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Affiliated to Bangladesh University of Textiles

C&B Road, Barishal.

Report on Project Work

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length,
Yarn Count & GSM of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

1 A.K.M ATIQUR RAHMAN B201813014 WPE-416
2 HAMIM ASHRAFI B201813015 WPE-416
3 MD. IMRAN HOSSAIN B201813016 WPE-416
4 ABDULLAH AL ZIHAD B201813027 WPE-416

Engr. Pronoy Halder
Lecturer (Textile)
Department of Wet Process Engineering
Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal.

This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
of Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering.

Advance in Wet Process Engineering

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


We here by declare that the work which is being presented in this project work entitled, “Study
on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM of
Different Types of Knit Fabric” is original work of our own, has not been presented for a
degree of any other university and all the resources of collected information for this report have
been duly acknowledged.

A.K.M Atiqur Rahman

ID: B 201813014
Dept: Wet Process Engineering


Hamim Ashrafi
ID: B 201813015
Dept: Wet Process Engineering


Md. Imran Hossain

ID: B 201813016
Dept: Fabric Engineering


Abdullah Al Zihad
ID: B 201813027
Dept: Wet Process Engineering


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. i

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Engr. Pronoy Halder
Lecturer, Department of Wet Process Engineering
Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal

Subject: Submission of Project Work

Dear Sir,
With due respect, we the students of Wet Process Engineering have successfully completed our
project work on “Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn
Count & GSM of Different Types of Knit Fabric”. In this stage, we are submitting our
project work report as part of our B.Sc. in Textile Engineering degree requirement that bears
three (3) credits hours under your supervision. We are submitting this report for our academic
purpose only.

Please be kind enough to evaluate this dissertation with your valued suggestions.

Sincerely yours


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. ii

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


To Whom It May Concern

The project work submitted by A.K.M Atiqur Rahman, ID: B201813014, Hamim Ashrafi, ID:
B201813015 Md. Imran Hossain, ID: B201813016 Abdullah Al Zihad, ID: B201813027 of
Department of Wet Process Engineering was carried out under my supervision and has been
accepted as satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Science in Textile Engineering.

Engr. Pronoy Halder

Project Supervisor
Lecturer, Department of Wet Process Engineering
Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal.


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. iii

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Foremost, we would like to thank Almighty Allah for enabling us to complete the Project Work
successfully with the support and active co-operation of concerned bodies and authorities and
several persons.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our project work supervisor, Engr. Pronoy
Halder, Lecturer, Department of Wet Process Engineering, Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile
Engineering College, Barishal, for his valuable suggestions, guidance at different stages of this
project work. It would have been quite impossible to carry on the project work. His affection
for our is fondly remembered.

We are grateful to all of the members of Department of Wet Process Engineering for their
sincere guidance throughout the various stages of this study. We would also like to pay our
special regards to the authorities and lab personnel of Tropical Knitex Ltd. & Epyllion Group
for their technical support to make this project work valuable.

Finally, we must express our very profound gratitude to our parents, teachers and friends for
providing us unfailing support and continuous encouragement through the process of
researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. iv

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

The term Bio-polishing is a process which normally formed before or after dyeing and which
can improve the fabric handling and superiority, mainly it reduces the hairiness of the fabric.
This project was done to check the physical property of knit fabric before and after bio-
polishing. So, in this case we took 100% cotton plain S/J, 1x1 Rib and Interlock fabric to
evaluate the change of physical property by using different types of chemical and by
maintaining proper time and temperature. After the experiment we realized that after bio-
polishing the CPI, WPI, GSM & Yarn Count are increased & Stitch Length is decreased than
scouring and bleaching sample. It also increases handle feel and decrease hairiness of the
surface of the fabric before than the scouring and bleaching process. It removes pills and also
improves the luster that is very important for a proper fabric surface to make standard garments.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. v

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

Declaration ............................................................................................................. i
Letter of Transmittal ............................................................................................. ii
Letter of Acceptance ............................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................. iv
Abstract .................................................................................................................. v
Index ....................................................................................................................... vi

Chapter No Chapter Name Page No

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background................................................................ 2
1.2 Research Objectives .................................................................. 2

Chapter 2 Literature Review.......................................................................... 3

