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Anna Karenina Angelica B.

MGS 001-B

Semi- Final:
Choose 2 topics discussed already then give your insights and learning take a ways from these

The first topic that I had a much deeper understanding than before was about student diversity. In
the report, there are at least 8 different diversities that we need to focus on. These multiple differences
can present enormous challenges to the teacher where discipline is concerned.That’s why as teachers,
specially for me, this should be the very first thing that we need to understand for us to be able to know
on what teaching strategies we need to imply that will cater all of our students despite their differences.
By tackling the topic, I have gained a better learning that there were a lot of diversities that we need to
cater and focus so that we’ll be able to identify how to help our students learn better, also make them feel
belonged inside our classroom. We should see to it that our students will not feel neglected. We must
make sure that we treat each of them with fairness and equality. Communicating with our students and
other stakeholders will help us build an environment that will affect student motivation and that students
who are more motivated will put more effort into learning activities. The second was about the Legal and
ethical issues in teaching. This report emphasized on the importance of teachers as a molder and a role
model in the society. This means that whatever teachers are doing can influence the attitudes, values and
behavior of their students. As the second parents for our students at school, we should see to it that we
show the positive traits for them to follow wherever they go. What they observe in us will surely have an
impact to them. We also should be aware of the things that we should or should not do. Before thinking
of doing things that you think will not have a good outcome, much better to rethink it for at least 10x.
We should always put in our minds the possible things that will happen and at stake. As stated in the
report, teaching is a noble profession. It requires a heart full of patience and understanding. It takes
courage and passion. If teachers would only accept teaching as a vocation, good things will surely bound
to happen to everyone around them most especially to the students. I know it’s really hard to teach,
specially here in our country, but I really hope that our teachers will be able to find that courage to
always do what is tight for the sake of the students. I hope that they would have that profound feeling for
teaching even if it is overwhelming, sometimes so exhausting.

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