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Rev Chil Nutr 2022; 49(2): 167-172.

Artículo Original / Original Article

Greek vs traditional yogurts: Sensory and physicochemical comparison

Yogurt griego vs yogurt tradicional: Comparación fisicoquímica y sensorial

Maximiliano Escalona Jiménez1*.

Luis Manuel Hernández García2.
Luis Guillermo Ramírez Mérida3. 0000-0003-0453-0466
María Alcano4.
Neila S.P.S. Richards1.

1. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Departamento de Ciência y Tecnologia de Alimentos. Santa Maria, RS, Brasil.
2. Universidade Estadual de Maranhão, Programa de Pós Graduação em Agroecologia, São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil.
3. Universidad de Carabobo, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología,
Centro de Biotecnología Aplicada, Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela.
4. Inversiones Herrera-Alcano C.A, Guacara, Carabobo, Venezuela.

*Corresponding author: Maximiliano Segundo Escalona Jiménez.

Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM),
Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Este trabajo fue recibido el 11 de mayo de 2021.

Aceptado con modificaciones: 03 de noviembre de 2021.
Aceptado para ser publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2021.

Greek yogurt (GY) has gained popularity in recent years for its marked texture, taste, and nutritional characteristics com-
pared to traditional yogurt (TY). The objective of this work was to analyze the physicochemical, sensory, and lipid profile
of GY and TY with blueberry flavor, both manufactured by a local industry in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Protein
and lipid content, as well as humidity, ash, and fatty acid profile were quantified and a sensory evaluation was completed
using the affective method. The physicochemical results showed 1.5% and 2.3% more proteins and lipids, respectively,
for GY compared to TY. The humidity in TY was 10% lower than in GY. Eighteen types of polyunsaturated, saturated,
monounsaturated fatty acids were identified, with a high proportion of C14, C16, and C18. Sensory analysis showed a
preference for GY over TY (64% versus 36%, p<0.05). However, body, appearance, and texture attributes did not present
better acceptance scores for GY (p>0.05). Both the protein and lipid content, associated with creaminess, likely influence
better acceptance of GY.
Keywords: Creaminess; Greek Yogurt; Protein; Sensory acceptability; Traditional Yogurt.

El yogur griego (YG) ha ganado popularidad durante los últimos años por su marcada textura, sabor y características nutri-
cionales en comparación con el yogur tradicional (YT). El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el perfil fisicoquímico, sen-

Escalona M, et al. Rev Chil Nutr 2022; 49(2): 167-172.

sorial y lipídico de YG y YT con sabor a arándano, ambos fabricados por una industria ubicada en el estado de Rio Grande
do Sul, Brasil. Fueron cuantificados el contenido de proteínas, lípidos, humedad y cenizas, así como también el perfil de
ácidos grasos y la evaluación sensorial por método afectivo. Los resultados fisicoquímicos mostraron que YG contiene 1,5%
y 2,3% más de proteínas y lípidos, respectivamente, en comparación con YT (p<0,05). La humedad en YT fue 1,1 veces
menor que en YG. Fueron identificados 18 tipos de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, saturados, monoinsaturados, con mayor
proporción de C14, C16 y C18. El análisis sensorial mostró una preferencia por YG de 64% sobre YT 36% (p<0,05). Sin
embargo, no hubo diferencia significativa (p>0,05) en relación a la aceptación de los atributos color, olor, sabor y acidez.
Los atributos cuerpo, apariencia y textura presentaron mejores scores de aceptación para el YG. Tanto el contenido de
proteínas y lípidos, asociados a la cremosidad, probablemente hayan influenciado una mejor aceptación del YG.
Palabras clave: Aceptabilidad sensorial; Cremosidad; Proteína; Yogurt Griego; Yogurt Tradicional.

