Egzamin Gimnazjalny - Zestaw Egzaminacyjny B

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Egzamin gimnazjalny

Zestaw egzaminacyjny B

Zadanie 1 (3 pkt)
Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie trzech dialogów i odpowiedz na pytania 1.1–1.3,
zakreślając literę A, B lub C.
1.1 What would Jack like to do when he grows up?


1.2 Where are the girls talking?


1.3 What time of the day does the conversation take place?
A In the morning.
B In the afternoon.
C In the evening.

1 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 2 (4 pkt)
02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź młodego aktora. Na podstawie
wysłuchanych informacji zdecyduj, które z poniższych zdań (2.1– 2.4) są zgodne
z jej treścią (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Wstaw znak X w odpowiednią rubrykę
2.1 Robbie decided to be an actor when he was ten.
2.2 Robbie’s parents were well-known actors.
2.3 Robbie has often worked for television.
2.4 Acting is not the only way of earning money for Robbie.

Zadanie 3 (3 pkt)
Wysłuchaj rozmowy recepcjonistki w schronisku młodzieżowym z Jerrym
i uzupełnij luki 3.1–3.3 w jej notatce jednym słowem lub liczbą.

Room for 3.1          people.

Arrival day – 21st of 3.2          .
Caller’s name – Jerry 3.3          .

Zadanie 4 (4 pkt)
04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery krótkie wypowiedzi (4.1–4.4). Do każdej
z nich wybierz właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl A, B lub C.
4.1 A Later.
B By credit card.
C I’ve got £30.50.
4.2 A No, I left mine at home.
B No, they are not glasses.
C No, I haven’t got them.
4.3 A Aren’t you going on holiday?
B What a shame! I’m not happy.
C Lucky you. I’d like to go there too.
4.4 A Sorry, I don’t like dancing.
B What a great disco!
C You shouldn’t let him go.

2 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 5 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy dialog. Do każdej luki (5.1–5.4) dobierz odpowiedni wyraz
lub wyrażenie. Zakreśl A, B lub C.
Tess I’m thinking of going to Edinburgh for the weekend. Have you been there?
Anna Yes, I have. I 5.1       there last year.
Tess What did you do?
Anna I visited Edinburgh Castle. It’s a lovely place. It’s situated 5.2       a high rock
and has great views of the city.
Tess What else did you do in Edinburgh?
Anna I went to the theatre and I went 5.3       . There’s a lot to do in Edinburgh,
so you 5.4       bored. Who are you going with?
Tess I don’t know.
Anna Well, I’d like to go again!
Tess Fantastic. Let’s go next weekend.

5.1 A have gone B go C went

5.2 A on B in C at
5.3 A to shopping B shopping C shop
5.4 A won’t be B haven’t been C wouldn’t be

Zadanie 6 (4 pkt)
Dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (6.1–6.4) jedną z podanych reakcji językowych
(A–E). Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki. Jedna reakcja podana została
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

6.1 We’ve won a match again.

6.2 Could you pass me the bread, please?
6.3 Which of you came first in the race?
6.4 Let’s make a fire.

A Yes, I could.
B I did. I’m very happy.
C Sure, here you are.
D Have you? You’re the champions!
E Good idea, but we don’t have any matches.

3 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 7 (4 pkt)
Zapoznaj się ze zdjęciem. Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania 7.1–7.2. Udziel
odpowiedzi pełnymi zdaniami.

7.1 What is the woman in the picture doing?

7.2 Is it better for small children to stay at home with their mother or father, or
to go to nursery school? Why?

4 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 8 (4 pkt)
Do każdej sytuacji (8.1–8.4) wybierz odpowiednią reakcję. Zakreśl literę A,
B lub C.
8.1 Nie wiesz na pewno, co będziesz robić w weekend. Co powiesz?
A I may visit my friend in Warsaw at the weekend.
B I’m sure I won’t visit my friend in Warsaw.
C I know I will visit my friend in Warsaw.
8.2 Kolega bez końca opowiada o UFO, a ciebie niezbyt to interesuje. Co
A A lot of people are interested in UFOs.
B I can’t believe it. You know so much about UFOs.
C Sorry, but I’m not very interested in UFOs.
8.3 Chcesz się dowiedzieć, jaki sport uprawia twój kolega. Jak go o to spytasz?
A Do you mind practising some sport?
B Which sport do you like practising?
C What about practising some sport?
8.4 Chcesz się dowiedzieć o plany koleżanki na dzisiejszy wieczór. Co jej
A What are you doing tonight?
B What is your friend planning to do?
C You are not planning anything, are you?

