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Calculation of convective heat transfer coefficients of room surfaces for

natural convection

Article in Energy and Buildings · October 1998

DOI: 10.1016/S0378-7788(98)00022-X


169 9,607

1 author:

H.B Awbi
University of Reading


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Calculation of convective heat transfer coefficients of room surfaces for
natural convection
Hazim B. Awbi *
Department of Construction Management and Engineering, The University of Reading, Reading, UK

Received 3 July 1997; accepted 12 March 1998


Convective heat transfer from internal room surfaces has major effect on the thermal comfort, air movement and heating and cooling loads
for the room. Recent studies have shown that the values of convective heat transfer coefficient used in building thermal models greatly
influence the prediction of the thermal environment and energy consumption in buildings. In computational fluid dynamics (CFJ3) codes for
room air movement prediction, accurate boundary conditions are also necessary for a reliable prediction of the air flow. However, most CFD
codes use ‘wall functions’ derived from data relating to the flow in pipes and flat plates which may not be applicable to room surfaces. This
paper presents results for natural convection heat transfer coefficients of a heated wall, a heated floor and a heated ceiling which have been
calculated using CFD. Two turbulence models have been used to calculate these coefficients: a standard k - E model using ‘wall functions’
and a low Reynolds number k - E model. The computed results are compared with data obtained from two test chambers. 0 1998 Elsevier
Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Residential buildings; Commercial buildings; Heat transfer; Computational fluid dynamics; Simulation; Laboratory

1. Introduction tilation is present,a mixed flow (i.e., natural/forced convec-

tion) could be present
The representation of the thermal boundary conditions of Most researchandcommercialCFD codesuse‘logarithmic
a room surface has a major influence on the accuracy of wall functions’ to describethe momentum and heat transfer
predicting the thermal comfort and heating and cooling loads from the internal surfacesof a room. The majority of these
for the room specially wherelarge glazed surfacesarepresent. wall functions have beenempirically derived for forced con-
Recent studieshave partly attributed the large discrepancies vection in pipesand flat plates [ 31. However, the flow over
which exist between widely usedbuilding thermal modelsto most internal room surfaces is either produced by natural
the difference between the heat transfer coefficients usedin convection or by an air jet. For a plane wall jet the wall
these models, e.g., Ref. [ 11. A recent paper [2] has also function for momentum deviates from that for a boundary
shown the existence, in the literature, of a large variation in layer flow when y+ > 130, i.e., in the outer region of the jet
the values of convective heat transfer coefficients (h) for [4]. Niu and van der Kooi [ 51 have shown that when using
room surfaces. wall functions wish a standard k- .Yturbulence model in a
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) isbeing extensively CFD code, the heat transfer from a window is greatly influ-
usedin room air movement researchand for the performance enced by the position of the first grid point from the surface,
assessmentof air distribution systems in buildings. The i.e., the value of yP+. This is also confirmed in this paper as
boundary conditions which are usedfor representingthe heat will be shownlater.
and momentumtransport from internal room surfaceshave a Henkes and Hoogendroon [6] tested various turbulence
profound influence on the accuracy of predicting the heat modelsfor the calculation of natural convection heat transfer
transfer from thesesurfacesand the air movement within the from a vertical heatedplate. The modelsthey examined can
room. In some situations, the flow is dominated by natural be grouped as: (i) a standardk - Emodel; (ii) low Reynolds
convection but in others, particularly when mechanicalven- number k- E models; and (iii) an algebraic stressmodel.
They found that the Cebeci-Smith algebraicmodelcalculates
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 118 9316786; fax: +44 118 9313856; a low heat transfer coefficient whereas the standard k - E
e-mail: model gives a high value comparedwith experimental data.

