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Physical properties of root cementum: Part 10.

Comparison of the effects of invisible removable
thermoplastic appliances with light and heavy
orthodontic forces on premolar cementum. A
microcomputed-tomography study
Laura J. Barbagallo,a Allan S. Jones,b Peter Petocz,c and M. Ali Darendelilerd
Sydney, Australia

Introduction: Orthodontic treatment with clear sequential removable thermoplastic appliances (TAs) is
gaining popularity as an alternative to treatment with fixed appliances. The amount of orthodontically induced
inflammatory root resorption generated by such appliances has not been investigated. In this prospective
randomized clinical trial, we used x-ray microtomography to quantify resorption generated by treatment with
ClearSmile appliances (ClearSmile, Woollongong, Australia) and compared the effects with those of heavy
and light conventional orthodontic forces and no force. Methods: The sample consisted of 54 maxillary first
premolars in 27 patients who required bilateral extractions as part of their planned orthodontic treatment. The
subjects were randomly assigned to 3 groups, each with 9 subjects. A split-mouth design was used, and
forces were applied to the first premolars. In group 1, TAs were used to move teeth on 1 side in a buccal
direction at a rate of 0.5 mm every 2 weeks (TA movement); the contralateral teeth were not moved and
served at controls. In group 2, TA movement was used on 1 side. A buccal force of 225 g from a beta-titanium
alloy cantilever spring (heavy force) was used on the contralateral side. In group 3, TA movement was used
on 1 side. A buccal force of 25 g from a cantilever spring (light force) was used on the contralateral side. The
treatment duration was 8 weeks (56 days ⫾ 1 day). The TAs were changed every 14 days, and each patient
used 4 appliances. The springs were not reactivated. At the end of the study period, the teeth were extracted
according to a strict protocol to prevent root damage. Resorption was measured with an x-ray microtomo-
graph (1072, SkyScan, Aartselaar, Belgium). Software analysis determined quantity, location, and distribution
of root resorption craters. Results: The control teeth had the least amount of resorption. The light-force teeth
had approximately 5 times more resorption than the control teeth (P ⬍.001). The TA teeth had similar but
slightly greater resorption than the light-force teeth, or approximately 6 times greater than the control teeth
(P ⬍.001). The heavy-force teeth had the most resporption, about 9 times greater than the controls (P ⬍.001).
Conclusions: Clear removable TAs have similar effects on root cementum as light (25 g) orthodontic forces
with fixed appliances. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;133:218-27)

xternal surface root resorption can be defined term orthodontically induced inflammatory root re-
as the active removal of mineralized and sorption (OIIRR) has been suggested.4
nonmineralized cementum and dentin.1 The When OIIRR extends beyond the cementum layer
types of factors that cause pathologic external root into the dentin, it is irreversible.5 Extensive postorth-
resorption are trauma, infection, and tooth move- odontic root resorption compromises the benefits of an
ment.2,3 Although the outcome of these root resorp- otherwise successful orthodontic outcome. Thus, more
tive processes is frequently similar, orthodontic root knowledge is needed about the risk factors associated
resorption is distinct from the other types. Thus, the with new appliances and root resorption.

From the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

Postgraduate student, Discipline of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry. Reprint requests to: M. Ali Darendeliler, Discipline of Orthodontics, Faculty of
Senior lecturer, Electron Microscope Unit, University of Sydney, Sydney, Dentistry, University of Sydney, Level 2, 2 Chalmers St, Surry Hills NSW
Australia. 2010 Australia. e-mail,
Honorary associate, Discipline of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry; Univer- Submitted, August 2005; revised and accepted, January 2006.
sity of Sydney; statistician, Department of Statistics, Macquarie University, 0889-5406/$34.00
Sydney, Australia. Copyright © 2008 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
Professor and chair, Discipline of orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2006.01.043

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Barbagallo et al 219
Volume 133, Number 2

