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Meat Science 131 (2017) 34–39

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Effect of abattoir and cut on variations in microbial communities of vacuum- MARK

packaged beef
Mandeep Kaur⁎, John P. Bowman, Bianca Porteus, Alison L. Dann, Mark Tamplin
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, School of Land and Food, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay Campus, Hobart, Tasmania 7005, Australia


Keywords: This report builds on the earlier studies of the shelf-life of chilled Australian vacuum packaged (VP) beef primals
Shelf-life (striploin and cube roll), products distinguished in the global marketplace for unusually long shelf-life. Notable
Beef primal findings in those studies were a shelf-life of at least 26 weeks at −0.5 °C, low microbial counts, and relatively
Bacterial communities high sensory scores. However, growth rates for total viable counts (TVC) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) varied
among the different abattoirs. The present study adds to these findings, by providing greater definition about
temporal changes in bacterial communities using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP)
and clone library analyses of 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene, and measuring statistical associations among
abattoir, beef cut, storage time and sensory attributes. Bacterial communities changed over time, with
Carnobacterium spp. typically predominating (29–97%) at the end of storage. Variation in TRFLP profiles
showed that different Carnobacterium strains predominated in different abattoirs, and that additional variation
was due to the presence of other taxa typical of VP meat microbiomes. TRFLP-based community structure
correlated significantly (P ≤ 0.01) with sensorial characteristics, such as vacuum integrity, confinement odour,
and intact pack appearance of beef. This study shows that Carnobacterium spp. predominate on extended shelf-
life VP beef primals, while other taxa may produce subtle effects on shelf-life duration.

1. Introduction (Corry, 2007; Mills, Donnison, & Brightwell, 2014; Nychas, Skandamis,
Tassou, & Koutsoumanis, 2008; Wheatley, Giotis, & McKevitt, 2014).
Fresh meat is a niche to a relatively definable microbial community, Once established, SSO produce metabolites that reduce meat quality
which originates from varied sources within meat processing facilities and shelf-life (Casaburi, Piombino, Nychas, Villani, & Ercolini, 2015;
(Doulgeraki, Ercolini, Villani, & Nychas, 2012; García-López, Ercolini et al., 2011). The quantity of these undesirable compounds
Prieto, & Otero, 1998). The animals that present at the abattoir are increases as microbes grow to higher levels. Certain bacteria, particu-
the primary sources of bacterial contamination of otherwise sterile beef larly those that grow in aerobic atmospheres, have a greater negative
tissues. However, once in the processing facilities, microbes can effect on meat quality. In contrast, some species, such as lactic acid
establish biofilms and form aerosols facilitating transmission to multi- bacteria (LAB), that preferentially grow in low oxygen atmospheres
ple batches of meat (Brooks & Flint, 2008; De Filippis, La Storia, (e.g. vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging) produce substances
Villani, & Ercolini, 2013; Pothakos, Devlieghere, Villani, that have comparatively less impact on meat quality. In fact, some LAB
Björkroth, & Ercolini, 2015). The specific processing and sanitation by-products have been shown to enhance consumer acceptance of
protocols adopted in different abattoirs may further influence the initial certain meat products (Leisner, Laursen, Prévost, Drider, & Dalgaard,
diverse colonizing community (Pothakos et al., 2015; Stellato et al., 2007; Pothakos et al., 2015).
2016). Thereafter, packaging conditions, storage temperature and It has been known for many years that meat shelf-life can be
interactions among different microbes can exert selection pressure extended by reducing levels of aerobic bacteria through vacuum-
affecting the subsequent development of meat bacterial community packaging (VP) and effective cold storage (Gill, 1986). However, more
structure, as well as determining bacterial growth kinetics and rates of recent surveys of commercial raw beef show some VP beef products
meat spoilage. In addition, the inherent biochemistry and anatomy of have an unusually long shelf-life. Australian VP beef primals with low
individual muscles influences the dominant microbial consortium, the initial total viable counts (TVC) (Phillips, Sumner, Alexander, & Dutton,
specific spoilage organisms (SSO), and overall meat spoilage process 2001; Vanderlinde, Shay, & Murray, 1998), rarely reached 7 log TVC/