0378-7788/98/$ - see front matter 0 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
220 H.B. Awbi/ Energy and Buildings 28 (1998) 19-227

They, therefore, concluded that the accurate prediction of

surface heat transfer requires the use of a low Reynolds num-
ber k - E model. In particular they found that the models of
Lam and Bremhorst, Chien and Jones and Launder performed
best up to a Grashof number of 10’ ‘.
The heat transfer from horizontal heated surfaces, such as
the floor and ceiling, has not been studied to the same extent
as a vertical surface and data for such surfaces is rather scant.
The heat transfer from these surfaces is quite different from
a vertical surface. These surfaces are of practical interest
when, for example, a floor heating system is used or when
thermal stratification caused by a heated ceiling is studied.
In this paper, two methods have been used to calculate the
value of h from the heated surfaces of a two-dimensional Y+
Fig. 1. Dimensionless Reynolds shear stress distribution in a wall boundary
cavity under natural convection. A standard k- E turbulence
layer 191.
model with ‘wall function’ expressions and the low Reynolds
number k - E model of Lam and Bremhorst [ 71 have been
used. In both cases the VORTEX (ventilation of rooms with 30
turbulence and energy exchange) program [ 81 has been used
in the calculation. The calculated results are compared with 25 - --
experimental data obtained from measurements in two test
chambers for a Grashof number range of 9X log-1 X 10”. 20 --- &f ,” y+*c


2. Theoretical analysis and governing equations


2. I. Momentum transport near the wall region


The transport equation for a two-dimensional turbulent 0 f \,

8 ’ 40 ’ 130
boundary layer with zero pressure gradient is: 1 IO y+ ~00 looo Iooilo
Fig. 2. Non-dimensional velocity profile in a turbulent boundary layer and
u-+u!2=17 (1) a plane wall jet [ lo].
ax fJY P aY
where the total shear stress, T, is given by: encesin heat convection between a surfacewhich is covered
by a wall jet from that which is covered by a boundary layer.

2.2. Turbulence model

The first term on the right hand side of Eq. (2) represents the
The transport equationsfor the kinetic energy (k) and the
fluid (laminar) shear stress, T,, and the second term repre-
dissipation rate (E) of turbulence energy for 2D flow are
sents the Reynolds (turbulent) shear stress, rt.
given by [7] :
Fig. 1 represents the variation in the ratio r,/ r with y + and
it can be seen that as the wall is approached rt decreases. In
the figure, U, = & is the friction velocity, where rW is the
shear stress at the wall, i.e., at y = 0. The figure shows that at
Y +=11.6,7,~~71dfory+=30,7,~0.97,.
ak a
ay cc)I v+-
v, dk
+p,-&+D (3)

a& dE d V, dE
The variation of U+ with y+ for a boundary layer and a uz+u-=- v+- -
plane wall jet is shown in Fig. 2. Four regions may be iden- ay ay [( gE 1) ay
tified according to the value of y+. The viscous sublayer
region is given by y+ < 8; which is then followed by the
transition region (buffer zone) which is represented by
8 < y + < 40; the turbulent inner region (log-law zone) which where
is represented by 40 < y + < 130; and the outer region which 2
Pk=v 2 (5)
is given by y+ > 130. It should be noted that the flow in a
plane jet is similar to a boundary layer flow up to y+ = 130 1)
but is different for greater values. This would suggest differ- (6)
H.B. Awbi/Energy and Buildings 28 (1998) 219-227 221

D and B are abbiGona1 &nis &-&II are surr&imes in&&b Table I

to improve the representationof the near-wall behaviour in Constants for k - E turbulence models

the caseof low Reynoldsnumbermodels;thef’s arefunctions

forr mozir@&@ne rr- cuusm~‘Ln’~ Gae as-‘row-~~vLLbrhs

number models.
0 0 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3 0.0165 20.5 0.05
Thef-functions usedin the Lam and Bremhorst model are
given by:

