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Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

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NASA SEXTANT Mission Operations Architecture

Wayne H. Yu a, *, Sean R. Semper a, Jason W. Mitchell a, Luke B. Winternitz a,
Munther A. Hassouneh a, Samuel R. Price a, Paul S. Ray b, Kent S. Wood c, Keith C. Gendreau a,
Zaven Arzoumanian a
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8800 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, USA
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 20375, USA
Praxis Inc., Resident at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 20375, USA


The Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology (SEXTANT) mission is a technology demonstration enhancement to the Neutron Star Interior
Composition Explorer (NICER) mission, a NASA Astrophysics Explorer Mission of Opportunity to the International Space Station (ISS) that was launched in June of
2017. The NICER instrument is a precision pointing X-ray telescope that tags pulsar sourced photon arrivals which the SEXTANT mission uses to perform autonomous
on-board X-ray Pulsar Navigation (XNAV). By comparing the detected time of arrival of X-ray photons to a reference of expected pulsar timing models, one can infer a
range and range rate measurement based on light time delay. Since the celestial source provides both timing and directional information, this technology could
provide a GPS like navigation capability available throughout the Solar System and beyond. Applications that XNAV can support include outer planet and interstellar
missions, manned missions, libration orbit missions, and current infrastructure such as the Deep Space Network (DSN). The SEXTANT team successfully completed a
first demonstration of in-space and autonomous XNAV in November 2017. NICER and SEXTANT have separate teams, with NICER being the primary team with
different science objectives. Operational modes for both missions must have concurrent and independent components as well as an integrated ground system. This
paper describes the operational infrastructure and successful implementation of the SEXTANT demonstration. This paper first details the infrastructure implemented,
the concept of operations, and finally the operations for the SEXTANT demonstration and lessons learned.

spacecraft mission profiles with little pre-existing navigation infra­

1. Introduction structure. With these properties, the common use case for XNAV is deep
space navigation in support of the Deep Space Network (DSN) [3].
Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology However, prior to SEXTANT, the technology had not been demon­
(SEXTANT) [1] is a NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Space strated on-board and in real-time in space. SEXTANT provided a defin­
Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) Game Changing Development itive in-space demonstration of the feasibility and the potential of XNAV
Program Office (GCD) funded technology demonstration enhancement as an independent autonomous navigation capability [4].
to the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) mission [2]. NICER, the primary science mission with SEXTANT, has a funda­
NICER is a NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) astrophysics mental science objective to study the modulation of soft X-ray light
mission of opportunity to the International Space Station (ISS), which curves from the rotation of neutron stars. The NICER mission designed
launched in June 2017 and is currently operating on the ISS, seen in and primarily operates the instrument, a directional X-ray timing tele­
Fig. 1. The NICER mission had a nominal 18-month duration, with a scope that points its co-aligned array of optics serially at individual
6-month guest observer program, for a total 24-month duration. pulsar targets to achieve its time tagging accuracy requirements [5].
Recently, NICER was granted an additional 3-year mission extension. On-board the instrument, the SEXTANT flight software works with
X-ray Pulsar Navigation (XNAV) is a space navigation technique that NICER flight software to tap into the same data stream of time tagged
calculates a spacecraft state by comparing the detected time of arrival of X-ray photon arrivals. SEXTANT flight software then utilized, on-board
X-ray photons at a spacecraft to a reference timing model. Pulsars have a and in real-time, the data to generate navigation measurements and
distinct and periodic signature of pulsating X-ray photons, so the offset maintain position knowledge of an initially degraded ISS state from the
of detections to a reference can be used as a range/range rate navigation NICER Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. Additional published
measurement. With the reference already on-board and a sensor to details on SEXTANT include the SEXTANT flight system testing [6] in
detect pulsar photon arrivals, XNAV provides a navigation source in 2016, initial flight demonstration [4] in 2018, and additional results [7]