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Kaur).
Received 19 November 2016; Received in revised form 30 March 2017; Accepted 20 April 2017
Available online 22 April 2017
0309-1740/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Kaur et al. Meat Science 131 (2017) 34–39

cm2 and largely maintained acceptable sensory evaluation scores for at 8 = complete/tight vacuum), intact pack appearance and post bloom
least 26 weeks of storage at −0.5 °C (Small, Jenson, appearance of the meat (0 = severe discolouration, to 8 = fresh/no
Kiermeier, & Sumner, 2012; Small, O'Callaghan, & Beilken, 2011). discolouration) and confinement odour upon pack opening (0 = ex-
Authors of these studies also observed that growth rates and net treme off odour, to 8 = fresh no off/confinement odour) (Small et al.,
changes in levels of TVC and LAB varied among similar products 2012).
produced at different abattoirs. However, the reason(s) for these
differences remains unknown. One hypothesis to explain this variability 2.3. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis
in counts is that combined hurdles, such as low temperature, pH and
low oxygen, subject bacteria to stress conditions at the growth-no- Triplicate rinsate samples from weeks 0, 16 and 30 from all
growth boundary. Other possible explanations are that low initial abattoirs, were thawed and aliquoted into 4 × 1 ml subsamples in
numbers, and the types and proportions of bacteria that normally 1.5 μ centrifuge tubes. Samples were centrifuged at 5000 × g for
contaminate meat during slaughter and processing, differ among 10 min, 0.75 ml of supernatant removed, the pellet resuspended in
abattoirs and fluctuate during storage. the remaining supernatant, and the four subsamples combined. These
The aim of the present study was to measure temporal changes in samples were centrifuged at 5000 × g for 10 min, the supernatant
bacterial communities on VP beef primals using cultivation indepen- removed, and DNA extracted using the DNeasy™ Blood and Tissue kit
dent techniques. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as per manufacturer's instructions. Genomic
(TRFLP), and cloning and sequencing, were used to assess bacterial DNA was quantified using a NanoDrop 8000 spectrophotometer
community structure on beef striploins and cube rolls from six (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, Detroit, Michigan).
Australian export abattoirs, for samples stored for 30 weeks at The V1–V8 region of the 16S rRNA gene sequence was amplified
− 0.5 °C. The samples examined here are the same studied by Small using the universal primers 27F (5′-GAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG) (Lane,
et al. (2012) obtained from six different abattoirs and stored as rinsates 1991) and 1492R (5′-TACGGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT) (Turner, Pryer,
at − 80 °C. Small et al. (2012) found substantial variations in aerobic Miao, & Palmer, 1999). Primer 27F was labelled with the Beckman
TVC and LAB growth rates for the samples, suggesting possible Coulter WellRED fluorescent dye D3, and 1492R with D4 WellRED dye
variability in bacterial community structure. For a sensorial perspec- (Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, Missouri, USA). The PCR amplification
tive, Small et al. (2012) reported the samples scored highly for vacuum mixture contained 10 μl of Immomix Mastermix (Bioline, Alexandria,
integrity and post bloom appearance up until week-28 of storage and NSW), 0.5 μM of each primer, and approximately 10 ng of template
for intact pack appearance up to week 26. Persistent off odour was DNA and PCR-grade water, to make a final volume of 20 μl. The PCR
noted by week-28 of storage. amplification program was as follows: 1 cycle of 95 °C for 10 min;
The overall goal of the present report was to establish the primary 35 cycles of 94 °C for 1 min, 55 °C for 1 min and 72 °C for 1 min, with a
community components of long shelf-life of VP beef primals, to final elongation of 72 °C for 7 min. PCR products were visually
determine if these communities varied among abattoirs, and to inspected with agarose gel electrophoresis.
investigate relationships with sensorial attributes. Duplicate PCRs were performed and pooled to reduce PCR bias, and
purified by ethanol precipitation. Aliquots of purified PCR products
2. Material and methods were digested individually with HinfI, MspI and RsaI restriction
endonucleases (New England Biolabs Inc., Ipswich, MA), according to
2.1. Sample collection the manufacturer's instructions. The digests were visually checked with
agarose gel electrophoresis. Three enzymes were chosen to mitigate the
Frozen (− 80 °C) 100 ml rinsate samples from a previous study on effects of different bacterial groups having similar profiles with a
VP beef primals were analyzed here. Detailed description of sample particular enzyme. Digested PCR samples were then desalted and
collection and processing is provided in Small et al. (2012). Briefly, VP purified using a 96-well ethanol precipitation method (Beckman
beef striploins and cube rolls collected from six Australian export Coulter CEQ8000 Handbook) and wrapped in aluminium foil to
abattoirs (A through F) and stored at − 0.5 °C for 30 weeks were used. minimize light exposure.
These abattoirs represent a wide geographic range from Tasmania to Purified digest products (1–3 μl) were mixed with 30 μl sample
Queensland, with regard to their location and cattle source. Further, loading solution (Beckman Coulter, Brea, California) and 0.3 μl of
they vary in their capacity (process 600 and 3500 cattle per day) and 600 bp DNA size standard (Beckman Coulter), and analyzed on the
processing protocols (abattoirs C and D utilized hot-water pasteuriza- Beckman Coulter CEQ8800 Genetic Analyser System using the Frag-4
tion on final carcasses prior to chilling). Microbiological analyses were method (injection 2.0 kV/20 s, capillary 50 °C/4.8 kV for 60 min).
done at the time of packaging (time 0) and at 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 26 and Fragment profiles were sorted by size and any peak
30 weeks. Triplicate samples of striploin and cube roll were used at height < 1000 DFU (Dye Fluorescence Units), < 60 bp, and > 600 bp
each sampling point, where individual primal was placed in a sterile were discarded and filtered for spurious peaks using CEQ8000
plastic bag and massaged for 2 min with 500 ml of 0.85% saline. From a Fragment Analysis software (Beckman Coulter). Peaks were standar-
200 ml aliquot, a portion (100 ml) was frozen and used for microbial dized to percent relative peak height; any peak with < 1% of the total
community analysis in the present study, and other portion used for peak area was discarded and the peaks that contributed < 2% of the
TVC and LAB counts as described in Small et al. (2012). Triplicate total peak area were removed to minimize the effect of baseline noise
rinsate samples from storage times of 0, 16, and 30 weeks were from variable amounts of DNA loaded (Osborne, Rees,
included in the present study. These time intervals were chosen as Bernstein, & Janssen, 2006).
they represented points in TVC and LAB growth curves for initial levels,
and exponential and stationary growth phases. 2.4. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries

