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Solution Manual for Human Resource Management 15th Edition Martocchio •

Solution Manual for Human Resource

Management 15th Edition Martocchio •
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1.1 Define human resource management (HRM) and the importance of studying it
1.2 Describe who performs HRM
1.3 Explain how the HRM function serves as a strategic business partner and the
elements of the dynamic HRM environment
1.4 Discuss the role of HRM in building corporate culture and employer branding
1.5 Summarize HRM issues for small businesses
1.6 Identify ways that country culture influences global business
1.7 Explore essential skills for developing your career in HR or any other career path


Human resource management (HRM): The utilization of individuals to achieve

organizational objectives.
Staffing: Process through which an organization ensures that it always has the proper
number of employees with the appropriate skills in the right jobs, at the right time, to
achieve organizational objectives.
Performance management (PM): Goal-oriented process directed toward ensuring that
organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees, teams,
and ultimately, the organization.
Human resource development (HRD): Major HRM function consisting not only of
training and development, but also of individual career planning and development
activities, organization development, and performance management and appraisal.
Direct financial compensation (monetary compensation): Pay that a person receives in
the form of wages, salary, commissions, and bonuses.
Indirect financial compensation (benefits): All financial rewards that are not included
in direct financial compensation.

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Nonfinancial compensation: Satisfaction that person receives from the job itself or from
the psychological and/or physical environment in which the person works.
Safety: Protection of employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents.
Health: Employees’ freedom from physical or emotional illness.
Human resource management professional: An individual who normally acts in an
advisory or staff capacity, working with other managers to help them address human
resource matters.
Line managers: Individuals directly involved in accomplishing the primary purpose of
the organization.

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HR outsourcing (HRO): Process of hiring external HR professionals to do the HR work
that was previously done internally.
Shared service center (SSC): A center that takes routine, transaction-based activities
dispersed throughout the organization and consolidates them in one place.
Professional employer organization (PEO): A company that leases employees to other
Executive: Top-level manager who reports directly to a corporation’s chief executive
officer or to the head of a major division.
Generalist: Person who may be an executive and performs tasks in a variety of HR-
related areas.
Specialist: Individual who may be an HR executive, a human resource manager, or a
nonmanager, and who is typically concerned with only one of the six functional areas of
human resource management.
Profession: Vocation characterized by the existence of a common body of knowledge
and a procedure for certifying members.
Human capital: As defined by economists, human capital refers to sets of collective
skills, knowledge, and ability that employees can apply to create economic value for their
Union: Comprised of employees who have joined together for the purpose of dealing
with their employer.
Shareholders: Owners of a corporation.
Human resource information system (HRIS): Any organized approach for obtaining
relevant and timely information on which to base human resource decisions.
Corporate culture: System of shared values, beliefs, and habits within an organization
that interacts with the formal structure to produce behavioral norms.
Employer branding: Firm’s corporate image or culture focused on attracting the type of
employees the firm is seeking.
Country’s culture: Set of values, symbols, beliefs, language, and norms that guide
human behavior within the country.



Human resource management (HRM) can be defined as the optimal utilization of
individuals to achieve organizational objectives.


Six functional areas are associated with effective human resource management: staffing,
human resource development, performance management, compensation, safety and
health, and employee and labor relations.