2.1 Bio-Polishing ............................................................................ 4
2.2 Types of Bio-Polishing .............................................................. 4
2.3 Process Sequence of Bio-Polishing Before Dyeing .................. 4
2.4 Process Sequence of Bio-Polishing in Dye Bath ...................... 5
2.5 Process Sequence of Bio-Polishing After Dyeing..................... 6
2.6 Effects of Bio-Polishing ............................................................ 6
2.7 Enzyme ...................................................................................... 7
2.8 Types of Enzyme Used in Textile Wet Processing .................... 7
2.9 Mechanism of Enzyme Action .................................................. 7
2.10 Factors Affecting Efficiency of Enzymes ............................... 8
2.11 Chemicals Used in Bio-Polishing ........................................... 9
2.12 Knitting ................................................................................... 9
2.13 Types of Knitting ..................................................................... 9
2.14 Types of Weft Knitted Fabrics................................................. 10
2.15 Properties of Plain S/J Fabric .................................................. 11
2.16 Properties of 1x1 Rib Fabric ................................................... 11
2.17 Properties of Interlock Fabric.................................................. 11
2.18 Important Terms ...................................................................... 12

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“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

Chapter 3 Significance & Scope of the Study ............................................... 13

3.1 Significance of the Study .......................................................... 14
3.2 Scopes of the Study ................................................................... 14

Chapter 4 Research Methodology.................................................................. 15

4.1 Materials .................................................................................... 16
4.2 Sample Specification ................................................................. 16
4.3 Chemicals Used in Bio-Polishing ............................................. 17
4.4 Recipe for Bio-Polishing Before Dyeing .................................. 17
4.5 Process Sequence for Bio-Polishing ......................................... 18
4.6 Process Curve for Bulk Process ................................................ 18
4.7 Working Procedure for Bio-Polishing ....................................... 19
4.8 Measurement Methods .............................................................. 19
4.8.1 Measuring Method of WPI & CPI ................................... 19
4.8.2 Measuring Method of Stitch Length ................................ 19
4.8.3 Yarn Count Calculation .................................................... 20
4.8.4 GSM Measurement Method ............................................. 20

Chapter 5 Analysis & Findings ...................................................................... 22

5.1 Data Analysis for CPI After Bio-Polishing ............................... 23
5.2 Data Analysis for WPI After Bio-Polishing .............................. 23
5.3 Data Analysis for Stitch Length After Bio-Polishing................ 24
5.4 Data Analysis for Yarn Count After Bio-Polishing ................... 24
5.5 Data Analysis for GSM After Bio-Polishing............................. 25
5.6 Findings from Our Study .......................................................... 26
5.7 Limitations of This Study.......................................................... 26

Chapter 6 Conclusion...................................................................................... 27
6.1 Summary ................................................................................... 28
Reference......................................................................................... 29

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“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

No of Figure Title of The Figure ....................................................................... Page No
Fig 2.1 Before & After Bio-Polishing ......................................................... 4
Fig 2.2 Mechanism of Enzyme Action ........................................................ 7
Fig 2.3 Enzymatic Action ............................................................................ 8
Fig 2.4 Warp & Weft Knit Structure ............................................................ 9
Fig 2.5 Plain Single Jersey Fabric ............................................................... 10
Fig 2.6 1x1 Rib Fabric ................................................................................. 10
Fig 2.7 Interlock Fabric ............................................................................... 11
Fig 4.1 Materials for the Project Work ........................................................ 16
Fig 4.2 Process Curve for Bulk Bio-Polishing ............................................ 18
Fig 4.3 Magnifying Yarn Counting Glass.................................................... 20
Fig 4.4 Hydraulic GSM Cutter .................................................................... 22
Fig 5.1 Samples After Bio-Polishing ........................................................... 25

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“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

No of Table Title of The Table........................................................................... Page No
Table 2.1 List of Chemicals & Their Functions .............................................. 9
Table 4.1 Sample Specification After Scouring & Bleaching (TKL) ............. 16
Table 4.2 Sample Specification After Scouring & Bleaching (EKL) ............. 16
Table 4.3 Bio-Polishing Recipe for Bulk (TKL) ............................................ 17
Table 4.4 Bio-Polishing Recipe for Bulk (TKL) ............................................ 17
Table 5.1 Result of CPI After Bio-Polishing (TKL) ....................................... 23
Table 5.2 Result of CPI After Bio-Polishing (EKL) ....................................... 23
Table 5.3 Result of WPI After Bio-Polishing (TKL) ...................................... 23
Table 5.4 Result of WPI After Bio-Polishing (EKL) ...................................... 23
Table 5.5 Result of Stitch length After Bio-Polishing (TKL) ......................... 24
Table 5.6 Result of Stitch length After Bio-Polishing (EKL) ......................... 24
Table 5.7 Result of Yarn Count (Ne)After Bio-Polishing (TKL) ................... 24
Table 5.8 Result of Yarn Count (Ne)After Bio-Polishing (EKL) ................... 25
Table 5.9 Result of GSM After Bio-Polishing (TKL)..................................... 25
Table 5.10 Result of GSM After Bio-Polishing (EKL)..................................... 25

