Organizational Behaviour - DOB 1002

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Humen Resource Management


Group Assignment No.01


Group No : DHRM 04
Employee motivation
Under this topic we would like to point out.

1. What is employee motivation

2. Why it is it important
3. Ways to motivate employees
4. Chance are those motivation methods are successful
5. How employee motivation matters to business
6. How to implement those motivation techniques?
7. How will those incentives lead to employee welfare?

What is employee motivation

Employee motivation is defined as the level of energy, commitment,

persistence and creativity that workers bring to their jobs. It goes without
saying that higher employee motivation leads better engagement and
Motivation is derived from “Motive” means idea, need emotion or organic
state promote a man to an action. Motive is an internal factor that integrates a
man’s behavior. As the motive is within the individual, it is necessary to study
needs emotion, etc. In order to motivate him work. So, motivation is a process
of getting the need of the people realized with a view to induce them to work
for the accomplishment of organizational objective. Indeed, motivation is
nothing but an act of inducement.

Why is it important
Mainly because it allows management to meet the company’s goals without a
motivated workplace, companies could be placed in a very risk position,
motivated employees can lead to increased productivity and allow an
organization to achieve higher levels of output.
All the employee in an organization play a major role in order to shine their
company. Their energy, enthusiasm are some major part of their role. Without
these too or more others factors it hard to build a company with a great mind
employees. To increase their efficiency these factors must be enhance by the
chairperson. To do that motivations are really needed.
Each employees have different mind sets. All of them are not bearing some
thoughts. It may depends on their desires but, we should fulfill some of their
fundamental needs. We can quench some of their massive problems which can
affect for the company brilliance.

Before motivation employees, we look at how far they have been motivated in
the organization through three factors
1. Intensity
2. Direction
3. Persistence

 What is intensity?

- Intensity is the interest shown by employees to work in the organization

 What is direction?

- Direction is to what extent they interested in achieving the goals of the


 What is persistence?

- Persistence is how long he will work dedicatedly for the organization

Based on the above facts, after determining how far the employees of the
organization are motivated, we can determine how far we need to
motivate our organization.

Ways to motivate employees

Employee demotivation can be done in several ways. This can be
implemented in various situations. We can identify that factors such as job
nature, need, etc. are affected here. Motivational methods can be classified
into financial motivational methods and non-financial motivational methods.

 As financial incentives

 Attractive salary
- An attractive salary can attract job seekers to
your company

 Employee insurance
- Providing them with insurance facilities in emergency situations is a great
service to them in those situations.

 Arrival offers
- Absenteeism is minimized when they are given leave of absence. In this
way, the employees can also get some benefit and get their service in the
best way without hindering the activities of the organization.

 Bonuses
- Giving bonuses can also increase their psychological happiness by making
concessions as they think.

 Providing credit facilities

- By providing loan facilities, they are very relieved to be able to pay off
their loans whenever they need.

 As non-financial motivational methods

 Training seekers.
- An efficient workforce can be created by properly training employees. It
is beneficial for the organization.

 Giving promotions.
- Giving higher expectations leads to their greater satisfaction. Some
employees are eager to get promoted and not the best performing

 Ensuring job security.

- Security at work is something that employees definitely expect. That is,
there is no motivation for genuine temporary jobs among job seekers.

 Providing health facilities, housing, food, uniforms.

- By looking into the physical facilities of the employees, they feel that they
are always being looked after.

 Organizing excursions, recreational programs, sports facilities.

- The mental happiness of the employees is very important and it is very
important to try to reduce the mental pressure of the employees who are
always under stress.

 Presentation of awards.

- Employees can also be motivated by creating respect for them and others
by offering awards etc.