INTRODUCTION characterization, because this component has a protective

In recent years, the dairy industry has tried to innovate effect against some diseases including mammary cancer13.
and develop products with special characteristics, different Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the
flavors that promote health, in addition to satisfying the physicochemical, sensory characteristics and lipid profile of
palates and dietary habits of consumers1. Yogurt, as well as, Greek yogurt and traditional yogurt, both manufactured by
other fermented dairy products, is produced in almost all an industry located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
countries of the world. Most yogurts are healthy, considering
nutrient content, as well as the presence of probiotic MATERIALS AND METHODS
bacteria and low lactose levels2. The nutrients available Samples
in yogurt favorably complement the diet and provide vital Samples of Greek (GY) and traditional (TY) yogurt were
elements for growth and good health3. Yogurt results from supplied by a dairy industry located in Rio Grande do Sul,
the fermentation of milk by incorporating the type cultures Brazil, both with the same fabrication date, from the same
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus batch, packed in polyethylene plastic cups with an aluminum
thermophilus which act as lactic starters, transforming lactose seal. The ingredients listed on the product labels show that
into lactic acid4. Rapid milk acidification, together with the GY contained milk protein concentrate, skimmed milk
the proteolytic capacity of the starter cultures, generates a and/or reconstituted skimmed milk, milk cream, liquid sugar,
significant number of volatile compounds and non-volatile modified starch, dairy yeast, and gelatin stabilizer. On the
metabolites which are desirable for a good organoleptic and other hand, the TY contained the following ingredients:
sensorial yogurt quality, thus achieving better technological whole pasteurized milk and/or reconstituted whole milk
performance for product quality5. and milk ferment.
Yogurt is a product with good sensory characteristics
and acceptability6. The physicochemical, sensory and Physicochemical analysis
organoleptic characteristics vary between different types Protein analysis was performed from the nitrogen
of yogurt, where the quantity and type of milk lipids are determination by the Kjeldahl method, using 6.38 as the factor
critical7. Artisan Greek yogurt is highly oily because it is for dairy14. Lipids from samples for Free Fatty Acids analysis
made with sheep’s milk8. were extracted using water, chloroform and methanol (1:1:1) as
Current industrialized methods use biological and solvents15. Humidity was performed by gravimetric method14.
technological processes for mixtures with bovine milk to Mineral residues were quantified by calcination of samples
provide greater consistency, lipids, and proteins9,10. The at 550 °C16. Carbohydrates were calculated by differences.
production of Greek yogurt is currently the fastest growing The total caloric value was calculated by individual factors,
sector within the dairy industry. In 2008, this product was 9 for lipids and 4 for protein and carbohydrates. Analyses
launched in the United States and, in the second half of were performed in triplicate.
2012, in Brazil by Nestlé and Vigor. However, there are no Profile of fatty acids. The esterification method developed
standards for the elaboration of Greek yogurts in the United by Hartman et al.17 was used. Esters formed were analyzed
States, so they can be produced by a variety of methods; by Agilent Technologies 6.890N series gas chromatography
hence, a certain variability in sensorial characteristics is equipped with a fused silica capillary column (Supelco, Sigma-
expected11. Aldrich) (100 m long x 0.25 mm internal diameter x 0.2 mm
In recent years, Greek yogurt has gained popularity among thick of film) and flame ionization detector (FID). The column
consumers because it is far superior in terms of flavor and was heated at 35 °C for 2 minutes and was increased to 10
nutritional value compared to traditional yogurt6,12. Currently, °C every minute until 150 °C, remaining 2 minutes at that
besides the sensorial and physicochemical characteristics, temperature. It was then raised 2 °C per minute until reaching
the analysis of the lipids profile specifically of the presence 200 °C and remained 2 minutes at that temperature. Again,
of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) is included in yogurt temperature was increased 2 °C per minute until reaching

