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among some objectives. An achievement of one income increased at a rate of 4.

6 per
particular objective can be at the expense of the per annum. cent
other objective. Therefore, the essential job of the Agricultural sector showed remarkable
Planning Commission was to resolve the conflicts
perfornance, partly because of good monsoons.
Increase in agriculture production exceeded the
among various objectives. targets. Short-run objectives of resettlement of
Objectives of Planning in India refugees, achieving food self-sufficiency and
at a Glance controlling prices were, by and large, realised.
1. Economic growth. Second Five-Year Plan (1956-61): Second
2. Reducing unemployment. Five-Year Plan was very ambitious as compared
to the First Plan. Once the immediate
3. Reducing inequality of income. problems
of resettlement of refugees,
4. Removal of poverty. agricultural output, controlling prices, etc., had
5. Establishment of a socialist society. been somewhat solved, emphasis was rightly
6. Modernisation of the economy. placed on pursuing the long-term objective
of economic growth. The basic philosophy of
7. Self-reliance. the Second Plan was to initiate the process of
industrialisation in order to achieve growth on
9.4 MAJOR THRUSTS OF THE FIVE a long-term and sustainable basis. Accordingly,
YEAR PLANS IN INDIA the Second Plan aimed at rapid industrialisation,
Since 1951, India has completed eleven Five-Year with special emphasis on the development of
Plans. In this section we shall give a broad basic and heavy industries. The Plan gave the
overview of the various Five-Year Plans. highest priority to the development of basic
and heavy industries such as iron and steel,
First Five-Year Plan (1951-56): Indian economy
faced the problems of influx of refugees due to chemicals, heavy engineering, and machine
building industries. Public sector outlay on
the partition of the country, severe food shortage, industries, transport and communication, and
and sharp rise in prices at the time of the starting power generation was increased significantly.
of the First Plan. It also had to take care of
The goal of establishment of the socialist
economic damage to the economy caused by pattern of society was brought out clearly for
the Second World War and the partition of the the first time.
country. Therefore, while emphasising on the The Second Plan was only moderately
all-round balanced development so as to bring successful. The national income rose at a rate
about an increase in national income and of 4.1 per cent per annum, against a target
improvement in the living standards of the rate of 4.5 per cent per annum. The tempo of
people, the First Plan also aimed at solving these industrial development gathered momentum,
immediate problems. Accordingly, rehabilitation and agricultural progress was satisfactory.
of refugees, rapid agricultural development with However, the country faced the balance of
the objective of achieving food self-sufficiency, payments crisis due to acute shortage of foreign
and control of prices were emphasised as the exchange. As a result, many of the targetsof the
short-run or immediate objectives. Public sector Second Plan could not be realised. For example,
outlay was directed largely towards the creation power generation programme suffered a setback.
of infrastructure such as irrigation projects, power The country also experienced the problem of
supply, transport, etc. Private enterprises were rising prices.
entrusted with the responsibility of developing Third Five-Year Plan (1961-66): The Third Plan
directly productive activities. The Plan set a set the objective of establishment of a self-reliant
modest target of increasing national income at and self-generating economy. The importance of
arate of 2.1 per cent per annum.
both the agricultural and the industrial sectors
The First Plan was a great success an achieving was recognised and due emphasis was given to
its objectives, surpassing all expectations. National their growth. The overall target of 5.6 per cent
ner annum growth of national income was set. increased remarkably, industrial production
The developmental plan had to be modified in rose, and national incomne registered sharp to
hetween to lay emphasis on defence because of modest increase. But, performance during the
India's conflicts with China in 1962 and with next three years was extremely disappointing.
Pakistarn in 1965. The size of the Plan had to be reduced in the
The Third Plan was a complete failure on first half of the Plan due to Bangladesh crisis
account of () wars with China and Pakistan and Indo-Pakistan War of 1971. Foodgrain
and (ii) the failure of agriculture. The failure of production declined due to failure of monsoons.
agriculture was the single most important factor Industrial output registered a slow increase due
behind the failure of the Third Plan. Agricultural to power breakdowns, transport bottlenecks,
production went down. In fact, the country industrial unrest, etc. Consequently, there was
experienced a severe famine during the last year a substantial shortfall in the targeted rate of
of the Plan (1965-66). National income rose at growth. National incomne increased at a rate of
a rate of 3.3 per cent per annum, much below 3.0 per cent annum only, significantly lagging
the target of 5.6 per cent. This was the lowest behind the target of 5.7 per cent per annum.