5 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 9 (5 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i zdecyduj, które zdania 9.1–9.5 są zgodne z jego
treścią (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę
w tabeli.

Would you like to try

something different?

Free running is one of the newest and most exciting

sports. It was invented in the 1980s. The sport is about
running, jumping and climbing over objects. These objects
can be walls, cars or even houses. Free runners practise
their sport in cities and towns. They can also do it on ships
or inside buildings, such as theatres and museums.
Today you often see free running on TV. It’s in adverts
for trainers and also in films. There is an exciting part at
the beginning of Casino Royale when James Bond is free
There are no rules, but you must be careful. The sport is
very fast and can be dangerous.
There are no expensive things to buy. You just need a good
pair of trainers and some comfortable clothes. However,
you have to be very fit and very brave to do the sport.

9.1 Free running has been known for ages.
9.2 You can do free running indoors and outdoors.
9.3 You need a lot of special equipment to do free running.
9.4 Free running is not a sport for everyone.
9.5 The main idea of the text is to present the rules of free running.

6 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 10 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie do każdego akapitu (10.1–10.3) dopasuj
tytuł A–D, wpisując odpowiednią literę w kratkę. Jeden tytuł został podany
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu. W punkcie 10.4 odpowiedz na
pytanie, zakreślając możliwość A, B lub C.

Working as a TV reporter is very exciting. It involves
interviewing interesting people and travelling a lot.
However, it can be difficult too. TV reporters often work
very long hours and they sometimes go to dangerous

Most TV reporters find out about stories that have just
happened and report them on live TV. Some reporters
work in special areas such as law, health, sport, science
and weather. Investigative reporters can take days or
weeks to find their information.

If you want to become a TV reporter you have to study
journalism at university. Some people study other
subjects too, such as politics or languages. Before you
go to university you can write for a school newspaper or
magazine or do voluntary work at your local newspaper.

A What to do to become a TV reporter

B What character should a TV reporter have?
C What are the good and bad sides of being a TV reporter?
D What exactly does a TV reporter do?

10.4 What is the best title for the article?

A Studying to be a TV reporter
B Investigative reporters’ work
C Some facts about the job of a TV reporter

7 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 11 (3 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższe informacje i wybierz zgodne z ich treścią dokończenia zdań
11.1–11.3, zakreślając odpowiednią literę: A, B lub C.

11.1 You can visit the animals

We are sorry to inform you that the
A for two hours each day.
circus will be closed for the next two B any time before 16.00.
days, but you can visit our animals C all day long.
between 14.00 and 16.00.
11.2 The note says that
A you can rent a boat in the morning.
B the boat hire shop is open as usual today.
C it might be possible to rent a boat later
We would like to inform 11.3 The person who gets the job
you that because of strong A will work just for the pocket money.
winds we cannot rent out B will start work early in the morning
any boats this morning. Call C will work for an hour a day.
us in the afternoon: if the
weather gets better we
will be open again as usual.

If you are a reliable teenager

who doesn’t mind getting up
at 5.00 a.m. and who wants
to have more than just
pocket money, call us. We
can offer you a weekend job
in our shop for £4 an hour.

8 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Zadanie 12 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy list, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij luki
w tekście zdaniami A–E tak, aby był on spójny i logiczny. Wpisz odpowiednie
litery w luki 12.1–12.4. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do
żadnej luki.

Dear Mum,
I’m having a great time in Wales. Yesterday, we went rock-climbing.
12.1 Then, my teacher talked to me and I was fine. We’ve also been
hiking , canoeing and sailing. Sailing was real fun.
We’re staying in a huge, old house with a big garden. There’s even a
pond in the garden. I sleep in a room with nine other boys, so it’s a bit
noisy! There’s always something to do in the evening. 12.2
The only thing I don’t like about the place is the food. It’s horrible.
12.3 We have cheese sandwiches every lunch time.
I hate cheese! I can’t wait to have your delicious apple pie.
12.4 Promise me you will!
See you soon!

A They didn’t want to eat it because it wasn’t fresh.

B We have chips every day, but they taste really awful.
C I was a bit scared at first and I didn’t want to go.
D Tomorrow night, we’re having a disco.
E I hope you bake it when I come back home.

Zadanie 13 (4 pkt)
Do każdej tabliczki informacyjnej dopasuj odpowiednie miejsce A–E. Wpisz
odpowiednie litery w kratki 13.1–13.4. Jedno miejsce zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej tabliczki.
A A swimming pool
B An airport Keep your distance.
C A school Standing too close
D A zoo
to the cages might
E A railway station be dangerous.

London – Cardiff Arrival 12.30 13.3

Platform 5

13.4 No diving!

9 Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny B © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

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