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| Pokémon Bloody Platinum Redux |

| Attacks Changes |

Acid Armor - 40PP -> 3PP

Acupressure - 3PP -> 2PP
Agility - 30PP > 2PP
Air Cutter - 95% > 100% accuracy
Air Slash - 75BP > 85BP
Ancientpower - 5PP > 10PP
Amnesia - 20PP -> 2PP
Aeoroblast - 5PP > 10PP
Aqua Jet - 40BP > 55BP
Aqua Tail - No effect > 30% to drop foe def
Arm Thrust - 15BP > 25BP
Aromatherapy - 5PP -> 2PP
Astonish - 30BP > 60BP
Barrier - 30PP -> 2PP
Baton Pass - 40PP -> 5PP
Belly Drum - 10PP -> 2PP
Blast Burn - 90% > 95% accuracy, Recharge > Recoil+burn chance, Single Target >
Adjacent Foes, 5PP > 10PP
Blaze Kick - 85BP > 110BP, Burn chance > recoil if you miss(exactly like High Jump
Bone Club - 85% > 100% accuracy
Bone Rush - 90% > 100% accuracy
Bonemerang - 90% > 100% accuracy
Bounce - 85% > 95% accuracy
Brick Break - 75BP > 85BP
Bulk Up - 20PP -> 4PP
Bullet Punch - 40BP > 50BP
Calm Mind - 20PP -> 4PP
Captivate - 20PP -> 5PP
Charge - 20PP -> 5PP
Charge Beam - 90% > 100% accuracy, 70% SpAtk Raise > 50% SpAtk Raise
Charm - 20PP -> 5PP
Clamp - 85% > 95% accuracy, Trapping Move > 2-5 hit move, 35BP > 25BP
Close Combat - 5PP > 10PP
Comet Punch - 18BP > 25BP, 85% > 100% accuracy
Cotton Guard - 10PP -> 2PP
Cotton Spore - 40PP -> 5PP
Cosmic Power - 20PP > 4PP
Crabhammer - 85% > 95% accuracy, 90BP > 100BP
Cross Chop - 5PP > 10PP
Crush Claw - 95% > 100% accuracy, 75BP > 100BP
Curse - 10PP -> 3PP
Cut - 95% > 100% accuracy, 50BP > 60BP, Normal > Grass,No effect > High crit rate
Defend Order - 10PP -> 2PP
Defense Curl - 40PP -> 3PP
Defog - 15PP -> 5PP
Dig - 80BP > 90BP
Dive - 80BP > 100BP
Double Hit - 90% > 100% accuracy
Double Team - 15PP -> 5PP
Drain Punch - 60 BP > 80BP,5PP > 1OPP
Drill Peck - 80BP > 95BP,No effect > 50% Def drop
DoubleSlap - 15BP > 25BP, 85% > 100% accuracy
Draco Meteor - 90% > 100% accuracy, -2 Special Attack > Recoil, 5PP > 10PP
Dragon Dance - 20PP -> 3PP
Dragon Pulse - No effect > 30% to burn the foe
Dragon Rush - 75% > 90% accuracy
Dragon Claw - No effect > High crit rate
Egg Bomb - 75% > 100% accuracy, Phsyical > Special, Normal > Grass
Encore - 5PP -> 2PP
Endeavor - Normal- > Dark-type
Explosion - 5PP -> 1PP
Fake Out - 40BP > 50BP
Fake Tears - 20PP -> 5PP
FeatherDance - 20PP -> 5PP
Fire Fang - 95% > 100% accuracy, 65BP > 75BP
Fire Punch - 75BP > 85BP
Fire Spin - 85% > 100% accuracy
Flash - 20PP -> 5PP
Flatter - 15PP -> 3PP
Fly - 90BP > 100BP
Frenzy Plant - 90% > 95% accuracy, Recharge > Recoil, Single Target > Adjacent
Foes, 5PP > 10PP
Fissure - One hit KO > 95 BP and High Crit Rate,Single Target > Adjacent Foes, 5PP
> 12PP
Focus Punch - -3 Priority > No priority,150BP > 110BP,100% accuracy > 90%
accuracy,2turn charging move > 90% chance to drop foe def
Fury Attack - 85% > 100% accuracy
Fury Cutter - 95% > 100% accuracy
Fury Swipes - 80% > 100% accuracy
Giga Impact - Must recharge next turn > Recoil
Glare - 90% > 100% accuracy,Normal > Dark
Grasswhistle - 55% > 70% accuracy