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“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. x

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 1

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

Bio-polishing is a process that is normally carried out to remove protruding fibers from the
surface of the fabric. It’s normally occurred before, during or after dyeing. This tremendous
process is completed by the hydrolysis action of enzyme. Here normally for single jersey,
interlock fabric bio-polishing is done after bleaching and for rib (collar, cuff, hem) it’s done
after dyeing. There is also a process called singeing. And by this process we can also remove
hairiness of the fabric by using heat. But it’s a temporary and toxic treatment that’s why fabric
lost their anti-pilling properties after a number of washes. That’s why for the permanently
removing of hairiness from the surface of the fabric, Bio-polishing or enzymatic treatment is
the most standard process and for also customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, this process
decreases the strength of the fabric. Chemical cost will be increased also for high concentrated
H2O2 or enzyme is pre-treatment process. If the weight loss% is too lower than the standard
mentioned one, then the hairiness, fuzziness and other impurities will remain on the surface of
the fabric and that will create absorbency problem in further.

1.1. Research Background:

❖ We study on the effect of Bio-Polishing on knit fabric properties. Here we observed the
changes of WPI, CPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM of Plain S/J, 1x1 Rib &
Interlock fabric using Acid Enzyme after Bio-Polishing.
❖ Then for evaluating, we have done several measuring techniques for finding the
changes in CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM of Plain S/J, 1x1 Rib &
Interlock fabric.

1.2. Research Objectives:

Main objective of this project is to evaluate the physical property of knit fabric before and after
Bio-Polishing. Also-
❖ To check the difference of WPI, CPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count of the fabric before and
after bio-polishing.
❖ To check the weight loss/gain of the fabric before and after bio- polishing.
❖ To check the enzymatic effect on fabric surface.
❖ To check the protruding fibers on the surface of the fabric before and after bio-

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 2

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
❖ To check the pilling tendency in case of acid enzyme treatment & dyebath enzyme


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 3

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

2.1. Bio-Polishing:
The term Bio-polishing is a process which normally formed before or after dyeing and which
can improve the fabric handling and superiority. Mainly it reduces the hairiness of fabric. This
tremendous process is completed by the hydrolysis action of enzyme.

Fig 2.1: Before & After Bio-Polishing

Objectives of Bio-Polishing:
❖ To remove pilling formation.
❖ To remove the hairiness of the fabric surface.
❖ To improve luster, softness of the fabric.
❖ To prevent material sticking property.
❖ To increase fast to washing and sewing ability of the fabric.

2.2. Types of Bio-Polishing:

There are three types of Bio-Polishing process used in dyeing industry.
1. Bio-Polishing Before Dyeing (Acid Enzyme)
2. Bio-Polishing During Dyeing (Dyebath Enzyme)
3. Bio-Polishing After Dyeing (Acid Enzyme)

2.3. Process Sequence of Bio-Polishing Before Dyeing:

Scouring & Bleaching

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 4

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
Drain & fill (500C x 2 min)

Add Peroxide Killer (500C x 1 min)

Add Acid (PH: 4-4.5) (500C x 1 min)

Add Acid Enzyme (550C x 2 min)

Enzyme Treatment (550C x 60 min)

Raise Temp to 700C and Run 5 min



2.4. Process Sequence of Bio-Polishing in Dye Bath:

Scouring & Bleaching & Neutralization

Drain & fill (600C x 3 min)

PH Check (6-6.5)

Dye Bath Enzyme Transfer (600C x 2 min)

Enzyme Treatment (600C x 5 min)

Add Leveling + Anti-Creasing & Sequestering Agent (600C x 2 min)