This shows that financial factors alone do not affect the satisfaction of the
seekers. By offering attractive salaries, he is attracted to work. In addition to
salary, they can be oriented to work by providing insurance, credit facilities etc.
.Also, by regularly looking into their health and mental well-being, they can
keep their attention on the organization. It can easily prevent them from being
attracted to other institutions

Organizations have succeeded through employee motivation

In search of information on many institutions, certain organizations have been

successful and some organizations have failed. Accordingly, the primary
purpose of many rivalries is the personal success of the organization's success
and the granting success of the organization. They do not care about the
welfare or satisfaction of the employees. But the success of the organization's
success and satisfaction, the success and satisfaction of the organization, has
been identified as a socketarian.
Institutions that have been successful by employee motivation
1. Google
2. Apple
3. Microsoft
4. Amazon
5. Dialog Axiata
Among them, Google has used very effective and successful motivation

 Flexibility

Staff are allowed to dedicate 20% of his or her time to focus on a project of
their choice. This gives staff the freedom to experiment and work flexibly.
Creativity can be explored and more new ideas formed while working on a
project tailored to the employee’s specialties. A more structured approach to
an employee’s workload can often lead to a lack of inspiration and a less
stimulating workplace.

 Free Perks

Google aims to put in the same amount of time into keeping employees happy
as it does to research into its products. There are several perks available at
Google that most companies do not offer including things such as free
haircuts, gym memberships, shuttles to and from work. New parents also get
extra time off and extra spending money to help them welcome their new
addition to the family. Google will also reimburse any classes or degree
programmers that help them with their job.

 Health and happiness

Google enjoys making the life of its employees easier and better. They say it’s
all about removing barriers so that ‘Google’s’ can focus on the things they
love both inside

And outside of work. They do not stop searching for ways to improve the
health and happiness for their employees including the addition of on-site
physicians and nurses, convenient medical services and comprehensive health
care coverage to help keep staff healthy and happy.

Employees are largely attracted and retained by their motivational methods and
when we compare Google and our other organizations, we can see a good
mindset and contented nature of Google employees but we cannot see the
satisfaction and success of other typical
organizations. So it is very important that they
also use such methods. Then they too can
achieve great success through employees.

How employee motivation affects

organizational performance
Hardworking employees are the foundation of growth and success of any
organization. It is the organization's responsibility to ensure that hard work is
recognized to support employees' belief that they are an asset to the
organization. Motivation and performance are directly proportional to each
other and serve as tools for long-term success in any enterprise.
Motivation is the will to exert energy to achieve a goal. Organizational
performance follows a simple progression. Motivation is the catalyst that

activates the input element so that all other elements can function properly and
ultimately lead to the desired outcome.

 Importance of Employee Motivation:

Recognition, praise, and transparent communication are key elements to

ensuring employees are satisfied and self-motivated to perform on goals.
These elements help ensure continued performance and efficiency driven by
leadership recognition.
Empowering employees to make a positive impact increases productivity,
satisfaction and effectiveness. With the right tools available to employees,
motivation and morale improve and ultimately deliver better results for
Competitive compensation and benefits encourage employees to constantly
improve and remain loyal to the organization. When employees feel valued,
they are more motivated to perform at a high level.
Job advancement opportunities encourage employees to expand their skill
sets, increase productivity, and become proficient in more technologies.
Challenges and additional responsibilities (within reason) can help employees
feel valued as a key player and part of a team striving for something great.
Communicating more and sharing innovative ideas with employees to boost
employee morale. Ultimately, satisfied and motivated employees will
contribute to improved organizational productivity, leading to overall
company success. Motivated employees serve company goals more
responsibly and bring a more innovative, less stressful approach to work.

How to implement those motivation techniques?

You believe in your company wholeheartedly. There's an entrepreneurial fire burning
strong inside that motivates you to work harder each day.
Unfortunately, the same cannot always be said about your employees. In a 2015
SHRM Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement survey, only 69 percent of
employees felt they were consistently putting all their effort into their work. If you've
tried a variety of incentives but are still seeing the negative side effects of low
motivation, you're not alone. Sometimes even the best managers have to think outside
the box to find creative and reliable ways to motivate their employees. Here are 12
unique motivational techniques from other entrepreneurs that you can try with your

1. Let Them Know You Trust Them

- If you let them know you trust and depend on them, they will fill those shoes
sooner than you think. A vote of confidence can go a long way. Let them
know you trust them to do the best job possible and they will rarely
disappoint you.