‘;-r;\ ;
sublayer, such as when a standardk- E model is used,then
the value of m&p
iS expressedby:
&,=C,0,75k,I(Kyp) (14)
The value of k at that point (k,) is obtained by solving the
conservationequation for k assumingthat k, = 0.
f&-&9 ! : Q-Y.
\ -*//’ i’fde fir&computXtGonai’po<in%ibcatMw<tiin die viscous
where sublayer zone, such aswhen a low Reynolds number model
is used, then cP should have a value > 0. Chen [ 111 found
R,=k’/(v&) (10) that the expression below for cP achieves a converged
R,=Jkyfv solution:
ep=2vI kty; (15)
Table 1 gives values of the constantsusedin the standard
and low Reynolds number turbulence models [ 71. Eqs. ( 14) and ( 15) have been used for calculations in this
2.3. Heat transfer near the wall region It can be deduced,therefore, that the distancefrom the wall
at which the boundary valuesare specifiedwill dependon the
As the velocity field close to the wall dependson the rate type of turbulence model usedin the calculations. In general,
off m.c~~wcrof mume~tumtu rhe sudaee( qJ, the tempera- *it %Y&y&L +k-1 lkfb wax ‘k%dA ‘tfc ‘a<& w?&is, %a
ture field dependson the rate of heattransfer from the surface turbulent zone (logarithmic region) when a standardk - E
to the fluid ( qW).Representingthe ‘friction temperature’ by: model with wall functions is used,andin the viscoussublayer
zone when a low Reynolds number model is used.The anal-
T,= k ysis pertaining to thesetwo regionsis presentedbelow.
2.4.1. Turbulent inner region (standard k - E model)
a dimensionlesstemperature, T+, can be defined asfollows:
In this region, 7, is small compared with 7t and may be
T -T neglected.This is true for y + > 30, asshown in Fig. 1.
T+=; (13) Ignoring the laminar shearstress,Eq. (2) reducesto:
q/p=-iiv’ =u,’ (16)
where T, is the surfacetemperature.
Using Eq. ( 15) and the mixing length expression:
2.4. Wall boundary conditions
au U,
Boundary values for all the dependent variables to be
sdv PAmuslbe sp~cjfieban6 US& in& &m%n ti tke%&&
equations.The standardk - E model is only valid in regions
of the flow where the Reynolds number is high. However,
the Reynolds number is always low at the wall for non-slip u+=l/Klny++c (18)
conditions. where K is the Karman constant and C is a constant which
At the wall, non-slip conditions are specifiedfor the veloc- rangesin value between4.9 to 5.6.
ity, and tie kinetic energy of turbulence and its dissipation The heat transfer in tie turbulent boundary layer is mainly
rate se, asfo\lows. by ca~vecta~ and the heat diffuSm may be igwxed. using
the Reynolds analogy between heat and momentumtransfer,
k,=O and (G’&y),=O
a similar expressioncan be obtained for the dimensionless
i.e., Ereachesa constant value at the wall. Hence, the kinetic temperature,T+ , viz:
energy dissipation at the first computational point from a
T+=l/!c,,lny++C, (19)
surface, eP,will be dependentupon the location of the point
within the boundary layer. If it is located outsidethe viscous where K~ is the Karman constantfor heat transfer = 0.44 and
222 H.B. Awbi/Energy and Buildings 28 (1998) 219-227

C,, is a function of the laminar and turbulent Prandtl numbers, Because the heat convected to the fluid is equal to that
cr and Us. Usually, C,, is expressed as a function of u and Us, conductedfrom the surface, Eqs. (23) and (25) can be com-
viz: bined to give an expressionfor h asfollows:

