RRL Perceived Risk

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The Philippines is the only ASEAN country to make it to the top ten of the Global

Gender Gap Index 2018—placing 8th. Despite the positive efforts to close gaps in the
country’s economic, education, health and political sectors; and the obvious appetite for
gender equality. Data collected from 6,971 skilled workers shows that on average, male
employees in the Philippines earn ₱ 5,000 or AU$143 more than their female
counterparts. Self-service parcel delivery service has been favored by E-commerce
retailers as an effective solution to the last-mile delivery, and consumersadoption
behavior is the key point to apply this emerging technology. The relationship between
perceived interactivity and mental imagery differs based on an individuals involvement
level. These results provide practical insights for digital retailers in creating effective
mobile shopping environments. For example, in the US, the number of packages
delivered exceed 13 billion, and household-based grocery shopping trips exceeded 15
billion in 2018 (Figliozzi, 2020). Given the magnitude of these numbers, percentual
changes that exceed single digit numbers results in significant changes in travel and
transportation-related emissions. Youth unemployment is a serious concern in
developing countries, and yet we know little about how employers value characteristics
of young workers, particularly in the developing world. Through a randomized audit
design, we test the returns to work experience, education, and physical attractiveness
in the Philippines, a developing country with high youth unemployment.
what are the perceived risk in online food delivery services (Social) According to
(Mirosa, 2020) by altering the way consumers interact with their food, online FD has an
impact on that relationship. Food is obtained, prepared, and consumed by consumers.
As a result, these changes have an impact on human-to-human interactions. The
question of whether online FD improves or degrades relationships has sparked heated
debate. time spent with family and community interaction Family members used to
speak with one another and enjoy each other's company while doing the routine tasks of
food-related family life, such as grocery shopping purchasing groceries and meal
preparation and cooking at home [49,50]. In certain cases, it has worked. Married
Korean women have been observed to be less likely to use internet FD because they
consider they have a moral obligation to prepare meals for their family [10]. Other
research have found that some Chinese [51] and UK [52] customers saw online FD as a
means to quickly and easily prepare meals, allowing them to spend more time with their
families. For example, a qualitative study of persons aged 18 to 35 who order takeaway
meals at least once a week in Guangzhou (the largest city in South China) revealed that
they utilized internet FD because it allowed them to enjoy the comfort of their home
while still partaking in the foods and beverages lifestyles they enjoyed, without the
stress associated with the buying and cooking of food [51].
Mirosa M. (2020). Review of Online Food Delivery Platforms and their Impacts on
Sustainability. Retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/zcvbnm/Downloads/sustainability-12-

