Exercício e Aterogenese Exerc Sport Sci Rev

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Exercise and Atherogenesis

J. Kelly Smith
Division of Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee

SMITH, J.K. Exercise and atherogenesis. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev., Vol. 29, No. 2, pp 49 –53, 2001. Atherogenesis involves the
activation of endothelial cells and the egress of atherogenic T lymphocytes and monocytes into the intima. Exercise training contributes
to the arrest and even reversal of atherosclerosis by modifying risk factors and by inducing an atheroprotective phenotype in endothelial
cells and T cells. Keywords: T cells, cytokines, endothelium

INTRODUCTION mented a strong and independent association of low cardio-

respiratory fitness and low levels of physical activity and the
Although there has been a decline in the age-adjusted risk of death due to CVD (2).
death rate from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the past 25 This review will examine what is currently known about
yr, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the the immunopathogenesis of atherosclerosis and provide some
United States, accounting for 733,834 deaths, or 31.6% of insight into how physical activity may favorably alter the
total mortality, in 1996 (12). Overall, CVD accounts for course of the disease by affecting the function of vascular
more than 40% of deaths in the industrialized nations of the endothelium, monocytes, and T lymphocytes.
western world.
A number of studies have shown that moderate-intensity
physical activity reduces the incidence of all-cause mortality,
particularly deaths due to CVD (2). The accumulated evi- ATHEROSCLEROSIS: AN INFLAMMATORY DISEASE
dence on the health benefits of physical activity prompted
participants in a National Institutes of Health Consensus There is convincing evidence that atherosclerosis is an im-
Conference to recommend that “children and adults alike munologically mediated inflammatory disease (10). Atheroscle-
should set a goal of accumulating at least 30 min of moderate- rotic lesions contain activated immune cells, including CD4⫹
intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of and CD8⫹ T cells, monocytes, macrophages, and endothelial
the week” (13). cells. These cells are responsible for the local production of a
Despite the documented health benefits, the mechanism variety of cytokines that have been identified in atherosclerotic
whereby physical activity prevents CVD is incompletely un- lesions, including interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10,
derstood, although it is probably multifactorial. Risk factors tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣), interferon-␥ (IFN-␥), and
such as hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidemia, and insulin transforming growth factor-␤ (TGF-␤). There is provocative
resistance may respond favorably to moderate levels of phys- but as yet inconclusive evidence that this immune reaction may
ical activity, thereby protecting against CVD (5). Because be in response to an infectious agent, heat shock protein (HSP)
exercise also protects against CVD in smokers and in persons 60, and/or oxidized LDL (14). Whatever the inciting event(s),
without evident risk factors (2), however, it appears to fa- in transplanted human hearts, activation of coronary endothe-
vorably influence the course of atherogenesis in ways yet to lial cells is predictive of the subsequent development of coronary
be discovered. Whatever the reasons, reports have docu- atherosclerosis (9), lending credence to the importance of the
immune response in the early stages of CVD. Indirect evidence
is also found in reports documenting an association between
Address for correspondence: J. Kelly Smith, M.D., Department of Internal Medicine, blood levels of acute-phase reactants, notably C-reactive pro-
James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City,
TN 37614. (E-mail: smithj@etsu.edu).
tein, fibrinogen, and the third component of complement, and
Accepted for publication: October 13, 2000. the future risk of heart attack (14). Acute-phase reactants are
produced by hepatocytes in response to several proinflammatory
0091-6631/2902/49 –53
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
cytokines, notably IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-␣, and often serve to
Copyright © 2001 by the American College of Sports Medicine minimize tissue damage that follows an inflammatory response.