A widely used expression for C,, is that due to Jayatilaka
[ 121, i.e., where k is the thermal conductivity of the fluid.
For Eq. (25) to be applicable,the transport equationsmust
be solvedup to the wall region, including the sublayerregion.
X[1+0.28exp(-0.007&r,)] (20) This requires a low Reynolds number turbulence model. In
this paper, a 2D version of VORTEX [ 8 J incorporating the
Eqs. (18) and (19) are usually called the ‘logarithmic
low Reynolds numberk - Emodelof Lam andBremhost [ 71
wall functions’ for the turbulent transport of momentum and
is used.The choice of this model hasbeenbasedon the work
heat, respectively. These expressions are only applicable for
of HenkesandHoogendroon[ 61. Comparingthe resultsfrom
30 < y + < 130 in the case of a wall jet or natural convection
nine models, they found that this model produced accurate
at the surface, see Fig. 2 for the range of Eq. ( 18) and Nizou
predictions of the heat transfer from a vertical plate up to a
[ 131 for the range of Eq. ( 19). Therefore, care must be
Grashof number of 10” which is the maximum range used
exercised when using these functions for predicting room air
in this paper.
Using Eq. (12) the expression for the wall heat flux can
be written as: 3. Experimental setup
4w=pC,(T,-T)C:‘4k”2/(a,[1/Kln(Ey’)+C,]} (21) The experimental results used here for comparison with
where Us = 0.9 and E = 9.793. the numerical predictions have beenobtained from an exten-
From Eqs. ( 12) and ( 13), the heat flux can be expressed sive researchprogramme using an environmental chamber
as: and a test box. The chamber has external dimensions4.00
m X 3.00 m X 2.5 m with two inner compartments: an envi-
(22) ronmental control compartment and a main chamber of
dimensions2.78 m X 2.78 m X 2.3 m (ceiling height), see
Fig. 3. The environmental compartment is equipped with a
where Tp is the fluid temperatureat the first grid point from
cooling coil and a fan which is capable of cooling the com-
the wall.
partment to - 5°C and also heating it to 35°C if required. In
The expressionfor the surfaceheat transfer coefficient, h,
this work the environmental compartmentwas the heat sink.
is given by:
In addition to this chambera small box with internal dimen-
sw=Ww-Tre,) (23) sions 1.07 m X 1.Ol m X 1.05 m high was required for other
experimentsto investigate the scaleeffect on the heattransfer
where T, is the temperature of the surface and T,, is a ref-
coefficients. This box was constructed with an internal layer
erence temperaturesuchas the bulk fluid temperatureor the
of 12mm plywood covered by a 50 mm expandedpolystyrene
temperatureat the edgeof the thermal boundary layer.
slaband then sealedwith a polythene sheet.
An expression for h can be obtained by combining Eqs.
Heating plates were attached to the inner surface of the
(22) and (23), viz.:
chamberor the smallbox which wasto be heated.Thesewere
constructed from a 2 mm sheet of polished aluminium, a
(24) Flexel sheetheating element(about 1mm thick) and a 6 mm
thick sheetof plywood. Holes of 6 mm were drilled into the
aluminium for housing four-wire platinum resistancetem-
perature (PRT) sensors (accuracy = + 0.15 K) . Further
2.4.2. Viscous sublayer region (low Reynolds number k- E details of the chamber, the heating plates and the measuring
model) techniquescan be found in Ref. [ 21.
In the viscoussublayerregion, where r, > r,, the heattrans- To deduce the heat flux entering the chamber, Q,, the
fer is predominately by conduction and the wall heat flux is conduction loss from the heated surface to the outside was
given by: first calculated using:

Qw=P- y (T-T,> (28)

Substituting Eq. (21) in Eq. ( 12) and rearranging gives: where

T+=cry+ (26) Qw=Qr+Qc (29)

H.B. Awbi/Energy and Buildings 28 (1998) 219-227 223

Air Handling

u i1
Main Chamber
HeatSink i

...’ .. ..
.. . .
. .. .