Growl - 40PP -> 8PP
Growth - 20PP -> 2PP
Guillotine - One hit KO > 100BP and High crit ratio,30% accuracy > 90% accuracy
Gunk Shot - 70% > 90% accuracy
Hail - 10PP -> 1PP
Hammer Arm - 90% > 100% accuracy
Harden - 30PP -> 3PP
Head Smash - 80% > 90% accuracy
Heal Bell - 5PP -> 1PP
Healing Wish - 10PP -> 1PP
Horn Drill - 1BP -> 130BP, Normal > Ground,30% accuracy > 90% accuracy,5PP >
8PP,One hit KO > lower user Spef and Def
Howl - 40PP -> 3PP
Hydro Cannon - 90% > 95% accuracy, Recharge > Recoil, Single Target > Adjacent
Foes, 5PP > 10PP
Hyper Beam - 90% > 100% accuracy, Recharge > Recoil, Single Target > 5PP > 10PP
Hydro Pump - 80 acc -> 85 acc
Hyper Fang - 90% > 100% accuracy
Hyper Voice - 90BP > 100BP, No Effect > 10% SpDef Drop
Hypnosis - 60% > 70% accuracy
Ice Ball - 90% > 95% accuracy
Ice Fang - 95% > 100% accuracy, 65BP > 75BP
Ice Punch - 75BP > 85BP
Ice Shard - 40BP > 50BP
Icicle Spear - 10BP > 25BP
Icy Wind - 95% > 100% accuracy
Iron Defense - 15PP -> 3PP
Iron Tail - 75% > 90% accuracy
Judgement - 100BP > 110BP
Kinesis - 80 acc -> 100 acc, 15PP -> 3PP
Knock Off - 20BP > 90BP
Leaf Storm - 90% > 100% accuracy, -2 Special Attack > Recoil, 5PP > 10PP
Leech Life - 20BP > 80BP
Leer - 30PP -> 3PP
Lick - 20BP > 50BP
Luster Purge - 70BP > 100BP, 5PP > 10PP, Single Target > Adjacent Foes
Mach Punch - 40BP > 50BP
Magma Storm - 5PP > 10PP, 70% > 80% accuracy
Magnet Bomb - 60BP > 80BP, Physical > Special
Magnet Rise - 10PP -> 2PP
Meditate - 40PP -> 4PP
Mega Kick - 75% > 90% accuracy
Mega Punch - 85% > 90% accuracy
Megahorn - 85% > 90% accuracy,No effect > 40% chance to flinch
Memento - 10PP -> 1PP
Metal Burst - 0 > -5 Priority
Metal Sound - 85% > 100% accuracy, 40PP -> 3PP
Meteor Mash - 85% > 95% accuracy
Minimize - 10PP -> 2PP
Mirror Shot - 85% > 100% accuracy
Mist Ball - 70BP > 100BP, 5PP > 10PP, Single Target > Adjacent Foes
Mud Bomb - 85% > 100% accuracy, 65BP > 85BP
Mud Shot - 95% > 100% accuracy
Muddy Water - 85% > 100% accuracy
Nasty Plot - 10PP -> 3PP
Needle Arm - 60BP > 80BP
Octazooka - 85% > 100% accuracy, 65BP > 85BP, 50% Drop Chance > High Crit Rate
Ominous Wind - 60BP > 75, 5PP > 10PP
Outrage - 100% accuracy > 90% accuracy, 3 turn rampage move and then confuse >
Overheat - 90% > 100% accuracy, -2 Special Attack > Recoil, 5PP > 10PP
Petal Dance - 3 turn rampage and then confuse > 30% speed drop
Pin Missile - 85% > 100% accuracy, 14BP > 25BP
Poison Fang - 50BP > 70BP
Poison Gas - 80% > 100% accuracy
Poison Sting - 30% to poison > hit twice and 30% to poison,35PP > 20PP
Poisonpowder - 75% > 100% accuracy
Power Gem - 70BP > 90BP,No effect > 30% to boost Spatk
Power Whip - 85% > 90% accuracy, No effect > 40% spdef drop
Protect - 10PP -> 8PP
Psych Up - 10PP -> 1PP
Psycho Boost - 90% > 95% accuracy, -2 Special Attack > Recoil, 5PP > 10PP
Psywave - 80% > 100% accuracy
Pursuit - 40BP > 70BP
Quick Attack - 40BP >45BP
Rain Dance - 5PP -> 1PP
Razor Leaf - 95% > 100% accuracy
Refresh - 20PP -> 5PP
Rest - 10PP -> 5PP