Salt Transfer + Color Dosing + Soda Dosing

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 5

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

2.5. Process Sequence of Bio-Polishing After Dyeing:


Hot Wash

Add Soaping & Anti-Creasing Agent (600C x 2 min)

Soaping (980C x 10 min)

Cold Wash (600C x 5 min)

Add Acid (PH Check: 4.5-4.8) (500C x 5 min)

Add Enzyme (500C x 2 min)

Enzymatic Treatment (550C x 20 min)

Cold Wash

2.6. Effects of Bio-Polishing:

❖ It removes protruding fibers from the surface of the fabric.
❖ It decreases the piling tendency of the fabric.
❖ It makes the fabric surface smooth, luster and shiny.
❖ It reduces the strength of the fabric.
❖ It increases the fabric weight loss %.
❖ It reduces the wet rub fastness properties of dark colored fabric.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 6

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

2.7. Enzyme:
The term enzyme is a substance which acts as a biological catalyst for bio chemical reaction.
It comes from the Greek word enzymes which mean “cells”. Actually, they have some specific
function that’s why many of the reaction and process can’t take place without them. Enzyme
consist three unique dimensional shapes. It also consists an ionic group which make its
structure more complicated. Enzymes are organic soluble substance. Normally it’s produced
by living organism and the amino acid of this organism form long poly peptide chains (-HN-
R-CONH-R-CO-)n by condensation polymerization. Day by day the use of enzyme in textile
industry has been increased. It is now also used in detergent, medicine, animal feeds, food and
diary, paper and bio fuel industry.

2.8. Types of Enzymes Used in Textile Wet Processing:

Cellulase Enzyme: This type of enzyme normally used in textile bio-polishing sector to
remove hairiness and pilling tendency of textile fabric. Cellulose enzymes also are natural and
living micro-organism.
Amylase Enzyme: This type of enzyme used in textile desizing process of cotton. It also
removes size material from woven fabric. This natural and living micro-organism increases the
water absorbency of fabric.
Catalase Enzyme: Bleached fabric contains residual peroxide. Catalase enzyme are used to
remove this type of residual peroxide from the fabric for better coloration.
Pectinase Enzyme: To remove oil, fat, wax, dust in the scouring process of textile, this type
of enzyme is used. It makes fiber clean and hydrophilic.

2.9. Mechanism of Enzyme Action:

Fig 2.2: Mechanism of Enzyme Action

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 7

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
Every enzyme has its own active center and where the substrate molecule can easily join. In
below figure, we can see a particular substrate molecule fits into the active site of the enzyme.

Then this substrate molecule will form a complex with the enzyme. After later the enzyme will
be regenerated itself and the substrate molecule converted into product. [Fig:2.2]

Before the inactivation of this enzyme by extreme temperature, pH or poisoned by a chemical

bogie [Fig:2.3], the process will be continued.

Fig 2.3: Enzymatic Action

2.10. Factors Affecting Efficiency of
❖ Every enzyme work at particular temperature. Efficiency will be increased or decreased
by the change of temperature. It normally works at 40-600 C.
❖ The shape of the enzyme molecule will be changed due to the alteration of heat at the
optimum temperature. It also reduces their activity.
❖ Enzyme can perform their best both in alkaline and acidic media. The point where
activity of enzyme is highest, there will be the optimum pH
Enzymes Concentration:
❖ Increase in concentration of enzymes increases the reaction rate.
Substrate Concentration:
❖ The reaction rate will be increase at certain point if the concentration of substrate
Products Concentration:
❖ The activity of enzyme will reduce due to the accumulation of products.
❖ Exposure to UV rays, X-rays reduces their reactivity.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 8

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

2.11. Chemicals Used in Bio-Polishing:

Table 2.1: List of Chemicals & Their Functions
Chemical Name Functions
Peroxide Killer To remove the residual peroxide from the fabric, peroxide killer is
Acetic Acid Acetic acid normally used to control the PH of the solution.
Enzyme It’s use for removing the hairiness from the surface of the fabric.
Anti-creasing Agent This type of chemical is used to resist the crease formation of fabric
during process.

2.12. Knitting:
Knitting is a process of fabric forming by the intermeshing the loops of yarns. When one loop
is drawn through another, loops are formed in horizontal or vertical direction. Knitted fabric
consists of horizontal parallel courses of yarn which is different from woven cloth. The courses
of threads or yarn are joined to each other by interlocking loops in which a short loop of one
course of yarn or thread is wrapped over another course.