OIIRR has mainly been detected with radio- result in less root resorption than movement with fixed
graphs,6,7 light microscopy,8 scanning electron micros- appliances.
copy (SEM),9-11 and conventional computed-tomogra- Some studies in the literature investigated the rela-
phy (CT) scanning. The former 2 methods of analysis tionship between interrupted or discontinuous forces
rely on 2-dimensional (2D) measurement techniques. compared with continuous forces and OIIRR. A pause
Because OIIRR is 3-dimensional (3D), more accurate in tooth movement is believed by many authors to
quantitative measurements can be achieved with 3D allow the resorbed cementum to heal, and thus many
techniques including SEM measurements12-14 and x- concluded that discontinuous forces cause less root
ray microtomography (micro-CT).15,16 Two-dimen- resorption.20-27 A number of studies with varying
sional radiography is the most conservative diagnostic durations and frequencies of interruption in the applied
tool for the clinical detection of root resorption in forces have led to varied results. One SEM study
patients. Conventional CT scanning has a significant involved premolars in a split-mouth setup.26 The au-
advantage over 2D radiography in the clinical detection thors found that a discontinuous force (100 g, 12 hours
and quantification of root resorption, but its high cost a day) resulted in less OIIRR than a continuous force
and high radiation exposure to the patient limit its (100 g, 24 hours a day).26 A study with young adult
clinical use. Three-dimensional methods including beagle dogs was conducted to compare continuous (24
SEM and x-ray micro-CT are more accurate and hours a day) to discontinuous (16 hours a day) forces.25
reliable quantitative measurement tools in studies that There were great variations in force levels (10-200 cN)
quantify OIIRR in extracted teeth than 2D methods.13 and treatment durations (4-100 days). Histologic and
Kesling introduced the use of a flexible removable histomorphometric evaluations showed that the discon-
orthodontic appliance for minor tooth movements after tinuous regimen of force application caused signifi-
cantly less resorption than continuous forces.25 Another
fixed appliance therapy in 1945.17 These appliances
histologic study involved human premolars.28 Teeth
were used as orthodontic retainers even earlier.17 Two
with the force reactivated every week over 3 weeks
commercial systems available in Australia involve a
(which the authors called “constant force”) and teeth
series of clear thermoplastic appliances (TAs) for
with force not reactivated over 3 weeks with an
sequential tooth movement as an alternative to treat-
additional week of recovery had no histologic evidence
ment with fixed appliances: ClearSmile (ClearSmile,
of a significant difference in OIIRR.28 In view of these
Woollongong, Australia) and Invisalign (Align Tech-
findings, it is expected that removable TAs provide the
nology, Santa Clara, Calif).
opportunity, however limited, for resorbed cementum
The ClearSmile laboratory procedure involves
to heal due to the discontinuous force applied.
manually resetting teeth in sequential stages on a The aims of this study were to investigate quanti-
plaster model. A series of TAs is then constructed. No tatively, with x-ray micro-CT, the amount of OIIRR
studies have yet been made of the effects of sequential induced by ClearSmile sequential removal TAs and to
removable TAs on root cementum. compare the amounts of resorption induced by light and
Few studies have compared OIIRR from removable heavy forces from conventional fixed cantilever orth-
appliance treatment with fixed appliance treatment. odontic appliances with the amount of OIIRR caused
Removable appliances do not apply a continuous force by the TAs. The force applied by the ClearSmile
to teeth as do fixed appliances. A radiographic study appliances to premolars was investigated in another
established that fixed appliances are more detrimental study.29
to the roots of the maxillary incisors than “activators
and spring plate” removable appliances.18 Another
radiographic study by the same authors involved a MATERIAL AND METHODS
comparison of patients treated with full fixed edgewise Two commercial orthodontic companies that offer
appliances with Class II elastics and rectangular wires treatment with clear sequential removal TAs were con-
and patients treated with activators, plates with clasps, tacted regarding participation in this study. ClearSmile
and vertical elastics.19 The latter group had no OIIRR. agreed to provide the appliances for this study.
The authors concluded that open activators, plates with The sample consisted of 54 maxillary first premolars
clasps, and vertical elastics had low correlations with from 27 patients (15 female, 12 male) who required the
root resorption. The patients treated with fixed appli- bilateral removal of these teeth as part of their planned
ances, rectangular archwires, and Class II elastics had orthodontic treatment. Ethics approval was given by the
notable OIIRR.19 Because TAs are removable, it is Central Sydney Area Health Service Ethics Review Com-
hypothesized that tooth movement with them would mittee (reference number X03-0224). The mean age of the
220 Barbagallo et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2008