2.2. Sensory analysis Rinsate samples from cube roll and striploin from abattoirs A, C, D
and F, for weeks 0, 16 and 30, were used for clone library analysis. The
Sensory qualities of meat samples were assessed by a six-member V1–V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified using the forward
informal sensory panel based at the Commonwealth Scientific and primer 27F (5′-GAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG) and reverse primer 907R
Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) at weeks 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 26 (5′-CCGTCAATTCCTTTAAGTTT); the PCR conditions were used as
and 30 (Small et al., 2012). In brief the analysis involved a nine-point above for TRFLP. The PCR product was then purified using an
hedonic scale for assessing vacuum integrity (0 = no vacuum, to UltraClean® PCR Clean-Up Kit (Mobio, Carlsbad, CA). Purified PCR

M. Kaur et al. Meat Science 131 (2017) 34–39

Transform: Square root

products were cloned using an Invitrogen pCR®4 TOPO TA vector kit Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity
(Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY) as per the manufacturer's 0.3 Abattoir
protocol. Clones were screened using the vector primers M13F (5′- A
Clones (60 for each sample) with inserts were sent to Macrogen C
(Seoul, Korea) for sequencing. Sequences were quality checked and
vector sequence removed using ChromasPro v1.32 (Technelysium Pty F
Ltd). The results were checked for chimeric sequences using Pintail v1.1 0.1
(Ashelford, Chuzhanov, Fry, Jones, & Weightman, 2005).