2.13. Types of Knitting:

There are mainly two types of knitting process-
a) Weft Knitting
b) Warp Knitting

Fig 2.4: Warp & Weft Knit Structure

Weft Knitting:

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 9

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
Weft Knitting is a method of forming a fabric in which the loops are made in horizontal way
from a single yarn and intermeshing of loops take place in a circular or flat form on across wise
Warp Knitting:
Warp Knitting is a method of forming a fabric in which the loops are made in vertical way
along the length of the fabric from each warp yarns and intermeshing of loops take place in a
flat form of length wise basis.

2.14. Types of Weft Knitted Fabrics:

Weft knitted fabrics: A horizontal row of loops can be made using one thread runs in horizontal
direction. The fabric structure is different from one from another. Weft knitted fabrics are
widely use. In our daily life, we use different knitted fabrics. Depending on the fabrics design
knitted fabrics can be as follow:
❖ Single Jersey: The weft knitted fabric (Tubular/flat) which is produced by one set of
1. Plain Single Jersey
2. Single Jersey with Lycra
3. Single Lacoste
4. Double Lacoste
5. Single Pique
6. Double Pique
7. Polo Pique
Fig 2.5: Plain Single Jersey Fabric
8. French Terry
9. Terry with Lycra
10. Two Thread/Three Thread Fleece

❖ Double Jersey: The weft knitted fabric (Tubular/flat) which is produced by two sets of
1. Rib Fabric
▪ 1x1 Rib
▪ 2×1 Rib
▪ 2×2 Rib

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 10

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
▪ Lycra Rib
▪ Flat Back Rib Fig 2.6: 1x1 Rib Fabric

2. Interlock Fabric
▪ Plain Interlock
▪ Drop Needle Interlock
▪ Interlock with Lycra

3. Purl Fabric
Fig 2.7: Interlock Fabric
▪ 2×2 purl
▪ 4×2 purl
▪ Seed stitch
▪ Basket purl

2.15. Properties of Plain S/J Fabric:

❖ The appearance of face and back sides are different from each other.
❖ This fabric has curling tendency at the edges.
❖ The extensibility in widthwise is approximately twice than lengthwise.
❖ The thickness of the fabric is approximately twice the diameter of the yarn.
❖ It is warmer than plain woven made from same yarn.
❖ Stretches approximately the same transversely and longitudinally.

2.16 Properties of 1x1 Rib Fabric:

❖ The appearance of face and back are identical/same.
❖ The fabric does not curl at the edges.
❖ The extensibility in lengthwise and widthwise is approximately twice than that of single
jersey fabric.
❖ The thickness of the fabric is approximately twice than that of single jersey fabric.
❖ It is warmer than plain woven fabric.
❖ The fabric can be unraveled from the end knitted last.

2.17. Properties of Interlock Fabric:

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 11

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
❖ The appearance of face and back sides are same (Technical face of plain S/J on both
❖ The fabric does not curl at the edges.
❖ Widthwise and lengthwise elongation is approximately same as single jersey fabric.
❖ Fabric thickness is approximately twice than that of single jersey.
❖ The fabric is warmer than plain woven fabric.
❖ The fabric can be unraveled from the end knitted last.

2.18. Important Terms:

WPI & CPI: In knit fabric, yarn is measured in course and wales direction. Where, CPI means
the yarn is in course per inch and WPI means wales per inch of the knit fabric.

Stitch Length: The length of yarn required to produce a complete knitted loop is known as
stitch length or loop length. Stitch length is a length of yarn which includes the needle loop and
half the sinker loop on either side of it.

Fabric GSM: GSM stands for grams per square meter, which refers to the weight of a fabric.
In general, the higher a fabric’s GSM, the thicker and more hard-wearing it’s likely to be.