. 'hl ?nnl

Fig. 3. The environmental chamber.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Experimental heat transfer coeficients

The surface heat transfer coefficients for the wall, floor and
ceiling which were calculated from measurements in the large
chamber, under natural convection, are shown in Fig. 4. The
expressions given in Table 2 represent these values and the
values obtained from measurements in the small box. The
value of h for all the surfaces may be expressed by the

h= $ (AT)” (32)
Fig. 4. Measured convective heat transfer coefficients for chamber surfaces.
where C is a constant, D is the hydraulic diameter of the
The radiative heat flux is calculated using: heated surface and m and n are indices. Using the single-
sample error analysis method it was found that the predicted
A&[aT,” -qj ] error in the measurement of h is dependent on the surface
Q,= (30) temperature with a maximum value of kO.4 W m-’ K for
thewall, f0.6WmP2Kforthefloorand +O.l Wm-*K
The convective heat transfer, Q,, is obtained from Eq. ( 29) for the ceiling. These results are valid for at least the range
and h is calculated using: of temperature difference used in the experiments which is
5-35 K. The corresponding range of Grashof number is
QC 9 X 108-1 X 10’ ‘. The results have been obtained from tests
h= (31) in the two boxes described earlier which had a geometric ratio
of about 2.7: 1.
A computer program ( ‘CHTC’) developed in FORTRAN
incorporates the above equations to calculate the local and 4.2. Heat transfer coeficients using wallfunctions
mean htc’s. The calculations for the radiosity, qj, were carried
out by the same program by solving the radiation matrices Eq. (24) has been used to calculate the convective heat
and shape factors using the Gauss-Seidel method. For further transfer coefficient for a two dimensional cavity of the same
details see Awbi and Gan [ 141. dimensions as the large test chamber, i.e., 2.78 m wide and

Table 2
Natural convective heat transfer coefficients for heated room surfaces

Heated surface Mean convective coefficient Nusselt number Range

Wall h= (l.823/0”-‘2’)(AT)“‘93 N~=0.289(Gr)~‘~~ 9X lO*<Gr<6XlO’”

Floor h=(2.175/~“76)(AT)“.308 Nu =0.269(G~)“.‘~” 9X10”<Gr<7X1010
Ceiling h= (0.704/D060’)(AT)o’33 Nu= 1.78(Gr)” I’3 9XlOs<Gr<lXlO”
224 H.B. Awbi/ Energy and Buildings 28 (1998) 219-227

2.3 m high, using the CFD program VORTEX. The position

of the first grid point was varied from 5 to 30 mm to determine
the influence of y+ on the value of h. The reference temper- Dinca from sutfaca
l Msssummsnt
ature, Tref, in Eq. (24) was taken at the same locations as - yp=5 mm
-.- ypl0 mm
those used for determining h in the experiments, i.e., at 100 -__- yp=20 mm
mm from the surface for the wall and floor. Beyond this . yp=30 mti
distance, the air temperature for a heated wall or floor
remained essentially constant. However, the location of Tref
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
for a heated ceiling was not as well defined, as can be seen
Distance along wall (m)
from the measured temperature profile in Fig. 5. In this case,
(a) Wall
beyond a distance of 100 mm from the ceiling the air tem-
perature does not remain constant but it continues to decrease,
although at a much lower rate beyond about 1 m from the
ceiling. As a result, TCeffor the ceiling was taken to be the air
temperature at the centre of the chamber, i.e., at 1.15 m for
the large chamber and 0.52 m for the small box. The same
position for T,, was also used in the CFD computations.
Different mesh sizes were used to establish grid-independ-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
ency of the results and an optimum grid of 38 X 24 in the x-
Distance along floor(m)
and y-direction, respectively was used for the calculations. (b) Floor
The results which were obtained for the three room surfaces
are shown in Fig. 6. This figure represents temperature dif-
ference AT for the wall, floor and ceiling of 24.4, 18.1 and
33.9 K, respectively.
The figure shows that the calculated heat transfer coeffi-
cient for all the room surfaces decreases as the distance yP of
the point at which Tp is specified increases. Similar results
were also found by Nui and van der Kooi [ 51 for a window.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
By comparing the computed results with measurements it can
Distance along ceiling (m)
be seen that the optimum distance for calculating h is about
(c) Ceiling
5 mm from the surface for the wall and floor and about 30
Fig. 6. Effect of distance from surface on h calculated using a wall function.
mm from the ceiling.
The computed results show no variation of h with position
It is clear from these results that, in general standard wall
on the wall and ceiling and only small variation for some of
functions will not accurately predict the heat transfer from a
the floor results. The measured data, however, show some
room surface because the value of h is very sensitive to the
variation with position particularly for the wall and Aoor. The
distance from the surface at which the calculations are made.
variation along the wall appear to coincide with transition
This may be due to the fact that most available wall functions
from laminar to turbulent boundary layer at a height of about
are empirical expressions that have been based on data from
0.7 m from the floor (Gr = 1.5 X 109). On the other hand, the
forced convection in pipes and over isolated flat plates.
variation of h on the floor was caused by the downdraught
Schild [ 151 has carried an extensive study on the numer-
from the cold sink which is to the left of the floor, i.e., 0 m.
ical prediction of heat transfer from room surfaces. He con-
cluded that the standard wall functions are inadequate for
modelling natural convection in rooms because the results
are not independent of the near-wall grid resolution. He used
the data given in Table 2 in both a zonal air flow model and
a CFD model, each coupled with a building thermal model.
He concludes that this alternative approach overcomes the
uncertainty in applying standard wall functions in natural
convection calculations.