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Sigher, m. Ger. Teu. conquering warrior, 358
Sigismond, m. Fr. Teu. conquering protection, 358
Sigismonda, f. Span. It. Teu. conquering protection, 358
Sigismondo, m. It. Teu. conquering protection, 358
Sigismund, m. Eng. Teu. conquering protection, 358
Sigismunda, f. Eng. Teu. conquering protection, 358
Sigismundo, m. Port. Teu. conquering protection, 358
Sikko, m. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 356
Sigl, m. Bav. Teu. conquering peace, 356
Siglind, f. Ger. Teu. conquering snake, 356
Sigmar, m. Ger. Teu. conquering fame, 356
Sigmund, m. Ger. Teu. conquering protection, 356
Sigmunda, f. Ger. Teu. conquering protection, 359
S , m. Nor. Teu. conquering protection, 359
Sigo, m. Ger. Teu. conquering, 359
Sigrad, m. Ger. Teu. conquering council, 359
S , f. Nor. Teu. conquering impulse, 359
Sigrada, f. Ger. Teu. conquering council, 359
Sigri, f. Nor. Teu. conquering impulse, 359
Sigrich, m. Ger. Teu. conquering rule, 357
Sigrid, f. Nor. Teu. conquering council, 357
Sigtrud, f. Nor. Teu. conquering maid, 359
S , m. Nor. conquering security, 359
Sigufrit, m. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 359
Sigulf, m. Nor. Teu. conquering wolf, 359
Sigurd, m. Nor. Teu. conquering guard, 359
S , m. Nor. Teu. conquering power, 359
Sigvor, m. Nor. Teu. conquering prudence, 359
Sigwald, m. Ger. Teu. conquering power, 359
S , m. Ger. Teu. conquering guard, 359
Silas, m. Eng. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Sile, f. Erse, Lat. 179
Silvain, m. Fr. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Silvano, m. It. Lat. living in a wood, 179
S , m. Eng. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Silvestre, m. Fr. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Silvia, f. It. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Silvie, f. Fr. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Silvio, m. It. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Sim, m. Eng. Heb. obedient, 19
S , m. Kelt. peaceful, 47
Simanas, m. Lett. Heb. obedient, 19
Simao, m. Port. Heb. obedient, 19
Simej, m. Ill. Heb. obedient, 19
S , m. Eng. Ger. Fr. Heb. obedient, 7, 19
Simmas, m. Lith. Heb. obedient, 19
Simo, m. Ill. Heb. obedient, 19
Simon, m. Fr. Eng. Ger. Span. Heb. obedient, 19
Simonas, m. Lett. Heb. obedient, 19
Simone, m. It. Heb. obedient, 19
Simonette, f. Fr. Heb. obedient, 19
Simson, m. Fr. Heb. splendid sun, 39
Simo, m. Ill. Heb. obedient, 19
S , m. Ger. Teu. sparkling prince (?), 379
S , m. Ger. Teu. sparkling bright, 379
S , m. Ger. Teu. sparkling wolf, 379
S , m. Ger. Teu. sparkling raven, 379
Sinibaldo, m. It. Teu. sparkling prince, 379
Sinovij, m. Russ. Arab. father’s ornament, 62
Sinovija, f. Russ. Arab. father’s ornament, 62
Sintram, m. Ger. Teu. sparkling raven, 379
S , m. Gael. Kelt. sower, 254
Sipp, m. Bav. Heb. addition, 23
Sired, f. Norman, Teu. conquering impulse, 359
Siri, f. Nor. Teu. conquering impulse, 359
S , m. Slav. Slav. far famed, 435
Siseberto, m. Span. Teu. conquering brightness, 359
Sisebuto, m. Span. Teu. conquering commander, 359
Sis, f. Eng. Lat. blind, 144
Sisley, f. Eng. Lat. blind, 144
Sisman, m. Ill. Teu. conquering protection, 359
Sismonde, m. It. Teu. conquering protection, 359
Sisto, m. It. Lat. sixth, 138
Sitto, m. Fries. Teu. conquering brightness, 359
Siurd, m. Nor. Teu. conquering guard, 359
Siulf, m. Nor. Teu. conquering wolf, 359
Siward, m. Eng. Teu. conquering guardian, 359
Sixte, m. Fr. Lat. sixth, 138
S , m. Eng. Lat. sixth, 138
Sizo, m. Ger. Teu. conquering brightness, 359
Sjovald, m. Nor. Teu. conquering power, 359
Sjovar, m. Nor. Teu. conquering prudence, 359
Sjul, m. Nor. Teu. conquering guard, 359
Sjurd, m. Nor. Teu. conquering guard, 359
Skak, m. Nor. Teu. servant.
