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Pre-test/Post-test : Greeting and Introduction

1. There are 10 questions in this paper. Task includes 4-option multiple choice.
2. Answer all questions.
3. Mark your answer on the separate answer sheet.
4. Time 10 minutes.
5. Each question in this paper carries one mark.
Choose the correct answer.
1. John : Ben , have you met Paul?
Ben : No , I haven’t. How do you do?
Paul : ………………………………
a. I’m doing all right. I hope you are too.
b. I’m fine , thank you , and you?
c. How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.
d. Where do you come from?
2. In a coffee shop.
A : Hi. How have you been lately?
B : ……………………………….
B : Just fine , Oh , here comes a friend of mine ,
I want you to meet him.
a. Fine , Is this your friend?
b. And how’s the weather been?
c. Not very well. Have you been ill too?
d. Fine , thank you. And you?
3. Gloria : Oh , Hi Malee………………….?
Malee : Fine. How about you?
Gloria : OK. Thanks
a. How do you do? b. What’s happening.
c. What about you. d. How’s everything with you.
4. Situation : Vit wants to introduce his friend to his mother. What should he say?
a. Samarn , I’d like you to meet my mother.
b. How do you do?
c. I’m very please to introduce my mother to you.
d. How are you?
Mrs. Davis : Mr. Long , I would like to introduce a friend of mine , Carol Winters.
Carol , This is Mr. Green long.
Carol : ………(5)…………….
Mr. Long : …………(6)…………….

5. a. How are you?

b. How are you doing?
c. I haven’t seen you for ages.
d. How do you do?

6. a. Fine , thanks.
b. Not very well today.
c. Please to meet you.
d. What about you?
7. Al : Tom , I’d like you to meet someone. Diane , This is Tom
Diane : Hello . Tom.
Tom : …………………….
a. How are you , Diane?
b. Hello , Diane , Very nice to meet you.
c. I’m fine. What about you?
d. We haven’t seen each other for a long time , have we?
8. Fred : ………. My name is Fred.
Linda : Hi Fred. I’m Linda.
a. I don’t think we’ve met before.
b. I haven’t seen you for ages.
c. How are you?
d. How have you been?
9. Charles : Tom , I’d like you to meet Richard Wilson.
Mr. Wilson : …………………………..
Tom : It’s a pleasure , Mr. Wilson.
Mr. Wilson : Oh , call me Richard.
Charles has told me so much about you.
a. Nice to meet you , Tom?
b. Is it a pleasure , Tom?
c. How are you , Tom?
d. What do you do , Tom?
10 A : Hi , Suwit.
B : Hi , Porn pen. What’s up?
A : ………………………
a. How do you do? c. That’s too bad.
b. How’s life? d. Fine thanks.
Answer key
for pre-test/ post-test

ข้อ 1. c.
ข้อ 2. d.
ข้อ 3. d.
ข้อ 4. a.
ข้อ 5. d.
ข้อ 6. c.
ข้อ 7. b.
ข้อ 8. a.
ข้อ 9. c.
ข้อ 10. d.
Greeting and Introduction

1. Greetings

1.1 Greet people (formal)

There are all sorts of 1.3 Asking some how they are
different ways to greet people.  How you doing?
In this program me we learn  How you going?
some of the most popular and  How’s it going?
useful expressions for greeting  You alright?
friends or other people in
relaxed situations. 1.4 Saying you are well
 Good thanks!
Good morning sir / madam
 Fine, thanks!
 Not bad, not bad!
Good morning Mr. Jones  Alright, thanks!
- Good morning Mrs. Smith  I’ m OK!
 OK, thanks
Good evening  Very well thank you.

Good afternoon 1.5 Returning the question

when someone has asked if you
How do you do? are well
- And you?
1.2 Greet people (informal) - How about you?
- What about you?
Hello Hi - And how are you?

How to introduction people (informal) In this program we look at what to

say when you want to introduction , you it or other people in formal situations

2.1 Introducing someone else (Formal)

I’d like to introduce you to …

There’s someone I’d like you to meet, this is ….


-This is Mr. Green.