Yarn Count: In textiles, yarn count is number that represents the diameter of fineness of a
yarn, either in terms of weight by length or length by weight. In direct system, measures the
weight of a consistent length of yarn, with a higher yarn count indicating a heavier and coarser
yarn. In indirect system, it measures the length of a consistent weight of yarn, with a higher
yarn count indicating finer yarn.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 12

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 13

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
3.1. Significance of the Study:
By this project we have evaluated that “Study on Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch
length, Yarn Count & GSM of Different Types of Knit Fabric”, We have taken knit fabric
(Plain Single Jersey, 1x1 Rib & Interlock) for evaluating the effect of Bio-Polishing. It is to be
hope that by the end of this thesis paper the reader will have a better idea about bio-polishing,
effect of bio-polishing of knit fabric properties. Dying sector in our country has a bright future
due to widespread market of textile area. Enzymes are widely used in dyeing sector now-a-
days. We need throughout knowledge on dyeing process and of the fashion going around the

3.2. Scopes of the Study:

Bangladesh is a developing country. And a developing country largely depends on foreign
currency. Nearly 80-85% of foreign currency is earned by exporting garments & textile, here
dyeing sector plays a vital role. In this research, we will explore the effect of bio-polishing on
knit fabric properties like CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count, GSM or Pilling Tendency. As
well as this study helps to improve the method of bio-polishing in dyeing industry. But one
thing is that in our country there have lot of differences between practical job life and general
education life. It could be a problem during the time of service. So, we have tried ourselves to
establish a combination between our general education lite & practical life with various article,
documents & calculation. We hope this thesis will give a way to learn the effect of bio-polishing
and how can we improve the method of bio-polishing, which will help in the future to lead our
textile & garments sector.
❖ In this thesis in the 1st chapter, we discuss about the objective of this thesis.
❖ In the 2nd chapter we discuss about the bio-polishing, enzymes, knit fabric and other
chemicals required for fulfillment of this study.
❖ In the 3rd chapter we discuss about significance & scope of this study.
❖ In the 4th chapter we discuss about the research & methodology of this thesis.
❖ In the 5th chapter we discuss about analysis & findings of this thesis.
❖ And in the 6th chapter we discuss about the overview of the thesis as conclusion.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 14

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 15

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
4.1. Materials:
To fulfill our project work, we have taken 3 types of cotton knitted fabric. We have taken 100%
Cotton Plain S/J, 1x1 Rib and Interlock fabric and we are considered the study after the
scouring and bleaching treatment. We have completed our project work by following every
type of wet related rules.

Fig 4.1: Materials for the Project Work (TKL)

4.2. Sample Specification:

Table 4.1: Sample Specification After Scouring & Bleaching (TKL)
Types of Stitch Length Yarn Count
Fabric (mm) (Ne)
01 Plain S/J 39 32 2.85 26 162
02 1x1 Rib 51 42 2.90 28 216
03 Interlock 60 45 2.60 34 218

Table 4.2: Sample Specification After Scouring & Bleaching (EKL)

Types of Stitch Length Yarn Count

Fabric (mm) (Ne)
01 Plain S/J 42 33 2.90 26 161
02 1x1 Rib 54 40 2.90 28 214
03 Interlock 61 44 2.70 32 218

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 16

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
4.3. Chemicals Used in Bio-Polishing:
❖ Peroxide Killer
❖ Acetic Acid
❖ Enzyme

4.4. Recipe for Bio-Polishing Before Dyeing:

Table 4.3: Bio-Polishing Recipe for Bulk (TKL)
Particulars Recipe
Peroxide Killer 0.10 gm/L
Acetic Acid 0.50 gm/L
Enzyme 0.50%
M:L 1:6
Time 15 min (for peroxide killer and neutralization)
50 min (for enzyme treatment)
Temperature 500C (for peroxide killer and neutralization)
550C (for enzyme treatment)
700C (for enzyme deactivation)

Table 4.4: Bio-Polishing Recipe for Bulk (EKL)

Particulars Recipe
Peroxide Killer 0.2%
Acetic Acid 0.5 %
Enzyme 0.25%
M:L 1:6
Time 15 min (for peroxide killer and neutralization)
40 min (for enzyme treatment)
Temperature 500C (for peroxide killer and neutralization)
550C (for enzyme treatment)
700C (for enzyme deactivation)

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 17

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
4.5. Process Sequence for Sample Bio-Polishing:
Scouring & Bleaching

Drain & fill (500C x 2 min)

Add Peroxide Killer (500C x 1 min)

Add Acid (PH: 4-4.5) (500C x 1 min)

Add Acid Enzyme (550C x 2 min)

Enzyme Treatment Run Time (550C x 40 min)

Raise Temp to 700C and Run 5 min



4.6. Process Curve for Bulk Process:

Fig 4.2: Process Curve for Bulk Bio-Polishing

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 18

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
4.7. Working Procedure for Sample Bio-Polishing:
1. Water Fill
2. Add peroxide killer at 500C to remove peroxide from the fabric surface.
3. Add acetic acid to maintain PH (4-4.5) for enzyme treatment.
4. Add acid enzyme at 550C for 2 min and run for 40 min.
5. Then raise the temp to 700C for enzyme deactivation.
6. Then rinsing and drying is done.

