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An undergraduate method of the research proposal presented to the Department of

Management, Cavite State University-Silang Campus, in partial fulfillment of a
requirement for the degree Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in
Marketing Management with Contribution No. Prepared under the supervision of Ms.
Kristine Joyce Bawag


In the Philippines, there are 3,683,732 active cases of Coronavirus as of April

20, 2022 as indicated in Worldometer (April 20, 2022). The numerous number of infected

people hinders many industries and establishments to continue operating. According to B. C.

Magkilat (July 2020) of Manila Bulletin, there is about 26 percent of businesses in the

Philippines have closed when the pandemic hit the country. Due to this problem, businesses

are pushed to welcome new approach and strategies especially in food industry. Food

industries are one of the most affected areas by the pandemic due to the numerous lockdowns

and strict health protocols and guidelines imposed by the government. The threat of the virus

continues to prevent millions of people from going out of their houses and visit their favorite

restaurant. This very reason welcomes the proliferation of food delivery services. It began
since the COVID- 19 pandemic spread around the world. The country has no exception with

the changes happening in the society wherein almost everything can be done through online

or with the use of mobile phone. The eagerness of people to get out and get back to their

former way of life has opened up opportunities for food delivery services to take advantage

of the situation and get closer to their consumer in just one click.

There are thousands of online food delivery services here in the Philippines and some

of the famous online food delivery application as mentioned by MattsCraddle (June 6, 2021)

in his blog are the Lalafood, Food Panda, Grab Food, and Zomato Ph. Through these food

delivery applications, it is much easier to buy food from different restaurants that offer

different cuisines where the food will be delivered directly to the front door of the consumers.

The growth of food delivery services is affected by the constant change in the consumer’s

intention use of the service provided by these food delivery services.

The emergence of online food delivery services during the pandemic created a major

change not only to the business but also to the economy of our country. The proliferation of

food delivery services in the Philippines cause a change in the lifestyle of the consumers. As

the demand for these services increases, the perceived risk of using it also increases. These

perceived risk as defined by H. Bhasin (July 17, 2018) has an important role in the buying

pattern of consumer behavior. The consumer can learn which phase in the buying process has

the highest risk, and how to avoid it, using perceived theories. This process also builds

consumer confidence, lessening the risk of knowing that the danger arbitrates to the

sensation. Perceived risk have different factors that affect the consumer’s intention use of

food delivery services. K. Leonard (January 25, 2019) stated the five factors of perceived risk

that influence the purchasing behavior of the consumers which are the: functional risk,

perceived financial risk; social risk; wasted time risk; and the physical harm risk of the

product to the consumers. People buy things to solve a problem or to fill a need. Consumers'
fears and doubts about a product's ability to perform its intended purpose are examples of

functional perceived risk. Another type of risk is the perceived financial risk, wherein the

customer think that they might be wasting money on a certain product or service. They wanted to

feel compelled to use the products they paid for to avoid the feeling that they wasted their money.

The consumer’s fear or uncertainty that the acquisition of the thing under consideration will not be

approved by other people surrounding them, this is what we called the social risk. Many

consumers tend to consider different social groups such as their peers, family, and institution

in their decision making and seek validation if the purchase of a product will be acceptable

for these group of people. People dislike wasting their time almost as much as they dislike

spending their money. The perceived time risk is the time spent purchasing a thing, learning

how to use it, and putting it together. The time consumed in the waiting and delivering food

delivery services is one of the risk affecting the purchase intention of the consumers. Lastly,

the physical harm risk which is merely the fear that a product will be unsafe and may cause

harm or injury to the consumer or others. This risk includes the food sanitation and safety that

will be delivered to the consumers. The perceived risks connected with corporate operations

and strategies must be considered by business owners. When customers acquire a product or

service from a firm, they experience perceived risk as uncertainty. It is important to

recognized the issues that the consumers are concerned about to address it properly.

