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Alapfok B1
It’s a picture of a young woman. She has plastic bags in her hands with fruit and vegetables
in them. She was at the vegetable market where she bought peaches, peppers, tomatoes and
cucumbers. She’s taking them home. She also has her pursein her hand. In the picture we can
see her only from the waist down. She’s wearing white shorts and a patterned blue blouse.
It’s probably summer time because she’s wearing light clothes. The bags are heavy, it’s not
easy to carry them. She may not live far and that’s why she went to the market on foot.
Maybe she needed some vegetables for cooking lunch. The market is a very colourful place in
summer and spring. You can buy fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables from local people there.
I like going to the market. I prefer markets to supermarkets because the productsare fresher
and more delicious there than in the shops. The vendors are nice and kind and you can
even taste the fruit or vegetables before you buy them. My favourite market is on the corner
of my street. I have to walk only five minutes if I need something from there.
Középfok B2
In the picture I can see a girl or a young woman carrying bags of vegetables and fruit. You
can see her only from the waist down but you can tell that it’s a femaleperson because of her
clothes. She’s wearing white linen shorts and a bluish top. She must have been at the
vegetable market. She has bought green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and peaches. She has
her purse in her hand, which is not very safe to do. She went to the market on foot so she
probably lives somewhere near. It is day time and summer time. She may have needed some
fresh ingredients for cooking lunch and that’s why she has been to the market. She’s carrying

the goods in plastic bags. That’s not very environment friendly. If I were in her place I
would take linen bags or a basket with me for the shopping. She probably lives in a big town
or city because I can see a lot of cars parking in the background and she’s walking
on concrete pavement.
If I have a choice I prefer doing the shopping at a market. Super- and hypermarkets are
crowded and the products there are not as fresh as at the market. It’s difficult to find
a salesperson if you have any questions and there is always a queue at the checkout. The
market is a lot friendlier place. Local people sell what they grow in their own garden and they
are kind and happy to talk to you. They know their products and are willing and able to
answer any questions you may have.
In summer the market is a very colourful place with the piles of different fruits and
vegetables. It is also noisy, full of smiling and chattering people. You can take your time
with the vendors as they aren’t in a hurry and they’re happy to serve you. Locally
grown and organic fruit and vegetables are healthier than those that come from the other
end of the world. If your health is important for you you’d better buy whatever you can at the
Felsőfok C1
It’s quite an unusual picture showing a young woman only from the waist down. It’s not the
person that is important in this case but what she’s doing right now. She must have been at the
vegetable market to do some grocery shopping. She’s carrying her shopping in quite a
few disposable plastic bags showing that she may not care much about the environment.
There are countries where you cannot get plastic bags with your purchase so you have to take
along your own bag or basket. It’s a more environment friendly way of life causing
less harm to nature. She’s carrying her purse in her hand which shows that she lives
somewhere nearby and that she has been to the local market. Doing the shopping at a local
market has various advantages. You support the local farmers so that they may have
a reasonable income to live on. Moreover, you support your country’s home economy if you
buy the locally grown products and not the ones from overseas. Locally- or home-grown
fruits and vegetables are fresher, more delicious and have more nutrients in them as they are
not transported from long distances. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are a healthy choice. Even
if strawberries are available in super- and hypermarkets all year round, their taste cannot be
compared with the taste of freshly picked local strawberries. Health experts say that every
season has its seasonal fruits and vegetables that are beneficial for health and there is no need
to eat for example exotic fruits. You might not agree but there is definitely some truth in it.

A local market is a colourful and inviting place with its many stalls and friendly vendors who
are happy to talk to you. They are not in a hurry and they are proud of what they’ve grown.
They willingly show off their products and accept it gratefully if you show your appreciation.
The market is a kind of social platform where people relate to each other, listen to each other
and have an amiable relationship with each other. Local vendors are like good friends who
know your taste and preferences and make sure that they provide the best possible service for
you. Besides getting the freshest, most delicious goods you also get love, acceptance and
friendly words. It’s quite a contrast to the alienated world of big shops where you are hardly
more than an object who couldn’t matter less except for your spending power.


plastic bag nejlonszatyor

purse pénztárca

from the waist down deréktól lefelé

patterned mintás

on foot gyalog

seasonal szezonális

local helyi

product termék

vendor árus, kereskedő

to taste megkóstolni

female nő, nőnemű

linen lenvászon

bluish kékes

ingredient hozzávaló

environmentfriendly környezetbarát

linen bag vászonszatyor


basket kosár

concrete beton

salesperson eladó

queue sor

checkout pénztár

pile halom

chattering beszélgető

locally grown helyben termesztett

organic bio

from the other end of the

world a világ másik végéből

harm bántódás, sérülés

disposable eldobható, egyszer használatos

reasonable income tisztességes jövedelem

overseas tengerentúl, külföld

nutrient tápanyag

health expert egészségügyi szakértő

beneficial jótékony hatású

stall stand

amiable barátságos

taste ízlés

acceptance elfogadás

alienated elidegenedett

to matter számítani, lényegesnek lenni


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