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W.H. Yu).
Received 30 January 2020; Received in revised form 29 March 2020; Accepted 25 June 2020
Available online 28 June 2020
0094-5765/© 2020 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Acronyms/abbreviations Primary Objective: Provide the first demonstration of real-time, on-
board XNAV as a non-interfering subsystem of NICER.
DSN Deep Space Network Key Performance Parameter (KPP): Achieve better than 10 km
ELC ExPRESS Logistics Carrier orbit determination accuracy, any direction, using up to 2-weeks of
EOP Earth Orientation Parameters observations. For convenience, this is translated into better than 17.3
GCD Game Changing Development Program Office km Root Sum Square (RSS).
GPS Global Positioning System Stretch Objective: Achieve 1 km orbit determination accuracy, any
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center direction, using up to 4-weeks of observations. For convenience, this is
ISS International Space Station translated into better than 1.7 km RSS.
JSC Johnson Space Center Experiments: The following Navigation Experiments (NEs) were
KPP Key Performance Parameter planned:
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
NE Navigation Experiment NE1: 2-week period observing 3–5 pulsars early in the mission, with
NICER Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer timing models derived from terrestrial radio telescope data.
NRL Naval Research Laboratory NE2: 2-week period observing 3–5 pulsars later in the mission, with
RSS Root Sum Square timing models derived from NICER data.
SEXTANT Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation
Technology In addition, opportunistic on-orbit experiments and ground pro­
SMD Science Mission Directorate cessing experiments were planned during nominal NICER science
SMOC Science Mission Operations Center operations.
STMD Space Technology Mission Directorate
TOA Time-of-Arrival 3. Operations architecture
XNAV X-ray Pulsar Navigation
The following sections detail the SEXTANT ground system and the
on-orbit concept of operations. As the XNAV demonstration is real-time
and on-board a science payload, the ground system is designed for the
flight software to work autonomously alongside science operations.
Consequently, SEXTANT ground system upload command data and
telemetry are part of the NICER Science Mission Operations Center
(SMOC) operational baseline stationed out at GSFC.

3.1. Ground system overview

The SEXTANT ground system is a component of multiple operations

teams (the others being the NICER SMOC and NRL operation teams) at
GSFC. Presented in Fig. 2, SEXTANT commands and data uploads to the
NICER instrument passes through multiple layers: the payload opera­
tions team at MSFC to the JSC ISS operations team to White Sands
ground stations to the ISS ExPRESS Logistics Carrier (ELC) hardware
during open contact passes. Commands and uplinks to the instrument
are dependent on approvals and protocol from these command centers.
The SEXTANT ground system processes multiple products such as:
pulsar timing knowledge from other observatories (called the pulsar
almanac here), X-ray photon and radiation background events/telemetry
Fig. 1. Circled NICER instrument image on the ISS.
from the NICER instrument, and commands and planned observation
schedules from the SEXTANT flight software. The pulsar almanac is a
in 2018. Analysis on future XNAV work by evolving the current flight software input compilation of applicable pulsar data needed to
formulation of SEXTANT can be found in Ref. [8]. generate XNAV measurements: timing ephemerides, pulse profile tem­
In this paper, we focus on the ground system and operations used to plates, pulsar source and background photon count rates, event filtering
successfully implement the SEXTANT mission. It is a mission that re­ energy thresholds, etc. X-ray photon event telemetry from the NICER
quires interfaces with the NICER science mission operations team, the instrument is used to tune the flight software between experimental
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for ground software updates, and the runs. With these products, the SEXTANT ground system generates
Johnson Space Center (JSC)/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) op­ observation schedule products and a flight software upload. Then, when
erations team as an external ISS payload. commanded, the SEXTANT flight software begins processing NICER
This paper is an extension to a conference paper presented in October observations and performs its on-board autonomous processing of XNAV
2019 in Refs. [9]. This is an operations specific publication of a series of measurements.
upcoming SEXTANT submissions which include Refs. [10,11]. These The following sections detail the initial ground system delivery
two other references provide a deeper overview of the entire SEXTANT process, the SEXTANT and NRL operational interface, and the SEXTANT
mission including hardware/software ground testing, algorithms, and and NICER interfaces.
calibration results and performance.
3.2. Ground system details
2. Technical objectives
This section focuses on the GSFC component of Fig. 2 by starting with
A subset of the technology demonstration requirements are detailed Fig. 3. In broad terms, three inputs are generated and a single upload is
in Ref. [1]. The broader SEXTANT technical objectives are summarized sent to the instrument. First, the ISS operations system inputs attitude