rate of growth of national income during the Thus, the Fourth Plan failed halfway through.
planned era. There emerged excess capacity in Fifth Five-Year Plan (1974-79): The draft of
the industry due to slowing down in the rate of the Fifth Plan was formulated at a time when
economic growth. There was a general recession the country was facing the problem of sharp
in the economy, with sharp rise in prices along increase in the prices of food items, fertilisers,
with the low level of economic activity. and oil. Moreover, the balance of payments
1966-69: No regular planning exercise was situation worsened due to steep rise in oil and
undertaken for three years from 1966-67 to fertiliser prices. Therefore, major corrections
1968-69. The period 1966-69 was the period had to be introduced in the Fifth Plan, both in
of Plan Holiday'. Instead, three successive terms of financial outlays as well as shelving of
Annual Plans were adopted. The country various development programmes. Moreover,
abandoned the regular full-fledged Plan due to after the declaration of emergency in 1975,
the two successive years (1965-66 and 1966-67) emphasis was placed on the implementation
of drought, and resultant scarcity of food, of new economic policy, popularly known as
inflationary pressures, and ill-advised policy of '20-Point Economic Programme.' Nevertheless,
devaluation of Indian rupee in June 1966. The the Fifth Plan aimed at achieving primarily two
economy achieved amodest growth rate of objectives, namely () removal of poverty and
3.7 per cent in national income, as compared to (ii) attainment of self-reliance. The Plan proposed
the targeted rate of 5 per cent per annum during to achieve these twin objectives by stepping up the
1966-69. rate of economic growth and better distribution
Fourth Five-Year Plan (1969-74): The Fourth of income, with an emphasis on a national
Plan started in 1969 with an emphasis on growth programme of meeting the minimum needs.
with stability. It also placed much greater The Fifth Plan was terminated by the Janata
emphasis on attaining self-reliance by reducing Party Government at the end of the fourth
reliance on foreign assistance. The Plan'set a year of the Plan in March 1978. The Plan was
target of achieving 5.7 per cent rate of growth fairly successful. The Plan was able to achieve
of national income. But at the same time, it gave 5 per cent per annum growth rate of national
priority to increasing the income of the weaker income as compared to the target of 4.4 per cent
sections as part of the objective of growth with increase. Agricultural production also registered
social justice. 'Garibi Hatao' (removal of poverty) a satisfactory increase, surpassing the targeted
became the catchy slogan. Thus, Fourth Plan was increase.
an ambitious plan. Sixth Five-Year Plan (1980-85): The Sixth
The progress during the first two years Plan was originally introduced by the Janata
was very encouraging. Foodgrain production Party Government, covering the period 1978-83.
Tt could hardly run for a
Party Government fell. year when the Janata
"The new Congress 1990-92: The Eighth Five-Year Plan was to
Sixth Plan for replaced
the Plan by a begin on 1 April 1990. However, the country
the period 1980--85. The new was passing through difficult circumstances
objectives of the Plan were: stepping up themajorrate
during the period of two years, i.e., 1990-92.. The
of economic growth, political situation was very uncertain with the
for achieving economic and
on modernisation
country seeing three governments during this
self-reliance, reduction in poverty,technological
and reducing
period, The Gulf crisis, growing iscal dencit,
and depletion of foreign exchange reserves put
The Sixth Plan was a serious strain on the Indian economy. This led
National income registered reasonably successful. to high rate of inflation and recession in industry.
5.3 per cent per annum. Thus, the increase of As a result, growth rate slumped to a low level
of the Plan was growth objective of 2.5 per cent in 1991-92. Such conditions of
realised. The economy made an uncertainty created problems in the finalisation
all-rournd progress. Good monsoons resulted in of the Eighth Plarn.
successive bumnper crops and substantial increase Eighth Five-Year Plan (1992-97): The Eighth
in agricultural output. Industrial output also
Plan could finally start on 1 April 1992. It covered
showed encouraging results. the period of 1992-97. The main objectives of
Seventh Five-Ye ar Plan (1985-90): The the Eighth Plan were: generation of adequate
Seventh Plan covered the period 1985-90. Its employment, spread of education, expansion of
major immediate objectives were increase in healthcare facilities, growth and diversification
foodgrain production, increase in employment of agriculture so as to achieve self-sufficiency
and raising productivity. Thus, in food production, development of economic
Seventh Plan focused on food, work, infrastructure, and population control.