2.5. Statistical analysis 0

The TRFLP peak height data from all the enzyme digests for all
samples were collated into an Excel™ spreadsheet and analyzed in -0.1
PRIMER v6 software (Primer-E Ltd., Plymouth Marine laboratory, UK).
A similarity matrix using the Bray-Curtis coefficient was calculated
(Bray & Curtis, 1957). PERMANOVA (permutational multivariate ANO- -0.2
VA) (add-in to PRIMER) (Anderson & Gribble, 1998) was used to test for
differences in bacterial communities under the fixed factors (abattoir,
cut, storage time). Differences were considered significant at P < 0.01 -0.3
(using 9999 permutations). Canonical analysis of principal coordinates -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
(CAP) (Anderson & Willis, 2003) was then used to visualize multi-
dimensional community differences plotted along simple axes expres- Fig. 1. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP) of bacterial TRFLP peak data
sing similarity and dissimilarity between samples and viewed in terms from vacuum packaged beef primals (cube roll and striploin both) based on Bray Curtis
for the factors abattoir, cut and week of storage. similarity matrix and grouped by abattoir.

The relationship of bacterial terminal restriction fragments (TRFs)

and meat sensory characteristics (data obtained from Small et al., 2012) A–F, B–C, B–D, C–F, D–F after 16 weeks, and between A–F, C–F, D–F,
was investigated using a distance-based linear model (DISTLM) and E–F at the end of shelf-life at 30 weeks.
distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) (Anderson & Gribble,
1998). For DISTLM, the forward selection option and 9999 permuta- 3.2. TRFLP analysis of VP beef communities over storage and between cuts
tions were used to identify variables that were significantly correlated
with the observed bacterial community structure. The vectors on the When the same data were analyzed by storage period (weeks),
dbRDA ordination diagram show strength and direction of the relation- significant differences (P = 0.0011) were observed with three distinct
ship between individual vector (sensory characteristics) and construc- clusters corresponding to three time points obtained in CAP plots
tion of the constrained ordination plot. Further, the bacterial TRF data (Fig. 2). Significant differences were also observed in striploin and cube
were employed to explore differences in community diversity (Shannon roll primal cuts during storage under VP conditions for 30 weeks
index, richness and evenness) in individual abattoirs, storage time and (P = 0.0001) (Fig. 3). Furthermore, within each abattoir and at each
primal cuts, by analysis of variance using Calypso (http://bioinfo.qimr. time point, significant differences (P ≤ 0.1) in striploins and cube rolls were observed, except for abattoirs B (week 16), E (week 0 and 30) and
The 16S rRNA gene clone library taxonomic affiliations were F (week 30). A significance level of ≤ 10% was considered significantly
assigned with the naïve Bayesian classifier of the Ribosomal Database different as the maximum possible permutations with three replicates
Project (RDP) with an 80% bootstrap confidence cut-off (Wang, Garrity, were 10.
Tiedje, & Cole, 2007). Counts were converted to percent (%) relative
abundance to genus level. Taxonomy results were removed for any taxa 3.3. Changes in VP beef primal bacterial diversity during storage
that contributed < 1% to overall abundance. Differences among bac-
terial communities for different factors (abattoir, cut, storage time) Significant differences were observed among abattoirs (P = 0.006)
based on phylogenetic distance were calculated using UniFrac
Transform: Square root
(Lozupone & Knight, 2005). Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity
0.2 Week
3. Results 0
3.1. TRFLP analysis of VP beef primal communities from different abattoirs 30

In order to test the impact of abattoir on community structure

variation, the bacterial TRFLP profiles generated for each sample were

compared using PERMANOVA. Significant differences in bacterial
community profiles among all abattoirs (P = 0.0001) were found,
except for abattoirs A and C where the difference was marginal -0.1
(P = 0.0128), and for abattoirs B and F, which had near complete
overlap (P = 0.2709). These results are visualized in the CAP plot
(Fig. 1). The plot showed distinct grouping of VP meat samples by -0.2
abattoir, with the first canonical axis separating abattoirs B, E and F -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
from abattoirs A and C, while the second axis separated abattoir D from CAP1

abattoirs A, B, C and F. Differences among abattoirs changed over a Fig. 2. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP) of bacterial TRFLP peak data
period of 30 weeks. Differences were significant (P ≤ 0.01) between from vacuum packaged beef primals (cube roll and striploin both) based on Bray Curtis
abattoirs A–B, B–E, C–F, D–F, E–F at the start, between A–B, A–D, A–E, similarity matrix and grouped by the storage period at −0.5 °C.

