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Colinares, Shiara Camille A.

BSN-1 PSYCH031 10-Jul-23

Spiritual Self Reflection

Religion, as I have understood throughout studying it since high school, is a

system of beliefs, traditions, codes, and dogmas that a collective of people choose to
practice. There are a lot of religions all over the world, including Judaism, Islam,
Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and a lot more. Spirituality on the other
hand, is an individual practice that deals with finding meaning in one’s existence
throughout their journey as a person.

I would like to take both of my parents’ perspectives as examples of varied

beliefs when it comes to being religious or spiritual. Whenever religion comes up over
family reunions, gatherings, or meals, my father always says, “Usa ra man atong
Ginoo.” Having been previously converted into Islam himself, and now converted back
to Christianity, he shares his understanding about religion to us; that it is just simply
different paths to the same God (pertaining, of course, to the three monotheistic
religions). He further goes on to tell us heartily about what his experiences as a
converted Muslim were when he used to work abroad in Saudi Arabia. With this, my
father does not really tie himself into just one religion and he believes that essentially,
finding God is more of a pursuit in yourself. My mother, being the religious one, would
sometimes say that the reason why we become stressed out about our lives is because
we (being her children, and as Christians) don’t make it a habit to go to church every
Sunday. She believes that whichever rules, traditions, and moral codes you choose to
follow would shape who you are as a person.

I consider myself as more of a spiritual person than a religious one. I am a

Catholic, though not traditional. However, I do believe that religion is an essential
element in not just helping you find your purpose in life but as well us in shaping your
principles and values and what you stand for in order to get to that purpose. Religion
and spirituality both aim to find meaning and create connection/a sense of
belongingness amongst people. Indeed, being a Christian has taught me the power of
faith, has given me the sense of right and wrong, and rooted me firm into my principles.
Spirituality encompasses the inner self. It is a pursuit in creating a sense and purpose
for yourself. Being spiritual teaches me the importance of love above all. That this life,
amidst the pain and difficulties, that inner freedom and piece of mind are to be sought.
Throughout my journey of understanding myself, it’s becoming more clear to me that to
live purely and sincerely is to always incorporate love and compassion in the pursuit of
discovering my truth.

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