2. Set Smaller Weekly Goals

- You want lofty ambitions, but set up smaller goals along the way to keep
people in it. Rather than make a billion this year, focus on getting 100 new
customers this week-something that will get you to that billion. Then reward
the team for achieving the goal with an afternoon off, a party, etc. They will
see that your goals are realistic and everyone benefits from
working hard

3. Give Your Employees Purpose

- I am able to motivate my employees by giving

them a purpose. When you accomplish that,
they understand the vision better and are able
to execute more strongly. In addition, by
understanding their purpose and the purpose
of the business, an employee is better able to
understand how they fit into the big picture.

4. Radiate Positivity

- I'm always pumping energy through the office. I'm really enthusiastic and
want my staff to feed off that positive energy. Because culture is so important
to me, I play music, have fun, joke around, and play games. We work hard,
but we play hard too. You have to be in the moment and high-energy all the

5. Be Transparent

- I am very open with employees about what's happening at the highest level so
there are no surprises and everyone has a chance to ask questions and give
feedback. I want employees to feel included in big decisions and committed
to the direction our company takes. This has helped to sustain motivation and
increased company loyalty and pride

6. Motivate Individuals Rather Than the Team

- Aligned incentives are the only true way to ensure everyone on a team is
working toward a common goal. Framing the strategy in multiple ways
ensures each stakeholder has a clear, personal understanding of how working
together benefits himself and the team. This technique allows you to motivate
the team to accomplish amazing things

7. Learn What Makes Each Employee Tick

- Ask what they do and don't like working on, share the big picture company
goals, and respond to their questions. Discern their goals and then invest in
their professional growth. During one-on-one check-ins, listen to their ideas,
because they're the best at what they do. Respect their personal schedules and
non-work time, and don't ever pit their goals/timelines against each other

8. Reward Based on Feedback

- We developed Value -an app for Slack that calculates how many times each
employee was praised-in order to send daily and monthly summaries.
Whoever garners the most kudos wins various awards and recognition.
Valuebot has helped us to visualize our culture and reiterate how much we
support one another. The positive energy we create in the office helps us to
attract and retain talent

9. Prioritize Work-Life Balance

- We have a few fun incentives, like an in-office "phone booth" style machine
that lets you grab dollar bills. It's a fun little motivator that the sales team
uses on a smaller scale. Otherwise, it's also important to encourage
employees to take vacation time. A culture that prioritizes work-life balance,
yields increased productivity and overall happiness in the workplace.

10. Have an Open-Door Policy

- It's amazing how a simple "please" and "thank you" fares with employees.
We simply speak to staff the way we would want to be spoken to. We also
have an open-door policy when it comes to suggestions and ideas. When
employees feel that their voice matters, they in turn feel confident about their
positions in the company and that they have more at stake than just a

11. Let Them Lead

- Motivating employees is not just about giving them vacation time-it's about
showing them they make a difference and are valued. Every time we have a
meeting, whether large or small, we let a different team member lead the
conversation and the topics discussed. Not only can they share their opinions
and be heard this way, but they are motivated to make their words and ideas
happen afterwards.

12. Show Them the Bigger Picture

- It's important that employees understand the bigger picture and can see how
what they are doing in the moment will eventually contribute to an end goal.
Give them tasks and projects to work on and make sure they understand how
this fits into the big picture. Talented employees will go above and beyond
what you expect of them

Do those motivational measures also lead to employee welfare?

According to psychologists, mutual understanding is very important. It applies to

many things we do in our daily lives. There is no doubt that motivation is a very
important factor in human life. Therefore, by motivating people, higher performance
can be achieved than expected from them. Employee motivation is considered as a
force that drives employees to achieve specific goals and objectives of the
organization. It is one of the main issues facing organizations these days as everyone
wants to make the most of their financial and human resources.
Through the motivational processes mentioned in a chapter above, it is a great reason
to keep the seeker attracted to the task and the organization. Thus, he brings great
productivity to the concerned institution/organization along with satisfaction. It helps
a lot in building the image of the concerned institution. That is, they are always
active in working for their welfare and they do not hesitate to contribute to their
organization. Then, when the organization provides a more efficient service to the
customers, a group of more satisfied customers will gather around the organization.
That is, it will be understood that the motivation of the followers is not limited to the
welfare of the followers. It is also very helpful for the welfare of the organization.
Employee welfare raises company costs in the short term, but it provides huge
benefits to both the employer and the employee. It is like an investment for that
company. Therefore, a satisfied employee will not look for other job opportunities.
Hence an employer is able to retain the best talent and report lower employee
turnover. During employment, the benefits offered or motivation determine whether
an employee is committed to an organization or not. Therefore, good employee
welfare enables a company to compete favorably with other employers to recruit and
retain quality people.
Below are some of the positive factors that happen to the employee and the
organization that happen through employee motivation as mentioned above.