M. Kaur et al. Meat Science 131 (2017) 34–39

Transform: Square root Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity

Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity
60 Week
0.3 CutWeek 0
C0 16
Post bloom appearance
C16 30
C30 40

dbRDA2 (4.4% of fitted, 1.4% of total variation)

0.1 20

Confinement odour
Intact pack appearance

0 0

-20 Vacuum integrity


-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -60
CAP1 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
dbRDA1 (95.2% of f itted, 29.7% of total variation)
Fig. 3. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP) of bacterial TRFLP peak data
from vacuum packaged beef primals (cube roll and striploin both) based on Bray Curtis Fig. 5. dbRDA analysis of variation of TRFLP bacterial community structure constrained
similarity matrix and grouped by the primal cut × storage time at − 0.5 °C. at storage week as explained by meat sensory characteristics. Vectors represent correla-
tions of variables with community structure along the two dbRDA axes by Pearson's

from abattoirs A (76%), C (22%) and D (44%). By week 16, C. divergens

was present on samples across all abattoirs (44–74% of clones).
Abattoirs A, C and F also contained other Carnobacterium spp. as well
at this stage. Brochothrix thermoshacta was found on samples at abattoir
D (48%). At 30 weeks, C. divergens was dominant on samples from
abattoir A (85%) and C (68%), and to lesser extent from D (32%) and F
(48%). Abattoirs A and D still contained detectable levels of
Janthinobacterium spp., though relative abundance was substantially
lower. Abattoirs D and F samples were the only abattoirs at 30 weeks to
contain C. maltaromaticum (21 and 42%). Abattoir C also contained
Fig. 4. Bacterial diversity analysis of TRFs associated with vacuum packaged beef primals Serratia proteamaculans (27%). Overall, after 30 weeks of storage at
processed at six different abattoirs (A, B, C, D, E and F) and stored at − 0.5 °C for
− 0.5 °C, Carnobacterium became clearly the most abundant taxon on
30 weeks.
VP primals across all abattoirs (53–93% of total clones), with the most
consistent and predominant species being Carnobacterium divergens.
for bacterial community diversity (Fig. 4). Abattoir D showed the
UniFrac analysis showed differences between abattoir cube roll
highest diversity followed by abattoir A. The higher diversity observed
sample pairs over 30 weeks of storage. A Bonferroni-corrected P value
at abattoir D resulted from a greater number of bacterial species
of < 0.05 was considered significantly different; however results
(measured as number of TRFs) present, and which were evenly
showed that P values for other abattoir comparisons were 0.06, and
distributed. The lowest diversity was observed at abattoir F. Striploins
thus could be designated “suggestively different”. Over 30 weeks,
showed greater bacterial diversity, compared to cube rolls, and
bacterial communities in abattoirs measured by clone library were
diversity decreased with storage time (data not shown).
different by most comparisons (data not shown). A summary statistical
analysis showed that all abattoirs for each week were significantly
3.4. Relationship between meat sensory quality parameters and TRFs different (P ≤ 0.01). Overall, this was in agreement with TRFLP
The DISTLM analysis showed that relationships among sensory
attributes and bacterial TRFs were significant (Fig. 5), with positive
correlations (P ≤ 0.01) observed between TRFs and vacuum integrity, 3.6. Community structure of VP striploins over 30 weeks
confinement odour, and intact pack appearance. No correlation with
post bloom appearance was observed. Similar to cube rolls, bacterial communities on striploins across all
abattoirs over 30 weeks were generally dominated by members of the
3.5. Community structure of VP cube rolls over 30 weeks phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes as assessed by clone libraries.
Initially, striploins from abattoirs A, C and D contained
The 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis showed that initial Janthinobacterium, and represented 84 and 94% of clones from abattoirs
bacterial communities on cube rolls from different abattoirs were A and D, respectively. In abattoir F striploin samples, Carnobacterium
generally dominated by members of classes Betaproteobacteria and was again the dominant species, as found for cube rolls (87% of clones).
Gammaproteobacteria, except for abattoir F where members of At week 16, all dominant species were Carnobacterium spp., either C.
Firmicutes predominated (86%) from the outset (Supplementary Table maltaromaticum or C. divergens. Besides Carnobacterium, other genera
S1). All abattoirs had Pseudomonas spp. in the initial population (6–22% were detected at lower levels, including Clostridium (14% and 8%,
of clones). Janthinobacterium spp. were abundant initially on samples abattoir A and D, respectively), and Lactobacillus (7–16%, abattoirs A, C

