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Actividad Autónoma

Jhonier Alejandro Marulanda

Universidad del Quindío

Yenifer Agudelo Corre

Notas del autor

Jhonier Alejandro Marulanda, Faculta de Ingeniería Universidad del Quindío
Universidad del Quindío, CAT Buga
Describe the place you visited and the type of accommodation where you stayed on your
last vacation trip.

1. When was the trip?

2. Where did you stay?

3. What type of accommodation was it?

4. Why did you choose this place? Why did you choose this accommodation?

5. What kind of services did it offer?

6. What did you enjoy the most in this place?

Story of my last trip

My last trip was to the tebaida, there I stayed in a simple hotel, we stayed there because
it was in a good area and it was close to the coffee park which was our destination,
besides this it had a good price and they offered free coffee.
They offered single rooms or premier rooms with room service, but we took the single
room with double bed. What I liked most about the place were its facilities, because
although it was small, everything was tidy, clean, and modern, and the service was

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