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Sometimes we can’t make our own choices, we normally need some help for this. People
like our friends or our parents, usually want to help us make decisions, but in the end we are
usually affected or even dragged with their advice or opinions to what they want.

In the case of clothing, we tend to be more affected by the decisions of our parents since
they are the ones who normally used to put our clothes on as children, but it is true that we
also tend to see ourselves reflected by the fashions of nowadays and our friends.

On the other hand, in studies we pay more attention to our parents' advice, since they only
want us to have a good future and that we do well in it. In this case, it is true that what
parents tell us is usually the right thing to do, that's why we usually pay attention to them.

In our love life we tend to try to pay more attention to our friends, since talking about this
issue with our parents usually makes us more embarrassed and that is why we do not
usually ask them for help on this issue.

.In conclusion, we pay attention to what we think is best for us, depending on the subject
with which we need advice.

Good work Ekaitz! No grammatical or spelling errors, but I think that could be influenced by
Microwoft word! Good ideas and a good individual idea that you used. This work is a 8/10.

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