Greek vs traditional yogurts: Sensory and physicochemical comparison

220 °C remaining at that temperature for 21 minutes. The by calculating the acceptability index (AI), calculated from
entire process lasted a total of 73.5 minutes. Nitrogen was the expression: AI (%)= A x 100/B, where A= average grade
used as the carrier gas at 0.9 mL.min-1. The injected sample obtained for the product, and B= grade maximum given to
volume (split mode) was 1 µL. The temperature used for the product. Statistical tests were carried out in R studio
the detector (FID) was 280 °C. Fatty acids were identified v.4.1.0 (R Core Team 2021)19.
by comparison with reference pattern times (37 FAME mix
Supelco, Sigma, Bellefonte, USA). RESULTS
Sensory analysis. The panelists consisted of 45 untrained Table 1 shows the results corresponding to the
persons, aged between eighteen and fifty, of both genders, physicochemical parameters obtained in the GY and TY
recruited among students, professors, and administration samples. GY had 1.5 and 2.3 times higher protein and
workers of the Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, lipid content than TY, respectively. On the other hand, the
RS, Brazil. Sensory tests were carried out in sensory cabins moisture content of TY was 10% lower than GY (p<0.05).
of the Department of Foods Science and Technology of the GY was more caloric (calories /100g) than TY, which
UFSM. The affective-hedonic scale method was used, which was related to its highest content of lipids, proteins and
assumes that consumer preferences can be categorized carbohydrates (p<0,05).
by responses based on taste and dislike. Samples were Table 2 shows the lipid profile obtained in the GY and
present monadically in random order for each respondent, TY samples. There were 18 types of fatty acids including
accompanied by cookies and water between samples to saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Samples
cleanse the palate. Visual evaluation, olfactory, gustatory, did not differ in percentage (p>0,05). Both GY and TY were
and global impressions were recorded on 7-point scale. rich in saturated fatty acids (SFA), with a SFA content 2.5
The value one (1) was assigned to the expression “Like times higher than polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). A
Very Much” and the value of seven (7) was assigned to the greater proportion of C14, C16, and C18 fatty acids also
term “Dislike Very Much”. The respondents were asked was found in yogurt samples.
to indicate which sample was preferred. The results were The sensorial analysis showed that evaluators preferred
expressed as proportions and by attributes test of a queue GY (64.4%) compared to TY (35.5%), (p<0,05). However,
for the difference between preferences18. preference for color, odor, flavor, and acidity, did not differ
by yogurt type (p>0, 05). GY was preferred compared to
Statistical analysis TY for attributes such as body, appearance, and texture (p
Physicochemical parameters and fatty acid data for <0.05). Figure 1 shows the attributes of body, appearance,
Greek and traditional yogurts were analyzed using Student and texture, where the proportions for GY for “Liked Slightly”,
T-Test, with a p= 0,05 significance level. Sensory attribute “Liked Moderately”, “Liked Very Much” were 81.8%, 91.1%,
data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and 88.8%, respectively. On the other hand, for TY, the
and means were compared using Tukey’s post hoc test at a percentage of acceptability varied: 54.4%, 44.4%, and
p= 0,05 significance level. The acceptance was evaluated 77.7%, respectively.

Table 1. Physicochemical parameters analyzed in Greek yogurt (GY) and traditional yogurt (TY) samples.

Parameter Sample

Moisture 69.13 ± 0.11a 76.49 ± 0.05b

Ashes 0.67± 0.05 a
0.69 ± 0.05b
Protein 4.08 ± 0.07a 2.71 ± 0.17b
Lipids 7.91 ± 0.05 a
3.49 ± 0.23b
Carbohydrates 18.21 ± 0.28a 16.62 ± 0.49b
Calories (Kcal/100 g) 160.35 ± 1.01 a
108.73 ± 4.71b

Lowercase letters represent significant differences between samples.

Escalona M, et al. Rev Chil Nutr 2022; 49(2): 167-172.

Table 2. Fatty acids identified for Greek yogurt (GY) and traditional yogurt (TY) samples.

Fatty acid Sample


C4:00 0.91ª 0.98ª

C6:00 0.95ª 0.95ª
C8:00 0.73ª 0.74ª
C10:00 1.94ª 2.00a
C12:00 2.60ª 2.75ª
C14:00 10.97ª 11.35ª
C16:00 33.36ª 34.31ª
C16:1 1.40ª 1.51ª
C18:00 14.92ª 14.36ª
C18:1T11 2.76ª 2.47ª
C18:1N9T 0.52ª 0.50ª
C18:1N9C 24.91ª 23.23ª
C18:2N6T 0.20ª 0.19ª
C18:2N6C 3.81ª 3.12ª
C18:3N3 0.62ª 0.59ª
CLA 0.65ª 0.66ª
C22:00 0.11ª 0.13ª
C20:4N6 0.11ª 0.13ª
∑SFA 65.81ª 67.59ª
∑MUFA 28.84ª 27.71ª
∑PUFA 5.34ª 4.78ª
SFA/UFA 1.92ª 2.07ª

Lowercase letters represent significant differences between samples.

