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English 10| S.Y. 2023-2024
PREPARED BY: Sir Michael D. Diaz Jr., LPT 50

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________Score:

Grade & Section: _____________________ Parent’s Signature: ____________
Note: if basic information asked above are not adequately provided by the examinee, all answers and
scores will be considered invalid, and will not be recorded by the subject teacher .

Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and understand each question and write your answers on the space provided
before the number. STRICTLY NO ERASURE.

_____1. It is one of the eight parts of speech that describe the subject, the noun and the pronoun?
A. Adverb B. Adjective C. Preposition D. Conjunctions
_____2. It is a stated comparison between to unlike things or persons that have something in
common using like or as.
A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Personification D. Hyperbole
_____3. This part of speech is being use to show specific direction or location of someone or
A. Conjunctions B. Preposition C. Adverb D. Adjectives
_____4. Verbs that end with ing like running, jogging, kicking, and jumping are called?
A. Infinitives B. Gerund C. Base form D. Gerung
_____5. It is an exaggeration of words and expression that is used for artistic effect.
A. Irony B. Hyperbole C. Pun D. Paradox.
_____6. This group of words function as connectors of ideas, phrases, clauses, and even sentences.
A. Interjection B. Conjunctions C. Preposition D. Pronoun
_____7. The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are in the future.
A. Donald Trumph B. Teodore Rosevelt C. Barrak Obama D. Abraham Lincoln
_____8. It is a narrative written without a metrical pattern that tells an imaginary or invented story.
A. Drama B. Prose Fiction C. Poetry D. Epics
_____9. Anabelle Lee was a renowned poem written by whose author?
A. Allen Poe B. Edgar Allan Poe C. Edgar Alfred PoeD. Edward Allan Poe
_____10. It is the written work or arts of a specific culture, sub culture, religion, philosophy or the
study of such written work, which may appear in poetry or in prose.
A. Prose Fiction B. Literature C. Drama D. Poetry

Test II. Modified true or false.

Directions: Write T if the statement is true, and change the word that made the sentence or
information false. Write your answers on the line provided before the number. 2pts. each.
____________1. Legends are the stories that explain the origin of something with factual basis.
____________2. Fables are story characterize by animals who act as humans and does not have any
____________3. Literal is a word or phrase that does not have its normal literal meaning. It is used
by the writer for the sake of comparison or dramatic effect.
___________4. Personification is a figurative language that gives human quality to inanimate objects
or abstract things.
____________5. Literature came from a latin word “litera” which means letter.
____________6. Irony is the use of word to signify the opposite of its literal meaning.
____________7. Myths are the stories of gods and goddesses told using a traditional language
explaining mysteries, beliefs and cultural practices.
____________8. Maria Makiling is a popular example of epic here in the Philippines.

fictional elements.
___________10. Synecdoche is an example or figurative device that substitute a part for a whole, an
individual for a class or a material for the thing.
Test III. Essay

Directions: 10pts each. In three to five sentences or one paragraph, kindly discuss what is being
asked. In constructing your sentences, observe proper use of punctuation marks and spelling.

1. Discuss the similarities and differences between epic and legend.

2. What is the importance of literature for you as a grade-10 student? Explain your answer.

Content- 6pts.
Grammar and sentence structure- 4pts

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