According to the blog of K. Molenaar (May 3, 2022) as she cited from a survey

conducted by Clutch, over half of younger millennials (48 percent) want to spend more

money in 2021, particularly in the first half, than they did the previous year. The higher

expense is being justified by the need to compensate for lost time and the lifting of pandemic-

related protocols and guidelines. Millennials becomes a huge fan of food delivery services

application. The report of CTV News (January 26, 2019) stated that six (6) out of ten (10)

millennials are ordering through food delivery services. These people belong to the ages of
26 to 40 years old. Millennials are bringing their consumer buying behavior and expectations

into their decision-making responsibilities in greater numbers than earlier generations of

purchasers. Social proof, internet reviews, self-education, self-service, personal network

recommendations, and other factors influence the Millennial buyer's purchasing decision. The

increasing demand of food delivery services, make a change of how millennials change their

perceived risk in buying in a food delivery service.

Consumers make decisions about which items and services to buy, and how to utilize

them on a regular basis. The market trend in food industry changes as the consumer’s

decision also change. These decisions have significant implications not only for consumers,

but also for policymakers and marketers. These are frequently challenging choices.

Consumers are frequently confronted with a variety of options that are continually changing

as a result of new technologies and competitive pressures.

Although there are studies regarding to food industries, there are only few of them

that focus with the perceived risk and intention use of millennials in the proliferation of

online food delivery services. That is why this study has the purpose of adding relevant

studies about the proliferation of online food delivery services and it’s the perceived risk that

affects the intention use of the consumers. This research aims to determine which factors

have the most impact on the proliferation of food delivery services; to gather relevant data,

such as the respondents' socio-demographic profile; and the importance of purchasing

decisions to food delivery services of selected millennials in Silang, Cavite.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between perceived risk and intention to use

of selected millennials in food delivery services in Silang, Cavite.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Income

2. What is the perceived risk in using online food delivery services in terms of:

a. Financial Risk

b. Time Risk

c. Functional Risk

d. Social Risk

e. Safety Risk

3. What are the factors affecting the intention use of consumers in terms of:

a. Belief

b. Attitude

c. Normative Believes

d. Subjective Norms

4. Is there a significant relationship between perceived risk and intention use of selected

millennials in online food delivery services in Silang, Cavite?

Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this research is to determine what variable affects the

proliferation of online food delivery services. The researchers will need to collect relevant

data, such as the respondents' socio-demographic profile, elements influencing their

purchasing decisions, and the importance of purchasing decisions to food delivery services, to
determine how the intention use and perceived risk of the consumers affect the proliferation

of online food delivery services.

Specifically, this research intends to find out and assess the following:

1. To know the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

d. Age

e. Gender

f. Income

2. To determine the perceived risk in using online food delivery services in terms of:

f. Financial Risk

g. Time Risk

h. Functional Risk

i. Social Risk

j. Safety Risk

3. To discover the factors affecting the intention use of consumers in terms of:

e. Belief

f. Attitude

g. Normative Believes

h. Subjective Norms

4. To investigate the significant relationship between perceived risk and intention use of

selected millennials in online food delivery services in Silang, Cavite?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study may be beneficial to the following people:

Institution. This study aims to give the institution and serve as a reference for the course and

subjects that relevant topics to the proliferation of online food delivery services and the

factors affecting its booming. In addition, this study will discuss on how perceived risk

factors will affect the intention of the consumers to purchase or pay for a service such as food

delivery services.

Organization. This study may be use as a reference on how business organizations will

better understand the effects of the perceived risks and its factors that affects the intention use

of consumers about the proliferation of online food delivery services. This will provide

relevant knowledge and understanding about the changes in the behavior of consumers in

purchasing goods and/or services.

Ecommerce Business. This study contains relevant knowledge, theories, and data that the E-

businesses can use as a reference in establishing or improving their business operation. The

data gathered in this study might help the business to approach their targeted consumer’s as

this study discuss how different perceived risk factors influence the intention use of the


Future researchers. The gathered data and knowledge from this research will benefits the

future researchers as it provides relevant and timely information that they can use as a

reference in the research that they will conduct. Moreover, this study consists of an integrated

study that focuses on how perceived risk factors affect consumers’ intention use of online

food delivery services and what consumer characteristics are affected by it.
Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted from February 2022 to June 2022. The researchers gathered

information and data from the respondents of selected millennials in Silang Cavite

Scope of the Study

This study concentrates on the perceived risk factors that affects the intention use of

online food delivery services in Cavite. The study primarily focusses on the proliferation of

online food delivery services and the perceived risk such as the functional risk, financial risk,

social risk, wasted time risk, and the physical harm risk that might affect the intention use of

the consumers in terms of attitude, subjective norm, and the perceived behavioral control.

