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w.e.f. 31st May 2021

(Applicable for K9 and K3 teams)

The given document covers the following sections:

# Section What Does it Cover

1 Overall Guidelines for Pre-Sales Team General Guidelines

Attendance Criteria, Input Expectations,

2 Attendance Policy & Basic Input Expectations
Booking Pitch

3 Lead Booking Process for Pre-Sales Team Full Process

4 Incentive Policy for Pre-Sales Associates Incentive Structure

Performance Assessment Process & Performance

5 Process & Operational Plan
Improvement Program

1. Overall Guidelines:

● Bookings done by PSAs are to be transferred by Pre-Sales Managers or Pre-Sales Senior

Managers to respective BD Managers/ Senior Managers
● Bookings should be transferred daily (Wednesday to Sunday) before 10 am by PSMs i.e.,
bookings done by the Pre-Sales Associates on Tuesday should be transferred to BD Managers/
Senior Managers latest by Wednesday 10 am by the PSMs.

2. Attendance Policy and Expectations:

● The working days for the Pre-Sales team are Tuesday-Saturday
● Input expectations from PSA:
o Attendance Criteria: Each PSA is expected to complete minimum 180 minutes of Talk-
time daily. Automatic Attendance criteria will be applicable at 180 minutes of talk-time. In
special circumstances, the PS Manager can however raise approval requests at 150
minutes of talk-time.
o PSA is expected to do 6 genuine bookings/day or 30 genuine bookings/week (Zoom
model). Minimum expectations and performance management of PSAs are given in the
Performance Improvement section below (section 5)
● Booking Pitch:
● Pl see booking pitch here
● For each booking, Pre-Sales Associate should inform the parents about BYJU’S and collect
the following information which are mandatory to be filled in the form
o Student details: Name, class and school, tuition if any, kid’s academic performance
o Parent details and occupation: Occupation and assessment of financial paying
o Session confirmation: Exact date and time of the slot, with presence of both parents
and the child
o Mandatory to ask for the alternate phone number from the customer
● The Zoom booking has to be confirmed via Counselling Code/ OTP only

3. Lead Booking Process for the Pre-Sales Team:

● All PSAs would have a single Pre-Sales Phone Call or Follow Up Process Form which they have
to fill after a call/booking is made. The form to be filled and the process to fill the form is shown
below through a short video tutorial and screenshots. Please note that the PSAs have to fill
this one form only
● Once the form is filled with the booking details, an automatic activity “Zoom Demo Booked by
Prospecting Team” would be published on LeadSquared

Please find the video link to understand the process to fill the form below:
4. Incentive Policy for PSAs

● Starting current cycle, incentives will be calculated based on a 2-week booking cycle and will
be announced 6 weeks after the end of the booking cycle (incentives will be announced on
the earliest Wednesday after 6 weeks of stabilization)
● See below table for booking cycles, incentive announcement dates for current calendar year:
Booking Cycle Stabilization Period
First Wednesday
From To Upto
after stabilization
31-May 14-Jun 26-Jul 28-Jul
15-Jun 28-Jun 9-Aug 11-Aug
29-Jun 12-Jul 23-Aug 25-Aug
13-Jul 26-Jul 6-Sep 8-Sep
27-Jul 9-Aug 20-Sep 22-Sep
10-Aug 23-Aug 4-Oct 6-Oct
24-Aug 6-Sep 18-Oct 20-Oct
7-Sep 20-Sep 1-Nov 3-Nov
21-Sep 4-Oct 15-Nov 17-Nov
5-Oct 18-Oct 29-Nov 1-Dec
19-Oct 1-Nov 13-Dec 15-Dec
2-Nov 15-Nov 27-Dec 29-Dec

● Incentives will be calculated based on number of sales done (on leads booked) by PSA
● Incentives will be given to the Pre-Sales Associate as per below incentive slabs:

#sales in cycle Incentive Amount Monthly Equivalent

Avg. # sales per week
(2 weeks) (2 weekly) Amount
4 2.00 4000 8000
5 2.50 5500 11000
6 3.00 7200 14400
7 3.50 9100 18200
8+ 4.00+ 1400/sale 22400+


Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Monthly Incentives

Pre-Sales Associate Name Manoj Kumar Manoj Kumar

Book ing Cycle 31st May – 14 th June 2021 15th June – 28 th June 2021
Normalized sales from
6 5
book ings in a cycle
Eligible for Incentives? Yes Yes
2-week ly Incentive Pay-out 7,200 5,500 12700
5. Performance Assessment Process
● A Performance Review Period for a PSA is defined as 2 booking cycles (4 weeks)
● All PSAs would be evaluated on 2 metrics at a Weekly, Cycle and Review Period level, a.
Average No. of Conductions/Week and b. Average Number of Sales/Week
● A Performance score would be calculated on the above 2 metrics and assigned weightage
as per the below table
● Weekly Performance Score would be calculated and shared for all PSAs at the end of the
week. Cycle Performance Score will be shard at end of the cycle and Review Period
Performance Score will be shared at end of the Review Period. For example, Performance
Score for booking week 8 June – 14 June will be announced on 19 June.
● Please note conductions refer to ideal conductions (Duration >45 mins)

Weekly, Cycle and Review Period Performance Score will be calculated as follows for each PSA:
Actual Count
Metric Target (1) Weightage Score (2/1)
No. of Conductions/
12 70% 9 75
No. of Sales/ Week 3 30% 2 67
Final PSA Performance Score (70%*75 + 30%*67) 73

Review Period Performance Score Illustration:

A PSA achieves 22 conductions and 4 sales in a Review Period (2 booking cycles). His weekly avg.
conductions is 5.5 and weekly avg. sales is 1. His Review Period Performance Score is calculated as below:
Actual Count
Metric Target (1) Weightage Score (2/1)
No. of Conductions/
12 70% 5.5 46
No. of Sales/ Week 3 30% 1 33
Final PSA Performance Score (70%*46 + 30%*33) 42

Note for new joiners:

We have an extensive training module of 2 weeks before a PSA is activated in a team. To help a new joiner
ease into the process and polish his capabilities, a new joiner will be excluded from review period for 2
weeks post activation. Thus, after a minimum 4 weeks of Date of Joining, a new joiner will be included
in the Review Period.


Date of Joining Stabilization Period 1st Review Period

End Date

08-June-21 5-Jul-21 27-Jul-21 23-Aug-21

22-Jun-21 19-Jul-21 27-Jul-21 23-Aug-21

Performance Improvement Program
- A PSA target is set at 12 ideal conductions and 3 sales per week which will result in a Performance
Score of 100, PSAs exceeding this target will get a Performance Score of 100+
- At the end of each Review Period, for all Pre-Sales Associates, the company would be reviewing
and evaluating the Review Period Performance Score (2 booking cycles)
- For a Review Period, a PSA is expected to exceed a minimum Performance Score of 40
- PSAs with a score less than 40 (less than 40% of target) in the Review Period would be put
on a 3-Week Performance Improvement Plan with appropriate targets. Performance
Improvement Program is thus a monthly process. Below is the schedule for current calendar year:
Review Period Perf. Perf. Improvement Perf. Improvement
# Review Period
Score Announcement Program Period Result Announcement
1 31-May-21 28-Jun-21 3-Jul-21 6-Jul-21 26-Jul-21 31-Jul-21
2 29-Jun-21 26-Jul-21 31-Jul-21 3-Aug-21 23-Aug-21 28-Aug-21
3 27-Jul-21 23-Aug-21 28-Aug-21 31-Aug-21 20-Sep-21 25-Sep-21
4 24-Aug-21 20-Sep-21 25-Sep-21 28-Sep-21 18-Oct-21 23-Oct-21
5 21-Sep-21 18-Oct-21 23-Oct-21 26-Oct-21 15-Nov-21 20-Nov-21
6 19-Oct-21 15-Nov-21 20-Nov-21 23-Nov-21 13-Dec-21 18-Dec-21

While every effort will be made to coach and enable you to achieve your targets during the ‘Performance
Improvement Program’, those who do not achieve the targets may not be able to continue in the Pre-Sales
Associate role. Also, any relapse into the ‘Performance Improvement Program’ within 6 months from the
date of completion of an earlier Performance Improvement Program will be considered for separation. In
special scenarios, the Pre-Sales senior management has the final authority to extend PIP duration or
exempt PIP as exception.

We believe that with a clear target in mind, all of you would be able to plan and perform even better, thus
earning much more incentives.

For any queries related to policy, attendance, incentives or PIP, please reach out to your Manager-
HRBP/Manager/Sr. Manager. You may also reach out to

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