4.3. Heat transfer coeflcients using a low Reynolds number

k - E model
20 Ew.l....l..~.~~.~~.~....~....~....~~...I....I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6 2
Vsrtid distsnca from celling (m) The version of VORTEX with the low Reynolds number
Fig. 5. Air temperature profile in the chamber for a heated ceiling. k - E model of Lam and Bremhost [ 71 was used to calculate
H.B. Awbi/Energy and Buildings 28 (1998) 219-227 225

the local heat transfer coefficient for a two-dimensional cav-

ity. Eq. (27) was used with T,, taken at the same position
from the surface as in the case of the wall function calcula-
tions. The position of the first grid point, yp, hence y+ was
varied to investigate its effect on the calculated value of h.
The range of y + , corresponding to the values of y,, used,
which was calculated at the centre of each heated surface was
typically: ~..~.l.~..l~~~.l.,..l.~..l
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Distance along wall (m)
wall: y+ = 1.545
(a) Wall
floor: y+ =0.7-3.1
ceiling: y+ = 0.024.2

The grid size used in the computation was 125 X 125 and
the distance of the first point from a surface was about 0.1
mm. Calculations were also made using grids ranging from
69 X 69 to 199 X 199 but there was little improvement in the
predictions when a grid finer than 125 X 125 was used.
The results for the three room surfaces are shown in Fig.
7. These results show that the calculated value of h also
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
increases slightly as yP increases up to about yP = 1.Omm. For
Distance along floor (m)
y,,> 1.0 mm, the increase in h is much larger. This would
(b) Floor
suggest that when yP> 1.0 mm, the first grid point may, in
some cases, be outside the laminar sublayer. However, the I

