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Hello Interviewers, My name is Robbie Leitch and I am a grade 11 student at i.

Weldon applying for the Level 1 accelerated program to become an apprentice
Industrial Mechanical Millwright. Now to answer the questions as follows.

1. Explain what you know about the apprenticeship pathway and why you feel this
is the best option for you.

The apprenticeship pathway is an amazing opportunity for hands-on learners to gain

experience while on the jobIt gives you the chance to learn while working under a
journeyman who has been in the industry for years. I think this opportunity is perfect for
me because I feel I am a very hands-on learner and worker. I am very determined to
gain new experience everyday .

2. a) What experiences have you participated in related to your chosen skilled

trade? Do you have anything to show (or describe) related to these experiences?
b) What has been your biggest learning through these experiences?
Lust summer i had a job at a fabrication shop called Blastacoat and I learned
experiences like rebuilding trailers, sandblasting, powder coating, cnc, and more. After
that job, I knew I wanted to be involved in the trades. As seen in my portfolio, most of
those experiences like moving trailers, restoring my quad, all of those things were done
at that summer job. My biggest learning point throughout these experiences is always
take your time. If you make a mistake no matter how big or small it is, its still extra time
and money you have to take to fix that so your better off just to do it right the first time.

3. What skills and qualities do you have that would make you a good apprentice?
Provide examples.
I think I would make a good apprentice as I am a quick learner and tend to pick up
concepts pretty quickly. I have also always been a determined, hands on worker, when I
am working on a job I want to get that job done. Many apprentices seem to slack off but
becoming an apprentice is an amazing opportunity I don't want to take for granted. I am
a very punctual person and will never take advantage of anyone's time especially when
they are willing to teach me new skills about their job.

4. The workload in Level 1 schooling is heavy with set deadlines and no grace
period. You will be expected to complete homework on time, study for quizzes
and tests, meet Cooperative Education requirements and maintain a high overall
average. What skills and qualities do you possess that will help you be
successful in meeting the demands of the program?
I am a very organized and responsible student who is determined to get good grades
and make honour roll. I always make sure I get work done on time and before the
deadline while not leaving it all at the last minute. Before tests and quizzes I make sure i
study until i fully understand and grasp the concepts and material on those tests and

5. If you are asked to do something that you feel is unsafe, how would you
problem-solve this with your employer. Provide a step-by-step response.

What I would do first is report it to a manager or supervisor. I would then ask for my
employer to find another way to get the job done as health and safety of employees is
put first. I would also ask for proper training on how to deal with the unsafe work matter.
If the matter does not get resolved, I would then go to the health and safety committee
and report the issue. Then once the issue is resolved,

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years and how does this program help you get
In 5 years I see myself being a full time Industrial Mechanical Millwright working for a
millwright union as well as possibly owning my own company and my own home. This
program will help me get to that position as it will give me a head start on my
apprenticeship and my schooling to become a fulltime industrial mechanical millwright.
The OAYP program is an amazing opportunity and it will give me a great jumpstart on
my career.
\7. If you do not get a seat in the Level 1 program, what are your plans for the
Although not getting into the level 1 program will set me back in my apprenticeship, I still
plan to do a 4 credit co op placement as an apprentice millwright and I will still go
through with an apprenticeship when I have graduated high school.

8. Do you have any questions for us?

A question i have is what have past applicants done in the past to succeed within the

Thank you so much for your time and i am looking forward to hearing from you!

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