This will also determine the significance and relationship of the perceived risk factors and the

intention use of the service to the proliferation of online food delivery services in Silang,



The study was conducted to know the perceived risk and intention use of the

consumers that results to the proliferation of online food delivery services with the selected

millennials in Silang, Cavite as the respondents. Silang, Cavite is an underrated neighboring

municipality of Tagaytay that have a wide range of classification when it comes to food

industry that will be useful for this research.

Definition of Terms

1. Perceived Risk- is the level of uncertainty they have. When a customer considers

purchasing a product, he or she has some reservations and consider different factors

that affect their intention to use or purchase the product.

2. Functional Risk- refers to the risks associated with the functioning of the product

that include the fear and or doubt a consumer has that the product they are buying will

fail to perform its intended function

3. Subjective Norms- the expectations that a significant individual or group of people

will approve and support a certain behavior. Subjective norms are established by an

individual's motivation to conform with others' views and their perception of social

pressure from others to behave in a specific way.

4. Perceived Behavioral Control- is defined as the perception of the difficulty of

enacting a behavior of interest.

5. Intention Use- the extent to which a person has made intentional plans to engage in

or refrain from engaging in a specific future behavior. This describes a user's desire to

use a particular product or service.

6. Online food delivery service- The process of ordering meals for delivery or pickup

from a website or other application. Food that is ready to consume or food that has not

been carefully prepared for direct consumption.

7. Proliferation- the increase or the rapid growth of something.

8. Millennials- also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the people who are born

between 1990s up to early 2000s. These group of people have more access of using

internet and social media platforms. Millennials are particular about their nutrient

intake and tastes. This generation of consumers indicate a more conscious buying and

consumption of food products

Theoretical Framework

The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) is a model that finds its origins in the field of

social psychology. This model developed by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) defines the links

between beliefs, attitudes, norms, intentions, and behaviors of individuals. According to this
model, a person’s behavior is determined by its behavioral intention to perform it. This

intention is itself determined by the person’s attitudes and his subjective norms towards the

behavior. Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, p. 302) define the subjective norms as “the person’s

perception that most people who are important to him think he should or should not perform

the behavior in question” (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975, p.302)

This theory can be summarized by the following equation:

Behavioral Intention = Attitude + Subjective norms

According to TRA, the attitude of a person towards a behavior is determined by his

beliefs on the consequences of this behavior, multiplied by his evaluation of these

consequences. Beliefs are defined by the person’s subjective probability that performing a

particular behavior will produce specific results. This model therefore suggests that external

stimuli influence attitudes by modifying the structure of the person’s beliefs. Moreover,

behavioral intention is also determined by the subjective norms that are themselves

determined by the normative beliefs of an individual and by his motivation to comply to the


Figure 1. Theory of Reasoned Action from Davis, Bagozzi et Warshaw (1989)

TRA also claims that all other factors which influence the behavior only do so in an

indirect way by influencing the attitude or subjective norms. Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) refer

to these factors as being external variables. These variables can be for example, the

characteristics of the tasks, of the interface or of the user, the type of development

implementation, the political influences, the organizational structure, etc. (Davis, Bagozzi

and Warshaw, on 1989). A meta-analysis on the application of the theory of reasoned action

showed that the model can produce good predictions of choices made by an individual when

facing several alternatives (Sheppard, Hartwick, and Warshaw, on 1988).

Theory of Planned Behavior

The theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, on 1985; on 1991) is an extension of

the Theory of reasoned action. According to the author, the need for this new model results

from limitations on behaviors on which people had little control. Ajzen added therefore a

third element to his model, which according to him has an influence on a person’s intention

to perform a behavior which he called perceived behavioral control.

Perceived behavioral control refers to readily available resources, skills, and

opportunities as well as the person’s own perception towards the importance of achieving the

results. The concept of Perceived Behavioral Control is close to the concept of self-

efficacy of Bandura ( 1982 ).The latter explains that beliefs of an individual concerning his

self-efficacy can have an influence on his choice of activities, his preparation for the activity

and finally on the effort that he will exert during the activity in question. Therefore, if for

example two individuals have the strong intention to learn a new language, the one who

thinks that he will succeed in mastering it, is the one who will tend to persevere more than the

other who doubts in his capacities (Ajzen, on 1991).