and productivity. The Plan also adopted the In view of the encouraging growth rate of the
development strategy of directly attacking the economy during the Seventh Plarn, the Eighth Plan
problems of poverty, unemployment, and regional set a target of 5.6 per cent per annum increase in
imbalances. It aimed at bringing down the the national income. An important kingpin of the
number of people living below the poverty line. Eighth Plan was the implementation of economic
With this aim in mind, the Seventh Plan placed reforms as part of the new economic policy
emphasis on poverty alleviation programmes. initiated since July 1991. The new economic policy
The Plan targeted an annual growth rate of was characterised by various structural changes
national income of 5 per cent. This rate was in the economy and giving market-orientation
in line with the growth rate achieved in the to the economy. Liberalisation, privatisation, and
Sixth Plan, but a little higher than the average globalisation were the main components of the
for the past decade. new economic policy.
The economy performed remarkably All these elements of new economic
well during the Seventh Plan. It achieved policy were incorporated in the framing and
5.8 per cent per annum increase
in national implementation of the Eighth Plan. There was
income. Thus, the growth rate target of a significant jump in economic growth initially
the Seventh Plan was more than
achieved. due to the spurt in economic reforms. But, there
Overall achievement in major sectors was was some loss of momentum subsequently
satisfactory. There was a significant increase in due to the slackening of economic reforms.
rate Notwithstanding, the Eighth Plan achieved an
the growth in agricultural output. Growth
average growth rate of 6.5 per cent in national
of industrial output during the Plan was over income,.1 per cent higher than the target rate of
8per cent, nearly touching the target. 5.6 per cent. A very important feature was that
the level of deficit financing was rather high.
This led to increase in money supply and sharp the average growth during the last three years
situation of the Eighth Plan was 7.5 per cent per annum,
rise in prices. The balance of payments
during the Plan was not satisfactory. placing India among the top 10 performers in the
world during this period. As far as the sectoral shocks, which had adverse effect on India's export
performance is concerned, actual achievement in
surpassed the targets. The performance Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-07): The Tenth
the economy On the price front was somewhat
mixed. On the external front, Five-Year Plan was launched on 1April 2002,
the country with the objective of transforming Indian
reasonably good results, with a fall economy into the fastest growing economy of
ta the trade deficits due to high growth rate the world. It set a target of achieving 8 per cent
of exports. Thus, the Eighth Plan gave a good annual growth rate of national income. The main
nerformance on the growth front and the external thrust of the Plan was on human and soCial
sector. But in respect of infrastructure and social development along with high growth rate and
sector, the growth was unsatisfactory. reduction in poverty. The major objectives of the
Ninth Five-Year Plan (1997-2002): The Ninth Tenth Plan were high growth rate, reduction in
Plan was launched on 1 April 1997, covering poverty, generation of employment, expansion
the five-year period from 1997 to 2002, and it of education by increasing the literacy ratio
intended to take the economy to the 21st century. and making school education compulsory for
Objectives of the Ninth Plan were reflected in the all children, reduction in gender inequalities,
Common Minimum Programme of the United environmental protection, and checking the
Front Government. growth rate of population.
The Ninth Plan set the objective of achieving Indian economy achieved a remarkable
growth with equity, with an emphasis on: growth rate of 7.6per cent during the Tenth Plan.
() improving the quality of life of the people, Transition to high growth rate during the
Tenth Plan showed underlying strength of the
(ii) generation of productive employment, fundamentals of the Indian economy. In fact,
(ii) bringing about regional balance, and
(iv) achieving self-reliance. Indian economy emerged as the second fastest
For the achievement of the above-mentioned growing economy in the world, next to China.
objectives, the Ninth Plan set the target of Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2007-12): The
6.5 per cent annual growth rate of
national Eleventh Five-Year Plan started on 1 April 2007.
The core theme of the Eleventh Plan was
income. The Plan gave priority to the development 'rapid and inclusive growth'. Based on the
of agriculture, rural sector, village and small
industries, infrastructure, and social sectors. remarkable achievement of a high growth rate
during the Tenth Plan, it set a target of 10 per cernt
The average annual growth rate achieved during annual growth rate of national income for the
the Ninth Five-Year Plan was 5.4 per cent, which period 2007-12. With the objective of inclusive
was lower than the Plarn target of 6.5 per cent.
