the tourists. There are

many social benefits of tourism, demonstrating positive social

impacts. These might include; preserving the local culture and

heritage; strengthening communities; provision of social

services; commercialization of culture and art; revitalization

of customs and art forms and the preservation of heritage

Preserving the Local Culture and Heritage

Local culture provides a sense of identity for rural

communities and residents. This identity facilitates common

understandings, traditions, and values, all central to the

identification of plans of action to improve well-being. Culture

contributes to building a sense of local identity and

solidarity. It is the local culture that the tourists are often

coming to visit.

Strengthening Communities

Tourism can be a catalyst for strengthening a local

community. events and festivals of which local residents have

been the primary participants and spectators are often

rejuvenated and developed in response to tourist interest.

Provision of Social Services

The tourism industry requires many facilities/

infrastructure to meet the needs of the tourist. This often

means that many developments in an area as a result of tourism

will be available for use by the locals also. Local people often

gained new roads, new sewage systems, new playgrounds, bus

services etc as a result of tourism. This can provide a great

boost to their quality of life and is a great example of a

positive social impact of tourism.

It is one of positive social impacts when it comes to

tourism because Social tourism can help to boost local economies

by providing a source of income for local businesses and

creating jobs in the tourism sector. This can be particularly

important in areas that are economically disadvantaged or have

limited employment opportunities

Commercialization of Culture and Art

Tourism can see rise to many commercial business, which can

be a positive social impact of tourism. This helps to enhance

the community spirit as people tend to have more disposable

income as a result. These businesses may also promote the local

cultures and arts. Museums, shows and galleries are fantastic

way to showcase the local customs and traditions of a

destination. This can help to promote/ preserve local

Revitalization of Culture and Art

Some destinations will encourage local cultures and arts to

be revitalized. This may be in the form of museum exhibitions,

in the way that restaurants and shops are decorated and in the

entertainment on offer, for example. This may help promote

traditions that may have become distant.

The preservation of Heritage

Many tourists will visit the destination specially to see

its local heritage. It is for this reason that many destinations

will make every effort to preserve its heritage. This could

include putting restrictions in place or limiting tourist

numbers, if necessary. This is often an example of careful

tourism planning and sustainable tourism management.


It increase the demand for basis services and goods from

tourists will often cause price hikes that negatively impact

local residents who income does not increase proportionately.

Tourism development and the related rise demand may dramatically

increase building cost and land values. And also will increase

in tourist arrivals, there has been a corresponding increase in

the demand for resources such as water, energy, and land. This

resulted in the overuse of these resources, leading to water

shortage, power outages, and deforestation.

It is usual to classify the negative impacts of Tourism and

Hospitality under the following headings:

 Economic impacts

 Environmental impacts

 Social impacts

 Cultural impacts

Economic Impacts

Very often a large number of moving visitors into an area

pushes up the price of goods and services, meaning that local

people have to pay more for food, drinks, transport etc. It is

often the case that in popular tourist areas shops provide

products for tourists more than they do for local people,

meaning that more gift shops and restaurants might open rather

than shops providing goods and services for people living in the

area. Local people often have to pay additional taxes to help

finance additional services which are provided for tourists,

such as water treatment facilities and tourist information


Environmental Impacts

It has to be accepted that many forms of travel and

tourism have a damaging impact on the environment.

Trains, cars, aircraft and ships all consume fuel and

produce emissions that causes atmospheric pollution which, in

turn, contributes to climate change. On April 26, 2018, the

Philippine resort island of Boracay, one of the country's major

tourist destinations, was temporarily closed to the general

public as part of the Philippine government's efforts

to rehabilitate and redevelop the island. As part of the

closure, Boracay was closed for six months.Oil from the boats,

litter from the beach and sewage illegally piped into the sea

polluted the waters.