Fig 1. A, Group 1 (n ⫽ 9): TA and control (force, 0 g). B, Group 2 (n ⫽ 9): TA and heavy force
(225 g) with a 0.017 ⫻ 0.025-in beta-titanium alloy cantilever. C, Group 3 (n ⫽ 9): TA and light force
(25 g) with a 0.017 ⫻ 0.025-in beta-titanium alloy cantilever.

patients was 15 years 4 months (range, 12 years 6 ances, each with a sequential buccal movement of 0.5 mm
months-20 years 0 months). The patient selection criteria to a maxillary first premolar.
were described previously.30 The subjects were randomly On the side of the dental arch receiving the canti-
allocated into 3 groups each consisting of 9 subjects. The lever spring force, 0.022-in slot SPEED brackets (Strite
experimental duration was 8 weeks (56 days ⫾ 1 day). Industries Ltd, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada) were
Group 1 (n ⫽ 9) received TA treatment on 1 bonded to the first molar and the first premolar. The
premolar for buccal movement of 0.5 mm every 2 weeks. cantilever spring forces were calibrated to the nearest
A new appliance was issued every 2 weeks to simulate a gram (or centinewton) with a strain gauge (Dentaurum,
typical clinical situation. The contralateral premolar Ispringen, Germany). A tipping tooth movement was
served as the control (ie, no movement) (Fig 1, A). expected to be generated by the cantilever. According
Group 2 (n ⫽ 9) received TA treatment on 1 to the protocol of a previous study, the first molars in
premolar for buccal movement of 0.5 mm every 2 the opposing arch of all patients were bonded with a
weeks. A new appliance was issued every 2 weeks to layer of Multi-cure glass ionomer cement (GIC) (3M
simulate a typical clinical situation. The contralateral Unitek, Monrovia, Calif).31 The GIC served 2 pur-
premolar received an initial buccal force of 225 g (225 poses: to open the occlusion to reduce occlusal
cN, heavy force) from a beta-titanium-molybdenum interferences on the study premolars and to minimize
alloy 0.017 ⫻ 0.025-in cantilever spring. This force cantilever spring deformation.
was not reactivated over the 8-week duration to repli- One operator (L.J.B.) treated all patients. Origi-
cate a typical clinical situation (Fig 1, B). nally, 32 subjects participated in the study. The teeth
Group 3 (n ⫽ 9) received TA treatment on 1 from 5 subjects were eliminated for the following
premolar for buccal movement of 0.5 mm every 2 reasons: 1 subject dropped out during treatment, 1
weeks. A new appliance was issued every 2 weeks. The debonded a bracket during treatment, and 3 had loss of
contralateral premolar received an initial buccal force apices during extraction. The loss of the teeth apices
of 25 g (25 cN, light force) from a beta-titanium- was due to fracture involving loss of one third to one
molybdenum alloy 0.017 ⫻ 0.025-in cantilever spring. half of root length; this was related to the difficulty of
This force was not reactivated over the 8-week duration the modified extraction technique. Two teeth that had
(Fig 1, C). loss of apices were control teeth, and 1 was a light-
The patients were instructed to wear the TA full- force tooth. The damaged teeth and their undamaged
time (excluding meals and oral hygiene procedures) for contralateral opponents were eliminated from the study
2 weeks until the next appliance was issued. It was not because this was a split-mouth setup for the purposes of
possible to determine how many hours per day the univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA). The subject
patients wore the appliances, but each device was who dropped out during treatment was from the light-
completely passive at the end of its 2-week treatment force group, and the patient who debonded the bracket
period. was in the heavy-force group.
The procedure for TA treatment involved the ac- After the treatment protocol, extractions were per-
quisition of a polyvinyl-siloxane impression of the formed by 1 of 3 surgeons at the Sydney Dental
maxillary arch. After cold sterilization, each impression Hospital. The procedure involved a modified technique
was sent to ClearSmile with a prescription for 4 appli- to prevent damage to the cementum, as outlined in a
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Barbagallo et al 221
Volume 133, Number 2

