Esports Yr2 Unit 10 Event Task 1

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UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology


Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM
mark which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1:
Research and analysis of the audience (U10:LO1_AC1.1)
Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section.

Question/task Answer
A demographic is a variety of segmentation that targets facts about their
In your own words explain what a
lifestyle. This looks at things such as their occupation, income and gender
demographic is?

In your own words explain what a A psychographic looks at a persons traits and characteristics such as liking
psychographic is? dogs, being good at saving money or liking to spend time with their family. I
like to say it is about what makes a person tick.
A CTA (Call To Action) is a reason for someone to buy something now and
In your own words explain what CTA not later. For example they say that a product is “limited time only” or that
means? “tickets are selling fast”. It is an incentive for a consumer to buy a
product/service at that moment and not any later.
An audience profile is a combination of demographics and psychographics
In your own word explain what an in order to understand your target audience. This will be useful as
audience profile is? And how it might be developing a good audience profile can allow me to tailor my social media
useful on this project? content to my target audience, not only generating more views and clicks
but allowing more of the people that will be interested to see the content.
1. Young guys and girls around the age of 15-20 who like gaming, pop
2. Parents would attend this kind of event because they would bring
their kids who enjoy music, some parents, especially younger
parents would like the more recent music (ages 26-38)+

Suggest at least 3 groups within society

who might attend a festival / convention
style event.

Provide examples in each box.

3. Cosplayers would also attend various events to be able to show off

their costumes that they have worked hard on. This can be pretty
much any age.

Suggest an event for each group you have 1. Insomnia

mentioned above, this should be relevant
to their demographic. 2. Camp Bestival

3. Comic Con
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology

Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)

How does the audience engage with the 1. Before the event, gamers are 100% likely to be online and on
event before, during and after? social medias. They would see posts about a gaming event. They
EG social media, Websites etc would like the post or even look at videos of past ones in other
years, if they like it, they might have a look at buying a ticket. At
Provide examples in each box. that point, if they like the look of it, they may buy a ticket and go
to the event.
2. During the event they will engage with various activities and
record themselves and put it on social media and share it with
friends. This will attract even more attention to the event making
it more popular.
3. After the event, posts about it will be up on TikTok, Instagram etc
and will be shared everywhere as all gamers talk on social media a
lot. Other gamers may see this and like the look of it and may even
want to go the next time round. So even after the event, it is still
gaining popularity from people who didn’t go.
2. Beforehand, parents driving their kids to school will hear this on the
radio about an event called camp bestival where it suits all ages with its
family friendly summer fun. Families who want to get out and do things in
the summer together (most families) will want to check it out. They will
also see promotion in public such as on the side of buses and bus stops. It
also shows all information about the festival on the promotional posters.
Therefore, even if the family or parents don’t have a car, they will see it in
public transport.

During the camp bestival event, most families will want to keep memories
from the event so they can look back on their good times reminisce on
them. Some families will put up social media posts on platforms like
Facebook and Instagram as they are used by older demographics. These
posts will be seen by other families and parents, leading to them wanting to
do the same thing next summer.

After the event, there will be videos online everywhere about how much of
a good time people had there. Lots of people and family friends like aunties
and uncles will see this and want to take their families the following
summer if they didn’t already go this time around.
3. In the time before Comic Con, like-minded sci-fi and anime fans will be
talking together in online communities like Discord, Reddit and 4 Chan just
to name a few. They will all like to connect to their sci-fi and anime
interests closely by trying to feel the way some characters may feel in their
favourite shows and games. One good way people do that is by dressing up
as them and acting like them. This is called cosplaying. People spend a lot of
time and resources on making outfits and doing makeup to make sure they
look as similar as they look in the show or the game. A massive community
of these cosplayers enjoy showing their outfits off in a big event together.
This event is called Comic Con, it is promoted amongst discord servers and
sub reddits by its fans online to gather many of these like minded people to
one place.

During Comic Con, lots of videos are taken to see and show off how good
people’s outfits look and they are shared on every platform imaginable,
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology

Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)
people even record personal video documentaries about visiting Comic Con
and upload them to platforms like Youtube and TikTok. This really helps the
even gain more traction and interest.

After the event is finished, the outfits will be recognised by gamers

worldwide and people will be interested in how people came to make such
realistic outfits, therefore attracting people to YouTube channels online
showing how these amazing outfits were made. People will instantly start
to improve/create their outfits ready for next year. This will start to gain
more attraction ready for the next year’s Comic Con


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