Mobile devices have become one of the most popular and ubiquitous technological
devices around the world (Shiau et al., 2017). Shopping habits have also gradually
shifted from offline to online, but even and when shopping offline, mobile payment has
gradually become people’s consumption payment habit. Electronic word of mouth
(eWOM) has become an important part of social commerce (Zhao et al., 2020). And in
this process, these applications play an important role in their decisions. When
searching for information on the Internet, it is quite possible that consumers consult a
social media website including Facebook and Twitter. Also, it has changed into a
dynamic information environment of social media, where almost anyone can post
messages and spread or comment on information rapidly. Nowadays, with the
advancement of technology and the continued pressure to produce and consume amid
resource scarcities, both consumers and organizations are increasingly embracing the
idea to collaborate and share in producing and consuming marketing exchanges in the
marketplace (Chen and Wang, 2019). People are more likely to recommend to a larger
circle of people when faced with utilitarian products, affective messages, and active
seller participation than when faced with hedonic products, rational messages, and
passive seller participation. However, online shopping is a double-edged sword. When
people buy their favorite products, there can still be a series of problems. For example,
a poor understanding of product attributes makes consumers buy useless things or buy
things inconsistent with the goods displayed by the merchant. Often, these phenomena
make consumers want to buy some products, but sometimes there are not enough user
reviews to be used as a reference, resulting in people’s demands for obtaining effective
information about products becoming increasingly important. And then they will have
their own sales channel to sell something to users. With the increase of network users,
social network developers must consider the social factors that influence the intention to
use social networks. With the development of modern society, it means that media use
is changing each day. In a society featuring globalization, social networks span spatial
and temporal restrictions and satisfy demands for interpersonal interactions at any time
and at any place. Several studies have demonstrated the impact of positive and
negative online reactions of other consumers on behavior and attitudes. Negative media
reports have a negative impact on companies performance. If the report content is
serious, the impact will be aggravate. This study defines negative reports as those
reports that include derogatory terms such as disclosure, criticism, and questioning or
include exposure of news that is not conducive to the sustainable development of the
platform, as well as an in-depth analysis of the company's potential problems. Perceived
risk of product effect will affect consumers’ trust in other platforms and will further affect
consumers’ cross-platform buying behavior. However, this influence is positive when
there are many negative reports and negative when there are few negative reports.
Innovation is one of the most critical forces in creating new services and products,
developing new markets, promoting organizations’ competitiveness, and transforming
industries. At the same time, everyone can share their shopping experience and moods
with others. In ambiguous situations where consumers are uncertain about an
appropriate course of action, they may adjust to the viewpoints and behaviors of others
who they assume to be more knowledgeable in dealing with the particular situation. It
means that consumers can use the Internet anytime and anywhere to collect, pay, and
share information about purchasing decisions (McKinsey and Company, 2019). The
risk perception of product effects as well as service for consumers has a positive impact
on the cross-platform purchase behavior. Consumers’ level of trust in other platforms
has important potential in the buying behavior of consumers across platforms insofar as
consumers’ perceived risk and perceived service product performance risks will affect
fbclid=IwAR1R12j3CkP5yHevIXunJ2JiOg2afDFHXK6xbpAF8t3eIoZNh8FZEvsaE9w -
With the advent of the sharing economy, the development of e-commerce, the
promotion of third-party payment solutions, and the growth of the stay-at-home
economy, food delivery platforms have emerged. Food delivery platform operators have
created a new technological model for food delivery services that allow consumers to
connect to various local and food providers through a mobile app. Consumers can be
immediately provided with an estimated delivery time depending on their designated
location, or they can specify their desired delivery time. Then, a delivery person can
accept the order, go to the restaurant to pick up the order, and deliver it to the consumer
to complete the service. After placing an order, consumers can use a smart tracking
function in the app to track the progress of their order. Consumers can be immediately
provided with an estimated delivery time depending on their designated location, or they
can specify their desired delivery time. Then, a delivery person can accept the order, go
to the restaurant to pick up the order, and deliver it to the consumer to complete the
service. After placing an order, consumers can use a smart tracking function in the app
to track the progress of their order. Apart from online shopping and social media,
number of consumers adopting to online food shopping as daily life style has also
increased. Busy working adults and their family members are looking for a convenient
way to order food, which saves time, cost and efforts to get their meal (Goh, Ng, Wong
& Chong, 2017) Broadly, there are two delivery service formats. restaurant-to-customer
delivery and platform-to-consumer delivery and their revenue was increased. (Statista,
2019). Many obstacles in the online food shopping have been addressed by
researchers. Such issues are payment security, receiving low-quality food products,
web loading time, transaction problems etc. Current study intends to provide clearer
understanding to marketers and strategists in the industry to comprehend the
importance of consumer psychology especially in their behavioral intention. Therefore,
aim of the study is to investigate impacts of selected key factors such as service quality.

SAFETY Perceived threat is a core component and the most useful in understanding
the practice of a variety of preventive health behaviors, according to many scholarly
assessments. According to the HBM, perceived threat refers to people's perceptions of
the severity of an illness and their susceptibility to it. Many research suggest that
susceptibility and severity can be combined into one construct, namely perceived threat.
According to studies, perceived severity is difficult to predict until it reaches such
extremes that it becomes dysfunctional. Perceived threat is a function of perceived
severity and vulnerability in that order. Perceived threat is characterized as a mix of
perceived vulnerability and severity, and it is a construct that is more relevant to the
resultant health-related behaviors than each of these components considered
separately. In this study, perceived susceptibility refers to a person's subjective
assessment of the risk of contracting a disease. A person's feelings regarding the
seriousness of developing an illness are referred to as perceived severity. There is a
wide range of severity feelings, and people frequently weigh medical and social effects
when assessing severity. Daily reporting of particular disease infection figures, media
stories on a particular disease, and documentation regarding people infected with or
who died of a particular disease may have enhanced the perceived threat of disease,
according to the above talks according to (Mehrolia, 2020). Mehrolia S. (2020).
Customer’s response to online food delivery services during COVID-19 outbreak using
binary logistic regression. Retrieved from:

