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Bridging skills gap required by industry and those

available in college graduates

Topic 1 Question

Name; Linford Kipngetich

Date; 28th June, 2023
Writersbay Essay
In modern technological spectrum, we spoke to various stakeholders involved in recruiting,
training and teaching about what skills those involved in recruiting believe are the most supply
of graduates and henceforth how educators and employers can collaborate to reduce the
increasingly widening gap.

For colleges, conducting an extensive skills gap analysis of their courses as well as degree
programs can do much to address the skills gap currently closing the doors to industry when they
see graduates. However, employers can build the necessary infrastructure for searching, hiring
and upgrading the workforce.

Colleges can close the existing skills gap by assessing and analysing skills required by particular
employers and industries, and redesigning courses and curriculum aligned with those skills.
Furthermore, companies can incorporate intense training programs, substantiated by mentoring.
This can be reinforced by setting up open access training programs to make sure adequate people
are equipped with needed skills that enable them to be hired into the industry.
Keywords : Education sector, Collage graduate, Technology, Skills
Setting up national or global screening systems allows employers to determine the skills that are
most helpful to their current employees, as they specify the systematic training that they should
consider. Nevertheless, employers should work hand in hand with educators, so that they tailor
their programs according to the latest technological industry needs.
While candidates should always aim for greater education with efficient skills, employers must
provide employees with training that addresses the existing skills gaps. Quite frankly, if
educators are able to supplement traditional undergraduate degree programs in order to better
equip students in all job prospects that tailor employers needs.

Better still, graduates should not only focus on what the institutions offer but diversify their
learning portfolio by tapping other key sectors such as real outdoor technical learning which
might unleash their potential. This is depicted when they also acquire skills in other institutions
at global perspective.
What is now crucial is helping facilitate collaborative efforts among corporate pioneers and
education leaders and reduce the large skills gap. They need to work together to tackle market
trends and skills gap.


Both the industry employers and the education colleges, universities etc should work
collaboratively so that fresh graduates can also showcase their talent and earn a living.
How can we bridge the skill & knowledge Gap of what education institution provides and the

industry demands from candidates? (n.d.). Intern-Nepal.



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