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Dupaya, Janella E.
BS- Entrepreneurs 2nd Year
What's New

Activity 1: Will it rain or Not?

A. No

B. No

C. Yes

D. Yes

E. Yes

F. Yes

G. Yes

Guide questions:
1. How can you tell if it will rain or not?

Grey, low clouds like these are rain clouds. When they appear in the sky you can be pretty sure that rain isn't
far away. White fluffy clouds that are high in the sky don't carry rain. So by looking at clouds, we can tell if
rain's on the way.

2. why do you need to be aware of the changes in your surroundings concerning the weather?

It's important to know the climate change to studying climate change is advantages what weather goes by the
next days or weeks. so that we can prepare for the future.

Activity 2 ; What is happening?

Situation/Event Associated hydro meteorological hazard

1. Heavy rainfall - Flashflood

2. Puddles of water -Flashflood

3. Strong Wind - Typhoon

4. Dark Cloud - Thunderstorm

5. Thunder and lightning - Thunderstorm

Guide Question:
How can you relate the observation of changes in the surroundings to the preparation for a hydro
meteorological disaster such as typhoon, storm surge, flash flood etc.?

- The climate changes we all know that pag-asa will podcast what are weather is. We need to watch and listen
about their says, because it will be guide us how to handle and prepare that kind of weather will be.

Activity 3: Watch out!

Activity 4: Flood Risk
1. According to the hazard map, which localities would be affected as a whole by flooding?

Marikina, Pasig City and Malabon

2. What measure can be done by these localities to address this concern?

Clean the Canals

Threw the garbage in proper trash can

Seek in high ground

What i have learned?

1. What are the signs of different hydro meteorological hazards?

Typhoon, Storm Surge and Flood

2. What information can you obtain from hazard maps?

Hazzard maps can also help prevent serious damage and deaths.

3. What tools are used to monitor hydro meteorological hazard’s?

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical & astronomical Services administration (PAG-ASA)

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