variation in h with yP is, in this case, much smaller than that

with the wall functions. Furthermore, the variation of h with
position over the surface is predicted better here than in the
previous case. The optimum distance, yP, for calculating h in
this case is about 0.5 mm from the surface.
It is clear from these results that if accurate calculations of
the heat transfer from internal room surfaces are required for 0 ~l,,,,I.,.,I,,,,I,,,,l,,,,I
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
a CFD simulation then a low Reynolds number turbulence Distance along ceiling (ml
model will be needed. However, such models require a very (c) Ceiling
large number of grid points to obtain an accurate solution Fig. 7. Effect of distance from surface on h calculated using a low Reynolds
which makes them less attractive for solving 3D problems. number k - E model.
A more practical approach will be to use Eq. (32) to deter-
mine the natural convection from room surfaces. Eq. (32)
can be incorporated in a CFD program or a zonal air flow
model very readily as has been demonstrated by Schild [ 151. dieted using a wall function is extremely sensitive to the
Although this expression is based on tests carried out in two distance of the point from the surface ( y,) at which the wall
chambers, one representing a small room and the other a small function is applied, i.e., the value of y+ at that point.
box, the hydraulic diameter of the surface is included in me Although, in the present study, an optimum position of about
expression. Consequently this expression should apply to 5 mm for a heated wall or a heated floor and about 30 mm
rooms of other sizes under natural convection providing that for a heated ceiling were found, these values may not be
the Grashoff number is within the range of this study. universally valid and the optimum distance could well depend
on the situation at hand as well as the type of wall function
being used in the calculation.
5. Conclusions As has previously been discovered by other investigators,
a more accurate prediction of the heat transfer from room
The results presented in this paper show that standard ‘log- surfaces can be obtained using a low Reynolds number tur-
arithmic wall functions’, which are used in many CFD pro- bulence model. However, this type of model can be very
grams, do not produce an accurate representation of the heat expensive in computing terms for 3D problems and it is still
transfer from internal room surfaces for natural convection mainly used for research purposes. A more plausible alter-
heat transfer from these surfaces. The wall functions do not native will be to use, in a CFD or a zonal air flow code,
predict the variation of h over a heated surface of a room. experimentally determined expressions for h for room sur-
Furthermore, the convective heat transfer coefficient pre- faces. This has been successfully demonstrated in a recent
226 H.B. Awbi/ Energy and Buildings 28 (1998) 219-227

study by Schild [ 151. Such expressions are given in this paper Subscripts
as Eq. (32) which should be applicable to heated walls, floors a Air
and ceilings within the range of Grashof number that have C Convective
been derived for. Unlike wall functions, Eq. (32) has been Inside surface
obtained for natural convection in enclosures. i Laminar
0 Outside surface
P Referencepoint or first iteration point from
6. Nomenclature
r Radiant
ref Referencevalue
t Turbulent
Area of heatedsurface ( m2) W Wall
Turbulence model constants 7 Friction
Specific heat (J kg- ’ K- ’ )
Time meanvalue
Turbulence model constants I Fluctuating value
Hydraulic diameter (m), turbulence model
+ Denotesdimensionlessvariable
E Logarithmic constant, turbulence model
Turbulence model functions Acknowledgements
Convective heat transfer coefficient
(W me2 K)
This work was supportedby the Engineering and Physical
k Kinetic energy of turbulence (m* s-*) or
SciencesResearchCouncil, UK, under grant reference GR/
thermal conductivity (W m- ’ K- ’ >
547606.The assistanceof Andrew Hatton and StephenTames
L Thickness (m)
in the experimental work is acknowledged.
P Power input (W)
Q Heat flux (W)
qj Radiosity (W mp2)
4w Wall heat flux (W m-*) References
4, R, Turbulence Reynolds numbers
T Temperature (“C) H. Eppel, K. Lomas, Empirical validation of three simulation pro-
T+ Dimensionlesstemperature, grams using data from a passive solar building, Proc. of Building
P+,( Tw - T,) fqw Simulation ‘95, August 14-16, Madison, WI, USA, 1995, pp. 58&
TT Friction temperature,q,J (pC,u,)
I21 A. Hatton, H.B. Awbi, Heat transfer from room surfaces, Proc. of
4 v, w Velocity components(m s- ’ ) ROOMVENT ‘96, Vol. 2, Yokohama, Japan, 1996, pp. 395-402.
U+ Non-dimensionalvelocity, u/u, [31 X. Yuan, A. Huber, A. Schaelin, P. Hachmann, A. Moser, New wall
UT Friction velocity, u,= J( 7,/p) functions for the numerical simulation of air flow pattern in rooms,
x, y, 2 Cartesiancoordinates Proc. of Roomvent ‘92, Vol. 1, Aalborg, Denmark, 1992, pp. 75-9 1.
[41 G.P. Hammond, Profile analysis of heat/mass transfer across the plane
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