This research examines the phenomenon of food delivery services from the mobile app
user’s perspective and how consumers’ lifestyles are changing because of the
convenience provided by the apps. By means of an online survey targeted at US food
delivery app customers, our study analyzes the main motivations that lead them to use
and recommend these technology-based services. Understanding the consumer
landscape better would help realize the full potential of the e-commerce platform as it
can influence the economy, businesses and the quality of life of people. The online food
delivery business is new and growing and demands greater researches for better
understanding by academicians and practitioners. The growth in mobile
communications is a significant reason attributed to the O2O commerce explosion in
China. Mobile applications have seized this opportunity adapting it to restaurants and
food delivery services, recognized as an alternative strategy to increase sales revenue
and for consumers to conveniently receive products and services. This study was
designed to specifically explore five salient quality attributes representing convenience,
design, trustworthiness, price, and various food choices associated with food delivery
apps in consideration of their impacts upon user-perceived value, attitudes and intention
to continuously use. Results determined that user trustworthiness was the most
important quality attribute of the food delivery app business. Additionally, this study
found that single-person households placed most importance upon quality attributes for
various food choices, priceand trustworthiness. Comparatively, multi-person households
placed most importance upon design, convenience, and trustworthiness. Managerial
implications, limitations and recommendations for future research are provided.

It’s never been easier for food companies to reach their customers. Restaurant delivery
has grown 20% in the last five years; while estimates differ, online food delivery sales
are estimated to grow as high as $220 billion by 2023. This hypergrowth may have been
accelerated by the global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, but what enabled its
success is the recent proliferation of delivery models and fleet types same hour, same
day and next day delivery single fleet, multi-fleet, crowdsourced fleets and in-house
fleets deliver from store, curbside pickup, delivery from robotic warehouses, and so
many others. Millenials are the first generation that would rather stay in than go out, and
that often translates to dining in with a customized meal kit delivered to their door. Pre-
prepared fresh meals, menu kits with raw ingredients, and other home food kits that
save customers time are top draws for the 55% of millenials that prioritize convenience
over even taste, according to the Food Information Council. As restaurants struggle to
find ways to survive, online food delivery (OFD) services have recently gained high
demands by delivering food and drinks to customers’ doorstep (NPD, 2020). OFD
services refer to internet-based food ordering and delivery systems that connect
customers with partner restaurants via their websites or mobile applications. However, it
remains unclear whether the pandemic influences customers' substantial OFD
purchasing behavior and decision-making process regarding OFD services. As the
COVID-19 pandemic has had the most impact on recent human behavior changes.
Furthermore, with several findings demonstrating that people who perceived health risks
altered their actions in preventive ways. Online food delivery (OFD) refers to the
process whereby food that was ordered online is prepared and delivered to the
consumer(Li et al., 2020). The customer demand of OFD services has increased
tremendously over the last few years and is expected to grow steadily. The total
revenue of the global OFD service market was estimated at approximately $107.4 billion
in 2019 and is expected to exceed $182.3 billion by 2024 (Statista, 2020). Moreover,
since the COVID-19 outbreak, the OFD market has gained even more attention globally
due to its contactless ordering and delivery system and is expected to continue
attracting new customers (Maida, 2020). When dining out, customers oftentimes do not
possess tools or skills to measure actual food safety. Instead, customers evaluate the
cleanliness and food safety of the restaurant based on various aspects of the
restaurant, including restaurant hygiene and employees’ safety practices of wearing
clean uniforms and sanitary gloves while touching food. The perceived risk associated
with food consumption is called food safety risk perception (FSRP) (Nardi, Teixeira,
Ladeira, & de Oliveira Santini, 2020). OFD services are challenged to sustain food
safety and hygiene because food delivered through OFD services can also be exposed
to contamination due to the addition of delivery processes to the traditional restaurant
business model. Specifically, controlling temperature, packaging, and using appropriate
food containers during the delivery process are additional concerns with OFD services.
Nevertheless, with the rise offood delivery culture, little is known regarding this new
behaviour and decision-makingprocess. These changes were more evident as COVID-
19 causes significant economicdisruptions often up-ending years of traditional practices
among consumer and companiesworldwide. Faced with major disruption, it is relevant
to focus on behavioural change amongexisting and new OFD consumer in response to
the uncertaint. https://www.bringg.com/blog/delivery/food-delivery-industry-trends/

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