- Have you met …?
- I’d like you to meet Mr. Wilson.
- I’d like to introduce you to Mrs. Lee.
- Let me introduce Mr. John.
- May I present Miss Linda.
- Mrs. Conway , I’d like you to meet Mr. Johnson.
- I’d like you to meet my friend , …………… (name)

2.2 Introducing someone else (Informal)

- This is . Lock. Lock, This is Ted.

- Suda , meet Anna.
- Nit , have you met Tony?

2.3 Introducing yourself

 I just wanted to introduce myself , my name is …

 I don’t believe we’ve met before, I’m …
 I don’t think we’ve actually met formally yet, My name is …
 Excuse me , I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Ben Jackson.
 My name is Joan Lee.
 Excuse me , are you………………..?
 Let me introduce myself. My name is James Start.
 May I introduce myself. My name is Miss Jones.
 Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Brown.
 Excuse me , are you Manit? My name is Mark Eggler.
 My name is Chusri. What’s yours?
 I’m Wassana
2.4 Expressing pleasure to have met someone

- Pleased to meet you.

- Nice to see you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Very nice to meet you.
- It’s a pleasure to meet you.
- It’s lovely to see you again!
- How are you?
- How have you been?

2.5 Some follow-up questions and phrases.

I haven’t seen you for ages!

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?
What’ve you been up to ?
What are you up to ?
What are you doing around here ?
How’s life?
How are things ?
How’s everything with you?
What’s up ?

There are all sorts of different ways to greet people. In this

programme , we learn some of the most popular and useful expressions for
greeting friends or other people in relaxed situations.
After you have studied the programme ,get some more practice with
the language below.
Formal greetings

 Good morning.
 Good afternoon, sir.
 Good evening , madam
 How are you?
 How are things with you?
 I’m very well, thank you.
 It’s lovely to see you again.
 It’s been a long time ,hasn’t it

Saying hello

Hey Jane!
Hi Jane!
Alright, Jane!
Alright, mate!

Asking someone how they are

How are you !

How you doing !
How you going !
How’s it going !
You alright !

Saying you are well

Good, thanks !
Fine, thanks !
Not bad, not bad !
Alright, thanks !
I’m OK!
Returning the question when
someone has asked if you are well

 And you !
 How about you ?
 What about you?

This is language for introducing yourself How about if

you want to introduce someone else? What phrase is used to
introduce someone? Listen to this conversation.

I don’t mean to interrupt.

I just wanted to introduce myself.
I’d like to introduce you to …
There’s someone I’d like you to meet …
Have you met……… ?

I don’t believe we’ve met before.

I don’t think we’ve actually met formally yet.

Pleased to meet you.

Nice to meet you.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Very nice to meet you.
Introduce people (formal) In this program me, we’ll lock at what
to say when you meet someone for the first time in formal contexts.
How do you introduce yourself or other people in a polite way?

Mr. Jones and Miss Smith

Uh, good evening, um, Mr. Jones, isn’t it?

That’s right, yes, hello.
Hi, it’s a lovely party you’ve put on here.
Oh, well, glad you’re enjoying it!
I don’t think we’ve actually met formally yet.
No, no I don’t think we have.
My name’s Miss Smith and work in accounts.

Mr. Jones and Miss Smith

I don’t think we’ve actually met formally yet.

No, no I don’t think we have.
My name’s Miss Smith and I work in accounts.
Oh, ok.
Now’s a recap of the language from this

1. Hi.
2. Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
3. How are you?
How are you doing?
How ya doing (Informal)
4. Fine. How about you?
5. Okay. Thanks.

Introducing Yourself
Here are some phrases for introducing yourself
1. I’m John.
I’m Jackie. (Use first name in informal situations)
2. I’m John Kennedy.
I’m Jackie O’Neill. (Use full name in business and formal situations)
3. (It’s) nice to meet you.
(It’s) nice meeting you.
(It’s) good to meet you.
4. Nice to meet you too.
Introducing Other People

Introducing People
Here are some phrases for introducing other people
1. This is my friend, Jack.
my brother, Bob.
my sister, Cindy.
my father, Mr. Harris.
my teacher, Ms. Watson.
my student, Carrie.
my friend, Mary Jones.
my boss, Mr. Ritter.
my co-worker, Penny Pitcher.
2. Nice to meet you.

