6-б контроль письма

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Form 6th (I semester)

1. Translate into Ukrainian.

1) a department store
2) a shopping mall
3) How much is this?
4) a shopping list
5) This apple is sour.
6) I prefer some cereal for breakfast.
7) chicken broth
8) boiled meat
9) patient
2. Match parts A and B/. Make sentences.
We can buy …….. at ……
1) trainers a) the baker’s
2) some medicine b) the chemist’s
3) bread rolls c) a dairy
4) a T-shirt d) a toy store
5) a teddy bear e) a sports shop
6) milk and cheese f) a clothes shop
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Translate the
sentences into Ukrainian.

bitter, food, lunch, meat, mashed, meals

1) I like ______ potatoes with cutlets for supper.
2) This coffee without sugar tastes ______.
3) I take my ________ to school with me every day.
4) He is a vegetarian, so he doesn’t eat _______.
5) People cannot live without ______.
6) We usually have four ______ a day.
4. Make up sentences in the Past Simple Tense from the words.
1) He / to bake / potatoes.
2) We / not / to go shopping.
3) My mum / to cook / holiday supper.
4) We / to be / hungry / and / to go / café.
5) … / you / to buy / sausages? (питальне речення!)

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