Social Impact

There are a number of negative social impacts which have

been identified. These are mainly related to conflict between

the tourists and the host community. These may result from the

behavior of people living in the area who resent the tourists

taking over their community. However, it is often more common

that anti-social behavior from groups of tourists will be the

cause of the conflict. Negative social impacts also include

increased crime in the area, such as prostitution, illegal

gambling and drug dealing and robbery.

Cultural Impact

It is easier to provide international food and drink with

which tourists are familiar rather than encouraging them to eat

foods associated with the area. This has not been helped by the

global spread of fast food chains and multinational brands of

drinks. Another negative cultural impact of tourism is the

staging of events, dance or music specifically for tourists in a

way which demeans or makes fun of the local culture of the area.


The impact of Tourism and Hospitality on Culture refers to

the influence that tourists and the services created for them

have on local traditions, values, lifestyles, and expressions.

Tourism and hospitality can play a significant role in

shaping and transforming the cultural landscape of a

destination. This can be seen in changes to traditional

practices, values, and social behaviors as communities cater to

or adapt to the preferences and expectations of tourists. While

tourism can help preserve and promote cultural heritage, it can

also contribute to its commercialization or even erode it.

In Bali, Indonesia, traditional dances and ceremonies once

performed exclusively for religious or local community purposes

have been modified to cater to tourists. While this has provided

a source of income for local artists and boosted the economy, it

has also led to concerns about the commercialization and

dilution of authentic Balinese culture. As a result, some

ceremonies and dances are now tailored for tourist preferences,

potentially compromising their original significance and

spiritual essence.


Most of the common positive impacts of tourism on culture

include increasing cross cultural interaction; understanding,

maintaining and keeping local culture, arts, crafts and

traditions; empowering host communities; and strengthening

cultural values.

The two most important positive effects of tourism and

hospitality on culture are the following:

1.Intercultural Communication

2.Renaissance of Native Culture

Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication helps people to understand their

differences and find common ground, building stronger customer

relationships and a better brand reputation within businesses.

It is also vital for the success of organizations, as remote

work and working with people from all over the world are common


 Mobility, which is a prerequisite of tourism and

hospitality, is necessary for different social groups,

nationalities, and cultures to meet and interact.

 Cross-cultural communications between tourist and their

hosts may promote changes in local culture while preserving

or revitalizing local ethnic and cultural identity.

Renaissance of Native Culture

 Tourism and Hospitality may be important to the host country

to remind its people of its history and culture. In the

Philippines, many traditional folk customs and costumes are

preserved for the benefits of tourist.

 Modern Cultural centers in both developed and developing

countries have been highly profitable and have helped

maintain interest in their cultures.

There are two main purposes for cultural model villages:

1.To provide a location where visitors may observe and

participate in a particular culture without disrupting the

everyday life of the people who live in the area.

2.To portray the past history of the area.


While tourism and hospitality has enabled different people

to restore and maintain interest in their own cultures, it has

also led to the destruction of a country’s to work of art. The

local residents resent tourist who think they have the right to

the country’s art whether bought or stole.

Impact Control Measures

The following control measure may be adapted to reduce the

negative impact of tourism and hospitality on culture:

1.Develop programs which enhance tourism and hospitality’s

contribution to intercultural communication and interaction

such as matching tourist types with destination

characteristics and designing programs for the interaction

of local resident guests promoting goodwill “ambassadors”

tourist education.

2.Incorporate local indigenous features within western-style

structures such as decorating hotel interiors with local

paintings, murals, and sculpture, and encouraging porters,

maids, and waiters to dress in native costumes.


Tourism puts enormous stress on local land use, and can lead

to soil erosion, increased pollution, natural habitat loss, and

more pressure on endangered species. These effects can gradually

destroy the environmental resources on which tourism itself

depends. Extensive damage to the environment caused by

recreation and tourism, including despoiling of coastlines by

construction of tourist facilities; pollution of the sea; loss

of historic buildings to make way for tourist facilities, loss

of agricultural land for airport development, etc.