Fig 2. Measurements of tooth movement: top, expected tooth movement measured on photo-
copies of 4 TAs per patient, with 5X magnification; bottom, tooth movement measured on
photocopies (5X magnification) of initial and final study models from the ClearSmile laboratory.
Study models were marked with 0.3-mm pencil.

previous study.12 The teeth were stored in Milli-Q appliance). On the printed images, a 0.3-mm pencil line
(deionized water; Millipore Milli-Q, Bedford, Mass), was drawn from the canine to the second premolar
which has been established as a suitable medium for buccal cusp tips. The relative amount of movement of
storage.32 Tooth disinfection and removal of periodon- the first premolar buccal cusp tip to this line was
tal ligament remnants were done with a previously measured with electronic digital calipers (with accuracy
described methodology.16 of 0.01 mm) and adjusted for magnification (Fig 2, top);
The accuracy of the amount of movement pro- 0.3-mm pencil marks were made on the patient’s initial
grammed by the TAs was determined by measure- and final study models in the same locations as the
ments of study models and appliances from 13 appliances. Photocopies with 500% magnification were
randomly selected patients. Only initial and final made of the study models, and the same measurements
(after prescribed movement) study models were were made as for the TAs (Fig 2, bottom).
available from ClearSmile; thus, the exact amount of The cusp tips of the study models were identified
each sequential movement could not be measured readily because these regions are pointed. The TA cusp
with study models. The ClearSmile laboratory staff tips were rounded, since the process of appliance
were not informed of the intended measurements to be construction does not result in sharp contours. Thus,
made. As previously stated, each appliance was com- measurements were made of both appliance and study
pletely passive after 2 weeks of wear, including the models.
final appliance in the series of 4. The 54 premolars were scanned with the SkyScan-
A permanent ink dot was made on the canine, the 1072 x-ray desk-top microtomographer (SkyScan,
first premolar, and the second premolar buccal cusp tips Aartselaar, Belgium), and root resorption crater volume
of each TA. The appliances were photocopied with quantification was conducted. This protocol was carried
500% magnification (the exact magnification was de- out with the same methodology, equipment, and soft-
termined by photocopying a ruler with each model and ware as described in a previous study.16 Figures 3
222 Barbagallo et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2008

Fig 3. Three-dimensional and 2D reconstructed images of a premolar subjected to 8 weeks of

buccal movement with TA. From left to right: buccal-mesial view, mesial view, distal-buccal view,
and sagittal slice.

Fig 4. Three-dimensional and 2D reconstructed images of a premolar subjected to 8 weeks of

buccal movement with a light force (25 g). From left to right: lingual view, mesial-buccal view, axial
slice with a lateral canal and a resorption cavity, and sagittal slice.