S , Nor. Teu. sharp attack, 304
S , m. Nor. Teu. beard, 427
Skender, m. Slav. helper of man, 85
Skerste, m. Lett. Gr. Christian, 105
Skersts, m. Lett. Gr. Christian, 105
S , m. Nor. Teu. shield, 352
S , m. Nor. Teu. shield, 352
S , m. Nor. Teu. shield bear, 352
S , m. Nor. Teu. shield wolf, 352
S , m. Nor. Teu. shield caution, 352
Sklear, m. Bret. Lat. famous, 185
Skleara, f. Bret. Lat. famous, 185
S , f. Nor. Teu. shall, 306
Skule, m. Nor. Teu. shield, 352
Slavoje, m. Slav. Slav. glorious love, 435
S , m. Slav. Slav. glorious love, 435
S , m. Slav. Slav. glorious friend, 435
S , m. Slav. Slav. glorious peace, 435
S , f. M. Gr. Gr. emerald, 124
S , m. M. Ger. Gr. emerald, 125
Smil, m. Slav. Slave, beloved, 439
S , m. Slav. Slave, everlasting flower, 438
S , f. Slav. Slav. everlasting flower, 438
S , m. Ill. Slav. long-nosed, 446
S , f. Ill. Slav. long-nosed, 445
S , m. Nor. Teu. snow bear, 348, 339
S , f. Nor. Teu. snow fair, 348
S , f. m. Nor. Teu. snow ocean, 348
S , m. Nor. Teu. snow wolf, 348
S , m. Nor. Teu. striving, 418
Snorro, m. Lat. Teu. striving, 418
Sodomina, f. Erse, Kelt. good lady, 258
Sofia, f. Hung. It. Gr. wisdom, 107
S , f. Span. Nor. Teu. sun.
Solle, m. Nor. Teu. armour, 352
Soloma, f. Eng. Heb. peace, 48
Sölmund, m. Dan. Teu. healing protection, 352
Solomon, m. Eng. Heb. peaceful, 48
Solva, f. Nor. Teu. healing drink, 352
Solvar, healthy warrior, 352
S , m. Dan. Teu. healthy warrior, 352
S , f. m. Nor. Teu. healing drink, 352
Somerled, m. Scot. Teu. summer wanderer, 432
Somhle, m. Gael. Teu. summer wanderer, 432
S , f. Eng. Gr. wisdom, 107
Sophie, f. Fr. Ger. Gr. wisdom, 107
Sophocles, m. Lat. Gr. wise fame, 107
Sophonisba, f. Eng. Phœn.
S , m. Eng. Gr. of sound mind.
S , f. Eng. Gr. of sound mind.
Sophy, f. Eng. Gr. wisdom, 107
S , f. Erse, Kelt. bright, 13
Sorle, m. Nor. Teu. armour, 352
Sosana, f. Wall. Heb. lily, 50
Speranza, f. It. Lat. hope, 196
Sperata, f. It. Lat. hoped for, 196
Spira, f. Ill. Gr. round basket, 124
Spiridion, m. Ill. Gr. round basket, 124
Spiridione, m. It. Gr. round basket, 124
Spranzis, m. Lett. Teu. free, 299
Sprinzchen, f. N. Lands, Teu. free, 299
Sprizzis, m. Lett. Teu. peace ruler, 296
Spyridōn, m. M. Gr. Gr. round basket, 124
Spyro, m. M. Gr. Gr. round basket, 124
Ssachka, m. Russ. Gr. helper of men, 85
Ssachnika, m. Russ. Gr. helper of men, 85
Ssava, m. Russ. Heb. rest (?), 216
Ssemar, m. Russ. Heb. obedient, 19
Ssenka, m. Russ. Heb. obedient, 19
Sserezeca, Russ. Lat. 152
Ssergii, m. Russ. Lat. 152
Ssevastjan, m. Russ. Gr. awful, 111
Ssevastjana, f. Russ. Gr. awful, 111
Ssevilla, f. Russ. Lat. wise old woman, 178
Ssimeon, m. Russ. Heb. obedient, 19
Ssimon, m. Russ. Heb. obedient, 19
Ssofija, f. Russ. Gr. wisdom, 107
Ssonia, f. Russ. Gr. wisdom, 107
Ssoninska, f. Russ. Gr. wisdom, 107
Ssusanna, f. Russ. Heb. lily, 50
S , m. Nor. Teu. steel, 349
Stach, m. Pol. Slav. camp glory, 44
Stacherl, m. Bav. Gr. happy harvest, 89
Staches, m. Bav. Gr. happy harvest, 89
Stachis, m. Lett. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stachus, m. Bav. Gr. happy harvest, 89
Stacy, f. Ir. Gr. resurrection, 110
Stanca, f. Ill. Lat. firm, 162