M. Kaur et al. Meat Science 131 (2017) 34–39

and D), Lactococcus (16%, abattoir C), Leuconostoc (9.5%, abattoir F). slaughtered in abattoir F experienced tropical rains, and thereby might
By week-30, Carnobacterium predominated on samples from abattoirs A, carry different microbiota into the processing environment. The selec-
C and D (77–97%), whereas for abattoir F, Leuconostoc gelidum (63%) tion and establishment of the resident bacteria could be further
and Carnobacterium (29%) were the predominant bacteria. influenced by different processing protocols adopted in each abattoir,
UniFrac analysis showed more similarities for striploins among such as hot-water pasteurization of final carcasses prior to chilling at
abattoirs compared to cube rolls. Abattoirs A and D were not abattoir C and D. Once established, these abattoir microbiomes act as
significantly different at 0 and 16 weeks, most likely due to similar source of inoculum for subsequent production batches (De Filippis
predominance of Janthinobacterium spp. All abattoirs at 16 weeks were et al., 2013; Hultman, Rahkila, Ali, Rousu, & Björkroth, 2015; Stellato
less different to each other, likely due to having high abundances of et al., 2016).
Carnobacterium spp. There was a significant difference between abat- The differences among abattoirs were both qualitative, i.e. the type
toirs D and F at 30 weeks due to clustering of species at each abattoir. of bacterial species/strains, and quantitative, i.e. the relative percen-
Abattoir D samples had a dominant population of C. divergens (89%) tage of different species/strains. Although, non-LAB at the start, and
whereas Leuconostoc gelidum (63% of clones) and C. maltaromaticum LAB during storage, dominated primals from different abattoirs, there
(26%) predominated in abattoir F samples. As with cube rolls, striploin still were differences in microbial diversity at each abattoir. These
samples were significantly different among abattoirs (P ≤ 0.01). differences did not appear to be associated with highly unique genera or
Analysis between striploin and cube rolls at each abattoir showed no species, indicating that the factors influencing different growth rates of
significant differences over the 30 weeks of storage. For abattoir C at TVC and LAB at six abattoirs may lie at the strain level. To test this
0 week and abattoir F at 16 weeks, the strongest similarity was between hypothesis, strains from different abattoirs could be analyzed for
striploin and cube roll samples (P = 1). At 0 weeks, abattoir C cube temperature and pH growth/no-growth boundaries, production of
rolls and striploins shared similar populations of Pseudomonas, growth-limiting factors (e.g. types and levels of organic acids, quorum
Acidovorax, C. divergens, Janthinobacterium and Sphingomonas. For factors, bacteriocins) and for the inherent ability to utilize meat-based
abattoir F, at 16 weeks similarity between cube rolls and striploin nutrients. In this regard, Zhang, Baranyi, and Tamplin (2015) found
could be explained by having Pseudomonas, C. maltaromaticum and C. high variation in intra- and inter-species inhibitory activities among
divergens populations. bacteria isolated from the same samples used in this present study, thus
indicating this property might influence inter-abattoir variation in
4. Discussion bacterial community structure.
Bacterial communities on VP primals changed over storage. These
This study builds on the information gained in previous studies on results agreed with published literature (Ercolini, Russo, Torrieri,
VP beef primal shelf-life (Small et al., 2011; Small et al., 2012). Notable Masi, & Villani, 2006; Ercolini et al., 2011; Jones, 2004; Kiermeier
findings in those studies were the extremely long shelf-life of Australian et al., 2013), reflecting a transition in bacterial species that predomi-
VP beef primals (26 weeks) at − 0.5 °C, low microbial counts, relatively nate in aerobic atmospheres, to one comprised of LAB in VP meat. The
high sensory scores, and variable growth rates of TVC and LAB among differences observed in cube rolls and striploins in this study were not
the six abattoirs surveyed. The variability in TVC and LAB counts were anticipated as it was assumed that both primal cuts would likely have
sometimes observed for different primal cuts produced by the same been exposed to similar environmental surfaces during slaughter and
processor. processing, especially within the same abattoir. However, it is possible
This earlier study defined growth kinetics of two common microbial that anatomical and physiological differences between these types of