Whereas there is general agreement that atherosclerosis is tion of antioxidant enzymes is compromised, resulting in an
due to a sustained inflammatory response involving activated increased rate of oxidation of phospholipids and nitric oxide.
endothelial cells, T lymphocytes, and mononuclear phago- Collectively, these functional changes are characteristic of an
cytes, some controversy remains about the nature of the atherogenic endothelial cell phenotype (11).
immunogen or immunogens that trigger and sustain this T helper type 1 (Th1) lymphocytes and their effector cells,
immune response. monocytes and macrophages, are the dominant cell type
egressing into the intima in atherosclerosis (6). Along with
endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells, macrophages
THE RESPONSE-TO-INJURY HYPOTHESIS have scavenger receptors for modified lipoproteins carrying
various oxidized phospholipids, enabling them to internalize
Current models of atherosclerosis are based primarily on the receptor-lipid complexes in their phagosomes and to
the “response-to-injury” hypothesis put forth in the early digest them in their phagolysosomes (Figure 2). Peptides
1970s by Russell Ross and John Glomset of the University of derived from the lipoproteins are then transported to the
Washington. Much of the discussion to follow is based on surface of the macrophages in the form of major histocom-
this model. patibility complex (MHC) class II:peptide complexes, where
In the earliest stage of atherosclerosis, normal resting en- they can be presented to T lymphocytes. Armed Th1 cells
dothelial cells are thought to be activated in response to the displaying T-cell receptors specific for the MHC II:peptide
injurious effects of toxic lipids, abnormally high or low he- complexes activate these macrophages by secreting IFN-␥, a
modynamic shear forces, infection with agents such as Chla- potent atherogenic cytokine, and by binding to CD40 ligands
mydia pneumoniae and cytomegalovirus, and/or smoking (10). present on the macrophages’ cellular membranes. Once ac-
Activated endothelial cells upregulate their production of tivated, macrophages are more efficient in ingesting, process-
adhesion molecules and chemokines, thereby augmenting ing, and presenting antigens, including other suspect athero-
the adhesion and subsequent egress of mononuclear cells into genic immunogens such as HSP 60 and infectious agents, to
the subendothelium (Figure 1). The endothelium also stim- Th1 cells. They also secrete increased amounts of proinflam-
ulates the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells by increas- matory cytokines (TNF-␣, IL-1), chemokines that attract T
ing its production of growth factors while decreasing its cells and monocytes (such as monocyte chemoattractant
production of TGF-␤, a growth inhibitor. The endothelium protein-1 and IL-8), vascular smooth muscle cell growth
is dysfunctional, particularly with regard to its ability to factors (platelet-derived growth factors), metalloproteinases,
maintain normal vascular tone by secreting appropriate and NADPH-derived reactive oxygen intermediates, all of
amounts of its vasodilators, nitric oxide, prostacyclin PGI2, which contribute to the atherogenic process (10,11).
C-type natriuretic peptide, and adrenomedullin, while min- It should be noted that macrophages that have ingested a
imizing its production of vasoconstrictors. In addition, as a microbe, such as C. pneumoniae, can activate naïve (resting) T
result of a decreased production of thrombomodulin, tissue- helper cells by displaying B7 coactivation molecules in conjunc-
type plasminogen activator, and nitric oxide, endothelial tion with recognizable MHC II:peptide complexes (Figure 3).
procoagulant activity is increased. Activated endothelium Once activated, the T cells produce large amounts of IL-2 and
also augments its production of cytokines that promote en- high-affinity IL-2 receptors and undergo clonal proliferation. In
dothelial and vascular smooth muscle cell activation (IL-1), the presence of IL-12, a growth factor produced by activated
acute-phase protein production (IL-6), and granulopoiesis macrophages, the T helper cell progeny (Th0 cells) then evolve
(colony-stimulating factors). Finally, endothelial cell produc- into Th1 lymphocytes. In this manner, microbial infection in

Figure 1 Functional changes associ-

ated with endothelial cell activation in
atherosclerosis. VCAM-1 indicates vascu-
lar cell adhesion molecule 1; RANTES,
regulated on activation normal T ex-
pressed and secreted chemokine; MCP-1,
monocyte chemoattractant protein 1;
PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor;
TGF-␤, transforming growth factor ␤;
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme;
ET-1, endothelin 1; ECE, endothelin-con-
verting enzyme; NO, nitric oxide; PGI2,
prostacyclin; CNP, C-type natriuretic pep-
tide; AM, adrenomedullin; TM, thrombo-
modulin; tPA, tissue-type plasminogen
activator; IL-1, interleukin-1; IL-6, inter-
leukin-6; CSFs, colony-stimulating fac-
tors; COX, cyclooxygenase; SODs, super-
oxide dismutases.