Though still below the long-term performance of growth, the emphasis of the Eleventh Plan was
some of the newly industrialised countries in
East to ensure that growth is widely spread so that
Asia, the Indian growth record was one of the benefits of economic development are adequately
in shared by the weaker and poor sections of the
hughest among major economies of the world society. In addition, the main emphasis of the
recent years. This is despite the fact that the Eleventh Plan was on social sector. Education and
economy went through a difficult phase several
Plan due to health and family welfare of women and children
the last two years of the
unfavourable dormestic and external developments. in particular were accorded high priority in the
Plan. Thus, the main objectives of the Eleventh Plan
Poor performance of the agricultural sector, adverse were: acceleration of income, reduction of poverty,
Security environmnent, natural disasters such as
the Odisha cyclone and Gujarat earthquake were expansion of education and health facilities,
particularly for women and children, faster
Some of the unfavourable domestic developments. employment generation, and expansion of physical
The deceleration experienced by the global
infrastructure (road, electricity, etc.).
economy, East Asian Crisis of 1997-98, rise in oil
prices, the terrorist attacks in United States in
India witnessed an impressive record of
September 2001, etc., were the important external around 7.5 per cent annual growth rate of


national income during the Eleventh Plan. India
was able to attain a high growth rate Indian economy has
financial crisis and slowdown in some despite changes and improvements experienced several
as a result oE
of the economicplanning in India. Some of the changes
developed countries in recent years. This shows have put the economy on the course of
the strength of the Indiarn economy. increased
production and productivity. Others have
Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2012-17): The Twelfth brought about structural changes in the economy.
Five-Year was started on 1 April 2012 and was Most of these changes are of permanernt nature
concluded on March 2017. This Plan aimed at which are capable of holding sustained economic
achieving an average annual growth rate of growth. These profound and everlasting changes
8per cernt during the Plan period. It laid emphasis are a pointer to the fact that ndian economy is
on incusive growth rate so as to bring more poor a developing economy.
and marginal people under its orbit, and regional A general appraisal of economic planning in
balanced growth. It sought to reduce poverty by India would reveal the following achievements:
1. Increase in National Income: An
10 per cent in the five year period. The target of important aspect of progress of the
the plan was to generate 50 million more jobs. The Indian economy was continuous increase
Twelfth Plan aimed at increasing the growth rate
in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors in in national incomne during the Five-Year
Plans. Table 9.2 gives detailed data on the
particular so as to revive the growth rate in the annual average growth rate of national
Indian economy. The emphasis of the Twelfth Plan income and per capita income at constant
was on increasing investment in the infrastructure prices (i.e., increase in real income).
sector by encouraging the private sector investment. Table 9.2 shows that the total national
It aimed at improving the facilities in the field of income has shown a tendency to increase
education, health, and sanitation. Indian economy since 1950-51. Over the entire period
experienced an average annual growth rate of of over six-and-a-half decades (1950-51
about 6.7 per cent during the Twelfth Plan, which to 2017-18), the real national income
was much below the target. increased at arn average rate of around
5.4 per cent per annum. This should be
9.5 APPRAISAL OF PLANNING IN compared with 0.7 per cent per annum
INDIA growth rate during the period 1901-51.
This suggests that Indian economy was
Indian economny has come a long way since
the starting of planning in 1950-51. It has growing steadily during the period of
attained ahigh degree of maturity. But at the planning. This growth rate, however,
same time, Indian Five-Year Plans have failed was very modest compared to the growth
rates achieved by many other developing
to fulfil the hope of the general public. It is, countries such as China, South Korea,
therefore, important to take a general appraisal Hong Kong, and Singapore. But over the
of the achievements and failures of the Five years, there appears to be some acceleration
Year Plans in India.
in the rate of economic growth. The growth
rate was slow during the first 25 years,
9.5.1 Achievements of Planning in and it increased thereafter. From growth
India* rate of real national income of nearly
The Indian economy has been developing 3.5 per cent between 1951 and 1974, i.e., up
continuously over the past seven decades. to the Fourth Five-Year Plan, the growth
It has achieved an extremely positive and rate rose to over 5 per cent during the
vibrant growth in all the sectors -agriculture, period between 1974 and 1985. The rate
manufacturing and the service sectors. of growth during the period between 1985
*Students are expected to have a broad idea of the achievements rather than acquiring a detailed statistical infornmation.


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