Fig 5. Three-dimensional reconstructed images of a premolar subjected to 8 weeks of buccal

movement with a heavy force (225 g). From left to right: mesial, buccal-mesial, buccal, and distal

through 6 show examples of images from teeth sub- ment programmed into the appliances for the maxillary
jected to forces from the TAs, light and heavy forces, first premolar was 0.47 mm (range, 0.12-0.92 mm; 1
and control (no force). SD, 0.21 mm; 2 SD, 0.42 mm).
The 2 available sets of patients’ study models from
RESULTS the ClearSmile laboratory were compared for the
From the measurements of the TAs (after adjust- amount of movement of the maxillary first premolar.
ments for magnification), the mean amount of move- Each number was divided by 4 to provide an average
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Barbagallo et al 223
Volume 133, Number 2

Fig 6. Three-dimensional reconstructed images of a premolar subjected to no movement (control

tooth) and removed from occlusion with bite-opening GIC bonded to the mandibular first molars for
8 weeks. From left to right: buccodistal, distolingual, mesiobuccal, and lingual views.

Table I. Pair-wise comparisons Table II. Mean total OIIRR for the 4 force groups
(estimated marginal means)
Force Force Mean pair-wise
group group difference† SE Significance‡ 95% CI
0 control 1 light ⫺21.268* 2.767 .000 Force Mean SE Lower bound Upper bound
2 heavy ⫺41.533* 2.767 .000
3 TA ⫺24.121* 1.956 .000 0 control 4.913 1.786 1.228 8.599
1 light 0 control 21.268* 2.767 .000 1 light 26.182 1.786 22.496 29.868
2 heavy ⫺20.265* 2.767 .000 2 heavy 46.447 1.786 42.761 50.133
3 TA ⫺2.852 1.956 .947 3 TA 29.034 .799 27.386 30.682
2 heavy 0 control 41.533* 2.767 .000
1 pixel ⫽ 0.01709 mm.
1 light 20.265* 2.767 .000
Dependent variable, cube root volume tooth (pixels).
3 TA 17.413* 1.956 .000
3 TA 0 control 24.121* 1.956 .000
1 light 2.852 1.956 .947
2 heavy ⫺17.413* 1.956 .000 transformation results in measurements of the amounts
Dependent variable, cube root volume of OIIRR. of root resorption that are closer to normal and hence
Based on estimated marginal means. satisfy more closely the requirements of the optimum
*Mean difference is significant at the .05 level. statistical analysis procedures (ANOVA). Since we

Mean pair-wise difference between the force group in column 1 and were interested in the amounts of root resorption, it was
the adjacent force group in column 2.
‡ just as valid to measure this in terms of volume of
Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons.
resorption or radius of an equivalent hemispherical
crater. Thus, the unit of measurement used was 3公 of
programmed movement for the 4 appliances. The mean voxels—ie, pixels—which can easily be converted to
for all patients was again 0.47 mm (range, 0.20-0.66 3
公mm3, or millimeters.
mm; 1 SD, 0.15 mm; 2 SD, 0.3 mm). With a mean of For the 4 force groups (control, light, heavy, and
0.47 mm of movement per appliance, 4 appliances TA), an examination was conducted involving pair-
would produce a mean of 1.88 mm of movement. wise comparisons (with the Bonferroni adjustment for
To estimate the accuracy of the measurements, the multiple comparisons) (Table I). It was found that all
appliances and the models from 10 randomly selected pair-wise differences were significant (P ⬍.001), ex-
patients were remeasured. The coefficients of variation cept the difference between the light-force and the TA
(standard deviation/mean ⫻ 100) were 1.90% for mea- groups, which were not statistically significant.
surements on the appliances and 1.37% for the study Table II and Figure 7 show the mean total resorp-
model measurements. tion for the 4 force groups. The control teeth had the
Univariate ANOVA was performed on the raw root fewest resorption cavities. The light-force teeth had an
resorption data with software (SPSS for Windows, approximately 5 times more root resorption cavities
version 12; SPSS, Chicago Ill). The volumes of the than the control teeth. The TA teeth had a similar but
resorption cavities were transformed into cube-root slightly larger volume of cavities than the light-force
volume readings, a methodology that was used in teeth, approximately 6 times greater than the control
previous 3D volume root resorption studies.12,15,16 This teeth. The heavy-force teeth had the most resorption
224 Barbagallo et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2008