parameters of meat quality, i.e. TVC and LAB. While each of these tests cuts promote different types and levels of bacteria. Further, the manner
have long historical use and are primary tests for domestic and in which these cuts are prepared, and the time and extent they are
international market standards, they measure changes broadly in exposed to different surfaces, might also affect their microbial composi-
meat-associated bacteria; more data are needed to develop fundamental tion. In this regard, Holder, Corry, and Hinton (1997) found a
understanding of growth dynamics, in particular to explain the correlation between microbial counts on chicken carcass sampling sites
observed variability. and exposure time. Sites with higher exposure had significantly higher
In the present study, we used PCR-based molecular techniques to number of microbes than less exposed ones.
explore temporal and spatial changes in bacterial communities on VP The results from clone libraries show that in all abattoirs bacterial
primals, and to determine associations with changes in TVC and LAB communities changed during storage. When beef primals were initially
levels. Exploring spatial and temporal microbial community dynamics packaged at the abattoirs, they were contaminated mostly with non-
via TRFLP also enables meaningful insights into the effect of these LAB species (e.g. Pseudomonas, Janthinobacterium), with the exception
changes, in relation to food quality parameters (Kaur, Bowman, of abattoir F, which had a dominate community of Carnobacterium.
Stewart, & Evans, 2015). The discriminative ability of the approach With time, LAB species viz. C. maltaromaticum, C. divergens, Lactobacillus
(TRFLP and associated multivariate statistical analyses) used in this spp., Lactococcus spp., and Leuconostoc spp. became dominant, with the
study was demonstrated from significant correlations between impor- occasional occurrence of Acidovorax spp., Serratia spp., B. thermoshacta,
tant meat sensory quality attributes (confinement odour, post bloom and Clostridium spp. All of the bacterial genera observed in the current
appearance and overall vacuum pack appearance) and bacterial com- study are commonly found in meat and meat products (Borch, Kant-
munity dynamics during storage. As storage progressed, changes in Muermans, & Blixt, 1996; Casaburi et al., 2015; Doulgeraki et al., 2012;
bacterial community structure occurred, resulting in sensorial dete- Jones, 2004; Jones, Hussein, Zagorec, Brightwell, & Tagg, 2008;
rioration of the meat. Labadie, 1999). However, species/strains and further, their relative
TRFLP analysis showed that bacterial communities on beef primals propositions, vary from study to study, and sometimes within a study,
produced at six abattoirs were different. These differences might arise such as differences among abattoirs, time and type of meat primal.
due to dissimilarities in in-house bacterial communities residing in each Overall, these results agree with the TRFLP studies. Although clone
abattoir environment. These localized populations presumably origi- library assigns 16S rRNA sequences to a genera/species, this method is
nate from incoming bacteria on animals transported from local areas. less discriminatory than TRFLP that detects intra-species (strain)
The six abattoirs, studied here are dispersed across diverse geographical differences.
locations in Australia, ranging from tropical far north Queensland to High phenotypic and metabolic intra-species variability in both C.
temperate Tasmania, each region being a unique ecosystem in itself maltaromaticum and C. divergens has been reported in the literature
with regard to cattle breed, vegetation and rainfall pattern. Although, (Leisner et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2015). Zhang et al. (2015) studied the
sampling was done at the same time in all abattoirs, the cattle interactions among diverse group of bacteria isolated from the same VP

M. Kaur et al. Meat Science 131 (2017) 34–39

beef primals in the previous and current study, and found different stored under different packaging conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
77, 7372–7381.
levels of interactions among different isolates. In total, C. maltaroma- Ercolini, D., Russo, F., Torrieri, E., Masi, P., & Villani, F. (2006). Changes in the spoilage-
ticum and C. divergens isolates displayed a large inhibition spectrum, related microbiota of beef during refrigerated storage under different packaging
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