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Fig. 2. Overall ground system architecture including the SEXTANT ground system.

and state prediction data to the NICER SMOC system detailed in observation priorities. Afterwards, both teams use multiple scheduling
Ref. [13]. Flow chart components in the right column of Fig. 3 represent algorithms to generate the final schedule part of the instrument upload.
actions and products developed by the NICER operations team. Second, During operations, the NICER team has priority on observation sched­
the astrophysics community coordinates with NRL to input reference uling. During the first navigation experiment (NE1) demo, the SEXTANT
time fitted pulsar timing models from ground based radio telescopes. team has priority. The next paragraph goes into the scheduling algo­
The NRL flow chart components are in the left column. Third, external rithms used on SEXTANT. The SEXTANT ground system uses three
Earth orientation parameter data is input directly to the SEXTANT distinct algorithms to generate candidate observation schedules
ground system for SEXTANT flight software calibration. The center (Expanding Fig. 3 SEXTANT: step 3). These candidate schedules are then
column encompasses all SEXTANT related ground system flow chart evaluated by running Monte Carlo simulations within a separate
components. All inputs come into the flow chart in Fig. 3 at Step 1, the SEXTANT endtoend simulation detailed in Refs. [6,10]. The schedule
top of the chart where the green arrows point into the flow chart. These with the best performance in these simulations is then selected by the
three datasets are then processed together to produce the final upload to SEXTANT team. The first scheduler is a modified NICER scheduling tool
the NICER instrument for commanding and flight software configuration which is also used in Fig. 4 (NICER SMOC: step 6). This technique uses a
updates. These products can be seen as a red arrow at the bottom right multiobjective evolutionary non-dominated genetic algorithm variant of
pointing out of the flow chart in Fig. 3 Step 9. The SEXTANT team per­ the NSGA-II formulation detailed in Ref. [14] and optimizes observation
forms this process in the flow diagram on a 3-day cadence, with the intervals of the selected target list for two criteria: minimum time not on
interfaces of SEXTANT with NICER and NRL detailed in the next section. pulsar targets (during slew/idling) and minimum homogeneity of ob­
servations (the ratio of targets requested vs. targets observed). The
3.2.1. NICER SMOC/SEXTANT interface system was iterated up to 30 generations to balance priorities versus
The NICER and SEXTANT operations team interface stems from computation time. The second scheduler uses the same genetic algo­
variability of ISS data and observation scheduling for multiple science/ rithm but adds a navigation metric to the objective function. This metric
navigation priorities from two teams. Fig. 4 details this interface as it prioritizes observation schedules that minimize the orbit semi-major
ingests both ISS data and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) data into axis variance calculated from a batch least squares fit of the resultant
the process (expanding Fig. 3 NICER SMOC/SEXTANT: Steps 2–7). The XNAV measurements of an entire schedule. The third scheduler calcu­
NICER science team submits a pulsar target catalog and visibility con­ lates a deterministic local greedy solution to minimize the navigation
straints file to specify additional targets and changes to the threshold on filter’s semi-major axis formal error. In this scheduler, observation
multiple occultation sources. A cone angle restriction of visibility along schedules are built for the next potential XNAV measurement for every
the pulsar target line of sight is applied to ISS hardware, ISS radiation pulsar target and the algorithm propagates the initial covariance and
sources, celestial body, solar glint, and South Atlantic Anomaly and applies each potential measurement at its scheduled time. The scheduler
Polar Horn regions. These data products allow both the NICER and then continues to pick the schedule that produces the minimum pro­
SEXTANT teams to plan adjacent target observations during all opera­ jected orbit semi-major formal error until the desired observation
tional modes of the mission. Iterative loops within Fig. 4 account for schedule length is achieved [6]. All three algorithms were used in the
visibility model/ISS data updates and operation discussions on analysis and operations of the SEXTANT demonstration.