Fig 7. Cube root volume of the resorption cavities Fig 8. Cube root volume of the resorption cavities for
produced by the 4 forces: control (no force), light (25 g the 6 root surfaces for the 4 forces. BC, Buccal-cervical;
cantilever force), heavy (225 g cantilever force), and TA. BM, buccal-middle; BA, buccal-apical, LC, lingual-cer-
vical; LM, lingual-middle; LA, lingual-apical.
cavities, about 9 times greater than the control teeth
(Table II and Fig 5). There was a statistically significant Table III.
Pair-wise comparisons between selected loca-
difference in the volume of root resorption craters be- tions undergoing compression and tension for the light,
tween the control, light-force, and heavy-force groups heavy, and TA root resorption values.
(P ⬍.001). There was also a statistically significant
Force by Force by Mean
difference between the control, TA, and heavy-force position position difference SE Significance†
groups (P ⬍.001). The difference between the TA and
the light-force groups was not statistically significant Light BC Light BA 3.857 3.459 1.000
Light LA Light LC 18.298* 3.459 .000
(P ⫽ .947), even though the mean volume of resorption Heavy BC Heavy BA 19.469* 3.459 .000
craters in the TA group was slightly greater. Heavy LA Heavy LC 26.764* 3.459 .000
The factors used in the second ANOVA analysis TA BC TA BA 12.586* 1.997 .000
were subject (again a random factor) with fixed factors TA LA TA LC 18.744* 1.997 .000
of force (as before) and position. The root surface was Buccal-cervical (BC) with buccal-apical (BA), and lingual-apical
divided into regions according to the location of the (LA) with lingual-cervical (LC).
resorption. There were 3 axial zones, apical, middle, Dependent variable, cube root volume tooth.
and cervical, and 2 surfaces, buccal and lingual. Thus, Based on estimated marginal means.
*Mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
in combination, there were 6 regions. †
Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons.
Figure 8 shows the 6 surface resorption distribu-
tions of the sample divided into the 4 force groups. The
graphic distribution indicates that the teeth in the movements were executed by hand. However, the
heavy-force, TA, and light-force groups had the most average movement of 0.47 mm in 2 weeks was close to
resorption on the buccal-cervical and lingual-apical the prescribed movement of 0.5 mm in 2 weeks. The
surfaces. Table III gives pair-wise comparisons be- average rate of tipping movement that teeth can achieve
tween selected locations that are expected to experience in dense cortical bone in a healthy periodontium is
compression and tension for the light, heavy, and TA 1 mm per month,33 and the maximum biologic potential
root resorption values. Comparisons of buccal-cervical for tooth movement is 3 mm per month.34 Thus, the
(compression) with buccal-apical (tension), and lin- average programmed amount of movement of the TAs
gual-apical (compression) with lingual-cervical (ten- is not unreasonable because an average of 0.47 mm in
sion) were conducted. 2 weeks is programmed per appliance, and 2 appliances
are used each month; this results in a rate of tipping
DISCUSSION movement that approaches the theory of Roberts et al33
The amount of movement of the maxillary first regarding the average rate of movement.
premolar programmed by the TAs was found to be It was not practical to monitor the patients’ com-
highly variable. This is not surprising because the pliance with the instructions to wear the TAs full-time
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Barbagallo et al 225
Volume 133, Number 2