Introducing Others
Here are some sample phrases and expressions for introducing
Paul, this is John.
John, this is Paul.
1. Have you met Paul?

2. Have you two met each other?

Have you two met each other?

After you have listened to the programme, get some more practice with
the conversation below.
A : How are you doing today?
B : I'm doing great. What about you?
A : I'm absolutely lovely, thank you.?
B : Everything's been good with you
A : I haven't been better. How about yourself?
B : I started school recently.
A : Where are you going to school?
B : I'm going to PCC.
A : How do you like it so far?
B : I like it so far. My classes are pretty good right now
A : I wish you luck.
B : Thanks a lot.

Meeting New Students

A : How are things with you?
B : Not too bad. How about yourself?
A : Not bad.
B : I'm glad to hear that.
A : Have you been going to PCC long?
B : I've only been here two years. How about yourself?
A : I just started this year.
B : Do you like it?
A : It's fine for right now.
B : You do not like it, right?
A : Once I'm finished with my GE, it should get better.
B : I felt the same way my first year.
Greeting an Old Friend at a Party
A : Hi, I haven't seen you in a while.
B : Yes, it has been a long time!
A : How long has it been since we last saw each other?
B : I think that we last saw each other two years ago.
A : What have you been doing for the past two years?
B : I have been going to graduate school at USC.
A : What are you majoring in?
B : I am studying international communications.
A : You should easily be able to find a job with that major.
B : I am counting on being able to get a good job.
Greeting a Visitor to Your House
A : Welcome, Ron, come on in!
B : Hi, Malia ! What a nice home!
A : We enjoy it too!
B : How long have you lived here?
A : About four years now.
B : Well , it is very beautiful.
A : Ron, have a seat and I'll get us something to drink.
B : Good ! I am really thirsty. You know it really is hot outside!
A : I have lemonade, iced tea, and mango juice.
B : Mango juice would be perfect. Thank you!
Meeting New People
A: Are you new in town?
B: Yes, I am new in town.
A: It’s very nice to meet you.
A: It’s nice to meet you too.
B: How long has it been since you moved here?
A: It’s been a month.
B: Isn’t it beautiful?
A: It is absolutely beautiful here.
B: Do you like it here so far?
A: I actually do like it here.
B: Let me welcome you to the neighborhood.
A: Thank you. I’m glad to be here.
Haven't We Met Before?
A: Hi. Uh, haven't we met before? You look so familiar.
B: Yeah. We met on campus last week, [Yeah!] and you asked me the same question.
A: No, but you got the first letter right.
B: Oh, oh really? I'm sorry, but I'm terrible with names. But, but, but . . . Let me guess. It's
Sherry, right?
A: I know, I know. It's on the tip of my tongue. Wait. Uh, Sandy, Susan. [Nope. So, was I
that memorable?] Wait, wait. It's Sharon.
B: You got it . . . and only on the fourth try.
A: So, well, Sh . . ., I mean Sharon. How are you?
B: Not bad. And what was your name?
A: It's Ben, but everyone calls me B.J. And, uh, what do you do, Sh . . . Sharon?
B: I'm a graduate student majoring in TESL.
A: Uh, TESL . . . What's that?
B: It stands for teaching English as a second language. I want to teach English to non-native
speakers overseas.
A: Oh, yeah. I'm pretty good at that English grammar. You know, verbs and adjectives, and
uh . . . Hey, that's sound really exciting. And do you need some type of specific degree or
experience to do that? I mean could I do something like that?
B: Well, most employers overseas are looking for someone who has at least a Bachelor's
degree and one or two years of experience. [Oh!] And what do you do? Are you a student on
A: Yeah, but, uh . . . I guess I'm mulling over the idea of going into accounting or
international business, but I guess I'm now leaning towards a degree in marketing.
B: Oh, uh, . . . Well, I have to run. I have a class in ten minutes.
A: Oh, okay. And, uh, by the way, there's this, uh, dance on campus at the student center
tonight, and I was wondering if you'd . . . you know . . . like to come along.
B: Oh really? Well, perhaps .. . .
B: Okay, well, bye.
แบบทดสอบก่อน – หลังเรียน เรื่องการทักทายและการแนะนา

6. แบบทดสอบมีทั้งหมด 10 ข้อ เป็นปรนัยชนิด 4 ตัวเลือก
7. คะแนนเต็ม 10 คะแนน
8. ให้เวลาในการทาแบบทดสอบ 10 นาที

Choose the correct answer.