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Fig. 3. Primary operations flow diagram of the SEXTANT ground system with NICER SMOC and NRL interfaces.

3.2.2. NRL/SEXTANT interface matches the expected pulsar’s lightcurve profile. The length of obser­
NRL helps collaborate and organize pulsar almanac data as an input vation time needed is dependent on how distinct the lightcurve profile is
to SEXTANT operations to characterize the pulsar sources for any and the amount of X-ray background radiation. Once the pattern is
changes in timing model behavior and design. Fig. 5 details the NRL flow confirmed, an offset in the pattern will exist since the reference timing
chart components (expanding Fig. 3 NRL: Step 2). The data starts with model is not centered at the spacecraft. The software estimates that
the reference time fitted models from radio sources and X-ray photon offset and its rate and then translates it into range and range rate nav­
data from the NICER instrument as a baseline to generate the Time-of- igation measurements in the direction of the pulsar line of sight. These
Arrival (TOA) models [6]. The SEXTANT ground software then takes measurements are then used in an extended Kalman filter to track the
the data and generates a software configuration upload with on-board ISS state [6]. Operations on the ground are independent of this on-board
TOA data. Corrections are included at this stage with on-board telem­ flight software; it only provides configuration uploads and observation
etry on clock corrections, leap seconds, and solar system ephemeris data schedules prior to the demonstration [4].
[6]. Finally, the data is fitted one more time and delivered for processing
as a pulsar almanac reference (PAR) file. Once the files are delivered, the
data is used to model any recent changes to the pulsar timing models. 3.3. Concept of operations
With the entire ground system, nightly runs use the most recent input
data with the SEXTANT ground software in order to predict filter per­ SEXTANT operations has two baseline operational modes: primary
formance and manage any ground system issues [1]. Prior to upload, all experiment/demonstration (SEXTANT team drives operations on the
products are reviewed and approved by both operation teams and NICER instrument while the NICER team supports) and opportunistic
confirmed through the Verification flow blocks (Fig. 3 NICER SMOC/­ (NICER team drives operations and SEXTANT supports). The 2-week
SEXTANT: Steps 5,8). The NICER operations team then uploads output demonstration period is the primary SEXTANT experiment concept of
products to the NICER instrument and the SEXTANT flight software. operations, but opportunistic mode was set to use NICER operations to
Once the data is uploaded from the ground system, the on-board perform SEXTANT calibration and other research prior to and after the
flight software performs photon event filtering and state estimation demonstration.
using NICER instrument data driven by the uploaded observation Both modes consist of the same data processing of observation
schedule and uploaded configuration parameters. A broad summary is schedules and timing models; the process repeats for a 3-day cycle.
given here on the process with much more detail in Refs. [6]. Starting During opportunistic mode, the SEXTANT team reviews daily Monte
with a degraded state from the ISS GPS reciever, the NICER instrument Carlo runs and other telemetry data from the flight software to deter­
photon arrivals are observed by intensity and arrival time until the flight mine if the SEXTANT team will upload data or propose an observation
software estimator determines that the pattern of photon arrivals schedule for the next 3-day cycle.
The date for the demonstration was negotiated months before with

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Fig. 4. Secondary flow diagram detailing NICER and SEXTANT ground system interfaces.

Fig. 5. Secondary flow diagram detailing NRL and SEXTANT ground system interfaces.

the NICER team. To determine a candidate period for a demonstration, evaluated for all pulsar targets. The timing model accuracy testing
both operation and performance metrics were considered. For opera­ during calibration was also factored in determining a demonstration
tions, the seasonal visibility as well as statistical day to day visibility was date [4]. Finally, timing model glitches and any hardware performance