Stanel, m. Bav. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanerl, m. Bav. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanes, m. Bav. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanisav, m. Ill. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanisl, m. Bav. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanislao, m. Port. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanislaus, m. Ger. Slav. camp glory, 440
S , m. Pol. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanislaos, m. Lett. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanko, m. Ill. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stanze, f. Ger. Lat. firm, 161
Stas, m. Bav. Gr. of the resurrection, 110
Stas, m. Pol. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stasi, m. Bav. Gr. of the resurrection, 110
Stasrl, m. Bav. Gr. of the resurrection, 110
S , m. Bohm. Slav. happy, 441
Statire, f. Fr. Zend. 58
Stefan, m. Slov. Swiss, Pol. Gr. crown, 96
Stefanida, f. Russ. Gr. crown, 96
Stefanie, f. Fr. Gr. crown, 96
Stefano, m. It. Gr. crown, 96
Steffano, m. It. Gr. crown, 96
Steffel, m. Bav. Gr. crown, 96
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone, 349
S , f. m. Nor. Teu. stone eagle, 349
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone warrior, 349
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone bear, 349
Steindor, m. Nor. Teu. stone of Thor, 349
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone white, 349
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone helmet, 349
S , m. Ger. Teu. stone warrior, 349
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone of Thor, 349
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone wolf, 349
S , m. Nor. Teu. stone prudence, 349
Stella, f. Eng. Lat. star, 57
Sten, m. Ger. Teu. stone, 349
Stenka, m. Russ. Gr. crown, 96
Stenzel, m. Schleswig. Slav. camp glory, 440
Stepan, m. Russ. Bohm. Gr. crown, 96
Stepania, f. Ill. Gr. crown, 96
Stepanida, f. Russ. Gr. crown, 97
Stephan, m. Ger. Gr. crown, 96
Stephana, f. Eng. Gr. crown, 96
Stephanie, f. Ger. Fr. Gr. crown, 96
Stephanine, f. Ger. Gr. crown, 96
S , m. Gr. crown, 96
Stephen, m. Eng. Gr. crown, 96
Stepica, m. Ill. Gr. crown, 96
Stepka, m. Russ. Gr. crown, 96
Stepko, m. Ill. Gr. crown, 96
Stepo, m. Ill. Gr. crown, 96
S , m. Nor. Teu. strong wolf, 336
Steven, m. Dutch, Gr. crown, 96
S , m. Eng. Teu. mounting, 434
Stilicho, m. Lat. Teu. steel, 349
Stine, f. Ger. Gr. Christian, 105
Stoffel, m. Bav. Swiss, Gr. Christ bearer, 106
Stoppel, m. Bav. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
Strachota, m. Bohm. Slav. terror.
S , m. Slav. Slav. terrible peace, 440
S , m. Slav. Slav. terrible glory, 440
Stratonice, f. Eng. Gr. army victory, 212
S , m. Nor. Teu. rising, 434
S , m. Nor. Teu. rising, 434
Styntje, f. Dutch, Gr. Christian, 105
Styrk, f. Dan. Teu. strong, 424
Styrker, m. Nor. Teu. strong, 424
Sue, f. Eng. Heb. lily, 50
Sueno, m. Lat. Teu. strong, 424
Suintila, m. Goth. Teu. strength, 424
Sukey, f. Eng. Heb. lily, 50
Sulia, m. Bret. Lat. downy beard, 150
Suliana, f. Bret. Lat. downy beard, 150
Suleiman, m. Arab. Heb. peaceful, 47
Sulpice, m. Fr. Lat. red spotted face, 152
S , m. Lat. red spotted face, 152
Sulpoy, m. Ger. Lat. red spotted face, 152
S , m. Nor. Teu. summer wanderer, 432
Susan, f. Eng. Heb. lily, 50
Susana, f. Span. Heb. lily, 50
Susanna, f. Ger. Heb. lily, 50
