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Digamon, Rizza Mae C.



The term "practical" refers to something that is based on actual experience,

actual circumstances, or actual actions, as opposed to ideas or imagination. Being
practical and realistic are two sides of the same coin. Being realistic means that your
assessments of a particular situation are based on real-life situations, applicability,
awareness of risks, and taking risks or actions with an extremely rational mindset. Being
practical can be re-stated as “Well Analyzed”. Also, the concept of "doing" is at the heart
of the meaning of the word "practical," which was derived from the word "practice" and
means "acting in real life."

The concept of practical is essential to our well-being and the well-being of our
society. In our life, the only way truly enjoy is to be practical. It is being aware of one's
limitations while also believing that nothing is truly out of reach. A practical person is
extremely well-organized. When making arrangements, you can rely on them because
they are the most knowledgeable about the situation on the ground. They stick to their
goals and objectives because of their upbeat and determined attitude. They can easily
translate their thoughts into deeds, which advances them toward their objectives. A
practical person knows how to prioritize their tasks. Their biggest asset is keeping the
tasks in a sensible order. The key characteristic of a practical person is confidence and
the capacity for making wise decisions in life. They are aware of what they are doing;
they don't just act on assumptions. If someone tells you to be practical, it means that
they expect you to see how your thoughts and actions would play out in the real world
and see if they are possible or feasible. It is very helpful to us especially in difficult

Presentation of the Principle

This principle points out on how to be practical in life. A practical person focuses
on doing real things, and they tend to reach goals that are clear and useful and give
them feedback right away. People who think and act this way don't care about or find
value in anything that doesn't help them or has little risk. It also means that the way
something is done doesn't matter as much as the result. If the end result is good, it's
likely that the ways to get there are also good. They don't understand much about the
world of ideas, feelings, and values. They think it's fine if something works. If not, we
need to look into the process to find out what went wrong.

We might think that someone who is practical doesn't have any doubts, but this
isn't true. For them, real results are simply more important than guesses or plans. In
some ways, they are afraid of the second group because they know that most of the
time, they only talk and never do anything specific. People who are good at doing things
make important contributions, especially when there are problems or crises. In many
situations, what matters is what you do, not what you guess or think. If someone has a
heart attack or a business goes downhill, someone needs to do something. That's when
a practical person shows how much they can do.


People say that living life is a skill that only a few good people have. Everyone
else just wants to get to this ideal way of living. Doing practical things and being
practical will help us move forward. There are many ways to look at a certain event.
There are religious beliefs, spiritual teachings, self-beliefs, self-interpretations, and, last
but not least, the practicality of that situation. All of these things have their own uses,
and the only thing that needs to be improved is how they are used. Practicality keeps us
grounded in the present, which is very important if we want to move forward. Also, if
you're a realist, you look at the situation and the result in terms of how likely they are to
happen. This makes people who are mostly successful because they are honest. So,
everyone should try to be practical as much as possible because it's a better way to live.

How can be one moral or immoral?

It is considered moral if you used it to put in a lot of effort in life, be responsible,
and just be realistic, for example by getting a job so you could pay for the things you
required and desired. On the other hand, if you used other people as a way for you to
get something you want. Just so you can benefit from other people. Also, it would be an
immoral act if you’re usually dismissed as being irresponsible daydreamers who can’t
be counted on.

Strengths and Weaknesses


The strengths of this principle are: you don’t just assume things and act, but you
know what you are doing. You have the confidence and ability to make rational
decisions. If you are able to think practically, you can determine what is best for you in
the long run, and if you work in accordance with that knowledge, you won't find yourself
hurting as frequently. You have a clear mind; you can't get away with even the smallest


The weaknesses of this principle are: because you don't pay attention to what
other people have to say, you frequently find yourself making choices that turn out to be
incorrect. You develop a narcissistic personality. At other times, you may feel as though
you are the best person in the world and that no one knows anything better than you do.
You aren't particularly concerned about the people in your immediate environment.
People have the impression that you lack emotion or are a little bit mean.

Is this principle workable or attainable? Why?

This principle is workable and attainable because you can be as specific as

possible while remaining simple enough to be implemented. The process is broken
down into steps that are easy enough for a novice to understand and follow along with.
Ideally, in a way that adheres to a process so that the results can be duplicated. In our
everyday life, we will experience different trials in life and we can use this principle to
help us to overcome from it.

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