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

was evaluated alongside the NICER team. Once the date was deter­ outside of the SEXTANT schedule. Out of the 87% pulsar schedule effi­
mined, the demonstration repeated the same 3-day cycle, with the ciency on NICER pulsar targets, these additional adjustments resulted in
exception that the maximum allotted time was scheduled for SEXTANT an average 33% schedule efficiency on SEXTANT targets during the
observations. In summary, Fig. 6 constitutes the 2–3 month planning demonstration (see Table 1).
cycle to determine the 2-week demon-stration, and Fig. 7 constitutes the ISS operations, being a priority, also drove SEXTANT operations. The
operations timeline for the 2-week demonstration. ISS docking schedule resulted in changes in the delivery and content of
ephemeris and attitude products of the ISS for planning any instrument
4. Mission operations pointing on ISS. All major ISS events from the NICER launch until the
SEXTANT demonstration are listed in Table 2 and found online at
Modifications to the original concept of operations occurred while reference [15]:
on-orbit. The first subsection describes those changes. The second and Each of the events in Table 2 modified the mass, atmospheric drag,
final subsection describes the operations timeline that began November attitude profiles, and other ISS properties. Fig. 9 shows the property
9th, 2017 and successfully demonstrated on-orbit, autonomous, real- changes of the ISS, starting at the week of the demonstration. The y-axes
time X-ray pulsar navigation. This paper does a basic overview of the include the mass, drag area, coefficient of drag (Cd), and solar beta angle
results with a focus on operations. SEXTANT technical and project level of the ISS. The asterisks indicate the predicted epoch of that property
detail can be found in Refs. [4,7,10, 11]. change. As seen, the ISS mass can vary by thousands of kilograms and
hundreds of km2 of drag area within a day or two of propagation. During
4.1. NE1 demonstration operations preparation on-orbit operations, predictive ISS data persisted on average 2–3 days
after upload. Finally, the physical structure of the ISS also drove changes
While on-orbit, changes to the SEXTANT operations architecture in in the visibility models after launch. Modifications were made to
preparation for the demonstration involved calibration, pulsar visibility, accommodate shape models of solar panels and radiators to avoid any
and ISS operations modeling. singularity in ray tracing pulsar line of sight. Furthermore, celestial
Calibration of the photon processing and instrument observations of occultations drove keep-out zones with half cone angles of 15� /30� /45�
pulsar targets was performed from day of year 259–265 of 2017. The for the Moon/Earth/Sun, respectively. During planning, the three half
results were presented in Ref. [4] and was based on a proposed schedule cone parameters were tuned to trade pulsar observation time and signal
plan driven by NICER to capture timing data prior to solar occultation in noise.
mid-November. End to end ground processing of the flight data was The resultant chart for ideal SEXTANT target visibility is seen in
performed in parallel with calibration and an example of this perfor­ Fig. 14.
mance is shown in Fig. 8.
One of the two major adjustments was tuning scheduling and visi­ 4.2. SEXTANT NE1 demonstration
bility models for updated hardware restrictions. The ISS articulating
hardware models needed initial tuning beyond the standard computer A 3D graphical visual that displays the in-situ data during the
aided design models originally used by the team. The impact of these demonstration can be seen in Fig. 10.
changed models drove most of the schedule efficiency on pulsar targets. The demonstration planning period was scheduled for November
In total, 87% of the total operation time of NICER was spent on sched­ 8th, 2017 to November 22nd, 2017, with the formal demonstration
uled pulsar targets (denoted as schedule efficiency in the rest of this achieving SEXTANT requirements between November 10th, 2017 and
paper). After calibration testing, the SEXTANT team decided to reduce November 15th, 2017. The date was chosen to maximize the number of
pulsar observations based on a 2D orbit ground track to reduce X-ray visible SEXTANT targets. In particular, B1821-24 would be occulted
background noise. The resultant SEXTANT observation keep out regions after November 12th, 2017 for two months. With the date chosen,
within the ISS ground track are seen in Fig. 15 as colored boundary planning started with the delivery of ISS products by 05:00 UTC on
regions around the top and bottom of the image. In general, these depict November 8th. The NICER operations team provided an initial visibility
a conservative region around the South Atlantic Anomaly and northern report and planned observations at 08:56 UTC to SEXTANT and other
and southern polar horn regions in low Earth orbit. This reduced time on science partners. SEXTANT drove the schedule, with unscheduled time
SEXTANT pulsar targets. As this reduction was unique to the SEXTANT by the SEXTANT team used for coordinated observations between
team, the NICER team used the transit time to make other observations NICER and other science partners. After testing visibility constraints for

Fig. 6. Long term operation timeline concurrent with both NICER/SEXTANT operations.