Ajzen’s model uses three variables (attitude, subjective norms, and perceived

behavioral control) to demonstrate the direct influence that they have on the behavioral

intention. The behavioral intention in turn influences the behavior. The figure below

illustrates the links between the various variables:

Figure 2. Theory of Planned Behavior from Dillon and Morris (1996)

Taylor and Todd (1995) made a research on the theory of planned action in the

specific context of new technologies. The authors used existing literature in order to identify

antecedents of attitude, subjective norms and perception of control. Their results show that

factors that determine attitude are perceived utility, perceived ease of use and compatibility.

As for subjective norms, it seemed that the influence of peers and superiors had the greatest

impact. Finally, self-efficacy and positive conditions such as available resources and

technology are considered as factors determining the perceived behavioral control.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 3. Perceived Risk and Intention Use Framework

This figure shows how the factors of perceived risk such as functional risk, financial

risk, wasted time risk, social risk, and safety risk that might affect to the intention use of the

consumers. In this framework, it can clearly have classified that the perceive risk factors are

independent variables because it cannot be affected or changed by other variables. Intention

use includes the attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control of the consumers

in purchasing a product and/or services. On the contrary, intention use variables are the

dependent variables since it changes according to the independent variables that influence it.

This conceptual framework will be the basis on determining how perceived risk and intention
use affect the proliferation of online food delivery services in selected millennials on Silang,



This chapter of research is a compilation of journals, articles, blogs, and dissertations,

as well as published and unpublished relevant studies. The researchers look for relevant

studies and literature to determine how perceived risk and intention use affects the

proliferation of online food delivery services in accordance to the gathered literatures. The

related literature will justify the purpose and value of this research.

Proliferation of Online Food Delivery Services

Since the pandemic, people all across the world have relied on food delivery, making

it one of the crucial services. In the country, this service includes anything from fast food

takeout to delivering goods to the consumer’s house to stock in their pantry. It keeps

individuals protected from COVID-19 outside while also assisting new breeds of food

entrepreneurs with their latest ventures. According to J. Legazpi (April 26,2021) of Manila

Bulletin, the Philippines' food delivery business has risen to $1.2 billion in gross merchandise

value (GMV) by the end of 2020, with the overall food delivery sector in Southeast Asia

(SEA) experiencing an exponential 183 percent increase. Food delivery in Southeast Asia is

expected to reach $11.9 billion in GMV in 2020, according to a report by venture financing

firm Momentum Works. This is significantly more than the $4.2 billion industry forecast for
2019 and the $2.2 billion total for 2018. Momentum Works' GMV forecast for 2020 is based

on on-the-ground data from restaurants, delivery fleets, and other stakeholders. As per A.

Marasigan (November 7, 2021), last year, the food delivery industry made P55 billion in

gross sales. Filipinos order one-third of their meals from restaurants, while the other two-

thirds are prepared at home. Fifty percent of consumers base their meal choices on what they

see on the app. Subscriptions to food delivery aggregators like Grab Food and Food Panda

have surged by 61% in the last year, which is unsurprising. Given their household

penetration, restaurants cannot avoid being visible in food aggregator apps.

Lavu (2022) stated in their page that more than half of all customer orders are now

delivered directly from restaurants' apps or websites, thanks to the advancements in the food

delivery industry. Restaurants and other food businesses are currently using various methods

to handle digital ordering and delivery of food. While some people do it on their own through

independent channels, third-party platforms like Uber Eats and Delivery Hero have grown in

popularity. Hybrid delivery platforms are also gaining market share and changing the way

food is served. The rise of digital technology has changed the market and transformed the

food delivery process. Customers are now placing orders through restaurant apps and

websites rather than visiting to the restaurant. Restaurants, on their part, ensure that their

offerings are transparent and convenient. The restaurant then fulfills the order by ensuring

that the food is delivered to the customer's residence.

