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Gonna = going to
I'm gonna go to the store.
She's gonna be late for the meeting.

2. Wanna = want to
I wanna watch a movie tonight.
Do you wanna come with us to the beach?

3. Kinda = kind of
It's kinda cold in here.
I'm feeling kinda tired today.

4. Lemme = let me
Lemme know if you need any help.
Lemme finish this email before we leave.

5. Gimme = give me
Gimme your phone number so I can call you later.
Can you gimme a hand with this heavy box?

6. Sorta = sort of
It's sorta like a puzzle.
I'm sorta hungry, but not really.

7. Gotta = got to
I gotta go to work now.
We gotta finish this project before the deadline.

8. Shoulda = should have

I shoulda studied more for the test.
They shoulda left earlier to avoid the traffic.

9. Woulda = would have

I woulda gone to the party if I had known about it.
He woulda helped you if you had asked.

10. Coulda = could have

I coulda finished the project earlier if I had more time.
They coulda won the game if they had played better.

11. Ain't = am not/are not/is not

I ain't going to the party tonight.
She ain't feeling well today.

12. Hafta = have to

I hafta finish this report before the deadline.
We hafta be at the airport by 7 am.
13. Dunno = don't know
I dunno where my phone is.
He dunno what time the meeting starts.

14. Y'all = you all

Y'all are invited to my party.
Do y'all want to come with us to the concert?

15. Howdy = how do you do

Howdy, nice to meet you.
Howdy, how are you doing today?

Wanna grab a bite? = Do you want to get something to eat?

Lemme know = Let me know
Shoulda been there = You should have been there
Gimme a sec = Give me a second
Dunno what you mean = I don't know what you mean
I'll meet ya there = I'll meet you there
How'd ya do that? = How did you do that?
Whatcha doing? = What are you doing?
Gonna be late = Going to be late
Coulda been better = Could have been better
Ya gotta be kidding = You have to be kidding
C'mon, let's go = Come on, let's go
Ain't nobody got time for that = Nobody has time for that
I'm outta here = I'm leaving
Wanna hang out later? = Do you want to spend time together later?

Lemme check = Let me check

Gonna grab a coffee = Going to get a coffee
Whaddya think? = What do you think?
Dunno how to do it = Don't know how to do it
Coulda done better = Could have done better
Gotta catch my flight = I have to catch my flight
Shoulda listened = Should have listened
Gimme a call = Give me a call
How's it goin'? = How is it going?
Wanna come with? = Do you want to come with me?
Ain't that the truth? = That is true
Hafta finish this first = Have to finish this first
Y'all ready to go? = Are you all ready to go?
What're ya up to? = What are you up to?
I'll hafta think about it = I'll have to think about it
Dude = a term of address for a male person, often used as a greeting
Awesome = very good, great
Cool = good, pleasing, interesting
Chill = relax, calm down
Hang out = spend time together in a casual way
Sweet = good, pleasing, enjoyable
Gossip = talk about other people's personal affairs
Catch up = get up to date, talk about what's been happening lately
Freak out = become extremely upset or anxious
Bummer = something that is disappointing or unfortunate
Chit-chat = casual conversation, small talk
Hug = an act of embracing someone tightly in one's arms, often as a greeting or comfort
Gonna = going to
Wanna = want to
Lemme = let me

No biggie = it's not a big deal, no problem

Out of the blue = unexpectedly, without warning
Cray-cray = crazy
Lit = exciting, fun, cool
Hangry = irritable or angry as a result of hunger
FOMO = fear of missing out
Lame = uncool, boring, unimpressive
Bae = significant other, romantic partner
YOLO = you only live once
Bro = term of address for a male friend
Sick = cool, impressive, awesome
PJs = pajamas
Catch ya later = goodbye, see you later
Couch potato = a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV
TMI = too much information

LOL = laughing out loud

ASAP = as soon as possible
BTW = by the way
FYI = for your information
IDK = I don't know
IMO = in my opinion
OMG = oh my God
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
TBD = to be determined
YOLO = you only live once

AFAIK = as far as I know

BRB = be right back
G2G = got to go
IMO = in my opinion
JK = just kidding
LMK = let me know
NBD = no big deal
SMH = shaking my head
TGIF = thank God it's Friday
TTYL = talk to you later
GN = goodnight
GM = good morning

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