Susannah, f. Eng. Heb. lily, 50
Susechen, f. Ger. Heb. lily, 50
Suse, f. Lett. Heb. lily, 50
Susette, f. Fr. Heb. lily, 50
Susie, f. Eng. Heb. lily, 50
Suska, f. Slav. Heb. lily, 50
Suson, f. Fr. Heb. lily, 50
Suzanne, f. Fr. Heb. lily, 50
Suzette, f. Fr. Heb. lily, 50
Suzan, f. Fr. Heb. lily, 50
Suzsi, f. Hung. Heb. lily, 50
S , m. Nor. Teu. youth, 424
Sven, m. Nor. Teu. youth, 424
Svewke, m. Nor. Teu. youth, 424
Svenbjorn, m. Nor. Teu. young bear, 424
S , m. Nor. Teu. swarthy, 428
Sverkir, m. Nor. Teu. swarthy, 428
S , m. Slov. Slav. all ruler, 442
S , m. Russ. Slav. holy government, 441
S , m. Ruaa. Slav, holy glory, 441
Swain, m. Eng. Teu. youth, 424
S , f. Nor. Teu. swan, 346
Swanbrecht, m. Ger. Teu. swan bright, 346
S , f. Nor. Teu. swan battle maid, 346
S , m. Ger. Teu. swan firm, 346
S , f. Nor. Teu. swan water, 346
S , f. Nor. Teu. swan white, 346
S , m. Dan. Teu. strong youth, 424
Swenike, m. Nor. Teu. strong, 424
S , f. Russ. Teu. star, 439
Swibert, m. Fris. Teu. brightness, 424
S , f. Nor. Teu. strong protection, 424
S , m. Nor. Teu. strong spear, 424
S , m. Ger. Teu. strong peace, 424
S , m. A.S. Teu. strong brightness, 424
S , m. A.S. Teu. strong helmet, 424
S , m. Eng. Teu. strong friend, 424
Sylvanus, m. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Sylvester, m. Eng. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Sylvia, f. Eng. Lat. living in a wood, 179
Sylvius, m. Lat. living in a wood, 179
S , m. Pol. Teu. conquering peace, 357
Syver, m. Nor. Teu. conquering guard, 357
Syvert, m. Nor. Teu. conquering guard, 357
Szymon, m. Pol. Heb. obedient, 18

Tabby, f. Eng. Aram. gazelle, 50

Tabeia, f. Ger. Aram. gazelle, 50
Tabbern, m. Fris. Teu. people’s sword, 375
T , f. Eng. Aram. gazelle, 50
Taddeo, m. Ill. Aram. praise, 20
Tade, m. Ill. Aram. praise, 20
Tade, m. Fris. Teu. people’s ruler, 375
Tadeiv, m. Nor. Thor’s relic, 302
Tadeo, m. Span. Aram. praise, 20
T , m. Erse, Kelt. poet, 257
Tadia, m. Ill. Aram. praise, 20
Taedlef, m. Fris. Teu. people’s relic, 374
Taffy, m. Welsh, Heb. beloved, 46
Tafline, f. Welsh, Heb. beloved, 46
Taganwart, m. O. Ger. Teu. day guard, 334
Tago, m. Span. Teu. day, 334
Tajo, m. Span. Teu. day, 344
T , m. O. Ger. Teu. day bright, 334
Talitha Cumi, f. Eng. Aram. damsel arise.
T , Cym. Kelt. torrent, 275
Tam, m. Scot. Aram. twin, 22
Tamar, f. Eng. Heb. palm, 26
Tamas, m. Hung. Aram. twin, 22
Tamassa, m. Lat. Aram. twin, 22
Tamasine, f. Eng. Aram. twin, 22
Tamkus, m. Lett. Aram. twin, 22
Tamlane, m. Scot. Aram. twin, 22
Tammy, f. Eng. Aram. twin, 22
Tamoszus, m. Lett. Aram. twin, 22
Tamzin, f. Eng. Aram. twin, 22
Tancar, m. Ger. Teu. grateful warrior, 371
Tancard, m. Eng. Teu. grateful guard, 371
Tancred, m. Eng. Teu. grateful speech, 371
Tancredi, m. It. Teu. grateful speech, 371
Taniel, m. Esth. Heb. judgment of God, 50
Tankred, m. Ger. Teu. thankful speech, 371
Tanne, m. Lett. Lat. inestimable, 142
Tanneguy, m. Bret. Kelt. 252
Tanni, m. Esth. Heb. judgment of God, 50
T , f. A.S.S. cheerful, 429
Tavid, m. Esth. Heb. beloved, 46
Teague, m. Ir. Kelt. poet, 257
Tearlach, m. Gael. Teu. man, 386
Tebaldo, m. It. Teu. people’s valour, 374
Tebes, m. Swiss, Heb. goodness of the Lord, 49
Tecla, f. It. Ger. divine fame, 100
Ted, m. Eng. Teu. rich guard.
