Tunnel of Guilt Draft 1

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SAM stands across the road from the apartment building

holding a LEAFLET for CLIO the psychic. In the other hand a
PHOTO OF TALIA. SAM looks deeply saddened by guilt, day
dreaming before snapping back to reality, then walks fast
across the road.


CLIO's apartment is dimly lit with an orange hue, At the

centre of the room is a table and 3 chairs. 2 on one side 1
on the other. on the table is a small stack of various
esoteric books. CLIO is sat on the far side of the table
reading intensively a knock at the door can then be heard.

(He jumps in fright as if not
expecting guests and puts the
book at an angle on the top pile
before adjusting himself)
Ah, Come in, its open!

(enters the room, looking slightly
unsure, still clutching the
Cl-io,(Stuttered) Clio the psychic is
it. sorry, do I need to book an
appointment or could you take a
reading now.

(Sits forward in his chair, opens
his his hands out,Grinning
gestures to the chairs on the
other side of the table)
Take a seat, Sam...

Sam walks slowly towards the table, she stops for a moment
and suspiciously looks at Clio and then at the pile of books,
Clio sits back and puts his hands together, with a smug look
to him Sam then sits down in the chair on the left

How come you know my name

I have another client who's mentioned

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you from time to time. But I won't say

anymore. Client confidentiality is
very important. What can I do for you.

(Gazes at the table, avoiding eye
I had a friend,(She sighs, Pauses) she
died last year. Car accident. I was
hoping to err contact her, make sure
shes ok. It sounds completely insane I
know, but-

Not at all, death is a very large part
of my work. I frequently deal clients
whom are having trouble dealing with
grief, I can open the way and bring
her forward though there might be
small price to pay.

(Looks up gratefully, smiling at
Clio, hands on table leaning
Oh you can, you actually can. That's
great, can we do it, do it now?

Yes, of course. There's no time like
the present. Just beware your mind,
body and spirit may not be the same
after tonight. (Short pause) I'll go
and get the tools, and the legal
forms. Get the photo out of Talia and
ready yourself.

Clio Stands up and heads behind a curtain the room is SILENT

only Clio's mumbles and rummaging through things can be
heard. SAM picks her bag up and begins looking for the photo.
Suddenly the chair beside her is pulled out by an UNSEEN

(Jumps up from her chair and walks
backwards towards the door)
What the fuck! what is that!

Don't worry its a good thing sit down,
they feed off fear be brave now.

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(Slowly walks back to her chair
and sits down, she avoids looking
at the other chair)
Ok, (Long pause) Ok.

Clio returns from behind the curtain holding a bag inside is

a pack of tarot cards. He has a straight face and stares into
Sams eyes. he then smiles and walks to the table, he sits

(Takes the cards out of the pack
and begins shuffling them)
So, are you ready? Put the photo on
the table.

(Placing the photo on the table,
she shrugs)
Er as I'll ever be I suppose

Clio draws 3 cards 1 after the other placing them face down
on the table.

(Flipping the first card)
Ah the tower card, chaos and
destruction most likely referring to
the crash, it seems its been holding
you back
(Flipping the second card)
The devil card, the Taboo and
unrestricted wilderness,What people
like me do is break the rules of this
plain. The living aren't supposed to
go this deep and interact with the
realm of the dead but here we are
going beyond that barrier, between
life. between death.All to find the
answers only answerable by the lips of
the undead.
(Flipping the third card)
The death card, new beginnings, a card
of major transformation it probably
won't be easy. (pause) its right what
we're about to do will drain your
energy and your soul. If you let it.
Tell me and be honest with yourself.
Do you want to continue?

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Sam looks at all 3 cards slightly shaken by what she sees she
runs her hand through her hair trying to make sense of the
cards before looking back at Clio.

Its, its why I came and ever since the
accident I've been questioning myself,
just havn't been able to think
straight. I need to fix this. whatever
it takes.

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