Grab (September 3, 2021) said that while the COVID-19 pandemic has hastened the

adoption of food delivery services in Southeast Asia, a growing appreciation for these

services will help to their long-term expansion. 78 percent of consumers in the region used

the service once or more per week between October 2020 and March 2021. Even if COVID-

19 limits are eased, nearly nine out of ten consumers (87%) estimate their usage to remain the

same or increase. Food delivery's convenience was the primary reason for its continued and
growing use after the outbreak. In addition, Statista Research Department (February 9, 2022)

cited from Rakuten Insight survey on food services and cloud kitchen performed in August

23, 2021 percent of Filipino respondents used food delivery apps once or twice a week. Food

Panda and Grab Food were the most popular food delivery apps among Filipinos, according

to the same survey.

Perceived Risk

Consumer behavior is a risk in the sense that every action taken by a consumer will

have effects that he cannot predict with any degree of accuracy, and at least some of them are

likely to be unpleasant. Possible consequences include a negative attitude regarding the

service, financial losses, privacy invasion, product or service delivery failure, anxiety,

discomfort, or wasted time. The greater the sense of negative outcomes among consumers,

the less likely they are to purchase. As a result, increasing consumer confidence and reducing

risk influences their purchasing intention. Perceived risk, as defined by M G. Suárez (2016),

is the consumers’ level of uncertainty regarding the outcome of a purchase decision. While

H.J.Paek and T. Hove (March 27, 2017) describe perceived risk as the subjective judgement

of people about the negative effects that might happen during and after the purchase of a

goods or services.

K. Leonard (January 25, 2019) explained that the perceived risks connected with

corporate operations and strategies must be considered by business leaders. When customers

acquire a product or service from your firm, they experience perceived risk as uncertainty.

Understand what concerns customers so you may address their concerns.

Functional Risk

Liang, X.B., Li, J.J and Xu, Z. (2018) cited from Khedmatgozar & Shahnazi (2017)

defined functional or performance risk as the consumer’s perception that the product or
service may fail to meet their requirements. To put it in another way, it refers to the

possibility of bad performance of the product or service in way that cannot satisfy the

claimed benefits or facilities. Fear and/or doubt that the thing that the consumers are buying

will fail to perform its intended function are examples of perceived risks. The consumer may

be concerned that if they purchase a car, the engine or other components will fail. When a

new consumer purchases a certain product or service, they are likely to have no prior

knowledge of how it works. This is especially true when it comes to new products entering

the market. People purchase items to solve a problem or meet a need.

Financial Risk

It refers to the likelihood of financial loss in addition to the product or service

maintenance costs as the result of purchasing (Khedmatgozar & Shahnazi, 2017). Consumers

are concerned that a purchase will take away their current or future income sources. K.W.

Tham, O. Dastane, and Z. Johari (2019) stated that financial risk plays a crucial factor in

deciding whether or not to make a purchase when shopping online. This is because financial

concerns have become a threat, resulting in negative perceptions and influencing consumer


Social Risk

Social Risk is a factor of perceived risk is linked to the chance of an institution's status in a

social group being jeopardized using an obviously foolish product or service. L. Lake

(January 14, 2019) defined social risk as a form of danger concerns a customer's social

standing. When a person belongs to a high or wealthy social class, they desire to buy things

that their peers would buy as well.

Safety Risk
It generally refers to hazards to the health or appearance of consumers and physical

exhaustion and mental capacity devoted to the purchase (Hall & Royles, 2018)

Wasted Time Risk

Wasted time risk is a type of perceived factor that commonly seen and experience in

purchasing a service.

Intention Use

Traditional business has changed throughout time. The pandemic of Covid-19 has

changed everything, and it has impacted every industry. People were on high alert as a result

of the worldwide crisis, and the majority of them avoided contact with others. Technology

has transformed the globe in the new era, particularly in this new norm. A new phenomena

created by modernizing human behavior, making it easy for people to go from waking up in

the morning to acquiring job and providing sustenance. Small eateries and businesses are also

impacted by the covid-19 outbreak and lockdown. N. Ramli, F. A. Ghani, W.N. Nawawi, and

H. A. Majid (January 24, 2021) said that Throughout the outbreak and in the aftermath Small

businesses and eateries have closed. COVID-19 has forced a temporary closure until a

permanent closure is unavoidable. According to Poon, W.C. and Tung, S.E.H. (2022), as

cited from Rodríguez-López et al.(2020) a long-held belief is that individuals tend to avoid

discomfort or pain while seeking pleasure or happiness. Many, if not all, of our decisions are

bias towards pursuing happiness or avoiding unhappiness. Emotions play a significant role in

persuading consumer's intention. External stimuli such as restaurant ambience, customer-

employee relationship, virtual reality simulation, aromas and service failures influence their
satisfaction and intention. The likelihood of consumers purchasing things is referred to as

purchase intention. The stronger the purchase intention, the higher the likelihood.