4.8. Measurement Methods:

4.8.1. Measuring Method of WPI & CPI:
To measure CPI & WPI, firstly we take the fabric and marking 1 inch with the ball pen
according to the course & wales of a knitted fabric. Then set the marking point with the
multiplier scale & counting the CPI & WPI of knitted fabric in 1 inch. Lastly, WPI and CPI is
counted by the magnifying counting glass. For better result we have done this calculation 3

Fig 4.3: Magnifying Yarn Counting Glass

4.8.2. Measuring Method of Stitch Length:

To measure Stitch Length of the fabric, firstly we take the fabric and marking 100 wales with
the ball pen. Then the courses are opened one by one, the length of the marked part (100 wales)
should be measured with a measuring tape in mm unit. Then divide the measured length by
100 to get the stitch length. For better result we have done this measurement 3 times.

𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐦

Stitch Length =

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 19

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
4.8.3. Yarn Count Calculation:
To measure the Yarn Count, firstly the sample fabric is cut at two places at the edge of the
fabric along the wales line, and the distance between both the cut should be as large as possible
and also measurable by the measuring tape. Then a definite number of threads are taken out
from the fabric and the no of threads is counted precisely. Then one thread is taken out from
the thread’s bunch, straightened the thread and measure with a measuring scale. After that put
the thread’s bunch on the pan of the electronic weighing scale and record the weight of threads.
Finally, the yarn count is calculated by the following formula-

𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐱 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 (𝐜𝐦)𝐱 𝟎.𝟓𝟗

Yarn Count (Ne) =
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐱 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (𝐠𝐦)

4.8.4. GSM Measurement Method:

We can measure GSM of any kind of knit fabric by two methods, GSM can be calculated by
some resultant values (CPI, WPI, Stitch Length & GSM) and also can be calculated by GSM

𝐂𝐏𝐈 𝐱 𝐖𝐏𝐈 𝐱 𝐒𝐋 (𝐦𝐦)

GSM = 𝐱 𝟎. 𝟗𝟏𝟓𝟖
𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 (𝐍𝐞)

After bio-polishing, when we found the WPI, CPI, Stitch Length & Yarn Count from the bio-
polished fabric, then we can calculate the GSM of bio-polished fabric from the mentioned
values through using the above formula.

GSM Calculation by GSM Cutter:

❖ Cut the fabric by GSM cutter
❖ Weight the fabric with the electric balance
❖ The cut sample is 100 sq. cm. The weight of cut sample is multiplied by 100.
❖ The result is the GSM of that particular fabric.
❖ For accuracy, test with multiple samples & calculate the avg GSM.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 20

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”

Fig 4.4: Hydraulic GSM Cutter

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 21

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 22

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
5.1. Data Analysis for CPI After Bio-Polishing:
After bio-polishing, here we can see that the course per inch of s/j, 1x1 rib and interlock fabric
has been increased.

Table 5.1: Result of CPI After Bio-Polishing (TKL)

After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 39 46 46 47 46
1x1 Rib 51 57 58 60 58
Interlock 60 64 65 65 65

Table 5.2: Result of CPI After Bio-Polishing (EKL)

After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 42 43 44 43 43
1x1 Rib 54 54 55 56 55
Interlock 61 62 64 65 64

5.2. Data Analysis for WPI After Bio-Polishing:

After bio-polishing, here we can see that the wales per inch of s/j, 1x1 rib and interlock fabric
has been increased.
Table 5.3: Result of WPI After Bio-Polishing (TKL)
After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 32 36 35 35 35
1x1 Rib 42 46 45 45 45
Interlock 45 49 49 48 49
Table 5.4: Result of WPI After Bio-Polishing (EKL)
After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 33 36 37 37 37
1x1 Rib 40 45 44 44 44
Interlock 44 46 47 47 47

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 23

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
5.3. Data Analysis for Stitch Length After Bio-Polishing:
After bio-polishing, here we can see that the stitch length of s/j, 1x1 rib and interlock fabric
has been decreased.