(except during meals and oral hygiene procedures). who might require more than 28 days for the resorption
Upon retrieval of each appliance, it was found to be to appear.
completely passive. Resorbed lacunae after orthodontic tooth movement
The few studies in the literature regarding remov- appear mainly in the regions of compression3,8,21,50,51
able appliances and OIIRR agreed that these appliances and rarely in the regions of tension.52 The 6 surface
induce less OIIRR than fixed appliances.18,19 Studies resorption distribution analysis (Fig 8, Table III) of the
involving a discontinuous force—a pause in active teeth in the heavy, light, and TA forces demonstrated
treatment every day—also found less OIIRR compared increased buccal-cervical and lingual-apical resorption
with continuous force.25,26 Our results show that the distributions. This corresponds with pressure in these 2
OIIRR induced by the TAs is relatively low and is regions generated by tipping tooth movements. These
statistically equivalent to the OIIRR associated with a findings agree with another 3D root resorption study.53
light continuous force of 25 g (cN). This can be However, the patients who participated in the study had
explained by the discontinuous and removable nature of teeth that were in malocclusion and often crowded, and
the force. Compliance of the participants, however, was the adjacent teeth might have influenced the direction
not determined; thus, poor compliance with wear of of movement.
removable appliances is another possible explanation The maxillary first premolars of all patients in our
for the low volume of OIIRR. study were examined with panoramic radiography.
It has been proposed that, if the force that induces All teeth had completed apexification, and no pre-
orthodontic movement is greater than the partial pres- treatment root shortening was visible before the
sure of the periodontal capillaries (26 g per square study. The patient selection process endeavored to
centemeter),35 periodontal ischemia will occur and lead eliminate those who were predisposed to root resorp-
to root resorption.8,36-38 Many animal39-41 and human tion.30 The control teeth had resorption despite the
studies16,38,42-45 have determined that the force magni- absence of force application; this was also found in
tude is directly correlated with the severity of OIIRR. other studies when no force was applied.12,14,16 The
However, other studies disagree with this principle.46-48 results support the proposal that other causative
These studies were histologic, involving 2D measure- factors are linked to root resorption apart from
ments of a 3D phenomenon. Histologic methods of orthodontic force.
quantification of resorption are not as accurate and
reliable as 3D measurement tools such as SEM and
x-ray micro-CT.13 Our 3D volumetric findings of a CONCLUSIONS
statistically significant difference in the volume of root A root resorption study involving sequential remov-
resorption craters between the control, light-force, and able TAs has not been conducted in the past. X-ray
heavy-force groups agrees with other 3D studies’ find- micro-CT is established as an accurate method for
ings that the force magnitude is directly correlated with quantifying root resorption compared with 2D meth-
the severity of OIIRR.16,38,42,43 ods.13 Only a few studies in the literature used x-ray
Schwartz35 in 1932 described his pressure-tension micro-CT to quantify OIIRR.15,16
theory and recommended 7 to 26 g per square centi- The following conclusions have been made from
meter as the most favorable force for tooth movement. the root resorption analysis of teeth subjected to TA
He believed that root resorption would occur if the forces compared with teeth subjected to light and heavy
force went beyond this limit. It has also been suggested cantilever forces and no force (control).
that, when forces are lower than the threshold, the
resorptive process stops.49 1. The teeth in increasing order of root resorption
As has been described in other root resorption cementum loss were control, light force, TA force,
studies from the University of Sydney, force levels for and heavy force.
the light force of 25 g (25 cN) and the heavy force of 2. The control teeth had the fewest resorption cavities.
225 g (225 cN) were selected.12,16 This facilitates The light-force teeth had approximately 5 times
comparison of results between the various root resorp- more root resorption cavities than the control teeth
tion studies from the department. Previous root resorp- (P ⬍.001). The TA teeth had a similar but slightly
tion studies at the University of Sydney involved 28 more cavities than the light-force teeth—approxi-
days of force application. However, after application of mately 6 times greater than the control teeth
force, it can take between 10 and 35 days for resorbed (P ⬍.001). The heavy-force teeth had the most
lacunae to appear.8,38,46,50 The duration of this study resorption cavities, about 9 times greater than the
was 56 days. This design thus encompassed patients control teeth (P ⬍.001).
226 Barbagallo et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2008

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