Figure 1: Body, texture and

appearance graphs in percentage
attributes of Greek yogurt and
traditional yogurt, where LVM: liked
very much, LM: liked moderately,
LS: liked slightly, NLND: neither
like nor dislike, D: disliked slightly,
DM: disliked moderately, DVM:
disliked very much.

Greek vs traditional yogurts: Sensory and physicochemical comparison

DISCUSSION Yogurts with higher fat content, regarding fibers, have more
The high proportion of proteins and lipids found in flavor and therefore better organoleptic characteristics29.
GY compared to TY is due to the ovine and caprine origin GY was, according to the respondents of the questionnaire,
of milk for GY production. The proportion of protein for creamier, with a more viscous consistency than TY. GY is
sheep’s milk is 1.7 times higher than that found in cow’s known as strained yogurt in the dairy category. The straining
milk. While the proportion of lipids is 2.1 and 1.19 times process is done to remove the excess watery whey, which
for sheep and goat milk respectively, relative to cow’s milk, gives the yogurt a creamier and thicker consistency30. The
this factor contributes to the proportional and nutritional introduction of GY changed American tastes in yogurt and
increase observed in the final product 20,21. its large consumer acceptance helped increase sales in the
On the other hand, the formulation of GY differs from yogurt category overall. As of 2018, over 300 million pints
TY due to the processing steps carried out during production, of Greek yogurt were sold in the United States, where the
where a concentration of proteins and lipids is carried out GY market represented 44% of total yogurt sales in 202031.
during the addition of cream and removal of the moisture While TYs have as their main attraction “probiotic
by eliminating whey using filtration and centrifugation cultures”, Greek yogurt mentions the word “delicious”
processes, which in turn improves the texture quality, indicating a product that causes the consumer’s sense of
making it creamier in addition to reducing the vulnerability well-being, so that dairy companies provide a superior
of yogurt to syneresis. This technological process also product on creaminess and flavor. Being a new product on
affects the percentages of moisture because it reduces the the market, the controversy revolves around the fact that it
water content and concentrates solids like proteins, lipids, contains a lot of calories32.
and ashes22. The technological scheme of GY production However, yogurt itself is a healthy product and contains
varies among companies, so products with subtle or marked Lactobacillus which maintains the balance of the intestinal
differences in their physicochemical composition may exist microbiota33. Consumers generally prefer GY because it is less
in the market. A physicochemical comparison among seven acidic than TY, “tastier” and with a pleasant texture, although
commercial GY made with cow’s milk showed an average it should be consumed in moderation. In yogurt preparation,
of 3.66 and 3.27% of protein and lipids respectively23. in addition to casein and whey protein aggregates, fat acts
These differences are difficult to determine given the lack as a body-providing agent and induces interaction with the
of knowledge in the formulations of both the commercial protein matrix. The gel is a firmness property, important in
yogurts analyzed and the yogurts evaluated in this research. the acceptance of the yogurt by the consumer34.
Milk fat content is a critical point, TY generally contains at
least 3.25% milk lipids, however, it can be lower in low-fat CONCLUSION
(0.5-3%) or fat-free (less than 0.5%) products. According In this study, fatty acid profiles showed no relevant
to Brazilian legislation, yogurt made from whole milk may differences between GY and TY, but a slightly higher UFA
contain between 3.0 and 5.9% fat and yogurt made with content was observed for GY. For both, eighteen types of
cream addition may be above 6.0%24. On the other hand, polyunsaturated, saturated, monounsaturated fatty acids
the minimum percent of protein that natural yogurt must were identified, with high proportions of C14, C16, and
present to be denominated as such is 2.7%25. C18. Protein and lipids were higher in GY, which likely
Although there was no significant difference between related to higher sensorial acceptance compared with TY,
SFA and unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), one can observe a highlighting the attributes of color, texture, and appearance
slight inclination in the content UFA for GY. This represents a
point of interest with respect to cholesterol levels. Different Founding Source. This research did not receive any
types of SFA exert different effects on plasma cholesterol. specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial,
Myristic acid (C14: 00), palmitic acid (C16: 00) and lauric or not-for-profit sectors.
acid (C12: 00) found in greater proportion in TY have the
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