Tedor, m. Hamburgh, Gr. divine gift, 101
Tedric, m. Norman, Teu. people’s rule, 374
Tegan Euvron, m. Welsh, Kelt. golden beauty, 234
T , m. Nor. Teu. cheerful, 429
Telemachus, m. Lat. Gr. distant battle, 75
Telemaque, m. Fr. Gr. distant battle, 75
Temperance, f. Eng. Lat.
Tennis, m. Lett. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
Tennis, m. Lett. Lat. inestimable, 142
Tents, m. Lett. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
Teobald, m. Pol. Teu. people’s valour, 374
Teobaldo, m. It. Teu. people’s valour, 374
Teodor, m. Pol. Slov. Gr. divine gift, 101
Teodora, f. It. Gr. divine gift, 101
Teodorico, m. It. Teu. people’s ruler, 373
Teodoro, f. It. Gr. divine gift, 101
Teodosia, f. It. Russ. Gr. divine gift, 101.
Teodosio, m. It. Gr. divine gift, 101
Teodorico, m. It. Teu. people’s rule, 373
Teofil, m. Slav. Gr. divinely loved, 100
Teofila, f. It. Gr. divinely loved, 100
Teofilo, m. It. Gr. divinely loved, 100
Terence, m. Ir. Lat. tender, 152
Terentia, f. Lat. tender, 152
Terentilla, f. Lat. tender, 152
T , m. Lat. tender, 152
Terenz, m. Ger. Lat. tender, 152
Teresa, f. It. Span. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Teresina, f. Pol. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Teresita, f. It. Span. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Terezia, f. Ill. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Terezia, f. Hung. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Terezie, f. Bohm. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Terezyga, f. Pol. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Terry, m. Eng. people’s rule, 375
Terza, f. Ill. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
T , m. Lat. third, 137
T , m. Lat. third, 137
T , third, 137
T , 137
Tetje, m. Hamb. Gr. divine gift, 101
Teunis, m. Dutch, Lat. inestimable, 142
Teuntje, f. Dutch, Lat. inestimable, 142
Tewa, m. Esth. Gr. crown, 96
Tewdur, m. Welsh, Gr. divine gift, 101
Tewdews, f. Welsh, divinely given, 101
Tewes, m. Hamburgh, Heb. goodness of the Lord, 49
Thaddä, m. Ger. Aram. praise, 20
T , m. Eng. Aram. praise, 20, 257
Thaddej, m. Russ. Aram. praise, 20
Thaddea, m. Port. Aram. praise, 20
Thady, m. Ir. Aram. praise, 20
Thaiter, Erse, Teu. powerful warrior, 425
Thakkraad, Nor. Teu. thankful speech, 371
Thalia, f. Eng. Gr. bloom, 72
Thangbrand, Nor. Teu. thankful sword, 371
Thean, m. Fr. Teu. people’s rule, 375
Thecla, f. Eng. Gr. divine fame, 100
Thecle, f. Fr. Gr. divine fame, 100
Thedo, m. West Fris. Gr. divine gift, 100
T , f. Ger. Gr. divine fame, 100
Theobald, m. Eng. Teu. people’s prince, 374
Theobalda, f. Ger. Teu. people’s prince, 374
Theobaldo, m. Port. Teu. people’s valour, 374
Theobul, m. Ger. Gr. divine council, 100
Theobulaire, f. Ger. Gr. divine council, 100
T , m. Lat. Gr. divine council, 100
T , A.S.S. 373
T , 373
Theodemaro, 374
Theodisclo, Span. Teu. people’s pledge, 374
Theodolf, m. Ger. Teu. people’s wolf, 374
T , m. Fr. Teu. people’s firmness, 375
Theodofredo, m. Span. Teu. people’s peace, 375
Theodor, m. Ger. Gr. divine gift, 101
T , m. Frank. Teu. people’s spear, 375
T , f. Eng. Ger. Gr. divine gift, 101
Theodorada, f. Ger. Teu. people’s council, 373
Theodore, m. Eng. Fr. Gr. divine gift, 101
Theodoric, m. Frank. Teu. people’s rule, 373
T , m. Port. Teu. people’s rule, 373