Tourism can cause the same forms of pollution as any other

industry: Air emissions, noise pollution, solid waste and

littering sewage, oil and chemicals. The tourism industry also

contributes to forms of architectural/visual pollution Tourism

puts enormous stress on local land use, and calead to soil

erosion, increased pollution, natural habitat loss, and more

pressure on endangered species. These effects can gradually

destroy the environmental resources on which tourism itself


The tourism industry generally overuses water resources for

hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of water

by tourists. This can result in water shortages and degradation

of water supplies, as well as generating a greater volume of

waste water. Some of the most popular natural attractions are

Boracay's beaches, Puerto Princessa Subterranean River National

Park in Palawan, and the Chocolate Hills in Bohol. These sites

are generating large amounts of tourism revenue for the local

and national economies as well as aiding the country's


The quality of the environment, both natural and man-made,

is essential to tourism and hospitality. Tourism has the

potential to create beneficial effects on the environment by

contributing to environmental protection and conservation. It is

a way to raise awareness of environmental values, and it can

serve as a tool to finance the protection of natural areas and

increase their economic importance. Tourism also has the

advantage of rebuilding and restoring historic sites and

fostering the evolution of cultures.

Environmental Awareness

Tourism and hospitality has the potential to

increase public appreciation of the environment and to spread

awareness of environmental problems when it brings people into

closer contact with nature and the environment. This

confrontation may heighten awareness of the value of nature and

lead to environmentally conscious behavior and activities to

preserve the environment.

Conservation and Preservation

Tourism can significantly contribute to

environmental preservation and conservation of biological

diversity and sustainable use of natural resources. Because of

their attractiveness, pristine sites and natural areas are

identified as valuable and the need to keep the attraction alive

can lead to creation of national parks and wildlife parks.

Development of Attractions

Attractions enhance cultural heritage and historic

sites, preserving communities' distinct cultures and fostering

cultural exchange. Tourism and hospitality also help to

diversify the tourism sector by recruiting a wider range of

visitors, extending their stay, and producing revenue for the

local community.


Tourism has adverse environmental consequences. They include

local natural resource depletion as well as pollution and waste

issues. Tourism frequently reduces natural resources, especially

in areas where resources are already scarce.

Tourism puts enormous stress on local land use,

potentially resulting in soil erosion, increased pollution,

natural habitat loss, and greater pressure on endangered

species. These effects have the potential to gradually destroy

the environmental resources on which tourism depends.

Environmental Conflicts

Some problems affecting the quality of the

environment are destruction of the vegetation, pollution (air,

water and noise) and the destruction of wildlife.

The depletion of the vegetation is caused by

the enormous number of tourists that trample on it. Campers

frequently chop tree limbs and even small trees in many parks.

Tourists harm vegetation cover in areas such as beaches and

islands. It also has an impact on animal habitats and modifies

the temperature in the area. The removal of vegetation causes

soil erosion and further degradation of the environment.

Tourism contributes to a wide range of

pollution. The gas fumes released by taxis, buses, and airplanes

contribute to air pollution. Water contamination, on the other

hand, is caused by untreated waste from beach guests.

Killing animals causes a variety of wildlife-

related issues. Elephants are killed for their tusks, zebras for

their hides, and lion claws for necklaces. The presence of a

large number of tourists in certain areas alters the breeding

habits and living patterns of much of the wildlife.

Geological Conflicts

Tourism and hospitality affect geological

formations. Some tourists collect minerals, rocks, fossils and

corals from tourist attractions. Others, destroy natural

formations by vandalizing.

Resident Conflicts

Some disagreements arise between residents

and tourists or tourism developers. The rising value of land

frequently pushes residents to relocate. Hotel construction also

causes traffic congestion and air pollution. Damage to the area

caused by vandalism and traffic congestion may also cause

problems between tourists and local residents. Farmers in rural

areas frequently worry about crop damage, farm structures, and

livestock, as well as the rising value of land, labor

competition, and soil erosion.

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