Roar of Time - 5PP -> 10PP, 150BP > 110BP, Must recharge > 50% chance to Flinch foe
Rock Blast - 80% > 90% accuracy
Rock Climb - 85% > 90% accuracy, Normal > Rock
Rock Polish - 20PP -> 2PP
Rock Slide - 90% > 95% accuracy, 75BP > 85BP
Rock Smash - 40BP > 70BP, 50% Drop Chance > 30% Drop Chance
Rock Throw - 90% > 100% accuracy, 50BP > 60BP
Rock Tomb - 80% > 90% accuracy
Rock Wrecker - Recharge > Recoil, 5PP > 10PP
Rolling Kick - 85% > 100% accuracy
Rollout - 90% > 95% accuracy
Sacred Fire - 5PP > 10PP
Safeguard - 25PP -> 3PP
Sand Tomb - 85% > 100% accuracy,15BP > 45BP
Sand-Attack - 15PP -> 3PP
Sandstorm - 10PP -> 1PP
Screech - 85% > 100% accuracy, 40PP -> 2PP
Seed Bomb - No effect > 30% to confuse target
Seed Flare - 5PP > 10PP
Self Destruct - 5PP -> 1PP
Shadow Force - 120BP > 110BP,dissapear first turn and strike at the second > 40%
chance to drop def
Shadow Punch - 60BP > 85BP
Shadow Sneak - 40BP > 50BP
Sharpen - 30PP -> 3PP
Sheer Cold - 1BP > 100BP, 30% accuracy > 90% accuracy, One-hit KO > 50% freeze
chance and 100% accuracy in Hail,5PP > 10PP,One foe > Both foes
Signal Beam - 75BP > 85BP
Sing - 55% > 70% accuracy
Sky Attack - 140BP > 120BP,Two turn move and high crit rate >High Jump Kick
effect,5PP > 12PP
Sky Uppercut - 90% > 95% accuracy
Slam - 75% > 85% accuracy
Smog - 70% > 100% accuracy
SmokeScreen - 20PP -> 3PP
Spacial Rend - 5PP > 10PP
Steel Wing - 90% > 100% accuracy
Stockpile - 20PP > 6PP
Stone Edge - 80% > 90% accuracy
Strength - 80BP > 120BP, Normal > Rock,100% > 90% accuracy, No effect > lower user
spdef and def, 15 PP > 10PP
String Shot - 95% > 100% accuracy, 40PP -> 3PP
Struggle - 50 BP > 150 BP
Stun Spore - 75% > 90% accuracy
Substitute - 10PP > 2PP
Submission - 80% > 100% accuracy
Sunny Day - 5PP -> 1PP
Super Fang - 90% > 100% accuracy, Normal > Dark
Superpower - -1 Atk/Def > Recoil, 5PP > 10PP
Supersonic - 55% > 100% accuracy
Swagger - 90% > 95% accuracy
Swords Dance - 30PP -> 3PP
Tail Glow - 20PP -> 3PP
Take Down - 85% > 100%, Recoil > lower user Spef and Def ,20PP > 10PP, 90BP > 130BP
Taunt - 20PP -> 5PP
Thrash - 90BP > 100BP,2-3 Turn move and then confuse > +1Attack chance,100%
accuracy > 90%accuracy
Thunder Fang - 95% > 100% accuracy, 65BP > 75BP
ThunderPunch - 75BP > 85BP
Tickle - 20PP -> 3PP
Toxic - 90% > 100% accuracy
Transform - 0 priority > +3 priority
Triple Kick - 90% > 100% accuracy
Twineedle - 25BP > 45BP
Uproar - 50BP > 80BP, 2-3 Turn rampage > 20% confuse chance,Random Target > both
foes and ally
U-Turn - 70BP > 80BP
Vaccume Wave - 40 BP > 55BP
Weather Ball - 50BP > 60BP
Whirlpool - 85% > 100% accuracy,15BP > 45BP
Will-o-Wisp - 75% > 90% accuracy,15PP > 10PP
Wing Attack - 60BP > 70BP
Wish - 10PP -> 5PP
Withdraw - 40PP -> 5PP
Wrap - 90% > 100% accuracy
Yawn - 101 acc -> 70 acc, delayed sleep -> instant sleep
Zap Cannon - 120BP > 140BP, 50% > 90% accuracy, Paralysis > Recoil, 5PP > 10PP
Zen Headbutt - 80BP > 90BP, 90% > 95% accuracy

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