 If employee benefits are taken as benefits to the employee

o It improves the quality of life of employees.

- The employee's welfare increases the standard of living of the employee.

o Encouraging the seeker

- They are encouraged by checking on them frequently.

o Being physically and mentally healthy.

- Since the seeker is always enthusiastic about his job and works efficiently
and never gets frustrated, he is mentally and physically healthy.

o Being able to get along with his staff

- His ability to be friendly with all other fellow seekers in the institute.

o The seeker has received great benefits.

- To make his life easier and encourage him to enjoy the benefits according
to his needs by the organization by giving him frequent allowances.

In addition to this, in order to make the welfare of employees successful and better, it
is also necessary to look into such matters.

1. Avoid treating superiors and inferiors in the organization.

2. It should be ensured that the relevant compensations, allowances, privileges etc.

are given according to the relevant standards.
3. Their procedure should be properly evaluated where it should be evaluated.
4. An environment should be created to carry out their work meaningfully.
5. Manage their stress levels.
In this way, motivating them according to the work done to them and working for
their welfare means that the human resource of the organization is properly
controlled. Human resource is one of the most valuable resources of an
organization/organization. Where it cannot be properly controlled, the organization
or institution fails. Hence, employee welfare is something that organizations must
look into and emphasize. Employees who are better cared for and less stressed lead
to better overall performance at work. As a result, as mentioned above, your
organization can achieve better quality work and a better company image.
It goes without saying that caring about the welfare of your employees is a win-win

Finally, according to our conclusion, if an organization wants to be

successful, the first thing it should do is to pay more attention to the
employees. So they need good guidance, encouragement and a good
mindset. To do so, they should be well motivated. After that, the
organization and the staff of the organization will reach their goals easily.
If so, our final conclusion is that it is essential for an organization to do
employee motivation. Then the organization will have success and
satisfied employees

2022 group formation sheet

• Group No : DHRM 04
• Proposed G. Leader Name : Gehan Shalom
• Subject Leader Name : Lihini Hansika
• Group Leaders E-mail :

• Names of Students Reg. No. Signature

• Gehan
• Hansi romen
• Akarsh kalhara
• Sasandu dimanjith
• Nethmi akarsha
• Praveen Rishan
• Matheesha hasaranga
• Heshan sandeesh
• Kasun maduranga
• Nadun deesara
• Waruna widuranga
• Ranitu methudam
• Janith heshan
• Desitha sithum
• Chamidu nimesh
• Adithya perera
• Sandeesh kulasinha
• Lathika punsara
• Malinda harshana
• Yasitha dinuwara
• Shean liyanage
• Nirwan sassara
• Prageeth theekshana
• Rangika dewmini
• Kaveesha nethumini
• Veehangi thathsarani
• Kushmi nadeeja
• Kavinidi nisansala
• Nishama
• Binuthi risadini
• Chamaya dinethmi
• Oshini vihanga
• Akarsha nawodani
• Dulakshi dilhara
• Dinethi sadanika
• Chathumi chamindini
• Bethmi imasha
• Sherin madushani
• Venuri hansani
• Eshathi thathsarani
• Nethmi lakshani
• Lihini hansika
• Chandrapremi
• Hashini Amanda
• Sadamini sugandi
• Sadali upeka
• Shanaka sewuwandi
• Dulmi pabasara
• Thushmila sewwandi
• Theshani ginethmi
• Biguni sathsarani
• Ishini neththara
• Tharushi vinodya
• Umesha sankalpani
• Thanushi thashmila
• Gimashi randina
• Dilakshi anuththara
• Dinith sathsara
• Kavindu nishantha


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