1. John : Ben , have you met Paul?
Ben : No , I haven’t. How do you do?
Paul : ………………………………
a. I’m doing all right. I hope you are too.
b. I’m fine , thank you , and you?
c. How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.
d. Where do you come from?

2. In a coffee shop.
A : Hi. How have you been lately?
B : ……………………………….
B : Just fine , Oh , here comes a friend of mine , I want you to meet him.
a. Fine , Is this your friend?
b. And how’s the weather been?
c. Not very well. Have you been ill too?
d. Fine , thank you. And you?

3. Gloria : Oh , Hi Malee………………….?
Malee : Fine. How about you?
Gloria : OK. Thanks
a. How do you do? b. What’s happening.
c. What about you. d. How’s everything with you.
4. Situation : Vit wants to introduce his friend to his mother. What should he say?
a. Samarn , I’d like you to meet my mother.
b. How do you do?
c. I’m very please to introduce my mother to you.
d. How are you?

Mrs. Davis : Mr. Long , I would like to introduce a friend of mine , Carol Winters. Carol ,
This is Mr. Green long.
Carol : 5
Mr. Long : 6

5. a. How are you?

b. How are you doing?
c. I haven’t seen you for ages.
d. How do you do?

6. a. Fine , thanks.
b. Not very well today.
c. Please to meet you.
d. What about you?

7. Al : Tom , I’d like you to meet someone. Diane , This is Tom

Diane : Hello . Tom.
Tom : …………………….
a. How are you , Diane?
b. Hello , Diane , Very nice to meet you.
c. I’m fine. What about you?
d. We haven’t seen each other for a long time , have we?
8. Fred : ………. My name is Fred.
Linda : Hi Fred. I’m Linda.
a. I don’t think we’ve met before.
b. I haven’t seen you for ages.
c. How are you?
d. How have you been?

9. Charles : Tom , I’d like you to meet Richard Wilson.

Mr. Wilson : …………………………..
Tom : It’s a pleasure , Mr. Wilson.
Mr. Wilson : Oh , call me Richard. Charles has told me so much about you.
a. Nice to meet you , Tom?
b. Is it a pleasure , Tom?
c. How are you , Tom?
d. What do you do , Tom?

10 A : Hi , Suwit.
B : Hi , Porn pen. What’s up?
A : ………………………
a. How do you do?
b. How’s life?
c. That’s too bad.
d. Fine thanks.
เฉลยแบบทดสอบก่อนเรียน – หลังเรียน
เรื่องการทักทาย และการแนะนา

ข้อ 1. c.
ข้อ 2. d.
ข้อ 3. d.
ข้อ 4. a.
ข้อ 5. d.
ข้อ 6. c.
ข้อ 7. b.
ข้อ 8. a.
ข้อ 9. c.
ข้อ 10. d.
กุสุมาลย์ รชตะนันท์, รศ. ภาควชาภาษาอังกฤษ คณะอักษรศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย.
Communicative Business English. พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 7. กรุงเทพ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์.
สุชารัช (โรจนประภายนต์) ริมกีรติกุล, รศ. สถาบันภาษามหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์. English for
work. พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 6. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์. 2550
ระเบียบ ณ กาฬสินธุ์, รศ. Communicative English for Social Science Students. พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์. 2545
จิตศจี พิบูลนครินทร์, ผศ. ภาควิชาภาษาอังกฤษ คณะศิลปะศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์.
English for Communication. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์. 2550

Long M.N. and Richards F.C. Breakthrought. Singapere : Prppan Printing , 1977.
Greeting. [ออนไลน์]. เข้าถึงได้จาก :
(วันที่ค้นข้อมูล : 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2552)
Greeting. [ออนไลน์]. เข้าถึงได้จาก : topics/
(วันที่ค้นข้อมูล : 29 มีนาคม 2552)
Haven't We Met Before?. เข้าถึงได้จาก : (วันที่ค้น
ข้อมูล : 4 กรกฎาคม 2552)

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