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Fig. 7. Short term operation timeline during the SEXTANT demonstration.

Table 2
ISS operation event highlights prior to SEXTANT NE1 (July 2017 to early
November 2017).
Date (Month/Day/Year) Description

06/05/2017 SpaceX CRS-11 docks (with NICER payload)

06/16/2017 Progress 67 resupply ship docks
07/03/2017 SpaceX CRS-11 departs
07/20/2017 Progress 66 departs
07/28/2017 Soyuz MS-05 docks
08/16/2017 SpaceX CRS-12 docks
09/17/2017 SpaceX CRS-12 departs
09/27/2017 ISS orbital reboost maneuver
10/16/2017 Progress 68 docks

observations, the final product was uploaded to the instrument by 21:38

UTC. The next day, the flight software configuration upload was sent
and diagnostics were performed on the NICER X-ray telescopes prior to
the demonstration.
As a result, the final demonstration schedule and XNAV measure­
ments were generated in Figs. 11 and 12. Results are summarized here
and are much further detailed in Refs. [4,7,10, 11]. Fig. 11 shows the
Fig. 8. Day of year 259–265 ground calibration demonstration test.
availability of pulsars as colored bands with a cyan mark for the pulsar
that is scheduled. J0218þ4232 and B1821-24, with their evenly timed
Table 1 cadence of slews and timing accuracy, dominated the optimized
List of SEXTANT pulsars for navigation [12]. schedule for the first 4 days (11/08 to 11/12), after which other pulsar
targets took over as B1821-24 was occulted. Approximately 33% of the
Name Period Source Pulsed Rate (α, Total Unpulsed Rate (β,
(ms) cnts/s) cnts/s) total observations made in the schedule were on SEXTANT targets.
Figure 12 shows the resultant measurement residuals from each pulsar
Crab Pulsar 33.000 660.000 13860.20
B1937 þ 21 1.558 0.029 0.24
in blue, with the sigma residual limit in green and the rejected mea­
B1821 24 3.054 0.093 0.22 surements marked as red asterisks. The pulsar measurements were edi­
J0218 þ 4232 2.323 0.082 0.20 ted with a 10–60 km wavelength sigma edit, resulting in a several
J0030 þ 0451 4.865 0.193 0.20 hundred XNAV measurements. Finally, the flight performance of the
J1012 þ 5307 5.256 0.046 0.20
filter is shown in Fig. 13. Four pulsar targets were used: J0437-4715,
J0437 4715 5.757 0.283 0.62
J2124 3358 4.931 0.074 0.20 B1821-24, J0030þ0451, and J0218þ4232. Using these XNAV mea­
J2214 þ 3000 3.119 0.029 0.26 surements, a 10 km settled RSS performance criteria was achieved
J0751 þ 1807 3.479 0.025 0.22 within 7.5 hours and readings of the filter performance during the
J1024 0719 5.162 0.015 0.20 demonstration achieved lower than 1 km error with XNAV measure­
ments [4]. The results summarized here are further detailed in Ref. [4,7,
other science observations, the first draft observation schedule from the 10, 11].
SEXTANT team was submitted for review at 17:33 UTC, which was
optimized with SEXTANT targets. A second draft was updated by the 5. Conclusions
NICER team with their targets between SEXTANT observations. At 17:45
UTC, an unplanned update to the ISS attitude file was provided so a third The Station X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology (SEXTANT)
draft with SEXTANT and NICER updates was included. Finally, after the demonstration is a software enhancement to the Neutron star Interior
addition of short but high source flux Crab pulsar (B0531þ21) Composition Explorer (NICER) X-ray timing telescope science mission

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Fig. 9. ISS Properties vs. 2017 Day of Year.