Understanding customers' purchasing intents can assist businesses in analyzing the market

and adjusting their products or services to enhance sales and profitability. There are variables

under the intention use of the consumers including: the attitude, subjective norms, and the

perceived behavioral control.

Attitude, as explained by H.S. Chen, C.H. Liang, S.Y. Liao and H.Y. Kuo (6 December

2020), is the totality of a person's "behavioral beliefs" and "outcome assessments," where

"behavioral beliefs" refers to the assumption that particular outcomes can be obtained by

engaging in specific activities. "Outcome evaluations" are a person's assessments of the

outcomes of his or her actions. That is, a larger conviction in an activity's outcome enhances

the likelihood of the behavior being carried out.

H.S. Chen, C.H. Liang, S.Y. Liao and H.Y. Kuo (6 December 2020) explain that subjective

norms are shaped by perceived social pressure from others, such as family, friends, and

coworkers, to perform or refrain from performing an action. Subjective normative factors,

such as influences from those deemed important by users, might influence their acceptance

intentions (e.g., family, friends). Consumers' utilitarian and hedonic value toward items will

be influenced by brand ambassadors or endorsers. They discovered that subjective norms,

image, and work relevance were drivers of ease of use, which is a factor in utilitarian value.

Subjective norms have a substantial beneficial impact on consumers' inclinations to continue

using the service. Repeat purchase intentions are influenced by customer attitudes, emotion

regulation, and subjective norms emphasized the importance of subjective standards and

perceived behavioral control.

The last variable under the intention use is the perceived behavioral control. H.S.

Chen, C.H. Liang, S.Y. Liao and H.Y. Kuo (6 December 2020) describe it as the ease with which a

person perceives behavioral control is reflected in perceived behavioral control or the

difficulty of carrying out a specific action External influences will have a subjective impact;

that is, individuals will be hampered by previous experiences or expectations, which include

the amount of understanding of self-competence (ability), awareness of vital needs

(resources), and awareness of convenience (opportunity). In summary, consumers'

perceptions of their consuming behavior will influence their risk assessment and preferences

when using online meal delivery systems.


This part of the study will describe the methods and procedures used to collect the

data needed to address the study's problem. These include the research design, sources of

data, data gathering procedure, statistical treatment and research instrument.

Research Design

This study will use a descriptive-correlational in order to determine the significance of the

factors of perceived risk and the intention use of selected millennials. Aside from the

relationship of these variables, the researchers will further discuss how these variables affect

the proliferation of online food delivery services in Silang, Cavite.

Descriptive-correlational is a combination of two research design which is the descriptive and

correlation. A descriptive research design is a type of research design that aims to gather data
in order to characterize a phenomenon, situation, or population in a methodical manner .

Specifically, it helps the researchers to answer the what, when, where, and how questions

regarding the proliferation of online food delivery services in Silang, Cavite. The variables

are just recognized, observed, and measured using this method. While correlational research

design as P. Bhandari (July 7, 2021) examines correlations between variables without

requiring the researcher to control or manipulate any of them. This research design will help

the researchers identify the relationship of perceived risk and intention use of millennials in

using online food delivery services. It also be used to determine if these factors affect the

proliferation of food delivery services in Silang, Cavite. Correlational research is helpful for

swiftly collecting data in natural situations. This allows the researchers to apply their findings

in externally legitimate ways to real-life circumstances.

Hypothesis of the Study

HO1: There is a significant relationship between the perceived risk factors of selected

millennials and proliferation of online food delivery services in Silang, Cavite.

HO2: There is a significant relationship between the perceived risk factors and the intention

use of selected millennials of online food delivery services.

HO3: There is a significant relationship between the intention use of selected millennials and

the proliferation of online food delivery services in Silang, Cavite.