Theodoro, m. Port. Gr. divine gift, 101
T , m. Gr. divine gift, 101
Theodorus, m. Lat. Gr. divine gift, 103
Theodose, m. Fr. Gr. divine gift, 103
Theodosia, f. Ger. Eng. Gr. divine gift, 103
Theodosio, m. Port. Gr. divine gift, 103
Theodosius, m. Lat. Gr. divinely given, 103
Theodotos, m. Gr. Gr. divinely given, 103
Theodric, Eng. Teu. people’s ruler, 373
Theodrekr, m. Nor. Teu. people’s rule, 373
Theodule, f. Fr. Gr. God’s servant, 103
Theone, f. Ger. Gr. godly, 103
Theophanes, m. Lat. Gr. divine manifestation, 212
T , f. Ger. Lat. Gr. divine manifestation, 212
Theophanie, f. Fr. Gr. divine manifestation, 212
Theophano, f. N. Ger. Gr. divine manifestation, 212
Theophil, m. Ger. Gr. divinely loved, 100
Theophila, f. Eng. Gr. divinely loved, 100
Theophile, m. Fr. Gr. divinely loved, 100
Theophilo, m. Port. Gr. God loved, 100
T , m. Gr. Gr. divinely loved, 100
Theophilus, m. Eng. Gr. God beloved, 100
Theotari, m. Finn. Gr. divine gift, 103
T , f. Eng. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Therèse, f. Fr. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
Theresia, f. Ger. Gr. harvester, 124
Theresie, f. Ger. Gr. harvester, 124
Theudebaldo, m. Span. Teu. people’s prince, 375
T , m. Frank. Teu. people’s prince, 374
Theudebert, m. Frank. Teu. people’s brightness, 374
Theudebrand, m. Ger. Teu. people’s sword, 375
Theudefred, m. Goth. Teu. people’s peace, 375
Theudegisle, m. Ger. Teu. people’s pledge, 375
Theudis, m. Span. Teu. the people, 375
T , f. Frank. Teu. people’s heroine, 375
T , f. Ger. Teu. people’s snake, 375
T , m. Frank. Teu. people’s fame, 375
T , m. Frank. Teu. people’s friend, 375
Theunis, m. Dutch, Lat. inestimable, 142
Thiadmar, m. Fris. Teu. people’s fame, 375
Thiadelef, m. Fris. Teu. people’s love, 375
Thias, m. Eng. Heb. gift of God, 15
Thieu, m. Fr. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
Thebald, m. Fr. Teu. people’s prince, 374
Thiebault, m. Fr. Teu. people’s prince, 374
Thibaud, m. Fr. Teu. people’s prince, 374
Thibault, m. Fr. Teu. people’s prince, 374
Thierry, m. Fr. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
Thiesli, m. Swiss, Heb. gift of God, 15, 103
Thiess, m. L. Ger. Heb. gift of God, 15
T , m. Nor. Teu. people’s wolf, 375
T , m. Nor. Teu. harsh warrior, 419
T , m. Nor. Teu. harsh wolf, 419
T , m. Nor. Teu. harsh power, 419
Thiou, m. Fr. Teu. people’s wolf, 375
Thirza, f. Ger. Heb. pleasantness, 38
T , m. Nor. Teu. people’s spear, 375
T , f. Nor. Teu. people’s heroine, 375
T , m. Nor. Teu. people’s helmet, 375
T , m. Dan. people’s relic, 375
T , m. Nor. Teu. people’s wolf, 375
T , m. Nor. Teu. peoples power, 375
T , m. Nor. Teu. people’s prudence, 375
Thoddeiv, m. Nor. Teu. Thor’s relic, 302, 332
Tholliev, m. Nor. Teu. Thor’s relic, 302, 332
Thoma, m. Wall. Aram. twin, 21
Thomas, m. Fr. Eng. Aram. twin, 21
Thomasia, f. Ger. Aram. twin, 22
Thomasin, f. Ger. Aram. twin, 22
Thomasine, f. Eng. Aram. twin, 22
T , m. Ger. Teu. the thunder god, 301
T , f. Nor. Teu. thunder, 302
Thorald, m. Nor. Teu. Thor’s power, 302
T , m. Nor. Teu. Thor’s elf, 302
T , m. Nor. Teu. Thor’s eagle, 302
T , f. Nor. Teu. Thor’s eagle, 302
T , f. Nor. Teu. Thor’s she bear, 302
Thorberg, f. Ger. Teu. Thor’s protection, 302

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