50 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews www.acsm-essr.org

Figure 2 T-cell activation of macro-
phages in atherosclerosis. TCR indicates
T-cell receptor; IFN-gamma, interferon ␥;
CD4, a coreceptor molecule unique to T
helper cells; MHC, major histocompatibil-
ity complex; VSMC, vascular smooth
muscle cell; ROIs, reactive oxygen inter-
mediates; ox-LDL, oxidized LDL.

atherosclerotic plaques can promulgate the underlying disease formation of the necrotic center in atherosclerotic plaques.
even when the major immunogen is oxidized LDL cholesterol. Vascular smooth muscle cells wall off this necrotic center by
Cytokine secretion profiles of cloned T cells indicate that up to producing a cap consisting of a connective tissue matrix
81% of lymphocytes in atherosclerotic plaques are of the Th0 generated under the influence of TGF-␤. Rupture of the cap
phenotype (1), emphasizing the importance of the production of exposes platelets to thrombogenic constituents in the core,
IL-12 in sustaining a Th1-type immune response in atheroscle- resulting in clot formation and possible thromboembolization
rotic lesions. and/or occlusion of an already narrowed lumen. It is this
For reasons that are not entirely clear, macrophages and event that precipitates most myocardial infarctions (10).
phagocytic vascular smooth muscle cell phenotypes appear to
be unable to fully digest phagocytosed lipid and are destined
to become lipid-laden “foam” cells. This appears to be related PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND ATHEROGENESIS
in part to the fact that their receptors for oxidized LDLs are
not downregulated by lipid ingestion. Hence, there is no There is convincing evidence that, along with interven-
feedback mechanism to regulate the phagocytosis of these tions designed to reduce risk factors such as emotional stress,
modified lipoproteins. Foam cells eventually die, possibly by hyperlipidemia, hypertension, overweight, and smoking, ex-
apoptosis (programmed cell death), leaving a complex array ercise training can help to slow, halt, and even reverse the
of partially digested lipid to accumulate in the intima of the progression of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (5).
vessel wall. Over time, it is this process that leads to the Whereas the relative contribution of each of these interven-

Figure 3 Macrophage-associated acti-

vation and differentiation of naïve T cells.
B7 indicates a coactivator molecule; IL-2,
inteleukin-2; IL-2R, IL-2 receptor; Th0, a
naïve T helper cell; Th1, a T helper-type 1
cell; IL-12, interleukin-12.