Sources of Data

The researchers will use a sequence of primary and secondary data to support the

study. The researchers will send survey forms through Google Forms as primary data. The
secondary data used in this research are from related studies, articles, and blog with the same

topic discussed. The literatures used in this research are retrieved from the year 2017 up to


Sampling Technique

The researchers will use simple random sampling technique as a sampling technique

in selecting the millennials that will be the respondents for the study that will represent the

whole population of millennials in Silang, Cavite. This technique is one of the best and a

reliable method of obtaining information of the targeted respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will maximize the use of internet by using Google Forms containing

the survey questionnaires that is formulated carefully in order to answer the statement of the

problems and achieve the objectives of this research. The survey forms will be given on a

specific duration of date until the researchers reach the targeted number of respondents.

The researchers will include the Republic Act No. 10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act

to the Google Forms to ensure the respondents that all the information gathered will be

secured and will only be use for the purpose of the research.

Research Instrument
The researchers will use Google Forms in disseminating the formulated

questionnaires in order to gather the needed information for this study. The survey forms will

be sent to the selected millennials of Silang, Cavite through messenger.

The survey forms will be divided into two parts. The first part contains questions that

will help the researchers to determine the socio-demographic profile of the targeted

respondents. This questions includes the age, gender, and the income of the respondents.

While the second part of the survey includes question that will help the researchers discover

the perceived risk factors and how it affects the intention use of the millennials in online food

delivery services, and how these factors affects the proliferation of food delivery services in

Silang, Cavite. The participants can choose from the options presented in the form whether

they; strongly agree, agree, neither agree or disagree, disagree and strongly disagree.

Statistical Treatment

Frequency and Percentage

The researcher will use the frequency and percentage in presenting the socio demographic of

the participants, this includes the age, gender, and the income. A percentage frequency

distribution is a visual representation of data that shows the number of observations for each

data point or cluster of data points. It's a great way to express the relative frequency of survey

replies and other information. According to the Statistics Canada (n.d) the frequency (f) of a

given value refers to how many times it appears in the data. The pattern of frequencies

associated with a variable's distribution is the set of all conceivable values and the

frequencies associated with these values. Frequency tables or charts are used to represent

frequency distributions.

Mean and Standard Deviation

A standard deviation (or ) is a measure of data dispersion in proportion to the mean.

Data are grouped around the mean when the standard deviation is low, while data are more

spread out when the standard deviation is high.

To calculate the standard deviation, use the following formula:


xi=Value of the ith point in the data set

x=The mean value of the data set

n=The number of data points in the data set

M. Hargrave (March 12, 2022) of Investopedia stated that the standard deviation is a

statistic that calculates the square root of the variance and measures the dispersion of a

dataset relative to its mean. By calculating each data point's divergence from the mean, the

standard deviation is calculated as the square root of variance.

There is a bigger variance within the data set if the data points are further from the

mean; consequently, the more spread out the data, the higher the standard deviation.

While, mean of a dataset represents the average value of the dataset. It gives the

researchers and the statistician an idea of where the “center” of a dataset is located. Laerd

Statistics (n.d) enumerates the purpose of using mean in statistics and one of its key features

is that it reduces the amount of inaccuracy in predicting any single number in your data set.

That is, it is the value in the data set that creates the least amount of error when compared to

all other values. Aside from this, one of the most essential properties of the mean is that it
calculates every value in your data collection. The mean is also the only measure of central

tendency in which the total of each value's departures from the mean is always zero.

Pearson’s Correlation

The test statistic Pearson's correlation coefficient assesses the statistical link, or

association, between two continuous variables. Because it is based on the method of

covariance, it is known as the best method for quantifying the relationship between variables

of interest. It provides information about the amount of the link, or correlation, as well as the

relationship's direction.

According to QuestionPro (n.d), in statistics, the Pearson correlation coefficient,

sometimes known as Pearson's r, is a measurement of the strength of a link between two

variables and their affiliation with one another. Pearson's correlation coefficient calculates the

influence of a change in one variable on the effect of a change in the other variable.

The correlation coefficient formula finds out the relation between the variables. It returns the
values between -1 and 1. Use the below Pearson coefficient correlation calculator to
measure the strength of two variables.

Pearson correlation coefficient formula:


N = the number of pairs of scores

Σxy = the sum of the products of paired scores

Σx = the sum of x scores

Σy = the sum of y scores

Σx2 = the sum of squared x scores

Σy2 = the sum of squared y scores


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