Fig. 10. NICER/SEXTANT 3D Model simulation during the SEXTANT demonstration.

on-board the International Space Station (ISS). Using the same timing events on-board the space station as well as the science demands
data as NICER, the SEXTANT mission utilizes, on-board and in real-time, required for the NICER science team. The ground system runs on two
the same raw data to generate navigation measurements and maintain modes of independent and concurrent operations alongside the NICER
position knowledge of an initially degraded ISS state from the NICER team. The system collects the pulsar timing data, generates and sends
GPS receiver. the upload with the observation schedule and timing calibration pa­
This paper presents the SEXTANT ground system. It is an integrated rameters, and observes the results in telemetry while the on-board flight
system with a command chain under ISS JSC and MSFC operations software separately demonstrates X-ray pulsar navigation by tracking
teams. The ground system handles the need to accommodate operational the ISS.

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Fig. 11. SEXTANT experiment performance visibility and schedule.

Fig. 12. SEXTANT experiment performance XNAV measurement residuals.

Overall, the SEXTANT ground system underwent a series of changes

during operations which were lessons learned for future missions. The
ISS operations environment requires a greater degree of flexibility in
product delivery than originally designed; daily critical events can
change the mass, attitude, and configuration of the station. Combined
with the background and visibility environment, SEXTANT pulsar
observation time was around 33% of total operational time during the
NE1 demonstration. ISS predictive knowledge combined with timing
data products for ground operations were effective for 2–4 days. Even
with these changes, SEXTANT successfully demonstrated on-board, real-
time X-ray pulsar navigation.
The NE1 demonstration performed from November 10th to 15th,
2017 achieved the SEXTANT performance requirement of 10 km, worst
direction RSS tracking within its two week period. The 10 km settled RSS
performance criteria was achieved within 7.5 hours and readings of the
filter performance during the demonstration achieved lower than 1 km
error with XNAV measurements.

Declaration of competing interest

Fig. 13. SEXTANT experiment performance results. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

W.H. Yu et al. Acta Astronautica 176 (2020) 531–541

Fig. 14. NICER/SEXTANT annual pulsar visibility.

Fig. 15. ISS/NICER instrument 2D ground track with drawn background radiation keepout regions during the SEXTANT demonstration.

the work reported in this paper. C. Gendreau, SEXTANT — Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation
Technology, in: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, AIAA
SciTech, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jan. 2015.
Acknowledgments [2] Z. Arzoumanian, K.C. Gendreau, C.L. Baker, T. Cazeau, P. Hestnes, J.W. Kellogg, S.
J. Kenyon, R.P. Kozon, K.-C. Liu, S.S. Manthripragada, C.B. Markwardt, A.
L. Mitchell, J.W. Mitchell, C.A. Monroe, T. Okajima, S.E. Pollard, D.F. Powers, B.
The authors would like to acknowledge Bob Kozon, John Pope, J. Savadkin, L.B. Winternitz, P.T. Chen, M.R. Wright, R. Foster, G. Prigozhin,
Maxine Saylor, and George Wofford for their operations support for the R. Remillard, J. Doty, The Neutron-Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER):
NICER instrument and advice on this paper. They would also like to Mission Definition, in: Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, vol. 9144,
International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014, pp. 914420–914420–9.
acknowledge the vast ISS operational team at MSFC and JSC for their [3] S.I. Sheikh, D.J. Pines, K.S. Wood, P.S. Ray, M.N. Lovellette, M.T. Wolff, Spacecraft
support. navigation using x-ray pulsars, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Controls, and Dynamics
The SEXTANT project and Naval Research Laboratory collaboration 29 (1) (2006) 49–63.
[4] J.W. Mitchell, L.B. Winternitz, M.A. Has- souneh, S.R. Price, S.R. Semper, W.H. Yu,
with SEXTANT is funded by the NASA Space Technology Mission
P.S. Ray, M.T. Wolff, M. Kerr, K.S. Wood, SEXTANT X-ray pulsar navigation
Directorate, Game Changing Development Program. demonstration: initial on-orbit results, in: AAS Guidance and Control Conference,
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