Volume 29 䡠 Number 2 䡠 April 2001 Exercise and Atherogenesis 51

tions is not known, it is well established that exercise training cht’s findings are in keeping with the results of other studies
alone enhances insulin sensitivity, improves glucose toler- in humans and animals showing that regular exercise im-
ance, increases HDL cholesterol levels, reduces triglyceride proves endothelial cell function (11,15).
and LDL cholesterol levels, promotes stress and weight re-
duction, and improves blood pressure levels and cardio-
vascular function. Hence, physical activity reduces the EXERCISE AND T-CELL FUNCTION
morbidity and mortality associated with atherosclerotic
heart disease through direct (cardiovascular) and indirect In a study involving 43 subjects at risk of having ischemic
(risk factor modification) mechanisms, independent of heart disease, Smith and coworkers found that 6 months of
other interventions. moderate-intensity exercise caused a 58.3% reduction in blood
mononuclear cell production of the atherogenic cytokines
IFN-␥, TNF-␣, and IL-1␤ and a 35.9% increase in the produc-
EXERCISE AND ENDOTHELIAL CELL FUNCTION tion of the atheroprotective cytokines TGF-␤, IL-4, and IL-10
(14). The results were highly significant (P ⬍ 0.001) and could
Recent studies indicate that exercise also exerts its bene- not be attributed to modification of risk factors during the study
ficial effects by improving endothelial cell function and pro- but rather correlated with the total number of hours subjects
moting an atheroprotective phenotype. spent doing exercises involving repetitive lower-body motion
Hambrecht and associates examined the effects of 4 wk of (cycling, running, walking, skiing, climbing, and aerobic exer-
exercise training on endothelium-dependent vasodilatation cises). After the exercise program, changes in cellular function
of coronary vessels in 10 patients with documented coronary were reflected systemically by a 35% decrease in serum levels of
artery disease (8). Compared with a sedentary control group C-reactive protein, suggesting that similar functional changes
of 9 patients, exercise training lessened coronary vasocon- were occurring in lymphocytes and monocytes infiltrating ath-
striction and improved blood flow changes in response to erosclerotic lesions.
acetylcholine, indicating that coronary endothelial function The authors found that exercise had a particularly signif-
had improved in the patients who exercised. Smooth muscle icant attenuating effect on the production of IFN-␥ and
function in the coronary microvasculature also improved TNF-␣. TNF-␣ is produced primarily by monocytes and
with exercise training, as indicated by an increase in coronary macrophages and is a potent proinflammatory cytokine (3).
blood flow in response to adenosine. Because cholesterol- IFN-␥ is produced primarily in Th1 cells and is the most
lowering therapy and cessation of smoking have also been important cytokine regulating the activities of mononuclear
shown to improve endothelial cell function in persons with phagocytes (4) and therefore cell-mediated immune re-
coronary artery disease (15), it is important to note that the sponses of the type seen in atherosclerotic lesions. Both
results in Hambrecht’s study could not be explained on the cytokines can activate endothelial cells, macrophages, and
basis of risk factor modification. vascular smooth muscle cells, thereby contributing to leuko-
The authors attribute their findings to exercise-related cyte recruitment, endothelial cell procoagulant activity, LDL
changes in hemodynamic stresses placed on the coronary oxidation, and foam cell formation in atherosclerotic lesions
endothelium of the study subjects. It has long been appreci- (3). IFN-␥ can also weaken the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic
ated that atherosclerosis preferentially involves the outer lesions by inhibiting TGF-␤ production, and TNF-␣ can
edges of vessel bifurcations, areas where the frictional force induce apoptosis in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle
acting on the cell surface as a result of blood flow (hemody- cells (10). The importance of IFN-␥ in atherogenesis has
namic shear stress) is weaker than in protected areas. Recent been demonstrated in transgenic mice with targeted disrup-
in vitro studies have identified shear stress as being an im- tions of the apoE gene and the IFN-␥ receptor gene (apoE
portant determinant of endothelial cell function and pheno- 0/IFN-␥R0 mice) (7). These mice demonstrate a substantial
type (15). Normal arterial level shear stress (⬎15 dyne/cm2) reduction in atherosclerotic lesion size, cellularity, and lipid
induces endothelial quiescence and an atheroprotective phe- accumulation and an increase in plasma concentrations of
notype, whereas low shear stress (⬍4 dyne/cm2), which is potentially atheroprotective phospholipid/apoA-IV–rich
prevalent at atherosclerosis-prone sites, stimulates an athero- particles compared with apoE 0 mice, suggesting that IFN-␥
genic phenotype in endothelium. Atheroprotective endothe- promotes and modifies atherosclerosis through its local ef-
lial cells discourage leukocyte adhesion and egress by down- fects in the arterial wall as well as by its effects on plasma
regulating their expression of adhesion and chemotactic lipoproteins. It is important to note that IFN-␥ has been
molecules while performing other beneficial functions, such shown to be the dominant cytokine in up to 98% of T-cell
as the production of vasodilators, antioxidant enzymes, clones isolated from atherosclerotic plaques (1).
growth inhibitors, and anticoagulants. As noted, atherogenic In contrast to the atherogenic cytokines, the production of
endothelial cells attract monocytes and T cells by upregulat- atheroprotective cytokines was augmented by exercise. These
ing their expression of adhesion molecules and chemokines. cytokines are produced in T helper type 2 (Th2) cells (IL-4
They also produce more growth factors, vasoconstrictors, and IL-10) and T helper type 3 (Th3) cells (TGF-␤1). They
procoagulants, and inflammatory cytokines than quiescent inhibit cell-mediated immune reactions of the type seen in
endothelial cells (11). In keeping with the in vitro studies on atherosclerotic lesions, primarily by suppressing macrophage
hemodynamic shear stress, Hambrecht’s findings suggest that and Th1 lymphocyte function (3). This is achieved by down-
exercise-related increases in shear stress stimulate an athero- regulation of the production of IL-1, TNF-␣, and IL-12 by
protective phenotype in endothelial cells in vivo. Hambre- monocytes and macrophages (IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-␤) and

52 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews www.acsm-essr.org

Figure 4 Functional characteristics and
interrelationships between atheroprotec-
tive endothelial cell (APEC) and T cell
(APTC) phenotypes, and atherogenic en-
dothelial cell (AGEC) and T cell (AGTC)
phenotypes. NO indicates nitric oxide;
PGI2, prostacyclin; CNP, C-type natri-
uretic peptide; tPA, tissue-type plasmino-
gen activator; COX-1,2, cyclooxygenases 1
and 2; SODs, superoxide dismutases;
TGF-␤, transforming growth factor ␤;
PDGF-␤, platelet-derived growth factor-␤;
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme;
ET-1, endothelin 1; ECE, endothelin-con-
verting enzyme; TM, thrombomodulin;
VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule
1; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant pro-
tein 1; IL-2, interleukin-2; IL-10, interleukin-
10; IL-4, interleukin-4; IFN-␥, interferon-␥;
TNF-␣, tumor necrosis factor-␣; IL-1, inter-
leukin-1; IL-12, interleukin-12.

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Volume 29 䡠 Number 2 䡠 April 2001 Exercise and Atherogenesis 53

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