Table 5.5: Result of Stitch Length After Bio-Polishing (TKL)

After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 2.85 2.78 2.75 2.76 2.76
1x1 Rib 2.90 2.85 2.80 2.82 2.82
Interlock 2.60 2.53 2.51 2.50 2.51

Table 5.6: Result of Stitch Length After Bio-Polishing (EKL)

After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 2.90 2.84 2.81 2.83 2.83
1x1 Rib 2.90 2.79 2.82 2.82 2.81
Interlock 2.70 2.66 2.65 2.61 2.64

5.4. Data Analysis for Yarn Count After Bio-Polishing:

After bio-polishing, here we can see that the Yarn Count (Ne) of s/j, 1x1 rib and interlock fabric
has been increased.

Table 5.7: Result of Yarn Count (Ne) After Bio-Polishing (TKL)

After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 26 28 28 28 28
1x1 Rib 28 30 30 30 30
Interlock 34 36 36 38 36

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 24

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
Table 5.8: Result of Yarn Count (Ne) After Bio-Polishing (EKL)
After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 26 28 28 28 28
1x1 Rib 28 30 30 28 30
Interlock 32 36 34 36 34

5.5. Data Analysis for GSM After Bio-Polishing:

After bio-polishing, here we can see that the GSM of s/j, 1x1 rib and interlock fabric has been

Table 5.9: Result of GSM After Bio-Polishing (TKL)

After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 162 168 165 165 166
1x1 Rib 216 220 220 222 220
Interlock 218 220 223 222 222

Table 5.10: Result of GSM After Bio-Polishing (EKL)

After After Bio-Polishing
Fabric Scouring &
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample Avg
Plain S/J 161 166 164 164 165
1x1 Rib 214 218 220 220 219
Interlock 218 221 223 222 222

Fig 5.1: Samples After Bio-Polishing (TKL)

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 25

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
5.6. Findings from Our Study:
In this project work, we used 3 types of knit fabrics (Plain S/J, 1x1 Rib, Interlock) and these
are 100% cotton fabric. Then we evaluate the effect of bio-polishing on properties (CPI, WPI,
Stitch Length & GSM) of these 3 types of fabric. In bio-polishing stage we have used acid
enzyme that reduces the hairiness from the fabric surface. After completing this project work,
we got the following results-
❖ As enzyme treatment reduces the hairiness of fabric surface, so the CPI, WPI, GSM of
plain s/j, 1x1 rib & interlock fabric have increased.
❖ And the Stitch Length is decreased & Yarn Count is increased.

5.7. Limitations of This Study:

❖ If we could work with more sample our result would be more accurate.
❖ We did some experiment manually and from bulk production, if we could
do those experiments by the help of automatic machine, it would be fine.
❖ If we could work in lab section it would be more helpful and the result will
be more accurate.
❖ We can not maintain the standard fabric relaxation process before
evaluation, so it may have effect on our result.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 26

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 27

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”
6.1. Summary:
Bio-polishing is one of the important processes of textile wet processing to remove the
hairiness and reduce the pilling tendency of fabric. Before doing the experiment, we haven’t
so much idea about this and also haven’t any idea how the hairy fibers are removed from the
surface of the fabric. After doing that, we have come to an excellent idea about bio-polishing
process, time and temperature, recipe calculation, change of WPI, CPI, GSM, SL & yarn count
after bio-polishing. We have also gained some knowledge about types of enzymes, bio-
polishing, chemical required for bio-polishing and also their function. Here-

❖ We see that after bio-polishing the WPI is increased due to the removal of hairy fibers
from the surface of the knit fabric.

❖ We see that after bio-polishing the CPI is also increased due to the removal of hairy
fibers from the surface of the knit fabric.

❖ We see that after bio-polishing the GSM of knit fabric should be slightly decreased but
here the WPI & CPI is increased thus the stitch density of knit fabric is also increased,
so the GSM is increased.

❖ We see that after bio-polishing the stitch length of knit fabric is decreased due to
removal of hairy fibers from the surface of the fabric, specifically from the yarn surface.

❖ We see that after bio-polishing the yarn count was increased due to removal of hairy
fibers from the yarn surface thus the yarn become finer than before.

Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 28

“Study on the Effect of Bio-Polishing on CPI, WPI, Stitch Length, Yarn Count & GSM
of Different Types of Knit Fabric”


Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barishal. 29

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